def create_mhull(outfile, ensemble, revision, hullmd, cpts, mhulls, polys, mstzero=0, compzero=0, creator=None): """Create the master hull file. Parameters ---------- outfile : str The name of the file to create. This must not exist. ensemble : str The ensemble name (e.g. 'ens0000100_001'). revision : int The revision number of the finalized mhull file. hullmd : dict The mhull metadata read from the last revision (from chs_utils.read_master_hulls). cpts : list The component information. mhulls : dict The master hulls (the keys are the master id). polys : dict The master hull outlines (the keys are the master id) mstzero : int, optional The offset to apply to the Master_Id values for both the HULLMATCH and HULLLIST blocks. It must be 0 or greater. This value is written out as the MSTZERO keyword in the header. compzero : int, optional The component offset to apply to the component values when writing out the HULLMATCH block. It is expected to be 0. This value is written out as the COMPZERO keyword in the header. creator : str or None The value for the CREATOR keyword, if set. """ assert mstzero >= 0 header = { 'compzero': compzero, 'mstzero': mstzero, 'stacks': hullmd['stacks'], 'svdqafile': hullmd['svdqafile'], 'centroidfile': hullmd['centroidfile'] } hullmatch = defaultdict(list) for cpt in cpts: # A component can have multiple rows in this table mids = utils.get_user_setting(cpt, 'master_id') incl_in_centroid = utils.get_user_setting(cpt, 'include_in_centroid') if len(mids) == 1: assert cpt['match_type'] in ['unambiguous', 'deleted'], \ cpt else: assert cpt['match_type'] == 'ambiguous', cpt for mid in mids: assert mid != 0, mids if mid < 0: nhulls = -1 else: nhulls = mhulls[mid]['ncpts'] hullmatch['master_id'].append(mid) hullmatch['nhulls'].append(nhulls) hullmatch['stackid'].append(cpt['stack']) hullmatch['component'].append(cpt['component']) hullmatch['match_type'].append(cpt['match_type']) # Do not really care about the area any longer (and am not # carrying the value around), so just use a terminal value. # # hullmatch['area'].append(cpt['area']) hullmatch['area'].append(np.nan) hullmatch['eband'].append(cpt['eband']) hullmatch['likelihood'].append(cpt['likelihood']) hullmatch['man_code'].append(cpt['man_code']) hullmatch['mrg3rev'].append(cpt['mrg3rev']) hullmatch['include_in_centroid'].append(incl_in_centroid) hullmatch['stksvdqa'].append(cpt['stksvdqa']) # Be explicit in the ordering here # hulllist = defaultdict(list) for mid in sorted(list(mhulls.keys())): mhull = mhulls[mid] status = utils.get_user_setting(mhull, 'useraction') if status == chs_status.DELETE: continue poly = polys[mid] eqpos = poly['eqpos'] nvertex = eqpos.shape[1] # This will have to be updated, but at present, when only # supporting deletion or acceptance of the proposed hull, # neither flag is set. # # TODO: fix this man_match = False man_reg = False hulllist['master_id'].append(mid) hulllist['status'].append(status) hulllist['base_stk'].append(poly['base_stk']) hulllist['manmatch'].append(man_match) hulllist['manreg'].append(man_reg) hulllist['nvertex'].append(nvertex) hulllist['nstkhull'].append(mhull['ncpts']) hulllist['eqpos'].append(eqpos) utils.create_mhull_file(ensemble, revision, outfile, hullmatch, hulllist, header, creator=creator)
def complete(datadir, userdir, ensemble, creator=None, mrgsrc3dir='/data/L3/chs_master_match/input/mrgsrc3'): """Create the finished mhull file for this ensemble. This assumes that the hull has either been deleted or the CHSVER=1 version accepted. It does not YET support modifying the hull or re-generating the master hull from a subset of the original components. It also generates the component-level JSON data for the new revision. Parameters ---------- datadir : str The location of the data directory - that is the mhull and original JSON files. It is also the location where the completed mhull file is written. userdir : str The location from which the user has run the QA server. ensemble : str The ensemble name (e.g. 'ens0000100_001'). creator : str or None If set, used for the value of the CREATOR keyword in the output file. mrgsrc3dir : str, optional The directory containing the mrgsrc3 files. Notes ----- The CHSVER=1 version of the mhull file is used to define all stack-level components that are in this ensemble. """ # Convert to the relevant ensemble-level directory datadir_ = os.path.join(datadir, ensemble) userdir_ = os.path.join(userdir, ensemble) for dirname in [datadir_, userdir_]: if not os.path.isdir(dirname): raise IOError("No directory called: {}".format(dirname)) # What does the mhull say? mhulls = utils.find_mhulls(datadir_, ensemble) latest = mhulls[-1] revision = latest[0] hullname = latest[1] print("Ensemble {} version {:03d}".format(ensemble, revision)) # Read in the input master-hull data for this revision and # note down if there has been a change in MRGSRC3 revision. # vals = utils.read_master_hulls(hullname, mrgsrc3dir) hullmatch, hulllist, hullmd = vals # Also read in the revision=1 values so we know what the # total set of components is. This is done separately # even if the final revision is revision=1. # # master_ids_base has the Master_Id as the key and # contains a set of (stack, component) values, representing # the original set of stack-level hulls that contributed # to the master. # assert mhulls[0][0] == 1, mhulls[0][0] vals1 = utils.read_master_hulls(mhulls[0][1], mrgsrc3dir) expected_components = [] master_ids_base = defaultdict(set) # Need a stack map (mapping between stack name and an integer # counter) for writing out the field file. This could be read # from the v001 field file (and may be) but for now use the # ensemble map returned by read_master_hulls. # ensemble_map = vals1[2]['ensemblemap'] original_component_data = defaultdict(list) # hullmatch (first argument of read_master_hulls) is a # dict (with key = masterid) where the values are a # list of component info. # for mid, cpts in vals1[0].items(): assert mid not in master_ids_base # enforce a consistent instrument for the components # in a single master hull, as we do not handle # include_in_centroid in the QA UI yet. # (safety check, to be removed) # # It's okay to run on version 1 since it is not # expected that the 18 cases where this happens # is going to be analysed in the first round of work. # acis = False hrc = False for cpt in cpts: acis |= cpt['stack'].startswith('acis') hrc |= cpt['stack'].startswith('hrc') if acis and hrc: raise ValueError( "master found with both HRC and ACIS; currently unsupported" ) key = (cpt['stack'], cpt['component']) master_ids_base[mid].add(key) expected_components.append(key) # components can be associated with multiple masters, # so store each entry in a list (this is wasteful since # all the other fields are the same). # original_component_data[key].append(cpt) if not acis and not hrc: raise RuntimeError( "Apparently found a master hull with no components!") # what is the ensemble status? status = utils.read_ensemble_status(datadir, userdir, ensemble, revision) # This script converts 'review' to 'complete'. # if status != chs_status.REVIEW: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: ensemble is marked " + "status={}\n".format(status)) sys.exit(1) # Choice of masterid vs master_id, so use a variable # midkey = 'master_id' # Read in the component-level decisions (based on the ver=001 # list of components). # # There is limited checking of how consistent everything is. # # master_ids_new is master_ids_base but for this version. # This will be modified when reviewing the master-hull # decisions (if the hull is marked as being deleted). # cpts = [] master_ids_new = defaultdict(set) for key in expected_components: stack, cpt = key cptinfo = utils.read_component_json(datadir, userdir, ensemble, stack, cpt, revision) # The mancode value in the JSON file is a boolean, but # we want the actual integer value from the input. This # is messy. # odata = original_component_data[key] mancodes = set([o['mancode'] for o in odata]) man_codes = set([o['man_code'] for o in odata]) assert len(mancodes) == 1, mancodes assert len(man_codes) == 1, man_codes mancode = mancodes.pop() man_code = man_codes.pop() assert mancode == cptinfo['mancode'] assert 'man_code' not in cptinfo cptinfo['man_code'] = man_code cpts.append(cptinfo) for mid in utils.get_user_setting(cptinfo, midkey): assert mid != 0 if mid < 0: continue master_ids_new[mid].add(key) # read in the JSON for each master hull and ensure that it is # "done" (accepted, deleted, or manually modified). # # Those that are labelled as manually-modified are checked to # ensure we have a polygon for them. If not the polygon is read # from the input mhull file. # # For each master check that if it is valid then it has # components; if it is deleted then ensure any components # it has are removed from this master. # # [CHECK B] # # NOTE: any manually-modified hulls cause the script to error # out at this time (as this is not supported in the first # released version). # mhulls_json = utils.read_mhulls_json(datadir, userdir, ensemble, revision) polys = {} for mid, cts in mhulls_json.items(): assert mid in master_ids_new, mid decision = utils.get_user_setting(cts, 'useraction') # polygon information if decision == 'manual': # This is a temporary check, just for the first pass of sources emsg = "Master_Id={} ".format(mid) + \ "has useraction={} ".format(decision) + \ "which is not supported in this version\n" sys.stderr.write(emsg) sys.exit(1) poly = utils.read_poly_from_json(userdir, ensemble, mid, revision) basestk = None elif decision == 'accept': poly, basestk = utils.read_poly_from_mhull(hulllist, mid) elif decision == 'delete': poly = None basestk = None # component deletion handled below else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected " + "decision={}".format(decision)) polys[mid] = {'eqpos': poly, 'base_stk': basestk} if decision == 'delete': del master_ids_new[mid] # Could use master_ids_new[mid] to find the components, # but would then have to loop through cpts anyway as do # not have a better indexing system at this time. # for cpt in cpts: mids = utils.get_user_setting(cpt, midkey) if mid not in mids: continue # Restrict the supported cases for now if len(mids) != 1: sys.stderr.write( "ERROR: component deletion from ambiguous match not supported for master={}\n" .format(mid)) sys.exit(1) mids.remove(mid) nmids = len(mids) if nmids == 0: mids = [-1] cpt['match_type'] = 'deleted' elif nmids == 1: assert mids[0] > 0, mids # component is now unambiguously matches cpt['match_type'] = 'unambiguous' cpt[midkey]['user'] = mids # For the first round, ensure that the master ids from # CHSVER=1 are either deleted or all accepted (that is, # the components are all deleted or all accepted). # # This loop may have to change to reflect any added masters # (see also the loop that calls utils.save_master below since # it is over the same data). # for mid1, cpts1 in master_ids_base.items(): # What is the decision for this master? cts = mhulls_json[mid1] decision = utils.get_user_setting(cts, 'useraction') if decision == 'delete': assert mid1 not in master_ids_new, mid1 continue assert cpts1 == master_ids_new[mid1], mid1 if not utils.have_directory_write_access(datadir): raise IOError("unable to write to {}".format(datadir)) completed_revision = revision + 1 old_revstr = '{:03d}'.format(revision) new_revstr = '{:03d}'.format(completed_revision) outname = utils.make_mhull_name(ensemble, completed_revision) outdir = os.path.join(datadir, ensemble) outfile = os.path.join(outdir, outname) if os.path.exists(outfile): raise IOError("Output file exists: {}".format(outfile)) create_mhull(outfile, ensemble, completed_revision, hullmd, cpts, mhulls_json, polys, creator=creator) # Write out the JSON file for each master hull. Need to loop # over all masters (even deleted ones). # # At present the list of master ids is in master_ids_base, # but this will change if we ever support the ability to # add a master hull in the QA UI. # # Apparently mid1 is a string # for mid1 in master_ids_base.keys(): # I thought mid1 was already a Python int rather than a # NumPy one, but apparently not, so make sure. # # This is needed since the JSON module can't serialize # NumPy integers (or some of them, anyway). # mid1 = int(mid1) # What is the decision for this master? cts = mhulls_json[mid1] decision = utils.get_user_setting(cts, 'useraction') # We do not use master_ids_base[mid1] since it has not # been updated. # cpts1 = master_ids_new[mid1] ncpts = len(cpts1) # How many stacks have hulls that contribute to this # master? # # stacks = set([k[0] for k in cpts1]) # Decisions we want to store # delete # accept # # Not sure what to do with "manual". # # NOTE: # accept is changed to '' since we want the user to # review this setting for the next version. # if decision == 'accept': decision = '' mstinfo = { 'ensemble': ensemble, 'revision': new_revstr, 'masterid': mid1, # 'nstacks': len(stacks), # is this needed? 'ncpts': ncpts, 'usernotes': 'action cleared by chs_complete_ensemble', 'useraction': decision } outfile = utils.save_master(datadir, mstinfo) print(" {}".format(outfile)) # write out a JSON file for each component; do this after the # hull so that we can change the contents of cpts (the revision # keyword). # # Note that user/proposed values need to get converted back to # a single setting. # # Also write out the stack-level region files (at present this # is just a copy; and we may never change these files). # for cptinfo in cpts: assert cptinfo['revision'] == old_revstr, cptinfo cptinfo['revision'] = new_revstr for k, v in cptinfo.items(): # if v is a dictionary then it should have user/proposed # fields, so do not need to handle KeyError here, just a # TypeError (except that integers can be numpy integers, # which respond with an IndexError instead) # # It would be better to trigger on the field name, but # that requires constant vigilance # try: user = v['user'] proposed = v['proposed'] except (TypeError, IndexError): continue # repeated work here (i.e. get_user_setting does some # of the work we've just done) # val = utils.get_user_setting(cptinfo, k) cptinfo[k] = val outfile = utils.save_component(datadir, cptinfo) print(" {}".format(outfile)) outfile = copy_stack_component_regions(datadir, ensemble, cptinfo['stack'], cptinfo['component'], completed_revision) print(" {}".format(outfile)) nmasters = len(master_ids_new) stacks = set() for cpts1 in master_ids_new.values(): for c in cpts1: stacks.add(c[0]) nstacks = len(stacks) indicate_completed(datadir, ensemble, completed_revision, nmasters, nstacks, ensemble_map, creator=creator)
def finalize(datadir, userdir, ensemble, creator=None, mrgsrc3dir='/data/L3/chs_master_match/input/mrgsrc3'): """Create the final mhull file for this ensemble. Parameters ---------- datadir : str The location of the data directory - that is the mhull and original JSON files. It is also the location where the final mhull file is written. userdir : str The location from which the user has run the QA server. ensemble : str The ensemble name (e.g. 'ens0000100_001'). creator : str or None If set, used for the value of the CREATOR keyword in the output file. mrgsrc3dir : str, optional The directory containing the mrgsrc3 files. Notes ----- The CHSVER=1 version of the mhull file is used to define all stack-level components that are in this ensemble. """ # Convert to the relevant ensemble-level directory datadir_ = os.path.join(datadir, ensemble) userdir_ = os.path.join(userdir, ensemble) for dirname in [datadir_, userdir_]: if not os.path.isdir(dirname): raise IOError("No directory called: {}".format(dirname)) # What does the mhull say? mhulls = utils.find_mhulls(datadir_, ensemble) latest = mhulls[-1] revision = latest[0] hullname = latest[1] print("Ensemble {} version {:03d}".format(ensemble, revision)) # Read in the input master-hull data for this revision and # note down if there has been a change in MRGSRC3 revision. # vals = utils.read_master_hulls(hullname, mrgsrc3dir) hullmatch, hulllist, hullmd = vals # Also read in the revision=1 values so we know what the # total set of components is. This is done separately # even if the final revision is revision=1. # # It is not clear if this is a sensible step, since it # requires carrying along "deleted" components from previous # revisions. However, we need this information in the output # file for Joe, so whether we carry it along or add in at # this point is an open question. # assert mhulls[0][0] == 1, mhulls[0][0] vals1 = utils.read_master_hulls(mhulls[0][1], mrgsrc3dir) expected_components = [] # Used to access some of the original data which should have # been copied over but hasn't been original_component_data = defaultdict(list) for mid, cpts in vals1[0].items(): # enforce a consistent instrument for the components # in a single master hull, as we do not handle # include_in_centroid in the QA UI yet. # (safety