def to_sweeps(sweepable: Sweepable) -> List[Sweep]:
    """Converts a Sweepable to a list of Sweeps."""
    if sweepable is None:
        return [UnitSweep]
    if isinstance(sweepable, ParamResolver):
        return [_resolver_to_sweep(sweepable)]
    if isinstance(sweepable, Sweep):
        return [sweepable]
    if isinstance(sweepable, dict):
        # change dictionary of lists to list of dictionaries
        # of single values using Cartesian product.
        newsweepable = {}
        for key, value in sweepable.items():
            if isinstance(value, Iterable):
                newsweepable[key] = value
                newsweepable[key] = [value]
        expandsweepable = [
            dict(zip(newsweepable.keys(), v))
            for v in itertools.product(*newsweepable.values())
        return [
            _resolver_to_sweep(ParamResolver(cast(Dict, dictitem)))
            for dictitem in expandsweepable
    if isinstance(sweepable, Iterable) and not isinstance(sweepable, str):
        return [
            sweep for item in sweepable for sweep in to_sweeps(
                cast(Union[Dict[str, float], ParamResolver, Sweep], item))
    raise TypeError(f'Unrecognized sweepable type: {type(sweepable)}.\n'
                    f'sweepable: {sweepable}')
Exemple #2
def to_resolvers(sweepable: Sweepable) -> Iterator[ParamResolver]:
    """Convert a Sweepable to a list of ParamResolvers."""
    if sweepable is None:
        yield ParamResolver({})
    elif isinstance(sweepable, ParamResolver):
        yield sweepable
    elif isinstance(sweepable, Sweep):
        yield from sweepable
    elif isinstance(sweepable, dict):
        yield ParamResolver(cast(Dict, sweepable))
    elif isinstance(sweepable, Iterable) and not isinstance(sweepable, str):
        for item in cast(Iterable, sweepable):
            yield from to_resolvers(item)
        raise TypeError(f'Unrecognized sweepable type: {type(sweepable)}.\n'
                        f'sweepable: {sweepable}')
Exemple #3
def test_param_resolver_exp_w_axis_half_turns():
    exp_w = ExpWGate(half_turns=1.0, axis_half_turns=Symbol('a'))
    circuit = Circuit()
    resolver = ParamResolver({'a': 0.5})
    result = compute_gate(circuit, resolver)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, np.array([[0, -1], [1, 0]]))
Exemple #4
def test_param_resolver_exp_w_multiple_params():
    exp_w = ExpWGate(half_turns=Symbol('a'), axis_half_turns=Symbol('b'))
    circuit = Circuit()
    resolver = ParamResolver({'a': -0.5, 'b': 0.5})
    result = compute_gate(circuit, resolver)
    amp = 1.0 / math.sqrt(2)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, np.array([[amp, amp], [-amp, amp]]))
Exemple #5
def test_param_resolver_param_dict():
    exp_w = ExpWGate(half_turns=Symbol('a'), axis_half_turns=0.0)
    circuit = Circuit()
    resolver = ParamResolver({'a': 0.5})

    simulator = xmon_simulator.XmonSimulator()
    result =, resolver)
    assert result.params.param_dict == {'a': 0.5}
Exemple #6
def test_param_resolver_exp_11_half_turns():
    exp_11 = Exp11Gate(half_turns=Symbol('a'))
    circuit = Circuit()
    circuit.append(exp_11(Q1, Q2))
    resolver = ParamResolver({'a': 0.5})
    result = compute_gate(circuit, resolver, num_qubits=2)
    # Slight hack: doesn't depend on order of qubits.
        result, np.diag([1, 1, 1, cmath.exp(1j * math.pi * 0.5)]))
Exemple #7
def test_param_resolver_exp_z_half_turns():
    exp_z = ExpZGate(half_turns=Symbol('a'))
    circuit = Circuit()
    resolver = ParamResolver({'a': -0.5})
    result = compute_gate(circuit, resolver)
        np.array([[cmath.exp(1j * math.pi * 0.25), 0],
                  [0, cmath.exp(-1j * math.pi * 0.25)]]))
Exemple #8
def test_simulator_simulate_trial_result_repr():
    v = xmon_simulator.XmonSimulateTrialResult(
        params=ParamResolver({'a': 2}),
        measurements={'m': np.array([1, 2])},
        final_state=np.array([0, 1, 0, 0]))

    assert repr(v) == ("XmonSimulateTrialResult("
                       "params=ParamResolver({'a': 2}), "
                       "measurements={'m': array([1, 2])}, "
                       "final_state=array([0, 1, 0, 0]))")
Exemple #9
def to_sweeps(sweepable: Sweepable) -> List[Sweep]:
    """Converts a Sweepable to a list of Sweeps."""
    if isinstance(sweepable, ParamResolver):
        return [_resolver_to_sweep(sweepable)]
    if isinstance(sweepable, Sweep):
        return [sweepable]
    if isinstance(sweepable, dict):
        return [_resolver_to_sweep(ParamResolver(cast(Dict, sweepable)))]
    if isinstance(sweepable, Iterable) and not isinstance(sweepable, str):
        return [
            sweep for item in sweepable for sweep in to_sweeps(
                cast(Union[Dict[str, float], ParamResolver, Sweep], item))
    raise TypeError('Unrecognized sweepable type: {type(sweepable)}.\n'
                    'sweepable: {sweepable}')
Exemple #10
def to_resolvers(sweepable: Sweepable) -> List[ParamResolver]:
    """Convert a Sweepable to a list of ParamResolvers."""
    if isinstance(sweepable, ParamResolver):
        return [sweepable]
    if isinstance(sweepable, Sweep):
        return list(sweepable)
    if isinstance(sweepable, dict):
        return [ParamResolver(cast(Dict, sweepable))]
    if isinstance(sweepable, Iterable) and not isinstance(sweepable, str):
        return [
            resolver for item in sweepable for resolver in to_resolvers(
                cast(Union[Dict[str, float], ParamResolver, Sweep], item))
    raise TypeError('Unrecognized sweepable type: {type(sweepable)}.\n'
                    'sweepable: {sweepable}')
Exemple #11
def test_circuit_param_and_reps():
    sim = xmon_simulator.XmonSimulator()
    circuit = bit_flip_circuit(Symbol('a'), Symbol('b'))

    resolvers = [
            'a': b1,
            'b': b2
        }) for b1 in range(2) for b2 in range(2)

    all_trials = sim.run_sweep(circuit, params=resolvers, repetitions=3)
    assert len(all_trials) == 4
    for result in all_trials:
        assert result.repetitions == 3
        expect_a = result.params['a'] == 1
        expect_b = result.params['b'] == 1
        np.testing.assert_equal(result.measurements['q1'], [[expect_a]] * 3)
        np.testing.assert_equal(result.measurements['q2'], [[expect_b]] * 3)
    # All parameters explored.
    assert (set(itertools.product([0, 1],
                                  [0, 1])) == {(r.params['a'], r.params['b'])
                                               for r in all_trials})