Exemple #1
def col_cmd(main_arguments):
    Main routine for handling calls to the collocate ('col') command.

    :param main_arguments:    The command line arguments (minus the col command)
    from cis.collocation.col_framework import get_kernel
    from cis.parse import check_boolean

    # Read the sample data
    missing_data_for_missing_sample = False
    if main_arguments.samplevariable is not None:
        sample_data = DataReader().read_data_list(main_arguments.samplefiles, main_arguments.samplevariable,
        missing_data_for_missing_sample = True
        sample_data = DataReader().read_coordinates(main_arguments.samplefiles, main_arguments.sampleproduct)

    # Unpack the sample options
    col_name, col_options = main_arguments.samplegroup.get('collocator', ('', {}))
    kern_name, kern_options = main_arguments.samplegroup.get('kernel', ('', {}))

    missing_data_for_missing_sample = check_boolean(col_options.pop('missing_data_for_missing_sample',
                                                                    str(missing_data_for_missing_sample)), logging)

    kernel = get_kernel(kern_name)(**kern_options) if kern_name else None

    for input_group in main_arguments.datagroups:
        # Then collocate each datagroup
        data = DataReader().read_single_datagroup(input_group)
        output = data.collocated_onto(sample_data, how=col_name, kernel=kernel,
                                      missing_data_for_missing_sample=missing_data_for_missing_sample, **col_options)
Exemple #2
    def _get_collocator_classes_for_method(self, method_name, kernel_name, sample_gridded, data_gridded):
        Gets the collocator, constraint and kernel classes corresponding to a specified collocation method and kernel
        :param method_name: collocation method name
        :param kernel_name: kernel name
        :param sample_gridded: True if sample points are gridded, otherwise False
        :param data_gridded: True if data points are gridded, otherwise False
        :return: CollocationOptions containing relevant classes
        import cis.collocation.col_implementations as ci
        from cis.collocation.col_framework import get_kernel

        method_name = self.get_default_collocator_name(method_name, sample_gridded, data_gridded)

        key = '_'.join([method_name, str(sample_gridded), str(data_gridded)])

        # Method Sample  Data    collocator                      constraint                    kernel
        #   name   gridded gridded
        options = {
            'lin_False_False': None,
            'lin_True_False': None,
            'lin_False_True': [ci.GeneralUngriddedCollocator, None, ci.li],
            'lin_True_True': [ci.GriddedCollocator, None, ci.gridded_gridded_li],
            'nn_False_False': None,
            'nn_True_False': None,
            'nn_False_True': [ci.GeneralUngriddedCollocator, None, ci.nn_gridded],
            'nn_True_True': [ci.GriddedCollocator, None, ci.gridded_gridded_nn],
            'bin_False_False': None,
            'bin_True_False': [ci.GeneralGriddedCollocator, ci.BinnedCubeCellOnlyConstraint, _GenericKernel],
            'bin_False_True': None,
            'bin_True_True': None,
            'box_False_False': [ci.GeneralUngriddedCollocator, ci.SepConstraintKdtree, _GenericKernel],
            'box_True_False': [ci.GeneralGriddedCollocator, ci.SepConstraintKdtree, _GenericKernel],
            'box_False_True': [ci.GeneralUngriddedCollocator, ci.SepConstraintKdtree, _GenericKernel],
            'box_True_True': [ci.GeneralGriddedCollocator, ci.SepConstraintKdtree, _GenericKernel],
            'dummy_False_False': [ci.DummyCollocator, None, None],
            'dummy_True_False': None,
            'dummy_False_True': None,
            'dummy_True_True': None
        option = options.get(key)
        if option is None:
            raise InvalidCommandLineOptionError("Collocator/kernel/data type combination is not compatible")
        if option[2] is _GenericKernel:
            if kernel_name is None:
                kernel_name = 'moments'
            option[2] = get_kernel(kernel_name)
            if kernel_name is not None:
                raise InvalidCommandLineOptionError(
                    'A kernel cannot be specified for collocator "{}"'.format(method_name))
        return option
    def test_GIVEN_ungridded_data_WHEN_collapse_THEN_calculations_correct(self):
        grid = {'y': slice(-12.5, 12.5, 12.5)}
        data = mock.make_regular_2d_ungridded_data()
        kernel_class = get_kernel('moments')
        kernel = kernel_class()
        result = data.aggregate(how=kernel, **grid)

        expected_means = numpy.array([3.5, 11])
        expected_std_dev = numpy.array([numpy.sqrt(3.5), numpy.sqrt(7.5)])
        expected_no = numpy.array([6, 9])
        assert_that(len(result), is_(3))
        assert_arrays_almost_equal(result[0].data.flatten(), expected_means)
        assert_arrays_almost_equal(result[1].data.flatten(), expected_std_dev)
        assert_that(numpy.array_equal(result[2].data.flatten(), expected_no))
Exemple #4
def get_kernel(kernel, default=moments):
     Return a valid kernel instance from either an instance or a string, default is moments if no kernel is specified

