Exemple #1
    def run(self):

        self.started = datetime.now()

        if not self._checkparam():
            return None

        logger.info('Start Count Citation Script')

        icitation = ICitation(hosts=self.options.list_hosts)

        total_citation = icitation.count_citation()

        logger.info('Total of article in ES Citation: %s' % total_citation)

        #if identifiers dont exists create and read to get all identifiers
        if os.path.exists('identifiers.txt'):
            fp = open('identifiers.txt', 'r')
            es_idents = fp.readlines()
            self._file_identifiers('identifiers.txt', icitation.get_identifiers())
            fp = open('identifiers.txt', 'r')
            es_idents = csv.reader(fp, delimiter='|', quotechar='"')

        #create a csv file with result
        f = open(self.options.output_file, 'ab')

        writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='|', quotechar='"')
        count = 0

        #loop all identifiers from ES
        for row in es_idents:
            ident = row.split('|')[0]
            response = self._fetch_data('http://citedby.scielo.org/api/v1/pid/?q=%s' % ident)

            if response.status_code == 200:

                citation = json.loads(response.text)

                #add in csv file only articles with citations
                if len(citation['cited_by']) > 0:
                    writer.writerow([ident, str(len(citation['cited_by']))])
                    count +=1 

        writer.writerow(['Total of articles with current citation', str(count)])


        self.finished = datetime.now()

        logger.info("Total processing time: %s sec." % self._duration())
def main():

    usage = """\
    %prog this script get all identifiers and save it on 'identifiers.txt'

    parser = optparse.OptionParser(textwrap.dedent(usage), version="%prog 0.1 - beta")

        help="list of ES hosts, Ex.: esa.scielo.org esb.scielo.org,\
                        default is localhost",

    options, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv)

    icitation = ICitation(hosts=options.list_hosts)

    total = icitation.count_citation()

    print "Total of article in ES Citation: %s" % total

    print "Get identifiers from ES Index Citation...this will take a while!"

    # ('acronym of collection', SciELO PID)
    es_idents = icitation.get_identifiers()

    fp = open("identifiers.txt", "a")

    writer = csv.writer(fp, delimiter="|", quotechar='"')

    for ident in es_idents:
        writer.writerow([ident[1], ident[0]])

Exemple #3
def main():

    usage = """\
    %prog this script get all identifiers and save it on 'identifiers.txt'

    parser = optparse.OptionParser(textwrap.dedent(usage),
                                   version="%prog 0.1 - beta")

        help='list of ES hosts, Ex.: esa.scielo.org esb.scielo.org,\
                        default is localhost')

    options, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv)

    icitation = ICitation(hosts=options.list_hosts)

    total = icitation.count_citation()

    print 'Total of article in ES Citation: %s' % total

    print 'Get identifiers from ES Index Citation...this will take a while!'

    #('acronym of collection', SciELO PID)
    es_idents = icitation.get_identifiers()

    fp = open('identifiers.txt', 'a')

    writer = csv.writer(fp, delimiter='|', quotechar='"')

    for ident in es_idents:
        writer.writerow([ident[1], ident[0]])
