Exemple #1
def test_modelpipeline_etl_init_err():
    # If users don't have access to >= v2.0 temlates, then passing
    # `etl` to a new ModelPipeline should produce a NotImplementedError.
    mock_client = mock.MagicMock()
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        _model.ModelPipeline(LogisticRegression(), 'test',
def test_modelpipeline_init_newest():
    mock_client = mock.MagicMock()
    mock_client.templates.get_scripts.return_value = {}
    etl = LogisticRegression()
    mp = _model.ModelPipeline(LogisticRegression(),
    assert mp.etl == etl
    # clean up
def test_modelpipeline_init_err():
    mock_client = mock.MagicMock()
    r = Response({'content': None, 'status_code': 9999, 'reason': None})
    mock_client.templates.get_scripts.side_effect = CivisAPIError(r)
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
    # clean up
def test_modelpipeline_train_from_estimator(mock_ccr, mock_f2c):
    # Provide a model as a pre-made model and make sure we can train.
    mock_f2c.return_value = -21

    est = LogisticRegression()
    mp = _model.ModelPipeline(est, "dv")
    mock1, mock2 = mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()
    mock_ccr.return_value = 'res', mock1, mock2

    assert 'res' == mp.train(file_id=7)
    assert mp.train_result_ == 'res'
    assert mock_f2c.call_count == 1  # Called once to store input Estimator
def test_modelpipeline_train_custom_etl(mock_ccr, mock_f2c, mp_setup):
    # Provide a custom ETL estimator and make sure we can train.
    mock_api = setup_client_mock()
    etl = LogisticRegression()
    mp = _model.ModelPipeline('wf', 'dv', client=mock_api, etl=etl)
    mock_f2c.return_value = -21

    mock1, mock2 = mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()
    mock_ccr.return_value = 'res', mock1, mock2

    assert 'res' == mp.train(file_id=7)
    assert mp.train_result_ == 'res'
    assert mock_f2c.call_count == 1  # Called once to store input Estimator
Exemple #6
def test_modelpipeline_init_newest():
    _model._CIVISML_TEMPLATE = None
    mock_client = mock.MagicMock()
    mock_client.templates.get_scripts.return_value = {}
    etl = LogisticRegression()
    mp = _model.ModelPipeline(LogisticRegression(),
    assert mp.etl == etl
    assert mp.train_template_id == LATEST_TRAIN_TEMPLATE
    # clean up
    _model._CIVISML_TEMPLATE = None
Exemple #7
def test_modelpipeline_train_custom_etl(mock_ccr, mock_f2c, mock_template_ids):
    # Provide a custom ETL estimator and make sure we can train.
    mock_api = create_client_mock_for_container_tests()
    # training template ID 11111 >= 9968 for the etl arg to work
    mock_template_ids.return_value = 11111, 22222, 33333
    etl = LogisticRegression()
    mp = _model.ModelPipeline('wf', 'dv', client=mock_api, etl=etl)
    mock_f2c.return_value = -21

    mock1, mock2 = mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()
    mock_ccr.return_value = 'res', mock1, mock2

    assert 'res' == mp.train(file_id=7)
    assert mp.train_result_ == 'res'
    assert mock_f2c.call_count == 1  # Called once to store input Estimator
Exemple #8
def test_modelpipeline_etl_init_err():
    # If users don't have access to >= v2.0 temlates, then passing
    # `etl` to a new ModelPipeline should produce a NotImplementedError.
    mock_client = mock.MagicMock()
    r = Response({'content': None, 'status_code': 9999, 'reason': None})

    def pre_2p0_template(id=None, **kwargs):
        if id > 9113:
            raise CivisAPIError(r)
        return {}

    mock_client.templates.get_scripts.side_effect = pre_2p0_template
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
    # clean up
    _model._CIVISML_TEMPLATE = None
Exemple #9
def test_modelpipeline_pickling_preserves_template_ids(
        version, train_id, predict_id):
    # Test that pickling a ModelPipeline object preserves the template IDs
    # that have already been set during object instantiation.
    with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
        mp = _model.ModelPipeline('wf', 'dv', civisml_version=version)

        # Before pickling, make sure the template IDs are set as expected
        assert mp.train_template_id == train_id
        assert mp.predict_template_id == predict_id

        pickle_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'model.pkl')

        with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(mp, f)

        with open(pickle_path, 'rb') as f:
            mp_unpickled = pickle.load(f)

        # After unpickling, the template IDs should remain.
        assert mp_unpickled.train_template_id == train_id
        assert mp_unpickled.predict_template_id == predict_id
def mp_setup():
    mock_api = setup_client_mock()
    mp = _model.ModelPipeline('wf', 'dv', client=mock_api)
    return mp
Exemple #11
def mp_setup():
    mock_api = create_client_mock_for_container_tests()
    mock_api.aliases.list.return_value = TEST_TEMPLATE_ID_ALIAS_OBJECTS
    mp = _model.ModelPipeline('wf', 'dv', client=mock_api)
    return mp
def mp_setup():
    mock_api = setup_client_mock()
    mock_api.aliases.list.return_value = TEST_TEMPLATE_ID_ALIAS_OBJECTS
    mp = _model.ModelPipeline('wf', 'dv', client=mock_api)
    return mp