def importFullStarProjects(starFileName, projectName, inputDir='.', outputDir='.', guiRoot=None, allowPopups=0,minimalPrompts=1,verbose=1): '''Returns a full CCPN project rooted in inputDir/projectName that will be created and saved. Input will be from inputDir/starFileName Returns False for error. ''' if not os.path.exists(inputDir): nTerror("Failed to find inputDir: %s" % inputDir) return False starFileNameFull = os.path.join(inputDir, starFileName) if not os.path.exists(starFileNameFull): nTerror("Failed to find starFileNameFull: %s" % starFileNameFull) return False if not os.path.exists(outputDir): os.mkdir(outputDir) os.chdir(outputDir) ccpnProjectPath = os.path.join(outputDir, projectName) if os.path.exists(ccpnProjectPath): shutil.rmtree(ccpnProjectPath) ccpnProject = Implementation.MemopsRoot(name=projectName) # 'linkAtoms': (True,False,'If set to False (off), unrecognized coordinate atoms will not be linked.'), keywds = {'minimalPrompts': minimalPrompts, 'allowPopups': allowPopups, 'linkAtoms':0} formatNmrStarFormat = NmrStarFormat(ccpnProject, guiRoot, verbose=verbose, **keywds) formatNmrStarFormat.version = '3.1' entryTitle = 'Project from NMR-STAR for %s' % projectName entryDetails = "Created by Wim Vranken's FormatConverter embedded in CING" formatNmrStarFormat.getFullProject( starFileNameFull, title = entryTitle, details = entryDetails, **keywds) # nmrConstraintStore = shiftList.nmrConstraintStore # structureGeneration = nmrConstraintStore.findFirstStructureGeneration() # formatNmrStarFormat.linkResonances( # forceDefaultChainMapping=1, # may be overwritten by using forceChainMappings. # globalStereoAssign=1, # setSingleProchiral=1, # setSinglePossEquiv=1, ## strucGen=structureGeneration, # allowPopups=allowPopups, minimalPrompts=minimalPrompts, verbose=verbose, **keywds) # Catch entries like mentioned in issue try: ccpnProject.checkAllValid() except ApiError: nTtracebackError() nTerror("Failed ccpnProject.checkAllValid") nTerror("See issue: %s%d" % (issueListUrl, 266)) return False ccpnProject.saveModified() if not os.path.exists(ccpnProjectPath): nTerror("Failed to find new CCPN project directory: %s" % ccpnProjectPath) return False tgzFileName = projectName + ".tgz" cmd = "tar -czf %s %s" % (tgzFileName, projectName) do_cmd(cmd) return ccpnProject
def _test_anneal(self): 'Test the anneal' cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join(cingDirTmp, getCallerName()) mkdirs(cingDirTmpTest) self.failIf(os.chdir(cingDirTmpTest), msg="Failed to change to test directory for files: " + cingDirTmpTest) inputArchiveDir = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "xplor") for _i, entryId in enumerate(AllChecks.entryList): nTmessage('Doing entry %s' % entryId) cingDirTmpTestEntry = entryId mkdirs(cingDirTmpTestEntry) self.failIf( os.chdir(cingDirTmpTestEntry), msg="Failed to change to test entry directory for files: " + cingDirTmpTestEntry) do_cmd("rm -f *_extended_*.pdb* >& /dev/null") inputDir = os.path.join(inputArchiveDir, entryId) self.failIf(not os.path.exists(inputDir), "Missing input dir " + inputDir) nTmessage('Trying to copy input files') copydir(os.path.join(inputDir, '*'), '.') xplorExecutable = '/Users/jd/workspace/xplor-nih-2.27/bin/xplor' xplorScript = '$CINGROOT/python/xplorcing/' cmd = 'env -i PATH=$PATH HOME=$HOME USER=$USER %s -py %s %s >& anneal.log' % ( xplorExecutable, xplorScript, entryId, # os.getcwd(), # inputDir # os.getcwd(), # outputDir ) if do_cmd(cmd): nTerror("Failed anneal") else: nTmessage("Succeeded anneal")
def convert(projectName, rootDir): datasetDir = os.path.join(rootDir, projectName) nijmegenDir = os.path.join(datasetDir, "Nijmegen") authorDir = os.path.join(datasetDir, "Authors") os.chdir(nijmegenDir) projectPath = os.path.join(nijmegenDir, projectName) if os.path.exists(projectPath): shutil.rmtree(projectPath) project = Implementation.MemopsRoot(name = projectName) nmrProject = project.newNmrProject(name = structureGeneration = nmrProject.newStructureGeneration() guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() format = PseudoPdbFormat(project, guiRoot, verbose = 1) globPattern = authorDir + '/*.pdb' fileList = glob(globPattern) nTdebug("From %s will read files: %s" % (globPattern,fileList)) format.readCoordinates(fileList, strucGen = structureGeneration, minimalPrompts = 1, linkAtoms = 0) project.saveModified() tgzFileName = "../"+projectName + ".tgz" cmd = "tar -czf %s %s" % (tgzFileName, projectName) do_cmd(cmd)
def convert(projectName, rootDir): datasetDir = os.path.join(rootDir, projectName) nijmegenDir = os.path.join(datasetDir, "Nijmegen") authorDir = os.path.join(datasetDir, "Authors") os.chdir(nijmegenDir) projectPath = os.path.join(nijmegenDir, projectName) if os.path.exists(projectPath): shutil.rmtree(projectPath) project = Implementation.MemopsRoot(name=projectName) nmrProject = project.newNmrProject( structureGeneration = nmrProject.newStructureGeneration() guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() format = PseudoPdbFormat(project, guiRoot, verbose=1) globPattern = authorDir + '/*.pdb' fileList = glob(globPattern) nTdebug("From %s will read files: %s" % (globPattern, fileList)) format.readCoordinates(fileList, strucGen=structureGeneration, minimalPrompts=1, linkAtoms=0) project.saveModified() tgzFileName = "../" + projectName + ".tgz" cmd = "tar -czf %s %s" % (tgzFileName, projectName) do_cmd(cmd)
def _test_anneal(self): 'Test the anneal' cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join( cingDirTmp, getCallerName() ) mkdirs( cingDirTmpTest ) self.failIf(os.chdir(cingDirTmpTest), msg = "Failed to change to test directory for files: " + cingDirTmpTest) inputArchiveDir = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "xplor") for _i,entryId in enumerate(AllChecks.entryList): nTmessage('Doing entry %s' % entryId) cingDirTmpTestEntry = entryId mkdirs( cingDirTmpTestEntry ) self.failIf(os.chdir(cingDirTmpTestEntry), msg = "Failed to change to test entry directory for files: " + cingDirTmpTestEntry) do_cmd( "rm -f *_extended_*.pdb* >& /dev/null" ) inputDir = os.path.join(inputArchiveDir, entryId ) self.failIf( not os.path.exists(inputDir), "Missing input dir " + inputDir) nTmessage('Trying to copy input files' ) copydir( os.path.join(inputDir, '*'), '.') xplorExecutable = '/Users/jd/workspace/xplor-nih-2.27/bin/xplor' xplorScript = '$CINGROOT/python/xplorcing/' cmd = 'env -i PATH=$PATH HOME=$HOME USER=$USER %s -py %s %s >& anneal.log' % ( xplorExecutable, xplorScript, entryId, # os.getcwd(), # inputDir # os.getcwd(), # outputDir ) if do_cmd( cmd ): nTerror("Failed anneal") else: nTmessage("Succeeded anneal")
def convertStar2Ccpn(projectName, rootDir, inputDir="XPLOR", outputDir="CCPN"): """The structure when done will be: rootDir -> -> inputDir -> xxxx.pdb etc. -> outputDir -> xxxx -> ccp etc. -> xxxx.tgz (the resulting CCPN data) E.g. taf3Piscataway -> Authors -> all.pdb etc. -> Nijmegen -> taf3Piscataway -> ccp etc. -> taf3Piscataway.tgz Or in iCingSetup the rootDir is eg: /Library/WebServer/Documents/tmp/cing/ano/WjtXOz with project name gb1 WjtXOz -> XPLOR -> gb1.pdb etc. -> CCPN -> gb1 -> ccpn etc. -> gb1.tgz The in and out paths are relative to the rootDir. """ nTerror("This routine is untested and shouldn't be used without.") inputDir = os.path.join(rootDir, inputDir) outputDir = os.path.join(rootDir, outputDir) if not os.path.exists(inputDir): nTerror("Failed to find") if os.path.exists(outputDir): shutil.rmtree(outputDir) os.mkdir(outputDir) os.chdir(outputDir) ccpnProjectPath = os.path.join(outputDir, projectName) if os.path.exists(ccpnProjectPath): shutil.rmtree(ccpnProjectPath) project = Implementation.MemopsRoot(name=projectName) guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() # headless possible? importStarChemicalShifts(project, inputDir, guiRoot, allowPopups=0, minimalPrompts=1, verbose=0) project.saveModified() tgzFileName = "../" + projectName + ".tgz" cmd = "tar -czf %s %s" % (tgzFileName, projectName) do_cmd(cmd) guiRoot.destroy()