check, to be removed) # # It's okay to run on version 1 since it is not # expected that the 18 cases where this happens # is going to be analysed in the first round of work. # acis = False hrc = False for cpt in cpts: acis |= cpt['stack'].startswith('acis') hrc |= cpt['stack'].startswith('hrc') if acis and hrc: raise ValueError( "master found with both HRC and ACIS; currently unsupported" ) key = (cpt['stack'], cpt['component']) expected_components.append(key) # components can be associated with multiple masters, # so store each entry in a list (this is wasteful since # all the other fields are the same). # original_component_data[key].append(cpt) if not acis and not hrc: raise RuntimeError( "Apparently found a master hull with no components!") # what is the ensemble status? status = utils.read_ensemble_status(datadir, userdir, ensemble, revision) # [CHECK A] if status != chs_status.FINALIZE: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: ensemble is marked " + "status={}\n".format(status)) sys.exit(1) # What are the component-level decisions? # # This ensures that all components from CHSVER=1 have # information and that there are no "master_id=0" # cases, or ones marked as both deleted and not. # # TODO: what is the best way to index this information? # # [CHECK C] # [CHECK D] => as mentioned this is implicit rather than explicit # cpts = [] for key in expected_components: stack, cpt = key cptinfo = utils.read_component_json(datadir, userdir, ensemble, stack, cpt, revision) # Do we need to add in the man_code value? # if 'man_code' in cptinfo: cpts.append(cptinfo) continue # The mancode value in the JSON file is a boolean, but # we want the actual integer value from the input. This # is messy. # odata = original_component_data[key] mancodes = set([o['mancode'] for o in odata]) man_codes = set([o['man_code'] for o in odata]) assert len(mancodes) == 1, mancodes assert len(man_codes) == 1, man_codes mancode = mancodes.pop() man_code = man_codes.pop() assert mancode == cptinfo['mancode'] assert 'man_code' not in cptinfo cptinfo['man_code'] = man_code cpts.append(cptinfo) # Choice of masterid vs master_id, so use a variable # midkey = 'master_id' # read in the JSON for each master hull and ensure that it is # "done" (accepted, deleted, or manually modified). # # Those that are labelled as manually-modified are checked to # ensure we have a polygon for them. If not the polygon is read # from the input mhull file. # # For each master check that if it is valid then it has # components; if it is deleted then it has no components. # # [CHECK B] # # NOTE: any manually-modified hulls cause the script to error # out at this time (as this is not supported in the first # released version). # mhulls_json = utils.read_mhulls_json(datadir, userdir, ensemble, revision) polys = {} for mid, cts in mhulls_json.items(): decision = utils.get_user_setting(cts, 'useraction') # polygon information if decision == 'manual': # This is a temporary check, just for the first pass of sources emsg = "Master_Id={} ".format(mid) + \ "has useraction={} ".format(decision) + \ "which is not supported in this version\n" sys.stderr.write(emsg) sys.exit(1) poly = utils.read_poly_from_json(userdir, ensemble, mid, revision) basestk = None elif decision == 'accept': poly, basestk = utils.read_poly_from_mhull(hulllist, mid) elif decision == 'delete': poly = None basestk = None else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected " + "decision={}".format(decision)) polys[mid] = {'eqpos': poly, 'base_stk': basestk} # Are there any associated components? has_cpt = False for cpt in cpts: mids = utils.get_user_setting(cpt, midkey) # print("DBG: mid = {} mids = {}".format(mid, mids)) if mid in mids: has_cpt = True break if decision == 'delete': if has_cpt: raise IOError("Master id {} is ".format(mid) + "deleted but it has components") elif not has_cpt: raise IOError("Master id {} has ".format(mid) + "no components") # Ensure that the components do not refer to an unknown master. # # [CHECK H] -> kind of; this check doesn't really fit for cpt in cpts: for mid in utils.get_user_setting(cpt, midkey): if mid == -1: continue if mid not in mhulls_json: raise IOError("cpt references unknown master:\n" + "{}".format(cpt)) # Ensure