def __init__(self, *, phase_exponent: Union[float, sympy.Symbol] = 0.25, exponent: Union[float, sympy.Symbol] = 1.0): """ Args: phase_exponent: The exponent on the Z gates. We conjugate by the T gate by default. exponent: The exponent on the ISWAP gate, see EigenGate for details. """ self._phase_exponent = value.canonicalize_half_turns(phase_exponent) self._iswap = swap_gates.ISwapPowGate(exponent=exponent) super().__init__(exponent=exponent)
def __init__( self, *, phase_exponent: Union[float, sympy.Expr] = 0.25, exponent: Union[float, sympy.Expr] = 1.0, global_shift: float = 0.0, ): """Inits PhasedISwapPowGate. Args: phase_exponent: The exponent on the Z gates. We conjugate by the T gate by default. exponent: The exponent on the ISWAP gate, see EigenGate for details. global_shift: The global_shift on the ISWAP gate, see EigenGate for details. """ self._phase_exponent = value.canonicalize_half_turns(phase_exponent) self._iswap = swap_gates.ISwapPowGate(exponent=exponent, global_shift=global_shift) super().__init__(exponent=exponent, global_shift=global_shift)