def runSpecific(self): """ Returns True on error """ entryCodeChar2and3 = self.idCode[1:3] projectDirectory = os.path.join(dir_S, entryCodeChar2and3, self.idCode) os.chdir(projectDirectory) curDir = os.getcwd() #@UnusedVariable nTdebug("curDir: %s" % curDir) # ccpnDir = self.baseName #@UnusedVariable # Read the existing CCPN project, set up format object dict self.loadProject() self.createFormatObjects() self.entry = self.ccpnProject.findFirstNmrEntryStore().findFirstEntry() self.molSystem = self.ccpnProject.findFirstMolSystem() self.nmrProject = self.ccpnProject.findFirstNmrProject() self.strucGen = self.nmrProject.findFirstStructureGeneration() bmrbCodesLength = len(self.bmrbCodes) if not bmrbCodesLength: nTerror("Not a single BMRB entry presented.") return if bmrbCodesLength > 1: nTwarning("Currently NRG-CING only loads a single BMRB entry's CS. Skipping others.") # Read the BMRB NMR-STAR file (only chem shift data) # for bmrbCode in self.bmrbCodes: bmrbFile = self.bmrbCodes[0] bmrbCode = bmrbFile.split('_')[0] self.initShiftPresets(bmrbCode) # bmrbNmrStarFile = os.path.join(bmrbArchiveDataDir, self.bmrbFileFormat % bmrbCode) # bmrb_id = int(bmrbCode[3:]) # digits12 = "%02d" % (bmrb_id % 100) # inputStarDir = os.path.join(bmrbDir, digits12) # inputStarDir = os.path.join(bmrbDir, bmrbCode) # if not os.path.exists(bmrbFile): # nTerror("Input star dir not found: %s" % bmrbFile) # return True inputStarFile = bmrbFile if not os.path.exists(inputStarFile): nTerror("inputStarFile not found: %s" % inputStarFile) return True nTdebug("Start readNmrStarFile") self.readNmrStarFile(inputStarFile, components=['measurements']) # Try to autoset mapping... nTdebug("Start setBmrbNmrStarMapping") self.setBmrbNmrStarMapping(inputStarFile) # Run linkResonances, using custom keywds set above nTdebug("Start runLinkResonances") self.runLinkResonances(resonanceType='nmr') # Save project in new location newPath = self.baseName nTmessage('Saving to new path: %s in cwd: %s' % (newPath, os.getcwd())) saveProject(self.ccpnProject, removeExisting=True, newPath=newPath, newProjectName=self.baseName) ccpnTgzFile = "%s.tgz" % self.idCode cmd = "tar -czf %s %s" % (ccpnTgzFile, newPath) if do_cmd(cmd): nTerror("Failed tar") return None nTmessage("Saved ccpn project to tgz: %s" % ccpnTgzFile)
def convertCyana2Ccpn(projectName, rootDir): guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() datasetDir = os.path.join(rootDir, projectName) nijmegenDir = os.path.join(datasetDir, "Nijmegen") authorDir = os.path.join(datasetDir, "Authors") os.chdir(nijmegenDir) projectPath = os.path.join(nijmegenDir, projectName) if os.path.exists(projectPath): shutil.rmtree(projectPath) project = Implementation.MemopsRoot(name=projectName) importCyanaCoorAndRes(project, authorDir, guiRoot) project.saveModified() tgzFileName = "../" + projectName + ".tgz" cmd = "tar -czf %s %s" % (tgzFileName, projectName) do_cmd(cmd) guiRoot.destroy()
def test_ccpn(self): # cing.verbosity = verbosityDebug # if you have a local copy you can use it; make sure to adjust the path setting below. fastestTest = True # DEFAULT: True. Not passed to the validate routine in order to customize checks for speed. modelCount = 99 # DEFAULT: 99 redoFromCingProject = False # DEFAULT: False htmlOnly = False # DEFAULT: False # default is False but enable it for faster runs without some actual data. doWhatif = True # DEFAULT: True # disables whatif actual run doProcheck = True # DEFAULT: True doWattos = True # DEFAULT: True doQueeny = True # DEFAULT: True doTalos = True # DEFAULT: True filterVasco = True # DEFAULT: True filterTopViolations = True # DEFAULT: True useNrgArchive = False # DEFAULT: False ranges = CV_STR # DEFAULT: CV_STR # ranges='173-177' # ranges='6-13,29-45' # 1bus doSwapCheck = False doRestoreCheck = False doStoreCheck = False # DEFAULT: False Requires sqlAlchemy doSave = not redoFromCingProject # DEFAULT: False Requires sqlAlchemy if fastestTest: modelCount = 2 # DEFAULT 2 # redoFromCingProject = False htmlOnly = True # DEFAULT: True doWhatif = False # DEFAULT: False doProcheck = False # DEFAULT: False doWattos = False # DEFAULT: False doQueeny = False # DEFAULT: False doTalos = False # DEFAULT: False filterVasco = False # DEFAULT: False doRestoreCheck = False # DEFAULT: False doStoreCheck = False # DEFAULT: False if redoFromCingProject: useNrgArchive = False doWhatif = False doProcheck = False doWattos = False doTalos = False cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join(cingDirTmp, getCallerName()) mkdirs(cingDirTmpTest) self.failIf(os.chdir(cingDirTmpTest), msg="Failed to change to test directory for files: " + cingDirTmpTest) for i, entryId in enumerate(AllChecks.entryList): if i: nTmessage('\n\n') if redoFromCingProject: project =, status='old') else: project =, status='new') self.assertTrue(project, 'Failed opening project: ' + entryId) if useNrgArchive: # default is False # inputArchiveDir = os.path.join('/Library/WebServer/Documents/NRG-CING/recoordSync', entryId) # Mounted from # inputArchiveDir = os.path.join('/Volumes/tria1/Library/WebServer/Documents/NRG-CING/recoordSync', entryId) inputArchiveDir = os.path.join( '/Users/jd/ccpn_tmp/data/recoord', entryId) else: inputArchiveDir = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "ccpn") ccpnFile = os.path.join(inputArchiveDir, entryId + ".tgz") if not os.path.exists(ccpnFile): ccpnFile = os.path.join(inputArchiveDir, entryId + ".tar.gz") if not os.path.exists(ccpnFile):"Neither %s or the .tgz exist" % ccpnFile) if doSwapCheck: # Need to start with ccpn without loading into CING api yet. if os.path.exists(entryId): nTmessage("Removing previous directory: %s" % entryId) rmtree(entryId) do_cmd("tar -xzf " + ccpnFile) # will extract to local dir. if os.path.exists('linkNmrStarData'): nTmessage( "Renaming standard directory linkNmrStarData to entry: %s" % entryId) os.rename('linkNmrStarData', entryId) ccpnProject = loadProject(entryId) if not ccpnProject:"Failed to read project: %s" % entryId) # constraintsHandler = ConstraintsHandler() nmrConstraintStore = ccpnProject.findFirstNmrConstraintStore( ) structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble( ) numSwapCheckRuns = 2 if nmrConstraintStore: if structureEnsemble: swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) else: nTmessage( "Failed to find structureEnsemble; skipping swapCheck" ) else: nTmessage( "Failed to find nmrConstraintStore; skipping swapCheck" ) # constraintsHandler.swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) nTmessage('Saving to new path') # checkValid=True, saveProject(ccpnProject, newPath=entryId, removeExisting=True) ccpnFile = entryId # set to local dir now. # end if doSwapCheck self.assertTrue( project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder=ccpnFile, modelCount=modelCount)) # if doSave: # self.assertTrue( if False: ranges = "173-183" # residueOfInterest = range(171,174) # for residue in project.molecule.A.allResidues(): # if residue.resNum not in residueOfInterest: # # nTmessage("Removing residue of no interest") # project.molecule.A.removeResidue(residue) if False: ccpnProject = project.ccpn printSequenceFromCcpnProject(ccpnProject) if True: self.assertFalse(project.molecule.setRanges(ranges)) nTdebug('In ranges: %s' % str(project.molecule.ranges)) project.molecule.rangesToMmCifRanges(ranges) if True: self.assertFalse( project.validate( htmlOnly=htmlOnly, ranges=ranges, # fastestTest=fastestTest, # disabled doProcheck=doProcheck, doWhatif=doWhatif, doWattos=doWattos, doQueeny=doQueeny, doTalos=doTalos, filterVasco=filterVasco, filterTopViolations=filterTopViolations)) if doWattos and False: mol = project.molecule completenessMol = mol.getDeepByKeys( WATTOS_STR, COMPLCHK_STR, VALUE_LIST_STR) nTdebug("completenessMol: %s" % completenessMol) for res in mol.allResidues(): completenessRes = res.getDeepByKeys( WATTOS_STR, COMPLCHK_STR, VALUE_LIST_STR) nTdebug("%s: %s" % (res, completenessRes)) # end for # end if color = project.molecule.getRogColor() nTdebug("The color of this molecule is: %s" % color) self.assertFalse(color == COLOR_RED) # ;-) # end if # self.assertTrue(project.exportValidation2ccpn()) # self.assertFalse(project.removeCcpnReferences()) # Do not leave the old CCPN directory laying around since it might get added to by another test. # if os.path.exists(entryId): # self.assertFalse(shutil.rmtree(entryId)) if False: self.assertTrue( self.assertTrue(project.saveCcpn(entryId)) if doRestoreCheck: del project project =, status='old') self.assertTrue(project, 'Failed reopening project: ' + entryId) if doStoreCheck: # # Does require below import which is used here to trigger import warning in case it's not installed. # pylint: disable=W0612 from cing.PluginCode.sqlAlchemy import CsqlAlchemy #@UnusedImport # pylint: disable=W0404 if doStoreCING2db(entryId, ARCHIVE_NRG_ID, project=project): nTerror( "Failed to store CING project's data to DB but continuing." ) if doSave: self.assertTrue(
def importFullStarProjects(starFileName, projectName, inputDir='.', outputDir='.', guiRoot=None, allowPopups=0, minimalPrompts=1, verbose=1): '''Returns a full CCPN project rooted in inputDir/projectName that will be created and saved. Input will be from inputDir/starFileName Returns False for error. ''' if not os.path.exists(inputDir): nTerror("Failed to find inputDir: %s" % inputDir) return False starFileNameFull = os.path.join(inputDir, starFileName) if not os.path.exists(starFileNameFull): nTerror("Failed to find starFileNameFull: %s" % starFileNameFull) return False if not os.path.exists(outputDir): os.mkdir(outputDir) os.chdir(outputDir) ccpnProjectPath = os.path.join(outputDir, projectName) if os.path.exists(ccpnProjectPath): shutil.rmtree(ccpnProjectPath) ccpnProject = Implementation.MemopsRoot(name=projectName) # 'linkAtoms': (True,False,'If set to False (off), unrecognized coordinate atoms will not be linked.'), keywds = { 'minimalPrompts': minimalPrompts, 'allowPopups': allowPopups, 'linkAtoms': 0 } formatNmrStarFormat = NmrStarFormat(ccpnProject, guiRoot, verbose=verbose, **keywds) formatNmrStarFormat.version = '3.1' entryTitle = 'Project from NMR-STAR for %s' % projectName entryDetails = "Created by Wim Vranken's FormatConverter embedded in CING" formatNmrStarFormat.getFullProject(starFileNameFull, title=entryTitle, details=entryDetails, **keywds) # nmrConstraintStore = shiftList.nmrConstraintStore # structureGeneration = nmrConstraintStore.findFirstStructureGeneration() # formatNmrStarFormat.linkResonances( # forceDefaultChainMapping=1, # may be overwritten by using forceChainMappings. # globalStereoAssign=1, # setSingleProchiral=1, # setSinglePossEquiv=1, ## strucGen=structureGeneration, # allowPopups=allowPopups, minimalPrompts=minimalPrompts, verbose=verbose, **keywds) # Catch entries like mentioned in issue try: ccpnProject.checkAllValid() except ApiError: nTtracebackError() nTerror("Failed ccpnProject.checkAllValid") nTerror("See issue: %s%d" % (issueListUrl, 266)) return False ccpnProject.saveModified() if not os.path.exists(ccpnProjectPath): nTerror("Failed to find new CCPN project directory: %s" % ccpnProjectPath) return False tgzFileName = projectName + ".tgz" cmd = "tar -czf %s %s" % (tgzFileName, projectName) do_cmd(cmd) return ccpnProject
def test_ccpn(self): # cing.verbosity = verbosityDebug # if you have a local copy you can use it; make sure to adjust the path setting below. fastestTest = True # DEFAULT: True. Not passed to the validate routine in order to customize checks for speed. modelCount=99 # DEFAULT: 99 redoFromCingProject = False # DEFAULT: False htmlOnly = False # DEFAULT: False # default is False but enable it for faster runs without some actual data. doWhatif = True # DEFAULT: True # disables whatif actual run doProcheck = True # DEFAULT: True doWattos = True # DEFAULT: True doQueeny = True # DEFAULT: True doTalos = True # DEFAULT: True filterVasco = True # DEFAULT: True filterTopViolations = True # DEFAULT: True useNrgArchive = False # DEFAULT: False ranges = CV_STR # DEFAULT: CV_STR # ranges='173-177' # ranges='6-13,29-45' # 1bus doSwapCheck = False doRestoreCheck = False doStoreCheck = False # DEFAULT: False Requires sqlAlchemy doSave = not redoFromCingProject # DEFAULT: False Requires sqlAlchemy if fastestTest: modelCount=2 # DEFAULT 2 # redoFromCingProject = False htmlOnly = True # DEFAULT: True doWhatif = False # DEFAULT: False doProcheck = False # DEFAULT: False doWattos = False # DEFAULT: False doQueeny = False # DEFAULT: False doTalos = False # DEFAULT: False filterVasco = False # DEFAULT: False doRestoreCheck = False # DEFAULT: False doStoreCheck = False # DEFAULT: False if redoFromCingProject: useNrgArchive = False doWhatif = False doProcheck = False doWattos = False doTalos = False cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join( cingDirTmp, getCallerName() ) mkdirs( cingDirTmpTest ) self.failIf(os.chdir(cingDirTmpTest), msg = "Failed to change to test directory for files: " + cingDirTmpTest) for i,entryId in enumerate(AllChecks.entryList): if i: nTmessage('\n\n') if redoFromCingProject: project =, status = 'old') else: project =, status = 'new') self.assertTrue(project, 'Failed opening project: ' + entryId) if useNrgArchive: # default is False # inputArchiveDir = os.path.join('/Library/WebServer/Documents/NRG-CING/recoordSync', entryId) # Mounted from # inputArchiveDir = os.path.join('/Volumes/tria1/Library/WebServer/Documents/NRG-CING/recoordSync', entryId) inputArchiveDir = os.path.join('/Users/jd/ccpn_tmp/data/recoord', entryId) else: inputArchiveDir = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "ccpn") ccpnFile = os.path.join(inputArchiveDir, entryId + ".tgz") if not os.path.exists(ccpnFile): ccpnFile = os.path.join(inputArchiveDir, entryId + ".tar.gz") if not os.path.exists(ccpnFile):"Neither %s or the .tgz exist" % ccpnFile) if doSwapCheck: # Need to start with ccpn without loading into CING api yet. if os.path.exists(entryId): nTmessage("Removing previous directory: %s" % entryId) rmtree(entryId) do_cmd("tar -xzf " + ccpnFile) # will extract to local dir. if os.path.exists('linkNmrStarData'): nTmessage("Renaming standard directory linkNmrStarData to entry: %s" % entryId) os.rename('linkNmrStarData', entryId) ccpnProject = loadProject(entryId) if not ccpnProject:"Failed to read project: %s" % entryId) # constraintsHandler = ConstraintsHandler() nmrConstraintStore = ccpnProject.findFirstNmrConstraintStore() structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble() numSwapCheckRuns = 2 if nmrConstraintStore: if structureEnsemble: swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) else: nTmessage("Failed to find structureEnsemble; skipping swapCheck") else: nTmessage("Failed to find nmrConstraintStore; skipping swapCheck") # constraintsHandler.swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) nTmessage('Saving to new path') # checkValid=True, saveProject(ccpnProject, newPath=entryId, removeExisting=True) ccpnFile = entryId # set to local dir now. # end if doSwapCheck self.assertTrue(project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder = ccpnFile, modelCount=modelCount)) # if doSave: # self.assertTrue( if False: ranges = "173-183" # residueOfInterest = range(171,174) # for residue in project.molecule.A.allResidues(): # if residue.resNum not in residueOfInterest: # # nTmessage("Removing residue of no interest") # project.molecule.A.removeResidue(residue) if False: ccpnProject = project.ccpn printSequenceFromCcpnProject(ccpnProject) if True: self.assertFalse(project.molecule.setRanges(ranges)) nTdebug('In ranges: %s' % str(project.molecule.ranges)) project.molecule.rangesToMmCifRanges(ranges) if True: self.assertFalse(project.validate(htmlOnly = htmlOnly, ranges=ranges, # fastestTest=fastestTest, # disabled doProcheck = doProcheck, doWhatif = doWhatif, doWattos=doWattos, doQueeny = doQueeny, doTalos=doTalos, filterVasco=filterVasco, filterTopViolations = filterTopViolations )) if doWattos and False: mol = project.molecule completenessMol = mol.getDeepByKeys( WATTOS_STR, COMPLCHK_STR, VALUE_LIST_STR) nTdebug("completenessMol: %s" % completenessMol) for res in mol.allResidues(): completenessRes = res.getDeepByKeys( WATTOS_STR, COMPLCHK_STR, VALUE_LIST_STR) nTdebug("%s: %s" % (res, completenessRes)) # end for # end if color = project.molecule.getRogColor() nTdebug("The color of this molecule is: %s" % color) self.assertFalse( color == COLOR_RED ) # ;-) # end if # self.assertTrue(project.exportValidation2ccpn()) # self.assertFalse(project.removeCcpnReferences()) # Do not leave the old CCPN directory laying around since it might get added to by another test. # if os.path.exists(entryId): # self.assertFalse(shutil.rmtree(entryId)) if False: self.assertTrue( self.assertTrue(project.saveCcpn(entryId)) if doRestoreCheck: del project project =, status = 'old') self.assertTrue(project, 'Failed reopening project: ' + entryId) if doStoreCheck: # # Does require below import which is used here to trigger import warning in case it's not installed. # pylint: disable=W0612 from cing.PluginCode.sqlAlchemy import CsqlAlchemy #@UnusedImport # pylint: disable=W0404 if doStoreCING2db( entryId, ARCHIVE_NRG_ID, project=project): nTerror("Failed to store CING project's data to DB but continuing.") if doSave: self.assertTrue(
def _test_CombineRestraints(self): ''' This unit test is by default disabled because we haven't figured out yet how to disable the output from Yasara yet. Input is a CING project from the test data. ''' cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join(cingDirTmp, getCallerName()) mkdirs(cingDirTmpTest) self.failIf(os.chdir(cingDirTmpTest), msg="Failed to change to test directory for files: " + cingDirTmpTest) # Original project # entryId = 'H2_2Ca_64_100' _basicStats = """ pdb e.res_count b.deposition_date r.number csd chi1_avg chi2_avg chi1_cv chi2_cv 1brv 32 1996-03-29 A 180 LEU CD1 CD2 0.0 270.3 170.5 0.000 0.000 no SSA delta 1brv 32 1996-03-29 A 183 LEU CD1 CD2 2.3 285.2 180.6 0.000 0.000 no SSA delta 1brv 32 1996-03-29 A 185 LEU CD1 CD2 0.4 313.5 172.1 0.054 0.045 no SSA delta/beta 2loj 63 2012-01-24 A 20 LEU CD1 CD2 1.3 302.2 178.2 0.002 0.001 2loj 63 2012-01-24 A 33 LEU CD1 CD2 -1.5 72.0 168.8 0.001 0.002 2loj 63 2012-01-24 A 34 LEU CD1 CD2 3.0 295.7 176.1 0.001 0.001 2loj <= 63 2012-01-24 A 50 LEU CD1 CD2 -2.2 184.2 283.6 0.002 0.001 chi2 > 240 2loj 63 2012-01-24 A 51 LEU CD1 CD2 -1.3 181.5 59.6 0.001 0.001 2loj 63 2012-01-24 A 59 LEU CD1 CD2 2.2 286.8 174.6 0.001 0.001 2loj 63 2012-01-24 A 60 LEU CD1 CD2 -0.3 203.4 66.6 0.049 0.002 2loj <= 63 2012-01-24 A 61 LEU CD1 CD2 -1.6 197.5 289.6 0.001 0.001 chi2 > 240 no SSA beta 2fwu 159 2006-02-03 A 526 LEU CD1 CD2 2.2 297.3 306.8 0.003 0.001 chi2 > 240 2fwu 159 2006-02-03 A 560 LEU CD1 CD2 1.8 293.8 173.6 0.002 0.001 2fwu 159 2006-02-03 A 589 LEU CD1 CD2 -1.1 205.0 301.3 0.001 0.000 chi2 > 240 2fwu 159 2006-02-03 A 596 LEU CD1 CD2 -0.5 220.3 318.1 0.002 0.002 chi2 > 240 2fwu 159 2006-02-03 A 642 LEU CD1 CD2 -4.1 178.5 70.9 0.001 0.000 """ entryId = '2fwu' # entryId = '1brv' # entryId = '2loj' # entryId = 'H2_2Ca_64_100' modelCount = 20 # DEFAULT: 20 Not valid for starting from CING project. doCcpn = True # Test entry starting from CCPN project e.g. from NRG-CING. threshold = 0 # minimal violation, necessary to classify the restraints. deasHB = True # first deassign all HBs in the specified leucines dihrCHI2 = True # add a dihedral restraint on the leucines. useAll = False # DEFAULT: False. use all leucines regardless of state useLeuList = False # If useAll is False and useLeuList is False then the leucines will be automatically detected doPrepCingProject = False # DEFAULT: True # NB If False this script will prefer a restore from the virgin .tgz doRunRotateLeucines = False # DEFAULT: True # NB If False this script will prefer a restore from the virgin .tgz # No changes needed below. ################################################################################################ if entryId == 'H2_2Ca_64_100' or entryId == '2fwu': useLeuList = (('A', 589), ('A', 596), ('A', 618)) # elif entryId == '1brv': # useLeuList = (('A', 180),('A', 185),) # elif entryId == '2loj': # Commented out will lead to automatic detection. # useLeuList = (('A', 50),('A', 61),) # end if nTmessage("Starting %s" % getCallerName()) nTmessage("entryId %s" % entryId) nTmessage("modelCount %s" % modelCount) nTmessage("doCcpn %s" % doCcpn) nTmessage("threshold %s" % threshold) nTmessage("deasHB %s" % deasHB) nTmessage("dihrCHI2 %s" % dihrCHI2) nTmessage("useAll %s" % useAll) nTmessage("useLeuList %s" % str(useLeuList)) nTmessage("doPrepCingProject %s" % doPrepCingProject) nTmessage("doRunRotateLeucines %s" % doRunRotateLeucines) # project with rotated leucines (created with RotateLeucines). entry2Id = entryId + '_' + ROTL_STR # NO CHANGES NEEDED BELOW THIS LINE. if doCcpn: nTmessage("Creating project from CCPN first.") if doPrepCingProject: project =, status='new') inputArchiveDir = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "ccpn") ccpnFile = os.path.join(inputArchiveDir, entryId + ".tgz") project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder=ccpnFile, modelCount=modelCount) project.close() del project do_cmd('tar -czf %s.cing.tgz %s.cing' % (entryId, entryId)) # end if inputCingArchiveDir = cingDirTmpTest # input dir. else: inputCingArchiveDir = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "cing") # end if # Create a copy of the original cing project locally # Then duplicate the project to a cing project that has rotated leucines. # It will also close and GC the large objects for efficiency. if doRunRotateLeucines: status = runRotateLeucines(cingDirTmpTest, inputCingArchiveDir, entryId, useAll=useAll, useLeuList=useLeuList) self.assertFalse(status) # end if # Restore the 2 projects. The first project will be modified based on the info in the second project. proj1 = entryId, status='old') # NB Will prefer a restore from the virgin .tgz proj2 =, status='old') self.assertTrue(proj1 and proj2) project = proj1 #### BLOCK BEGIN repeated in rotateLeucines if not useAll and useLeuList: leuList = project.decodeResidueList(useLeuList) if not leuList: nTerror('Failed to decodeResidueList') return True # end if else: leuList = selectBadLeucineList(project, CV_THRESHOLD_SELECTION, useAll=useAll) # end if if leuList == None: nTerror('Failed to selectBadLeucineList') return True # end if #### BLOCK BEGIN status = alterRestraintsForLeus(leuList, proj1, proj2, threshold, deasHB, dihrCHI2) self.assertTrue(status)
def mainCasd(entryId, *extraArgList): """inputDir may be a directory or a url. A url needs to start with http://. """ fastestTest = False # default: False # ranges=AUTO_STR # default is None retrieved from DBMS csv files. htmlOnly = False # default: False but enable it for faster runs without some actual data. doWhatif = True # disables whatif actual run doProcheck = True doWattos = True doTalos = True # doStoreCheck = True # DEFAULT: True Requires sqlAlchemy doStoreCheck = False # DEFAULT: True Requires sqlAlchemy tgzCing = True # default: True # Create a tgz for the cing project. In case of a CING project input it will be overwritten. modelCount = None # default setting is None if fastestTest: modelCount = 3 htmlOnly = True doWhatif = False doProcheck = False doWattos = False doTalos = False fORCE_REDO = True fORCE_RETRIEVE_INPUT = False nTmessage(header) nTmessage(getStartMessage()) expectedArgumentList = [ 'inputDir', 'outputDir', 'pdbConvention', 'restraintsConvention', 'archiveType', 'projectType' ] expectedNumberOfArguments = len(expectedArgumentList) if len(extraArgList) != expectedNumberOfArguments: nTerror("Got arguments: " + repr(extraArgList)) nTerror("Failed to get expected number of arguments: %d got %d" % ( expectedNumberOfArguments, len(extraArgList))) nTerror("Expected arguments: %s" % expectedArgumentList) return True entryCodeChar2and3 = entryId[1:3] inputDir = extraArgList[0] outputDir = os.path.join(extraArgList[1], DATA_STR, entryCodeChar2and3, entryId) pdbConvention = extraArgList[2] #@UnusedVariable restraintsConvention = extraArgList[3] archiveType = extraArgList[4] projectType = extraArgList[5] if archiveType == ARCHIVE_TYPE_FLAT: pass # default elif archiveType == ARCHIVE_TYPE_BY_ENTRY: inputDir = os.path.join(inputDir, entryId) elif archiveType == ARCHIVE_TYPE_BY_CH23: inputDir = os.path.join(inputDir, entryCodeChar2and3) elif archiveType == ARCHIVE_TYPE_BY_CH23_BY_ENTRY: inputDir = os.path.join(inputDir, entryCodeChar2and3, entryId) ranges = CasdScripts.getRangesForEntry(entryId) nTdebug("Using:") nTdebug("inputDir: %s" % inputDir) nTdebug("outputDir: %s" % outputDir) nTdebug("pdbConvention: %s" % pdbConvention) nTdebug("restraintsConvention: %s" % restraintsConvention) nTdebug("archiveType: %s" % archiveType) nTdebug("projectType: %s" % projectType) nTdebug("modelCount: %s" % modelCount) nTdebug("ranges: %s" % ranges) # presume the directory still needs to be created. cingEntryDir = entryId + ".cing" if os.path.isdir(cingEntryDir): if fORCE_REDO: nTmessage("Enforcing a redo") rmtree(cingEntryDir) else: mainIndexFile = os.path.join(cingEntryDir, "index.html") isDone = os.path.isfile(mainIndexFile) if isDone: nTmessage("SKIPPING ENTRY ALREADY DONE") return nTmessage("REDOING BECAUSE VALIDATION CONSIDERED NOT DONE.") rmtree(cingEntryDir) # end if. # end if. os.chdir(outputDir) project = Project(entryId) if project.removeFromDisk(): nTerror("Failed to remove existing project (if present)") return True # end if. # extension = '.tgz' formatFileName = '%s.tgz' # fileNameTgz = entryId + '.tgz' if projectType == PROJECT_TYPE_CING: # fileNameTgz = entryId + '.cing.tgz' formatFileName = '%s.cing.tgz' elif projectType == PROJECT_TYPE_PDB: formatFileName = 'pdb%s.ent.gz' fileNameTgz = formatFileName % entryId # nTdebug("fileNameTgz: %s" % fileNameTgz) # if true will do retrieveTgzFromUrl. if inputDir.startswith("http") or inputDir.startswith("file"): stillToRetrieve = False if os.path.exists(fileNameTgz): if fORCE_RETRIEVE_INPUT: os.unlink(fileNameTgz) stillToRetrieve = True # end if else: stillToRetrieve = True # end if if stillToRetrieve: retrieveTgzFromUrl(entryId, inputDir, archiveType=archiveType, formatFileName=formatFileName) # end if if not os.path.exists(fileNameTgz): nTerror("Tgz should already have been present skipping entry") return # end if # end if. # retrieveTgzFromUrl(entryId, inputDir) if projectType == PROJECT_TYPE_CING: # Needs to be copied because the open method doesn't take a directory argument.. fullFileNameTgz = os.path.join(inputDir, fileNameTgz) shutil.copy(fullFileNameTgz, '.') project =, status='old') if not project: nTerror("Failed to init old project") return True elif projectType == PROJECT_TYPE_CCPN: project =, status='new') if not project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder=fileNameTgz, modelCount=modelCount): #nmrCalcName='CING'): #nmrCalcName='CASD-NMR'): nTerror("Failed to init project from ccpn") return True # Temporary debug # project.saveCcpn(os.path.join('/home/rf118/tmpdata/',entryId)) elif projectType == PROJECT_TYPE_PDB: project =, status='new') # pdbFileFormats = [ entryId + ".pdb", "pdb" + entryId + ".ent.gz" ] # for pdbFileName in pdbFileFormats: # pdbFileName = "pdb" + entryId + ".ent.gz" # # pdbFilePath = os.path.join( inputDir, pdbFileName) # pdbFilePath = os.path.join(inputDir, pdbFileName) # if os.path.exists(pdbFilePath): # break # tmpPdbFile = None # if pdbFileName.endswith('.gz'): pdbFilePath = entryId + ".pdb" # tmpPdbFile = pdbFilePath # if os.path.exists(pdbFilePath): # os.unlink(pdbFilePath) gunzip(fileNameTgz, outputFileName=pdbFilePath, removeOriginal=True) project.initPDB(pdbFile=pdbFilePath, convention=IUPAC, nmodels=modelCount) # if tmpPdbFile: if True: nTdebug("Removing tmp: %s" % pdbFilePath) os.unlink(pdbFilePath) # if inputDirOrg == inputDirCASD_NMR: # if True: # Default is False for this is specific to CASD-NMR # nTmessage("Renaming molecule name to entry id: %s" % entryId) # = entryId # insufficient since all data is already initialized to disk. # project.updateProject() # project.molecule.rename( entryId ) # # project.molecule.ranges = ranges # JFD: this doesn't seem to be set there exactly. # nTdebug("mainCasd: Molecule starts with ranges %s" % project.molecule.ranges) project.molecule.superpose(ranges=ranges) if True: if project.validate(htmlOnly=htmlOnly, ranges=ranges, doProcheck=doProcheck, doWhatif=doWhatif, doWattos=doWattos, doTalos=doTalos): nTerror("Failed to validate project read") return True # if True: # project.runRpf( # doAlised=DEFAULT_CONSIDER_ALIASED_POSITIONS, # distThreshold=DEFAULT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD, # prochiralExclusion=DEFAULT_PROCHIRAL_EXCLUSION_SHIFT, # diagonalExclusion=DEFAULT_DIAGONAL_EXCLUSION_SHIFT # ) if doStoreCheck: if doStoreCING2db( entryId, ARCHIVE_CASD_ID, project=project): nTerror("Failed to store CING project's data to DB but continuing.") if projectType == PROJECT_TYPE_CCPN: # fileNameTgz = entryId + '.tgz' # os.unlink(fileNameTgz) # temporary ccpn tgz # pass rmdir(entryId) # temporary ccpn dir if tgzCing: directoryNameCing = entryId + ".cing" tgzFileNameCing = directoryNameCing + ".tgz" if os.path.exists(tgzFileNameCing): nTwarning("Overwriting: " + tgzFileNameCing) cmd = "tar -czf %s %s" % (tgzFileNameCing, directoryNameCing) do_cmd(cmd)
def fcProcessEntry( entry_code, ccpnTgzFile, outputCcpnTgzFile, functionToRun='swapCheck'): """ E.g. entry_code 1brv ccpnTgzFile /NRG-CING/prep/S/br/1brv/1brv.tgz Full path outputCcpnTgzFile 1brv_assign.tgz but inside the project will still be keyed and named 1brv. Return True on error Can be extended later on to run a different function. Will run in cwd. """ # Adjust the parameters below isInteractive = False doSwapCheck = True doSaveProject = True doExport = True minimalPrompts = True verbose = True allowPopups = False if isInteractive: allowPopups = True minimalPrompts = False print 'entry_code ', entry_code # print 'bmrb_id ', bmrb_id print 'allowPopups ', allowPopups print 'isInteractive ', isInteractive print 'minimalPrompts ', minimalPrompts print 'verbose ', verbose print 'doSwapCheck ', doSwapCheck print 'doSaveProject ', doSaveProject print 'doExport ', doExport guiRoot = None if allowPopups: guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() if not os.path.exists(ccpnTgzFile): nTerror("Input file not found: %s" % ccpnTgzFile) return True nTdebug("Looking at %s" % entry_code) if os.path.exists(entry_code): nTmessage("Removing previous directory: %s" % entry_code) rmtree(entry_code) do_cmd("tar -xzf " + ccpnTgzFile) # will unpack to cwd. if os.path.exists('linkNmrStarData'): nTmessage("Renaming standard directory linkNmrStarData to entry: %s" % entry_code) os.rename('linkNmrStarData', entry_code) ccpnProject = loadProject(entry_code) if not ccpnProject: nTerror("Failed to read project: %s" % entry_code) return True if doSwapCheck: # constraintsHandler = ConstraintsHandler() nmrConstraintStore = ccpnProject.findFirstNmrConstraintStore() structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble() if nmrConstraintStore: if structureEnsemble: swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble) else: nTmessage("Failed to find structureEnsemble; skipping swapCheck") else: nTmessage("Failed to find nmrConstraintStore; skipping swapCheck") # constraintsHandler.swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) # end if doSwapCheck if doSaveProject: nTmessage('Saving to new path: %s' % entry_code) saveProject(ccpnProject, newPath=entry_code, removeExisting=True) if doExport: if os.path.exists(outputCcpnTgzFile): nTmessage("Overwriting: " + outputCcpnTgzFile) myTar =, mode='w:gz') # overwrites myTar.add(entry_code) myTar.close() if guiRoot: guiRoot.destroy()
def mainCasd(entryId, *extraArgList): """inputDir may be a directory or a url. A url needs to start with http://. """ fastestTest = False # default: False # ranges=AUTO_STR # default is None retrieved from DBMS csv files. htmlOnly = False # default: False but enable it for faster runs without some actual data. doWhatif = True # disables whatif actual run doProcheck = True doWattos = True doTalos = True # doStoreCheck = True # DEFAULT: True Requires sqlAlchemy doStoreCheck = False # DEFAULT: True Requires sqlAlchemy tgzCing = True # default: True # Create a tgz for the cing project. In case of a CING project input it will be overwritten. modelCount = None # default setting is None if fastestTest: modelCount = 3 htmlOnly = True doWhatif = False doProcheck = False doWattos = False doTalos = False fORCE_REDO = True fORCE_RETRIEVE_INPUT = False nTmessage(header) nTmessage(getStartMessage()) expectedArgumentList = [ 'inputDir', 'outputDir', 'pdbConvention', 'restraintsConvention', 'archiveType', 'projectType' ] expectedNumberOfArguments = len(expectedArgumentList) if len(extraArgList) != expectedNumberOfArguments: nTerror("Got arguments: " + repr(extraArgList)) nTerror("Failed to get expected number of arguments: %d got %d" % (expectedNumberOfArguments, len(extraArgList))) nTerror("Expected arguments: %s" % expectedArgumentList) return True entryCodeChar2and3 = entryId[1:3] inputDir = extraArgList[0] outputDir = os.path.join(extraArgList[1], DATA_STR, entryCodeChar2and3, entryId) pdbConvention = extraArgList[2] #@UnusedVariable restraintsConvention = extraArgList[3] archiveType = extraArgList[4] projectType = extraArgList[5] if archiveType == ARCHIVE_TYPE_FLAT: pass # default elif archiveType == ARCHIVE_TYPE_BY_ENTRY: inputDir = os.path.join(inputDir, entryId) elif archiveType == ARCHIVE_TYPE_BY_CH23: inputDir = os.path.join(inputDir, entryCodeChar2and3) elif archiveType == ARCHIVE_TYPE_BY_CH23_BY_ENTRY: inputDir = os.path.join(inputDir, entryCodeChar2and3, entryId) ranges = CasdScripts.getRangesForEntry(entryId) nTdebug("Using:") nTdebug("inputDir: %s" % inputDir) nTdebug("outputDir: %s" % outputDir) nTdebug("pdbConvention: %s" % pdbConvention) nTdebug("restraintsConvention: %s" % restraintsConvention) nTdebug("archiveType: %s" % archiveType) nTdebug("projectType: %s" % projectType) nTdebug("modelCount: %s" % modelCount) nTdebug("ranges: %s" % ranges) # presume the directory still needs to be created. cingEntryDir = entryId + ".cing" if os.path.isdir(cingEntryDir): if fORCE_REDO: nTmessage("Enforcing a redo") rmtree(cingEntryDir) else: mainIndexFile = os.path.join(cingEntryDir, "index.html") isDone = os.path.isfile(mainIndexFile) if isDone: nTmessage("SKIPPING ENTRY ALREADY DONE") return nTmessage("REDOING BECAUSE VALIDATION CONSIDERED NOT DONE.") rmtree(cingEntryDir) # end if. # end if. os.chdir(outputDir) project = Project(entryId) if project.removeFromDisk(): nTerror("Failed to remove existing project (if present)") return True # end if. # extension = '.tgz' formatFileName = '%s.tgz' # fileNameTgz = entryId + '.tgz' if projectType == PROJECT_TYPE_CING: # fileNameTgz = entryId + '.cing.tgz' formatFileName = '%s.cing.tgz' elif projectType == PROJECT_TYPE_PDB: formatFileName = 'pdb%s.ent.gz' fileNameTgz = formatFileName % entryId # nTdebug("fileNameTgz: %s" % fileNameTgz) # if true will do retrieveTgzFromUrl. if inputDir.startswith("http") or inputDir.startswith("file"): stillToRetrieve = False if os.path.exists(fileNameTgz): if fORCE_RETRIEVE_INPUT: os.unlink(fileNameTgz) stillToRetrieve = True # end if else: stillToRetrieve = True # end if if stillToRetrieve: retrieveTgzFromUrl(entryId, inputDir, archiveType=archiveType, formatFileName=formatFileName) # end if if not os.path.exists(fileNameTgz): nTerror("Tgz should already have been present skipping entry") return # end if # end if. # retrieveTgzFromUrl(entryId, inputDir) if projectType == PROJECT_TYPE_CING: # Needs to be copied because the open method doesn't take a directory argument.. fullFileNameTgz = os.path.join(inputDir, fileNameTgz) shutil.copy(fullFileNameTgz, '.') project =, status='old') if not project: nTerror("Failed to init old project") return True elif projectType == PROJECT_TYPE_CCPN: project =, status='new') if not project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder=fileNameTgz, modelCount=modelCount): #nmrCalcName='CING'): #nmrCalcName='CASD-NMR'): nTerror("Failed to init project from ccpn") return True # Temporary debug # project.saveCcpn(os.path.join('/home/rf118/tmpdata/',entryId)) elif projectType == PROJECT_TYPE_PDB: project =, status='new') # pdbFileFormats = [ entryId + ".pdb", "pdb" + entryId + ".ent.gz" ] # for pdbFileName in pdbFileFormats: # pdbFileName = "pdb" + entryId + ".ent.gz" # # pdbFilePath = os.path.join( inputDir, pdbFileName) # pdbFilePath = os.path.join(inputDir, pdbFileName) # if os.path.exists(pdbFilePath): # break # tmpPdbFile = None # if pdbFileName.endswith('.gz'): pdbFilePath = entryId + ".pdb" # tmpPdbFile = pdbFilePath # if os.path.exists(pdbFilePath): # os.unlink(pdbFilePath) gunzip(fileNameTgz, outputFileName=pdbFilePath, removeOriginal=True) project.initPDB(pdbFile=pdbFilePath, convention=IUPAC, nmodels=modelCount) # if tmpPdbFile: if True: nTdebug("Removing tmp: %s" % pdbFilePath) os.unlink(pdbFilePath) # if inputDirOrg == inputDirCASD_NMR: # if True: # Default is False for this is specific to CASD-NMR # nTmessage("Renaming molecule name to entry id: %s" % entryId) # = entryId # insufficient since all data is already initialized to disk. # project.updateProject() # project.molecule.rename( entryId ) # # project.molecule.ranges = ranges # JFD: this doesn't seem to be set there exactly. # nTdebug("mainCasd: Molecule starts with ranges %s" % project.molecule.ranges) project.molecule.superpose(ranges=ranges) if True: if project.validate(htmlOnly=htmlOnly, ranges=ranges, doProcheck=doProcheck, doWhatif=doWhatif, doWattos=doWattos, doTalos=doTalos): nTerror("Failed to validate project read") return True # if True: # project.runRpf( # doAlised=DEFAULT_CONSIDER_ALIASED_POSITIONS, # distThreshold=DEFAULT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD, # prochiralExclusion=DEFAULT_PROCHIRAL_EXCLUSION_SHIFT, # diagonalExclusion=DEFAULT_DIAGONAL_EXCLUSION_SHIFT # ) if doStoreCheck: if doStoreCING2db(entryId, ARCHIVE_CASD_ID, project=project): nTerror( "Failed to store CING project's data to DB but continuing.") if projectType == PROJECT_TYPE_CCPN: # fileNameTgz = entryId + '.tgz' # os.unlink(fileNameTgz) # temporary ccpn tgz # pass rmdir(entryId) # temporary ccpn dir if tgzCing: directoryNameCing = entryId + ".cing" tgzFileNameCing = directoryNameCing + ".tgz" if os.path.exists(tgzFileNameCing): nTwarning("Overwriting: " + tgzFileNameCing) cmd = "tar -czf %s %s" % (tgzFileNameCing, directoryNameCing) do_cmd(cmd)
def annotateEntry(entry_code, bmrb_id, *extraArgList): 'Return True on error' nTmessage(header) nTmessage(getStartMessage()) expectedArgumentList = [] expectedNumberOfArguments = len(expectedArgumentList) if len(extraArgList) != expectedNumberOfArguments: nTerror("Got arguments: " + repr(extraArgList)) nTerror("Failed to get expected number of arguments: %d got %d" % ( expectedNumberOfArguments, len(extraArgList))) nTerror("Expected arguments: %s" % expectedArgumentList) return True # entry_code, city = entryCodePlusCity.split('_') # Adjust the parameters below isInteractive = False checkOrgProject = False doSwapCheck = False doSaveProject = True doExport = True minimalPrompts = True verbose = True allowPopups = False if isInteractive: allowPopups = True minimalPrompts = False # verbose = True else: pass # minimalPrompts = True # verbose = False print 'entry_code ', entry_code print 'bmrb_id ', bmrb_id print 'allowPopups ', allowPopups print 'isInteractive ', isInteractive print 'minimalPrompts ', minimalPrompts print 'verbose ', verbose print 'checkOrgProject ', checkOrgProject print 'doSwapCheck ', doSwapCheck print 'doSaveProject ', doSaveProject print 'doExport ', doExport guiRoot = None if allowPopups: guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() ch23 = entry_code[1:3] dataOrgEntryDir = os.path.join(results_dir, 'recoordSync', entry_code) ccpnFile = os.path.join(dataOrgEntryDir, entry_code + ".tgz") if not os.path.exists(ccpnFile): nTerror("Input file not found: %s" % ccpnFile) return True nTdebug("Looking at %s" % entry_code) # continue # TODO disable premature stop. bmrb_code = 'bmr'+bmrb_id digits12 ="%02d" % ( bmrb_id % 100 ) inputStarDir = os.path.join(bmrbDir, digits12) if not os.path.exists(inputStarDir): nTerror("Input star dir not found: %s" % inputStarDir) return True inputStarFile = os.path.join(inputStarDir, '%s.str'%bmrb_code) if not os.path.exists(inputStarFile): nTerror("inputStarFile not found: %s" % inputStarFile) return True dataDividedXDir = os.path.join(nrgPlusDir, ch23) entryDir = os.path.join(dataDividedXDir, entry_code) outputNijmegenDir = os.path.join(entryDir, 'Nijmegen') if not os.path.exists(outputNijmegenDir): mkdirs(outputNijmegenDir) os.chdir(outputNijmegenDir) presets = getDeepByKeysOrDefault(presetDict, {}, bmrb_code) if presets: nTmessage("In annotateLoop using preset values...") nTdebug(str(presets)) if os.path.exists(entry_code): nTmessage("Removing previous directory: %s" % entry_code) rmtree(entry_code) do_cmd("tar -xzf " + ccpnFile) if os.path.exists('linkNmrStarData'): nTmessage("Renaming standard directory linkNmrStarData to entry: %s" % entry_code) os.rename('linkNmrStarData', entry_code) if checkOrgProject: # By reading the ccpn tgz into cing it is also untarred/tested. project =, status='new') if not project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder=ccpnFile, modelCount=1): nTerror("Failed check of original project") return True project.removeFromDisk() project.close(save=False) ccpnProject = loadProject(entry_code) if not ccpnProject: nTerror("Failed to read project: %s" % entry_code) return True # nmrProject = ccpnProject.currentNmrProject # ccpnMolSystem = ccpnProject.findFirstMolSystem() # nTmessage('found ccpnMolSystem: %s' % ccpnMolSystem) # print 'status: %s' % ccpnMolSystem.setCode(projectName) # impossible; reported to ccpn team. importStarChemicalShifts(ccpnProject, inputStarDir, guiRoot, allowPopups=allowPopups, minimalPrompts=minimalPrompts, verbose=verbose, **presets) if doSwapCheck: # constraintsHandler = ConstraintsHandler() nmrConstraintStore = ccpnProject.findFirstNmrConstraintStore() structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble() numSwapCheckRuns = 3 if nmrConstraintStore: if structureEnsemble: swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) else: nTmessage("Failed to find structureEnsemble; skipping swapCheck") else: nTmessage("Failed to find nmrConstraintStore; skipping swapCheck") # constraintsHandler.swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) if doSaveProject: # nTmessage('Checking validity and saving to new path') nTmessage('Saving to new path') # checkValid=True, saveProject(ccpnProject, newPath=entry_code, removeExisting=True) if doExport: tarPath = os.path.join(entryDir, entry_code + ".tgz") if os.path.exists(tarPath): nTmessage("Overwriting: " + tarPath) myTar =, mode='w:gz') # overwrites myTar.add(entry_code) myTar.close() if guiRoot: guiRoot.destroy()
def annotateEntry(entryCodeNew, *extraArgList): nTmessage(header) nTmessage(getStartMessage()) expectedArgumentList = [] expectedNumberOfArguments = len(expectedArgumentList) if len(extraArgList) != expectedNumberOfArguments: nTerror("Got arguments: " + repr(extraArgList)) nTerror("Failed to get expected number of arguments: %d got %d" % ( expectedNumberOfArguments, len(extraArgList))) nTerror("Expected arguments: %s" % expectedArgumentList) return True # entryCode, city = entryCodePlusCity.split('_') # Adjust the parameters below isInteractive = False sourceIsOrgProject = True checkOrgProject = False replaceCoordinates = True # From all *.pdb files in inputDir. replaceRestraints = True doSwapCheck = True doSaveProject = True doExport = True minimalPrompts = True verbose = True if isInteractive: allowPopups = True minimalPrompts = False # verbose = True else: allowPopups = False # minimalPrompts = True # verbose = False print 'allowPopups ', allowPopups print 'isInteractive ', isInteractive print 'minimalPrompts ', minimalPrompts print 'verbose ', verbose print 'sourceIsOrgProject (or new CCPN file) ', sourceIsOrgProject print 'checkOrgProject ', checkOrgProject print 'replaceCoordinates ', replaceCoordinates print 'replaceRestraints ', replaceRestraints print 'doSwapCheck ', doSwapCheck print 'doSaveProject ', doSaveProject print 'doExport ', doExport guiRoot = None if allowPopups: guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() entryCode,city = mapEntrycodeNew2EntrycodeAndCity[entryCodeNew] ch23 = entryCode[1:3] entryCodeOrg = entryCode + 'Org' dataOrgEntryDir = os.path.join(dataDir, ch23, entryCodeOrg) ccpnFile = os.path.join(dataOrgEntryDir, entryCodeOrg + ".tgz") # entryCodeNew = entryCode + city programId = getDeepByKeys(programHoH, entryCode, city) if not (city == 'Test' or programId): # nTdebug("Skipping %s" % entryCodeNew) nTerror("Neither City is 'Test' or programId given") return else: nTdebug("Looking at %s" % entryCodeNew) # continue # TODO disable premature stop. dataDividedXDir = os.path.join(dataDir, ch23) entryDir = os.path.join(dataDividedXDir, entryCodeNew) inputAuthorDir = os.path.join(entryDir, 'Author') outputNijmegenDir = os.path.join(entryDir, 'Nijmegen') if not os.path.exists(inputAuthorDir): mkdirs(inputAuthorDir) if not os.path.exists(outputNijmegenDir): mkdirs(outputNijmegenDir) os.chdir(outputNijmegenDir) presets = getDeepByKeysOrDefault(presetDict, {}, entryCodeNew) if presets: nTmessage("In annotateLoop using preset values...") # end if if sourceIsOrgProject: if os.path.exists(entryCodeOrg): nTmessage("Removing previous Org directory: %s" % entryCodeOrg) rmtree(entryCodeOrg) do_cmd("tar -xzf " + ccpnFile) if os.path.exists(entryCodeNew): nTmessage("Removing previous directory: %s" % entryCodeNew) rmtree(entryCodeNew) copytree(entryCodeOrg, entryCodeNew) if checkOrgProject: # By reading the ccpn tgz into cing it is also untarred/tested. project =, status='new') if not project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder=ccpnFile, modelCount=1): nTerror("Failed check of original project") return project.removeFromDisk() project.close(save=False) ccpnProject = loadProject(entryCodeNew) if not ccpnProject: nTerror("Failed to read project: %s" % entryCodeNew) return # nmrProject = ccpnProject.currentNmrProject # ccpnMolSystem = ccpnProject.findFirstMolSystem() # nTmessage('found ccpnMolSystem: %s' % ccpnMolSystem) # print 'status: %s' % ccpnMolSystem.setCode(projectName) # impossible; reported to ccpn team. if replaceCoordinates or replaceRestraints: if programId == CYANA: importCyanaCoorAndRes(ccpnProject, inputAuthorDir, guiRoot, replaceCoordinates=replaceCoordinates, replaceRestraints=replaceRestraints, allowPopups=allowPopups, minimalPrompts=minimalPrompts, verbose=verbose, **presets) elif programId == XPLOR: importXplorCoorAndRes(ccpnProject, inputAuthorDir, guiRoot, replaceCoordinates=replaceCoordinates, replaceRestraints=replaceRestraints, allowPopups=allowPopups, minimalPrompts=minimalPrompts, verbose=verbose, **presets) elif programId == PDB: importPseudoPdb(ccpnProject, inputAuthorDir, guiRoot, allowPopups=allowPopups, minimalPrompts=minimalPrompts, verbose=verbose, **presets) else: nTerror("Failed to doImportCoordinatesAndRestraints because action for program Id not coded for: %s" % programId) nTerror("Skipping entry") return if doSwapCheck: # constraintsHandler = ConstraintsHandler() nmrConstraintStore = ccpnProject.findFirstNmrConstraintStore() structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble() numSwapCheckRuns = 3 if nmrConstraintStore: if structureEnsemble: swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) else: nTmessage("Failed to find structureEnsemble; skipping swapCheck") else: nTmessage("Failed to find nmrConstraintStore; skipping swapCheck") # constraintsHandler.swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) if doSaveProject: # nTmessage('Checking validity and saving to new path') nTmessage('Saving to new path: %s' % entryCodeNew) # checkValid=True, saveProject(ccpnProject, newPath=entryCodeNew, removeExisting=True) if doExport: tarPath = os.path.join(entryDir, entryCodeNew + ".tgz") if os.path.exists(tarPath): nTmessage("Overwriting: " + tarPath) myTar =, mode='w:gz') # overwrites myTar.add(entryCodeNew) myTar.close() if guiRoot: guiRoot.destroy()
def _test_CombineRestraints(self): ''' This unit test is by default disabled because we haven't figured out yet how to disable the output from Yasara yet. Input is a CING project from the test data. ''' cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join(cingDirTmp, getCallerName()) mkdirs(cingDirTmpTest) self.failIf(os.chdir(cingDirTmpTest), msg= "Failed to change to test directory for files: " + cingDirTmpTest) # Original project # entryId = 'H2_2Ca_64_100' _basicStats = """ pdb e.res_count b.deposition_date r.number csd chi1_avg chi2_avg chi1_cv chi2_cv 1brv 32 1996-03-29 A 180 LEU CD1 CD2 0.0 270.3 170.5 0.000 0.000 no SSA delta 1brv 32 1996-03-29 A 183 LEU CD1 CD2 2.3 285.2 180.6 0.000 0.000 no SSA delta 1brv 32 1996-03-29 A 185 LEU CD1 CD2 0.4 313.5 172.1 0.054 0.045 no SSA delta/beta 2loj 63 2012-01-24 A 20 LEU CD1 CD2 1.3 302.2 178.2 0.002 0.001 2loj 63 2012-01-24 A 33 LEU CD1 CD2 -1.5 72.0 168.8 0.001 0.002 2loj 63 2012-01-24 A 34 LEU CD1 CD2 3.0 295.7 176.1 0.001 0.001 2loj <= 63 2012-01-24 A 50 LEU CD1 CD2 -2.2 184.2 283.6 0.002 0.001 chi2 > 240 2loj 63 2012-01-24 A 51 LEU CD1 CD2 -1.3 181.5 59.6 0.001 0.001 2loj 63 2012-01-24 A 59 LEU CD1 CD2 2.2 286.8 174.6 0.001 0.001 2loj 63 2012-01-24 A 60 LEU CD1 CD2 -0.3 203.4 66.6 0.049 0.002 2loj <= 63 2012-01-24 A 61 LEU CD1 CD2 -1.6 197.5 289.6 0.001 0.001 chi2 > 240 no SSA beta 2fwu 159 2006-02-03 A 526 LEU CD1 CD2 2.2 297.3 306.8 0.003 0.001 chi2 > 240 2fwu 159 2006-02-03 A 560 LEU CD1 CD2 1.8 293.8 173.6 0.002 0.001 2fwu 159 2006-02-03 A 589 LEU CD1 CD2 -1.1 205.0 301.3 0.001 0.000 chi2 > 240 2fwu 159 2006-02-03 A 596 LEU CD1 CD2 -0.5 220.3 318.1 0.002 0.002 chi2 > 240 2fwu 159 2006-02-03 A 642 LEU CD1 CD2 -4.1 178.5 70.9 0.001 0.000 """ entryId = '2fwu' # entryId = '1brv' # entryId = '2loj' # entryId = 'H2_2Ca_64_100' modelCount = 20 # DEFAULT: 20 Not valid for starting from CING project. doCcpn = True # Test entry starting from CCPN project e.g. from NRG-CING. threshold = 0 # minimal violation, necessary to classify the restraints. deasHB = True # first deassign all HBs in the specified leucines dihrCHI2 = True # add a dihedral restraint on the leucines. useAll = False # DEFAULT: False. use all leucines regardless of state useLeuList = False # If useAll is False and useLeuList is False then the leucines will be automatically detected doPrepCingProject = False # DEFAULT: True # NB If False this script will prefer a restore from the virgin .tgz doRunRotateLeucines = False # DEFAULT: True # NB If False this script will prefer a restore from the virgin .tgz # No changes needed below. ################################################################################################ if entryId == 'H2_2Ca_64_100' or entryId == '2fwu': useLeuList = (('A', 589), ('A', 596), ('A', 618)) # elif entryId == '1brv': # useLeuList = (('A', 180),('A', 185),) # elif entryId == '2loj': # Commented out will lead to automatic detection. # useLeuList = (('A', 50),('A', 61),) # end if nTmessage("Starting %s" % getCallerName()) nTmessage("entryId %s" % entryId ) nTmessage("modelCount %s" % modelCount ) nTmessage("doCcpn %s" % doCcpn ) nTmessage("threshold %s" % threshold ) nTmessage("deasHB %s" % deasHB ) nTmessage("dihrCHI2 %s" % dihrCHI2 ) nTmessage("useAll %s" % useAll ) nTmessage("useLeuList %s" % str(useLeuList)) nTmessage("doPrepCingProject %s" % doPrepCingProject ) nTmessage("doRunRotateLeucines %s" % doRunRotateLeucines) # project with rotated leucines (created with RotateLeucines). entry2Id = entryId + '_' + ROTL_STR # NO CHANGES NEEDED BELOW THIS LINE. if doCcpn: nTmessage("Creating project from CCPN first.") if doPrepCingProject: project =, status='new') inputArchiveDir = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "ccpn") ccpnFile = os.path.join(inputArchiveDir, entryId + ".tgz") project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder=ccpnFile, modelCount=modelCount) project.close() del project do_cmd('tar -czf %s.cing.tgz %s.cing' % (entryId, entryId)) # end if inputCingArchiveDir = cingDirTmpTest # input dir. else: inputCingArchiveDir = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "cing") # end if # Create a copy of the original cing project locally # Then duplicate the project to a cing project that has rotated leucines. # It will also close and GC the large objects for efficiency. if doRunRotateLeucines: status = runRotateLeucines(cingDirTmpTest, inputCingArchiveDir, entryId, useAll=useAll, useLeuList=useLeuList) self.assertFalse(status) # end if # Restore the 2 projects. The first project will be modified based on the info in the second project. proj1 =, status='old') # NB Will prefer a restore from the virgin .tgz proj2 =, status='old') self.assertTrue(proj1 and proj2) project = proj1 #### BLOCK BEGIN repeated in rotateLeucines if not useAll and useLeuList: leuList = project.decodeResidueList(useLeuList) if not leuList: nTerror('Failed to decodeResidueList') return True # end if else: leuList = selectBadLeucineList(project, CV_THRESHOLD_SELECTION, useAll=useAll) # end if if leuList == None: nTerror('Failed to selectBadLeucineList') return True # end if #### BLOCK BEGIN status = alterRestraintsForLeus(leuList, proj1, proj2, threshold, deasHB, dihrCHI2) self.assertTrue(status)
def annotateEntry(entry_code, bmrb_id, *extraArgList): 'Return True on error' nTmessage(header) nTmessage(getStartMessage()) expectedArgumentList = [] expectedNumberOfArguments = len(expectedArgumentList) if len(extraArgList) != expectedNumberOfArguments: nTerror("Got arguments: " + repr(extraArgList)) nTerror("Failed to get expected number of arguments: %d got %d" % (expectedNumberOfArguments, len(extraArgList))) nTerror("Expected arguments: %s" % expectedArgumentList) return True # entry_code, city = entryCodePlusCity.split('_') # Adjust the parameters below isInteractive = False checkOrgProject = False doSwapCheck = False doSaveProject = True doExport = True minimalPrompts = True verbose = True allowPopups = False if isInteractive: allowPopups = True minimalPrompts = False # verbose = True else: pass # minimalPrompts = True # verbose = False print 'entry_code ', entry_code print 'bmrb_id ', bmrb_id print 'allowPopups ', allowPopups print 'isInteractive ', isInteractive print 'minimalPrompts ', minimalPrompts print 'verbose ', verbose print 'checkOrgProject ', checkOrgProject print 'doSwapCheck ', doSwapCheck print 'doSaveProject ', doSaveProject print 'doExport ', doExport guiRoot = None if allowPopups: guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() ch23 = entry_code[1:3] dataOrgEntryDir = os.path.join(results_dir, 'recoordSync', entry_code) ccpnFile = os.path.join(dataOrgEntryDir, entry_code + ".tgz") if not os.path.exists(ccpnFile): nTerror("Input file not found: %s" % ccpnFile) return True nTdebug("Looking at %s" % entry_code) # continue # TODO disable premature stop. bmrb_code = 'bmr' + bmrb_id digits12 = "%02d" % (bmrb_id % 100) inputStarDir = os.path.join(bmrbDir, digits12) if not os.path.exists(inputStarDir): nTerror("Input star dir not found: %s" % inputStarDir) return True inputStarFile = os.path.join(inputStarDir, '%s.str' % bmrb_code) if not os.path.exists(inputStarFile): nTerror("inputStarFile not found: %s" % inputStarFile) return True dataDividedXDir = os.path.join(nrgPlusDir, ch23) entryDir = os.path.join(dataDividedXDir, entry_code) outputNijmegenDir = os.path.join(entryDir, 'Nijmegen') if not os.path.exists(outputNijmegenDir): mkdirs(outputNijmegenDir) os.chdir(outputNijmegenDir) presets = getDeepByKeysOrDefault(presetDict, {}, bmrb_code) if presets: nTmessage("In annotateLoop using preset values...") nTdebug(str(presets)) if os.path.exists(entry_code): nTmessage("Removing previous directory: %s" % entry_code) rmtree(entry_code) do_cmd("tar -xzf " + ccpnFile) if os.path.exists('linkNmrStarData'): nTmessage("Renaming standard directory linkNmrStarData to entry: %s" % entry_code) os.rename('linkNmrStarData', entry_code) if checkOrgProject: # By reading the ccpn tgz into cing it is also untarred/tested. project =, status='new') if not project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder=ccpnFile, modelCount=1): nTerror("Failed check of original project") return True project.removeFromDisk() project.close(save=False) ccpnProject = loadProject(entry_code) if not ccpnProject: nTerror("Failed to read project: %s" % entry_code) return True # nmrProject = ccpnProject.currentNmrProject # ccpnMolSystem = ccpnProject.findFirstMolSystem() # nTmessage('found ccpnMolSystem: %s' % ccpnMolSystem) # print 'status: %s' % ccpnMolSystem.setCode(projectName) # impossible; reported to ccpn team. importStarChemicalShifts(ccpnProject, inputStarDir, guiRoot, allowPopups=allowPopups, minimalPrompts=minimalPrompts, verbose=verbose, **presets) if doSwapCheck: # constraintsHandler = ConstraintsHandler() nmrConstraintStore = ccpnProject.findFirstNmrConstraintStore() structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble() numSwapCheckRuns = 3 if nmrConstraintStore: if structureEnsemble: swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) else: nTmessage( "Failed to find structureEnsemble; skipping swapCheck") else: nTmessage("Failed to find nmrConstraintStore; skipping swapCheck") # constraintsHandler.swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) if doSaveProject: # nTmessage('Checking validity and saving to new path') nTmessage('Saving to new path') # checkValid=True, saveProject(ccpnProject, newPath=entry_code, removeExisting=True) if doExport: tarPath = os.path.join(entryDir, entry_code + ".tgz") if os.path.exists(tarPath): nTmessage("Overwriting: " + tarPath) myTar =, mode='w:gz') # overwrites myTar.add(entry_code) myTar.close() if guiRoot: guiRoot.destroy()
nTmessage("Removing existing file.") else: nTerror("Failed because found remote file: %s" % remoteFile) sys.exit(1) tarring = ExecuteProgram('tar', rootPath=localDir, redirectOutputToFile = remoteFile) tar_cmd = '-cpBf - %s.vmwarevm | gzip --fast' % vmName nTmessage("Running tar with options: %s" % tar_cmd) if tarring( tar_cmd ): nTerror("Failed to run tar with options: " + tar_cmd) sys.exit(1) if doLink: local_cmd = "'cd %s/%s; ln -f %s %s'" % ( dDir, VCsecret, fileName, dstFile ) if workLocally: if do_cmd(local_cmd): nTerror("Failed to link locally: " + local_cmd) sys.exit(1) else: sshing = ExecuteProgram('ssh', redirectOutput = False) ssh_cmd = ' [email protected] %s' % local_cmd nTmessage("Running ssh with options: %s" % ssh_cmd) if sshing( ssh_cmd ): nTerror("Failed to run ssh with options: " + ssh_cmd) sys.exit(1) else: nTmessage("No linking done yet, do manually.")