Exemple #1
def app_dataset_report():
    app_dataset_dicts = []
    for related in model.Session.query(model.RelatedDataset) \
                        .filter(model.Related.type=='App') \
        dataset = related.dataset
        org = dataset.get_organization()
        top_org = list(go_up_tree(org))[-1]

        app_dataset_dict = OrderedDict((
            ('app title', related.related.title),
            ('app url', related.related.url),
            ('dataset name', dataset.name),
            ('dataset title', dataset.title),
            ('organization title', org.title),
            ('organization name', org.name),
            ('top-level organization title', top_org.title),
            ('top-level organization name', top_org.name),
            ('dataset theme', related.dataset.extras.get('theme-primary', '')),
            ('dataset notes', lib.dataset_notes(dataset)),

    app_dataset_dicts.sort(key=lambda row: row['top-level organization title']
                           + row['organization title'])

    return {'table': app_dataset_dicts}
Exemple #2
def dataset_creation(organization=OD['organization'],
    """Produce a report with basic dataset info."""
    selectable_states = set(['active'])
    if include_draft:

    query = model.Session.query(model.Package)\
        .filter(model.Package.type == 'dataset',
    if not include_private:
        query = query.filter(model.Package.private.is_(False))
    if organization:
        query = lib.filter_by_organizations(query, organization,

    return {
        'table': [
                ('title', pkg.title),
                ('owner', get_org_title(pkg)),
                ('created_at', pkg.metadata_created.isoformat()),
            )) for pkg in query.all()
Exemple #3
def datasets_without_resources():
    pkg_dicts = []
    pkgs = model.Session.query(model.Package)\
    for pkg in pkgs:
        if len(pkg.resources) != 0 or \
          pkg.extras.get('unpublished', '').lower() == 'true':
        org = pkg.get_organization()
        deleted, url = last_resource_deleted(pkg)
        pkg_dict = OrderedDict((
            ('name', pkg.name),
            ('title', pkg.title),
            ('organization title', org.title),
            ('organization name', org.name),
            ('metadata created', pkg.metadata_created.isoformat()),
            ('metadata modified', pkg.metadata_modified.isoformat()),
            ('last resource deleted',
             deleted.isoformat() if deleted else None),
            ('last resource url', url),
            ('dataset_notes', lib.dataset_notes(pkg)),
    return {'table': pkg_dicts}
Exemple #4
    def latest_datasets(self):
            limit = int(request.params.get('limit', default_limit))
        except ValueError:
            limit = default_limit
        limit = min(100, limit)  # max value
        query = model.Session.query(model.PackageRevision)
        query = query.filter(model.PackageRevision.state == 'active')
        query = query.filter(model.PackageRevision.current == True)

        query = query.order_by(
        query = query.limit(limit)
        pkg_dicts = []
        for pkg_rev in query:
            pkg = pkg_rev.continuity
            publishers = pkg.get_groups('publisher')
            if publishers:
                pub_title = publishers[0].title
                pub_link = '/publisher/%s' % publishers[0].name
                pub_title = pub_link = None
            pkg_dict = OrderedDict((
                ('name', pkg.name),
                ('title', pkg.title),
                ('notes', pkg.notes),
                ('dataset_link', '/dataset/%s' % pkg.name),
                ('publisher_title', pub_title),
                ('publisher_link', pub_link),
                ('metadata_modified', pkg.metadata_modified.isoformat()),
        return self._finish_ok(pkg_dicts)
Exemple #5
def html_datasets_report():
    Returns datasets that only have an HTML link, by organization.
    # Get packages
    pkgs = model.Session.query(model.Package)\

    # See if HTML
    num_datasets_published = 0
    num_datasets_only_html = 0
    datasets_by_publisher_only_html = collections.defaultdict(list)
    # use yield_per, otherwise memory use just goes up til the script is killed
    # by the os.
    for pkg in pkgs.yield_per(100):
        if p.toolkit.asbool(pkg.extras.get('unpublished')):
        num_datasets_published += 1

        formats = set([
            res.format.lower() for res in pkg.resources
            if res.resource_type != 'documentation'
        if 'html' not in formats:
        org = pkg.get_organization().name

        data_formats = formats - set(('asp', '', None))
        if data_formats == set(('html', )):
            num_datasets_only_html += 1
            datasets_by_publisher_only_html[org].append((pkg.name, pkg.title))

    rows = []
    for org_name, datasets_only_html in sorted(
            key=lambda x: -len(x[1])):
        org = model.Session.query(model.Group) \
                   .filter_by(name=org_name) \
        top_org = list(go_up_tree(org))[-1]

