def __init__(self, path_or_url_or_hash=None, path_module=os.path): self.path = None self.url = None self.short_hash = None s = path_or_url_or_hash if s: maybe_url = urlparse(s) if path_module.exists(s): self.path = path_module.abspath(s) self.short_hash = cinesync.short_hash(self.path) elif maybe_url and maybe_url.scheme and maybe_url.hostname: # The argument could be parsed as a URI (use it as a URL) self.url = maybe_url.geturl() elif re.match('^[0-9a-f]{40}$', s): # Length is 40 characters and consists of all hex digits; assume this is a short hash self.short_hash = s else: # Finally, assume it's a file path self.path = path_module.abspath(s)
def test_short_hash_with_small_file(self): hash = cinesync.short_hash(os.path.join('test', 'small.txt')) self.assertEqual(hash, '1e40efb84050f92618e2c430742f44254771cf6b')
def test_short_hash_with_big_file(self): hash = cinesync.short_hash('/Volumes/Oyama/Streams/cineSync Test Files/movies/') self.assertEqual(hash, '08e5628d51b14278f73f36afebf0506afc2bfcf8')