def teardown():
    Teardown for vPool package, will be executed when all started tests in this package have ended
    Removal actions of possible things left over after the test-run
    :return: None
    alba_backend = GeneralAlba.get_by_name(General.get_config().get('backend', 'name'))
    if alba_backend:
def teardown():
    Teardown for VirtualMachine package, will be executed when all started tests in this package have ended
    Removal actions of possible things left over after the test-run
    :return: None
    vpool_name = General.get_config().get('vpool', 'name')
    vpool = GeneralVPool.get_vpool_by_name(vpool_name)
    assert vpool is not None, "No vpool found where one was expected""Cleaning vpool")

    alba_backend = GeneralAlba.get_by_name(General.get_config().get('backend', 'name'))
    if alba_backend is not None:
def teardown():
    Teardown for VirtualDisk package, will be executed when all started tests in this package have ended
    Removal actions of possible things left over after the test-run
    :return: None
    vpool_name = General.get_config().get("vpool", "name")
    vpool = GeneralVPool.get_vpool_by_name(vpool_name)

    for vd in VDiskList.get_vdisks():
        GeneralVDisk.delete_volume(vd, vpool, loop_device='loop0')

    if vpool is not None:

    alba_backend = GeneralAlba.get_by_name(General.get_config().get('backend', 'name'))
    if alba_backend is not None: