def export2gif(molecule, pathMolGif, project = None): """Return True on error but will still put a default image in.""" check_type(molecule, 'Molecule') check_string(pathMolGif) if project: check_type(project, 'Project') # nTdebug("Now in cing.Plugincode.molgrap#export2gif") m = Molgrap(project = project), pathMolGif) failed = False if not os.path.exists(pathMolGif): failed = True src = os.path.join( cingPythonCingDir, 'PluginCode', DATA_STR, 'UnknownImage.gif' ) # if os.path.exists(pathMolGif): # disable when done testing. # os.unlink(pathMolGif) nTmessage("copying default image from %s to %s" % (src, pathMolGif)) #, pathMolGif) # us a real copy JFD: fails between 2 filesystems disk.copy(src, pathMolGif) # us a real copy # os.symlink(src, pathMolGif) # funny, the extension on mac fails to show up for this file only; other extensions are shown ok... # end if pathMolGifPinup = pathMolGif[:-4] + '_pin.gif' if convertImageMagick(pathMolGif, pathMolGifPinup, options='-geometry 114x80'): nTerror("convertImageMagick failed for: " + pathMolGifPinup) # end if if failed: return True return None
def createPinUp(pdb_id, extraArgListStr): print 'pdb_id: ' + pdb_id print 'extraArgListStr: ' + extraArgListStr ch23 = pdb_id[1:3] # /Library/WebServer/Documents/NRG-CING/data/a2/1a24/1a24.cing/1a24/HTML htmlDir = '/Library/WebServer/Documents/%(results_base)s/data/%(ch23)s/%(pdb_id)s/%(pdb_id)s.cing/%(pdb_id)s/HTML' % { 'pdb_id':pdb_id,'ch23':ch23, 'results_base': extraArgListStr} inputPath = os.path.join(htmlDir, 'mol.gif') outputPath = os.path.join(htmlDir, 'mol_pin.gif') if convertImageMagick(inputPath, outputPath, options='-geometry 114x80'): # Dimension to match the one in print 'ERROR: failed for: ' + inputPath
def createPinUp(pdb_id, extraArgListStr): print 'pdb_id: ' + pdb_id print 'extraArgListStr: ' + extraArgListStr ch23 = pdb_id[1:3] # /Library/WebServer/Documents/NRG-CING/data/a2/1a24/1a24.cing/1a24/HTML htmlDir = '/Library/WebServer/Documents/%(results_base)s/data/%(ch23)s/%(pdb_id)s/%(pdb_id)s.cing/%(pdb_id)s/HTML' % { 'pdb_id': pdb_id, 'ch23': ch23, 'results_base': extraArgListStr } inputPath = os.path.join(htmlDir, 'mol.gif') outputPath = os.path.join(htmlDir, 'mol_pin.gif') if convertImageMagick(inputPath, outputPath, options='-geometry 114x80' ): # Dimension to match the one in print 'ERROR: failed for: ' + inputPath
def testConvert2Web(self): fn = "" # fn = "" self.assertTrue( os.path.exists( cingDirTestsData) and os.path.isdir(cingDirTestsData ) ) inputPath = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData,fn) fileList = convert2Web( inputPath, outputDir='.', doMontage=True ) nTdebug( "Got back from convert2Web output file names: " + repr(fileList)) self.assertNotEqual(fileList,True) if fileList != True: for file in fileList: self.assertNotEqual( file, None) fn1 = "pc_nmr_11_rstraints.pdf" self.assertFalse( joinPdfPagesByGhostScript( [fn1,fn1], "pc_nmr_11_rstraints_echo.pdf")) outputPath = 'pc_nmr_11_rstraints_pin.gif' self.assertFalse(convertImageMagick(inputPath, outputPath, options='-geometry 57x40')) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputPath))