def before_view(self, pkg_dict): """ Extend the group controller to show resource information The resource information will come from elastic search """ # use r as query string r = c.r = request.params.get( 'r', default=None) # unicode format (decoded from utf8) # format r to send to elastic search if r is None: query = { "sort": { "data": { "order": "desc" }, }, "query": { "match_all": {} } } else: query = { "sort": { "data": { "order": "desc" }, }, "query": {r} } # Now send query to elastic search self._load_elastic_config() client = DataStoreClient(urlparse.urljoin(self.url, pkg_dict['name'])) headers = dict() headers['Authorization'] = self.user.get('apikey') #req = urllib2.Request(webstore_request_url, post_data, headers) client._headers = headers response = client.query(query) # Now we have to parse the result back to package dict hits = response.get('hits') resources = list() for res in hits['hits']: # Store it in extras resources.append(res['_source']) # Add a new field on pkg_dict pkg_dict['elastic_resources'] = resources return pkg_dict
def before_view(self,pkg_dict): """ Extend the group controller to show resource information The resource information will come from elastic search """ # use r as query string r = c.r = request.params.get('r', default=None) # unicode format (decoded from utf8) # format r to send to elastic search if r is None: query = { "sort": { "data" : {"order" : "desc"}, }, "query": { "match_all":{} } } else: query = { "sort": { "data" : {"order" : "desc"}, }, "query":{r} } # Now send query to elastic search self._load_elastic_config() client = DataStoreClient(urlparse.urljoin(self.url, pkg_dict['name'])) headers = dict() headers['Authorization'] = self.user.get('apikey') #req = urllib2.Request(webstore_request_url, post_data, headers) client._headers = headers response = client.query(query) # Now we have to parse the result back to package dict hits = response.get('hits') resources = list() for res in hits['hits']: # Store it in extras resources.append(res['_source']) # Add a new field on pkg_dict pkg_dict['elastic_resources'] = resources return pkg_dict
def datatable(self, resource_name, resource_id): from ckanext.recombinant.tables import get_chromo t = get_chromo(resource_name) echo = int(request.params['sEcho']) search_text = unicode(request.params['sSearch']) offset = int(request.params['iDisplayStart']) limit = int(request.params['iDisplayLength']) sort_cols = int(request.params['iSortingCols']) if sort_cols: sort_by_num = int(request.params['iSortCol_0']) sort_order = 'desc' if request.params['sSortDir_0'] == 'desc' else 'asc' lc = LocalCKAN(username=c.user) unfiltered_response = lc.action.datastore_search( resource_id=resource_id, limit=1, ) cols = [f['datastore_id'] for f in t['fields']] sort_str = '' if sort_cols: sort_str = cols[sort_by_num] + ' ' + sort_order response = lc.action.datastore_search( q=search_text, resource_id=resource_id, fields=cols, offset=offset, limit=limit, sort=sort_str) return json.dumps({ 'sEcho': echo, 'iTotalRecords': unfiltered_response.get('total', 0), 'iTotalDisplayRecords': response.get('total', 0), 'aaData': [ [row[colname] for colname in cols] for row in response['records']], })
def before_view_resource(self,pkg_name,resource_id): """ Extend the group controller to show resource information The resource information will come from elastic search """ query = { "query": { "query_string": { "default_field": "id", "query": resource_id } }, "size":"1" } # Now send query to elastic search self._load_elastic_config() self.url = urlparse.urljoin(self.url, pkg_name) client = DataStoreClient(self.url) headers = dict() headers['Authorization'] = self.user.get('apikey') #req = urllib2.Request(webstore_request_url, post_data, headers) client._headers = headers response = client.query(query) # Now we have to parse the result back to package dict hits = response.get('hits') resources = dict() for res in hits['hits']: # Store it in extras resources = res['_source'] # Return only first item break # Check not found if not resources: abort(404, _('Resource not found')) else: return resources