that each master has at least one 'include_in_centroid'. # # Ignore any "deleted" component that has include_in_centroid # set to True as this shouldn't be acted on by anything. # # Note: include_in_centroid is really a per-stack setting than a # per-component one. So ensure that all components in a stack # match (at least for a given hull). # # Note that ambiguous components can have include_in_centroid # since it is really the stack not the component. # # This is done after the above checks (rather than being part # of it) as it may simplify a check slightly. # # [CHECK R] for mid, cts in mhulls_json.items(): # do not care about deleted masters if utils.get_user_setting(cts, 'useraction') == 'delete': continue stacks = defaultdict(set) for cpt in cpts: if mid not in utils.get_user_setting(cpt, midkey): continue stack = cpt['stack'] flag = utils.get_user_setting(cpt, 'include_in_centroid') # print("DBG: {} -> {}".format(cpt['include_in_centroid'], flag)) stacks[stack].add(flag) if len(stacks) == 0: raise IOError("Master id {} ".format(mid) + "has no include_in_centroid") for stack, flags in stacks.items(): if len(flags) != 1: raise IOError("stack {} is in/out ".format(stack) + "of master id {}".format(mid)) """ TODO: look at polygons - have a base stack - non self-intersecting - do not overlap """ if not utils.have_directory_write_access(datadir): raise IOError("unable to write to {}".format(datadir)) # QUS: # what are the conditions that we do not need to create a # new file? Actually, we need to do so since the mhull # file we initially create is, by design, not finished # (as it requires the status field to be changed). # finished_revision = revision + 1 outname = utils.make_mhull_name(ensemble, finished_revision) outfile = os.path.join(datadir, ensemble, outname) if os.path.exists(outfile): raise IOError("Output file exists: {}".format(outfile)) create_mhull(outfile, ensemble, finished_revision, hullmd, cpts, mhulls_json, polys, creator=creator) # have decided do not want to do a validation step after # reading in the file, as this repeats the checks we have # already done # indicate_finalised(datadir, ensemble, finished_revision)
def create_mhull(outfile, ensemble, revision, hullmd, cpts, mhulls, polys, mstzero=9000, compzero=0, creator=None): """Create the final master hull file. Parameters ---------- outfile : str The name of the file to create. This must not exist. ensemble : str The ensemble name (e.g. 'ens0000100_001'). revision : int The revision number of the finalized mhull file. hullmd : dict The mhull metadata read from the last revision (from chs_utils.read_master_hulls). cpts : list The component information. mhulls : dict The master hulls (the keys are the master id). polys : dict The master hull outlines (the keys are the master id) mstzero : int, optional The offset to apply to the Master_Id values for both the HULLMATCH and HULLLIST blocks. It must be 0 or greater. This value is written out as the MSTZERO keyword in the header. compzero : int, optional The component offset to apply to the component values when writing out the HULLMATCH block. It is expected to be 0. This value is written out as the COMPZERO keyword in the header. creator : str or None The value for the CREATOR keyword, if set. Notes ----- Deleted components are re-numbered to have unique master ids: -1, -2, ... """ """DBG: print("***"); print(hullmd) print("***"); print(cpts) print("***"); print(mhulls) print("***"); print(polys) print(polys[1]['eqpos'].shape[1]) """ assert mstzero >= 0 header = { 'compzero': compzero, 'mstzero': mstzero, 'stacks': hullmd['stacks'], 'svdqafile': hullmd['svdqafile'], 'centroidfile': hullmd['centroidfile'] } # track the deleted components ndel = 0 hullmatch = defaultdict(list) for cpt in cpts: # A component can have multiple rows in this table mids = utils.get_user_setting(cpt, 'master_id') incl_in_centroid = utils.get_user_setting(cpt, 'include_in_centroid') # TODO: check that this hasn't already been done, # because it should have # if len(mids) == 1: assert cpt['match_type'] in ['unambiguous', 'deleted'], cpt else: assert cpt['match_type'] == 'ambiguous', cpt for mid in mids: assert mid != 0, mids if mid < 0: ndel += 1 mid = -1 * ndel