    :param str or cis.collocation.col_framework.Kernel kernel:
    :param default:
    :return cis.collocation.col_framework.Kernel:
    from cis.collocation.col_framework import get_kernel, Kernel
    if not kernel:
        kernel = default()
    elif isinstance(kernel, six.string_types):
        kernel = get_kernel(kernel)()
    elif not isinstance(kernel, Kernel):
        raise ValueError("Invalid kernel argument, it must be either a string or a Kernel instance")
    return kernel
Exemple #5
def get_kernel(kernel, default=moments):
     Return a valid kernel instance from either an instance or a string, default is moments if no kernel is specified

    :param str or cis.collocation.col_framework.Kernel kernel:
    :param default:
    :return cis.collocation.col_framework.Kernel:
    from cis.collocation.col_framework import get_kernel, Kernel
    if not kernel:
        kernel = default()
    elif isinstance(kernel, six.string_types):
        kernel = get_kernel(kernel)()
    elif not isinstance(kernel, Kernel):
        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid kernel argument, it must be either a string or a Kernel instance"
    return kernel
Exemple #6
    def aggregate(self, variables, filenames, product=None, kernel=None):
        Aggregate the given variables based on the initialised grid

        :param variables: One or more variables to read from the files
        :type variables: string or list
        :param filenames: One or more filenames of the files to read
        :type filenames: string or list
        :param str product: Name of data product to use (optional)
        :param str kernel: Name of kernel to use (the default is 'moments')
        # Set the default kernel here rather than in the signature as the input_group dict passes None by default
        kernel_name = kernel or 'moments'
        # Read the input data - the parser limits the number of data groups to one for this command.
            # Read the data into a data object (either UngriddedData or Iris Cube), concatenating data from
            # the specified files.
            logging.info("Reading data for variables: %s", variables)
            data = self._data_reader.read_data_list(filenames, variables, product)
        except (IrisError, InvalidVariableError) as e:
            raise CISError("There was an error reading in data: \n" + str(e))
        except IOError as e:
            raise CISError("There was an error reading one of the files: \n" + str(e))

        aggregator = self._create_aggregator(data, self._grid)

        if isinstance(data, iris.cube.CubeList):
            kernel_inst = cube_aggregation_kernels[kernel_name]
            data = aggregator.aggregate_gridded(kernel_inst)
            kernel_class = get_kernel(kernel_name)
            kernel_inst = kernel_class()
            data = aggregator.aggregate_ungridded(kernel_inst)

        # TODO Tidy up output of grid in the history
        history = "Aggregated using CIS version " + __version__ + \
                  "\n variables: " + str(variables) + \
                  "\n from files: " + str(filenames) + \
                  "\n using new grid: " + str(self._grid) + \
                  "\n with kernel: " + kernel_name + "."

        self._data_writer.write_data(data, self._output_file)
Exemple #7
def col_cmd(main_arguments):
    Main routine for handling calls to the collocate ('col') command.

    :param main_arguments:    The command line arguments (minus the col command)
    from cis.collocation.col_framework import get_kernel
    from cis.parse import check_boolean

    # Read the sample data
    missing_data_for_missing_sample = False
    if main_arguments.samplevariable is not None:
        sample_data = DataReader().read_data_list(
            main_arguments.samplefiles, main_arguments.samplevariable,
        missing_data_for_missing_sample = True
        sample_data = DataReader().read_coordinates(
            main_arguments.samplefiles, main_arguments.sampleproduct)

    # Unpack the sample options
    col_name, col_options = main_arguments.samplegroup.get(
        'collocator', ('', {}))
    kern_name, kern_options = main_arguments.samplegroup.get(
        'kernel', ('', {}))

    missing_data_for_missing_sample = check_boolean(
                        str(missing_data_for_missing_sample)), logging)

    kernel = get_kernel(kern_name)(**kern_options) if kern_name else None

    for input_group in main_arguments.datagroups:
        # Then collocate each datagroup
        data = DataReader().read_single_datagroup(input_group)
        output = data.collocated_onto(
    def test_GIVEN_ungridded_data_WHEN_collapse_THEN_metadata_correct(self):
        grid = {'y': slice(-10, 10, 10)}
        data = mock.make_regular_2d_ungridded_data()
        kernel_class = get_kernel('moments')
        kernel = kernel_class()
        result = data.aggregate(how=kernel, **grid)

        mean, stddev, num = result
        assert_that(mean.standard_name, is_('rainfall_rate'))
        assert_that(stddev.standard_name, is_(None))
        assert_that(num.standard_name, is_(None))
        assert_that(mean.long_name, is_('TOTAL RAINFALL RATE: LS+CONV KG/M2/S'))
                    is_('Corrected sample standard deviation of TOTAL RAINFALL RATE: LS+CONV KG/M2/S'))
        assert_that(num.long_name, is_('Number of points used to calculate the mean of '
                                       'TOTAL RAINFALL RATE: LS+CONV KG/M2/S'))
        assert_that(mean.var_name, is_('rain'))
        assert_that(stddev.var_name, is_('rain_std_dev'))
        assert_that(num.var_name, is_('rain_num_points'))
        assert_that(mean.units, is_('kg m-2 s-1'))
        assert_that(stddev.units, is_('kg m-2 s-1'))
        assert_that(num.units, is_(None))