        row = OrderedDict((
            ('organization title', org.title),
            ('organization name', org.name),
            ('top-level organization title', top_org.title),
            ('top-level organization name', top_org.name),
            ('num datasets only html', len(datasets_only_html)),
            ('name datasets only html', ' '.join(d[0]
                                                 for d in datasets_only_html)),
            ('title datasets only html',
             '|'.join(d[1] for d in datasets_only_html)),

    return {
        'table': rows,
        'num_datasets_published': num_datasets_published,
        'num_datasets_only_html': num_datasets_only_html,
Exemple #6
def openness_for_organization(organization=None,
    org = model.Group.get(organization)
    if not org:
        raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound

    if not include_sub_organizations:
        orgs = [org]
        orgs = lib.go_down_tree(org)

    context = {'model': model, 'session': model.Session, 'ignore_auth': True}
    score_counts = Counter()
    rows = []
    num_packages = 0
    for org in orgs:
        # NB org.packages() misses out many - see:
        # http://redmine.dguteam.org.uk/issues/1844
        pkgs = model.Session.query(model.Package) \
                    .filter_by(owner_org=org.id) \
                    .filter_by(state='active') \
        num_packages += len(pkgs)
        for pkg in pkgs:
                qa = p.toolkit.get_action('qa_package_openness_show')(
                    context, {
                        'id': pkg.id
            except p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound:
                log.warning('No QA info for package %s', pkg.name)
                    ('dataset_name', pkg.name),
                    ('dataset_title', pkg.title),
                    ('dataset_notes', lib.dataset_notes(pkg)),
                    ('organization_name', org.name),
                    ('organization_title', org.title),
                    ('openness_score', qa['openness_score']),
                    ('openness_score_reason', qa['openness_score_reason']),
            score_counts[qa['openness_score']] += 1

    total_stars = sum([k * v for k, v in score_counts.items() if k])
    num_pkgs_with_stars = sum(
        [v for k, v in score_counts.items() if k is not None])
    average_stars = round(float(total_stars) / num_pkgs_with_stars, 1) \
                    if num_pkgs_with_stars else 0.0

    return {
        'table': rows,
        'score_counts': jsonify_counter(score_counts),
        'total_stars': total_stars,
        'average_stars': average_stars,
        'num_packages_scored': len(rows),
        'num_packages': num_packages,
Exemple #7
    def wms_url_correcter(wms_url):
        '''Corrects basic errors in WMS URLs.
        May raise ValidationError if it really cannot be made sense of.
        # e.g. wms_url = u'http://lasigpublic.nerc-lancaster.ac.uk/ArcGIS/services/Biodiversity/GMFarmEvaluation/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS'
        # Split up params
            if '?' in wms_url:
                base_url, params_str = wms_url.split('?')
                base_url, params_str = wms_url, ''
            params_list = params_str.split('&')
            if params_list == ['']:
                params_list = []
            params = OrderedDict()
            for param_str in params_list:
                if not param_str.strip():
                key, value = param_str.split('=')
                params[key.lower()] = value
                # duplicates get removed here automatically
        except ValueError:
            raise ValidationError('URL structure wrong')

        # Add in request and service params if missing
        if 'request' not in params:
            params['request'] = 'GetCapabilities'
        if 'service' not in params:
            params['service'] = 'WMS'

        # Only allow particular parameter values
        if params['request'].lower() not in ('getcapabilities',
            raise ValidationError('Invalid value for "request"')
        if params['service'].lower() != 'wms':
            raise ValidationError('Invalid value for "service"')

        # Reassemble URL
        params_list = []
        for key, value in params.items():
            params_list.append('%s=%s' % (key, value))
        wms_url = base_url + '?' + '&'.join(params_list)
        return wms_url
Exemple #8
    def wms_url_correcter(wms_url):
        '''Corrects basic errors in WMS URLs.
        May raise ValidationError if it really cannot be made sense of.
        # e.g. wms_url = u'http://lasigpublic.nerc-lancaster.ac.uk/ArcGIS/services/Biodiversity/GMFarmEvaluation/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS'
        # Split up params
            if '?' in wms_url:
                base_url, params_str = wms_url.split('?')
                base_url, params_str = wms_url, ''
            params_list = params_str.split('&')
            if params_list == ['']:
                params_list = []
            params = OrderedDict()
            for param_str in params_list:
                if not param_str.strip():
                key, value = param_str.split('=')
                params[key.lower()] = value
                # duplicates get removed here automatically
        except ValueError:
            raise ValidationError('URL structure wrong')

        # Add in request and service params if missing
        if 'request' not in params:
            params['request'] = 'GetCapabilities'
        if 'service' not in params:
            params['service'] = 'WMS'

        # Only allow particular parameter values
        if params['request'].lower() not in ('getcapabilities', 'getfeatureinfo'):
            raise ValidationError('Invalid value for "request"')
        if params['service'].lower() != 'wms':
            raise ValidationError('Invalid value for "service"')

        # Reassemble URL
        params_list = []
        for key, value in params.items():
            params_list.append('%s=%s' % (key, value))
        wms_url = base_url + '?' + '&'.join(params_list)
        return wms_url
Exemple #9
def revision_as_dict(revision, include_packages=True, ref_package_by='name'):
    revision_dict = OrderedDict((
        ('id', revision.id),
        ('timestamp', strftimestamp(revision.timestamp)),
        ('message', revision.message),
        ('author', revision.author),
    if include_packages:
        revision_dict['packages'] = [getattr(pkg, ref_package_by) \
                                     for pkg in revision.packages]
    return revision_dict
    def migrate(self):
        """ Adds any missing columns to the database table for Archival by
        checking the schema and adding those that are missing.

        If you wish to add a column, add the column name and sql
        statement to MIGRATIONS_ADD which will check that the column is
        not present before running the query.

        If you wish to modify or delete a column, add the column name and
        query to the MIGRATIONS_MODIFY which only runs if the column
        does exist.
        from ckan import model

        MIGRATIONS_ADD = OrderedDict({
                    "etag": "ALTER TABLE archival ADD COLUMN etag character varying",
                    "last_modified": "ALTER TABLE archival ADD COLUMN last_modified character varying"

        MIGRATIONS_MODIFY = OrderedDict({

        q = "select column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name = 'archival';"
        current_cols = list([m[0] for m in model.Session.execute(q)])
        for k, v in MIGRATIONS_ADD.iteritems():
            if not k in current_cols:
                self.log.info(u"Adding column '{0}'".format(k))
                self.log.info(u"Executing '{0}'".format(v))

        for k, v in MIGRATIONS_MODIFY.iteritems():
            if  k in current_cols:
                self.log.info(u"Removing column '{0}'".format(k))
                self.log.info(u"Executing '{0}'".format(v))

        self.log.info("Migrations complete")
Exemple #11
def tagless_report(organization, include_sub_organizations=False):
    Produces a report on packages without tags.
    Returns something like this:
         'table': [
            {'name': 'river-levels', 'title': 'River levels', 'notes': 'Harvested', 'user': '******', 'created': '2008-06-13T10:24:59.435631'},
            {'name': 'co2-monthly', 'title' 'CO2 monthly', 'notes': '', 'user': '******', 'created': '2009-12-14T08:42:45.473827'},
         'num_packages': 56,
         'packages_without_tags_percent': 4,
         'average_tags_per_package': 3.5,
    # Find the packages without tags
    q = model.Session.query(model.Package) \
             .outerjoin(model.PackageTag) \
             .filter(model.PackageTag.id == None)
    if organization:
        q = lib.filter_by_organizations(q, organization,
    tagless_pkgs = [
            ('name', pkg.name),
            ('title', pkg.title),
            ('notes', lib.dataset_notes(pkg)),
            ('user', pkg.creator_user_id),
            ('created', pkg.metadata_created.isoformat()),
        )) for pkg in q.all()

    # Average number of tags per package
    q = model.Session.query(model.Package)
    q = lib.filter_by_organizations(q, organization, include_sub_organizations)
    num_packages = q.count()
    q = q.join(model.PackageTag)
    num_taggings = q.count()
    if num_packages:
        average_tags_per_package = round(float(num_taggings) / num_packages, 1)
        average_tags_per_package = None
    packages_without_tags_percent = lib.percent(len(tagless_pkgs),