def before_view_resource(self, pkg_name, resource_id): """ Extend the group controller to show resource information The resource information will come from elastic search """ query = { "query": { "query_string": { "default_field": "id", "query": resource_id } }, "size": "1" } # Now send query to elastic search self._load_elastic_config() self.url = urlparse.urljoin(self.url, pkg_name) client = DataStoreClient(self.url) headers = dict() headers['Authorization'] = self.user.get('apikey') #req = urllib2.Request(webstore_request_url, post_data, headers) client._headers = headers response = client.query(query) # Now we have to parse the result back to package dict hits = response.get('hits') resources = dict() for res in hits['hits']: # Store it in extras resources = res['_source'] # Return only first item break # Check not found if not resources: abort(404, _('Resource not found')) else: return resources
def datatable(self, resource_id): draw = int(request.params['draw']) search_text = unicode(request.params['search[value]']) offset = int(request.params['start']) limit = int(request.params['length']) sort_by_num = int(request.params['order[0][column]']) sort_order = ('desc' if request.params['order[0][dir]'] == 'desc' else 'asc' ) lc = LocalCKAN(username=c.user) unfiltered_response = lc.action.datastore_search( resource_id=resource_id, limit=1, ) cols = [f['id'] for f in unfiltered_response['fields']][1:] sort_str = cols[sort_by_num] + ' ' + sort_order response = lc.action.datastore_search( q=search_text, resource_id=resource_id, offset=offset, limit=limit, sort=sort_str ) return json.dumps({ 'draw': draw, 'iTotalRecords': unfiltered_response.get('total', 0), 'iTotalDisplayRecords': response.get('total', 0), 'aaData': [ [row[colname] for colname in cols] for row in response['records'] ], })
def before_view(self,pkg_dict): """ Extend the group controller to show resource information The resource information will come from elastic search """ # use r as query string q = c.q = request.params.get('q', default=None) # unicode format (decoded from utf8) page = = request.params.get('page', default=None) # TODO: put this as a parameter rows = 20 if page is None: start = 0 else: # Start with the first element in this page start = ((int(page) * rows) - rows) # format q to send to elastic search if q is None or q is '*:*': query = { "sort": { "data" : {"order" : "desc"}, }, "query": { "match_all":{} }, "size" : rows, "from" : start } else: query = { "sort": { "data" : {"order" : "desc"}, }, "query": { "query_string": { "query": q, "default_operator": "AND" } }, "size" : rows, "from" : start } # Now send query to elastic search self._load_elastic_config() client = DataStoreClient(urlparse.urljoin(self.url, pkg_dict['name'])) headers = dict() headers['Authorization'] = self.user.get('apikey') #req = urllib2.Request(webstore_request_url, post_data, headers) client._headers = headers # do not fail on search errors try: response = client.query(query) except: # there's an error in search params import traceback response = dict() errmsg = 'Error searching query string \n %s \n Message\n%s' % (query,traceback.format_exc()) log.error(errmsg) raise SearchError(errmsg) # Now we have to parse the result back to package dict hits = response.get('hits') resources = list() if hits is not None: for res in hits['hits']: # Store it in extras resources.append(res['_source']) # Add a new field on pkg_dict pkg_dict['elastic_resources'] = resources pkg_dict['elastic_hits'] = hits.get('total') else: # Add a new field on pkg_dict pkg_dict['elastic_resources'] = dict() pkg_dict['elastic_hits'] = 0 return pkg_dict
def before_view(self, pkg_dict): """ Extend the group controller to show resource information The resource information will come from elastic search """ # use r as query string q = c.q = request.params.get( 'q', default=None) # unicode format (decoded from utf8) page = = request.params.get('page', default=None) # TODO: put this as a parameter rows = 20 if page is None: start = 0 else: # Start with the first element in this page start = ((int(page) * rows) - rows) # format q to send to elastic search if q is None or q is '*:*': query = { "sort": { "data": { "order": "desc" }, }, "query": { "match_all": {} }, "size": rows, "from": start } else: query = { "sort": { "data": { "order": "desc" }, }, "query": { "query_string": { "query": q, "default_operator": "AND" } }, "size": rows, "from": start } # Now send query to elastic search self._load_elastic_config() client = DataStoreClient(urlparse.urljoin(self.url, pkg_dict['name'])) headers = dict() headers['Authorization'] = self.user.get('apikey') #req = urllib2.Request(webstore_request_url, post_data, headers) client._headers = headers # do not fail on search errors try: response = client.query(query) except: # there's an error in search params import traceback response = dict() errmsg = 'Error searching query string \n %s \n Message\n%s' % ( query, traceback.format_exc()) log.error(errmsg) raise SearchError(errmsg) # Now we have to parse the result back to package dict hits = response.get('hits') resources = list() if hits is not None: for res in hits['hits']: # Store it in extras resources.append(res['_source']) # Add a new field on pkg_dict pkg_dict['elastic_resources'] = resources pkg_dict['elastic_hits'] = hits.get('total') else: # Add a new field on pkg_dict pkg_dict['elastic_resources'] = dict() pkg_dict['elastic_hits'] = 0 return pkg_dict
class lightbaseReportsController(PackageController): """ Add controller to Reports """ def _load_elastic_config(self): """ Load elastic search configuration """ self.user = get_action('get_site_user')({ 'model': model, 'ignore_auth': True }, {}) ckan_url = config.get('ckan.site_url').rstrip('/') self.url = '%s/api/data/' % (ckan_url) # FIXME: Parametrize this self.url = urlparse.urljoin(self.url, 'lbdf/') def report_action(self, id, data=None, errors=None, error_summary=None): """ Reports action page """ # Setup dataset information package_type = self._get_package_type(id.split('@')[0]) #context = {'model': model, 'session': model.Session, # 'user': c.user or, 'extras_as_string': True, # 'schema': self._form_to_db_schema(package_type=package_type)} context = { 'model': model, 'session': model.Session, 'save': 'save' in request.params, 'user': c.user or, 'extras_as_string': True } data_dict = {'id': id} #check if package exists try: c.pkg_dict = get_action('package_update')(context, data_dict) c.pkg = context['package'] c.pkg_json = json.dumps(c.pkg_dict) except NotFound: abort(404, _('Dataset not found')) except NotAuthorized: abort(401, _('Unauthorized to edit package %s') % id) data = data or clean_dict( unflatten( tuplize_dict( parse_params(request.params, ignore_keys=[CACHE_PARAMETER ])))) errors = errors or {} error_summary = error_summary or {} vars = {'data': data, 'errors': errors, 'error_summary': error_summary} # Save data if requested if context.get('save') and data: result = self._save_report_action_new(data) # Return error message if not result: errors['name'] = 'Insertion error' error_summary[_(u'Ação')] = _( u'Erro inserindo elemento na base de dados') # Add actual reports actions information data['actions'] = model.Session.query(lightbaseDatasetActions).all() self._setup_template_variables(context, {'id': id}) c.form = render('package/reports/actions_new_form.html', extra_vars=vars) return render('package/reports/actions_new.html') def _save_report_action_new(self, data): """ Save report action data """ # Save everything or fail everything try: # First save clean element action_elm = data.pop('name', None) if action_elm: data_elm = lightbaseDatasetActions(action_name=action_elm) model.Session.add(data_elm) log.warning('Adding element %s' % data_elm) # Get elements to be updated for key in data.keys(): # find items to update field, separator, identifier = key.partition(':') if field == 'name' and separator == ':': data_elm = model.Session.query(lightbaseDatasetActions).\ filter_by(dataset_action_id=identifier).all()[0] # Assing new value to this object if data_elm: data_elm.action_name = data.get(key) # Now find elements to be deleted if isinstance(data.get('deleted'), (list, tuple)): # Use it to iterate throught the objects for elm in data.get('deleted'): data_elm = model.Session.query(lightbaseDatasetActions).\ filter_by(dataset_action_id=elm).all() report_elm = model.Session.query(lightbaseDatasetReports).\ filter_by(dataset_action_id=elm).all() # Remove it from reports first for report in report_elm: log.warning('Removing report %s' % report) model.Session.delete(report) model.Session.commit() if len(data_elm) > 0: data_elm = data_elm[0] log.warning('Removing element %s' % elm) # As it's not in the list anymore, remove it model.Session.delete(data_elm) elif data.get('deleted'): elm = data.get('deleted') data_elm = model.Session.query(lightbaseDatasetActions).\ filter_by(dataset_action_id=elm).all() report_elm = model.Session.query(lightbaseDatasetReports).\ filter_by(dataset_action_id=elm).all() # Remove it from reports first for report in report_elm: log.warning('Removing report %s' % report) model.Session.delete(report) model.Session.commit() if len(data_elm) > 0: data_elm = data_elm[0] log.warning('Removing element %s' % elm) # As it's not in the list anymore, remove it model.Session.delete(data_elm) # Commit changes model.Session.commit() return True except: import traceback # For now just fail in any error log.error('Error adding value.\n%s' % traceback.format_exc()) return False def report_new(self, id, data=None, errors=None, error_summary=None): """ Controller to add a new report """ # Setup dataset information package_type = self._get_package_type(id.split('@')[0]) context = { 'model': model, 'session': model.Session, 'user': c.user or, 'extras_as_string': True, 'schema': self._form_to_db_schema(package_type=package_type), 'save': 'save' in request.params } data_dict = {'id': id} #check if package exists try: c.pkg_dict = get_action('package_show')(context, data_dict) c.pkg = context['package'] c.pkg_json = json.dumps(c.pkg_dict) except NotFound: abort(404, _('Dataset not found')) except NotAuthorized: abort(401, _('Unauthorized to read package %s') % id) # Only package admins can see this page try: check_access('package_update', context) except NotAuthorized, e: abort(401, _('User %r not authorized to edit %s') % (c.user, id)) # Load Elastic Search parameters and configuration self._load_elastic_config() self.url = self.url + c.pkg_dict.get('name') client = DataStoreClient(self.url) headers = dict() headers['Authorization'] = self.user.get('apikey') client._headers = headers # Now return mapping info try: response = client.mapping() except: # Error retrieving information from elastic search abort(404, _('Index not found on Elastic Search')) # In this list every resource has an specific set of items pkg_resources = response.get(c.pkg_dict.get('name')) if pkg_resources is None: # Dataset not found on elastic search. Abort abort(404, _('Dataset not found')) key_dict = dict() # We loop throught every key on every resource for key in pkg_resources.get('properties').keys(): if key not in key_dict: # Add i18n translation of field to the dict key_aux = {'i18n': _(key)} key_dict[key] = key_aux # Get mapping from reports session = model.Session() results = session.query(lightbaseDatasetReports,lightbaseDatasetActions.action_name).\ filter(lightbaseDatasetReports.dataset_action_id == lightbaseDatasetActions.dataset_action_id).\ filter(lightbaseDatasetReports.dataset_id == c.pkg_dict.get('id')).all() # This dict will contain all reports and mapped fields report_dict = dict() for report in results: # Store the action and fields necessary for this dataset if report[0].source: source = report[0].source else: source = None report_dict[report[0].dataset_id] = { report[1]: { 'fields_list': report[0].fields_list, 'source': source } } # Map actions options report_actions = session.query(lightbaseDatasetActions).all() # This is required to save data data = data or clean_dict( unflatten( tuplize_dict( parse_params(request.params, ignore_keys=[CACHE_PARAMETER ])))) vars = { 'data': data, 'errors': errors, 'error_summary': error_summary, 'report': report_dict, 'keys': key_dict, 'report_actions': report_actions } # Save data if requested if context.get('save') and data: result = self._save_report_new(data, key_dict) # Return error message if result: # Redirect h.redirect_to( controller= 'ckanext.lightbase.controllers.reports:lightbaseReportsController', action='report_read', id=id, report_id=self.report_id) else: # Show error message errors['name'] = 'Insertion error' error_summary[_(u'Ação')] = _( u'Erro inserindo elemento na base de dados') errors = errors or {} error_summary = error_summary or {} c.form = render('package/reports/new_form.html', extra_vars=vars) return render('package/reports/new.html')