nhulls = -1 else: nhulls = mhulls[mid]['ncpts'] hullmatch['master_id'].append(mid) hullmatch['nhulls'].append(nhulls) hullmatch['stackid'].append(cpt['stack']) hullmatch['component'].append(cpt['component']) hullmatch['match_type'].append(cpt['match_type']) # Do not really care about the area any longer (and am not # carrying the value around), so just use a terminal value. # try: hullmatch['area'].append(cpt['area']) except KeyError: hullmatch['area'].append(np.nan) hullmatch['eband'].append(cpt['eband']) hullmatch['likelihood'].append(cpt['likelihood']) hullmatch['man_code'].append(cpt['man_code']) hullmatch['mrg3rev'].append(cpt['mrg3rev']) hullmatch['include_in_centroid'].append(incl_in_centroid) hullmatch['stksvdqa'].append(cpt['stksvdqa']) # Be explicit in the ordering here # hulllist = defaultdict(list) nmasters = 0 for mid in sorted(list(mhulls.keys())): mhull = mhulls[mid] status = utils.get_user_setting(mhull, 'useraction') if status == chs_status.DELETE: continue nmasters += 1 poly = polys[mid] eqpos = poly['eqpos'] nvertex = eqpos.shape[1] status = utils.get_user_setting(mhull, 'useraction') # This will have to be updated, but at present, when only # supporting deletion or acceptance of the proposed hull, # neither flag is set. # # TODO: fix this man_match = False man_reg = False hulllist['master_id'].append(mid) hulllist['status'].append(status) hulllist['base_stk'].append(poly['base_stk']) hulllist['manmatch'].append(man_match) hulllist['manreg'].append(man_reg) hulllist['nvertex'].append(nvertex) hulllist['nstkhull'].append(mhull['ncpts']) hulllist['eqpos'].append(eqpos) utils.create_mhull_file(ensemble, revision, outfile, hullmatch, hulllist, header, creator=creator) # Check we can read in both blocks, but no real validation # beyond that. # chk = pycrates.CrateDataset(outfile, mode='r') assert chk.get_ncrates() == 3 assert chk.get_current_crate() == 2 # Note: hack for nrows=None to mean empty table def valid(idx, name, nrows=None): bl = chk.get_crate(idx) assert == name if nrows is None: assert bl.get_shape() == (0, ), bl.get_shape() else: assert bl.get_nrows() == nrows, (bl.get_nrows(), nrows) # TODO: is len(cpts) actually correct when we have ambiguous # matches? valid(1, 'PRIMARY') valid(2, 'HULLMATCH', len(cpts)) valid(3, 'HULLLIST', nmasters) chk = None
def compare(datadir, userdir, ensemble): """Add a field.ens<>.v<>.json file if it is valid to do so. Returns ------- flag : bool This is true if a field file was created in userdir. Notes ----- This assumes that there are no user-notes for the ensemble. As the user notes are stored in the field file, and this should only being run on ensembles with no field files, this assumption should be okay. A "dummy" user note is added to say the field file was auto-generated. """ # The following is based on, but greatly # simplified. # datadir_ = os.path.join(datadir, ensemble) # userdir_ = os.path.join(userdir, ensemble) # What does the mhull say? mhulls = utils.find_mhulls(datadir_, ensemble) latest = mhulls[-1] revision = latest[0] # hullname = latest[1] revstr = "{:03d}".format(revision) print("Ensemble {} version {}".format(ensemble, revstr)) # What is the ensemble status? This assumes that the decision is # coming from the data directory; there is currently no way to # enforce this constraint (the assumption here is that we have # checked for no field directory in userdir, so any field status # must be coming from the datadir). # status = utils.read_ensemble_status(datadir, userdir, ensemble, revision) if status != chs_status.TODO: print(" - skipping as status={}".format(status)) return False # Check that all hulls have a decision: note this is a # very-limited check # mhulls = utils.read_mhulls_json(datadir, userdir, ensemble, revision, validate=False) for mid, mhull in mhulls.items(): decision = utils.get_user_setting(mhull, 'useraction') if decision not in ['accept', 'delete', 'manual']: print(" - skipping as master={} ".format(mid) + "has action='{}'".format(decision)) return False # At this point we can create a field file # data = { 'name': ensemble, 'revision': revstr, 'status': chs_status.REVIEW, 'usernotes': 'The review status was auto-generated.' } utils.save_ensemble(userdir, data) return True