    return {
        'table': tagless_pkgs,
        'num_packages': num_packages,
        'packages_without_tags_percent': packages_without_tags_percent,
        'average_tags_per_package': average_tags_per_package,
Exemple #12
 def create_row(pkg_, resource_dict):
     org_ = pkg_.get_organization()
     return OrderedDict((
         ('publisher_title', org_.title),
         ('publisher_name', org_.name),
         ('package_title', pkg_.title),
         ('package_name', pkg_.name),
         ('package_notes', lib.dataset_notes(pkg_)),
         ('resource_position', resource_dict.get('position')),
         ('resource_id', resource_dict.get('id')),
         ('resource_description', resource_dict.get('description')),
         ('resource_url', resource_dict.get('url')),
         ('resource_format', resource_dict.get('format')),
         ('resource_created', resource_dict.get('created')),
 def _mini_pkg_dict(self, pkg_id):
     '''For a package id, return the basic details for the package in a
     Quite expensive - does two database lookups - so be careful with running it
     lots of times.
     pkg = model.Session.query(model.Package).get(pkg_id)
     pub = pkg.get_organization()
     return OrderedDict((('id', pkg_id),
                         ('name', pkg.name),
                         ('title', pkg.title),
                         ('notes', markdown_extract(pkg.notes)),
                         ('dataset_link', '/dataset/%s' % pkg.name),
                         ('publisher_title', pub.title if pub else None),
                         ('publisher_link', '/publisher/%s' % pub.name if pub else None),
                         # Metadata modified is a big query, so leave out unless required
                         # ('metadata_modified', pkg.metadata_modified.isoformat()),
Exemple #14
def revision_as_dict(revision, include_packages=True, include_groups=True,ref_package_by='name'):
    revision_dict = OrderedDict((
        ('id', revision.id),
        ('timestamp', datetime_to_date_str(revision.timestamp)),
        ('message', revision.message),
        ('author', revision.author),
         datetime_to_date_str(revision.approved_timestamp) \
         if revision.approved_timestamp else None),
    if include_packages:
        revision_dict['packages'] = [getattr(pkg, ref_package_by) \
                                     for pkg in revision.packages if pkg]
    if include_groups:
        revision_dict['groups'] = [getattr(grp, ref_package_by) \
                                     for grp in revision.groups if grp]
    return revision_dict
Exemple #15
 def wms_url_correcter(wms_url):
     '''Corrects basic errors in WMS URLs.
     May raise ValidationError if it really cannot be made sense of.
     # e.g. wms_url = u'http://lasigpublic.nerc-lancaster.ac.uk/ArcGIS/services/Biodiversity/GMFarmEvaluation/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS'
     # Split up params
         if '?' in wms_url:
             base_url, params_str = wms_url.split('?')
             base_url, params_str = wms_url, ''
         params_list = params_str.split('&')
         if params_list == ['']:
             params_list = []
         params = OrderedDict()
         for param_str in params_list:
             if not param_str.strip():
             key, value = param_str.split('=')
             params[key.lower()] = value
             # duplicates get removed here automatically
     except ValueError, e:
         raise ValidationError('URL structure wrong')
Exemple #16
    def migrate(self):
        """ Adds any missing columns to the database table for Archival by
        checking the schema and adding those that are missing.

        If you wish to add a column, add the column name and sql
        statement to MIGRATIONS_ADD which will check that the column is
        not present before running the query.

        If you wish to modify or delete a column, add the column name and
        query to the MIGRATIONS_MODIFY which only runs if the column
        does exist.
        from ckan import model

        MIGRATIONS_ADD = OrderedDict({
            "ALTER TABLE archival ADD COLUMN etag character varying",
            "ALTER TABLE archival ADD COLUMN last_modified character varying"

        MIGRATIONS_MODIFY = OrderedDict({})

        q = "select column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name = 'archival';"
        current_cols = list([m[0] for m in model.Session.execute(q)])
        for k, v in MIGRATIONS_ADD.iteritems():
            if not k in current_cols:
                self.log.info(u"Adding column '{0}'".format(k))
                self.log.info(u"Executing '{0}'".format(v))

        for k, v in MIGRATIONS_MODIFY.iteritems():
            if k in current_cols:
                self.log.info(u"Removing column '{0}'".format(k))
                self.log.info(u"Executing '{0}'".format(v))

        self.log.info("Migrations complete")
Exemple #17
def licence_report(organization=None, include_sub_organizations=False):
    Returns a dictionary detailing licences for datasets in the
    organisation specified, and optionally sub organizations.
    # Get packages
    if organization:
        top_org = model.Group.by_name(organization)
        if not top_org:
            raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound('Publisher not found')

        if include_sub_organizations:
            orgs = lib.go_down_tree(top_org)
            orgs = [top_org]
        pkgs = set()
        for org in orgs:
            org_pkgs = model.Session.query(model.Package)\
            org_pkgs = lib.filter_by_organizations(
                org_pkgs, organization,
            pkgs |= set(org_pkgs)
        pkgs = model.Session.query(model.Package)\

    # Get their licences
    packages_by_licence = collections.defaultdict(list)
    rows = []
    num_pkgs = 0
    for pkg in pkgs:
        if asbool(pkg.extras.get('unpublished')) is True:
            # Ignore unpublished datasets
        licence_tuple = (pkg.license_id or '',
                         pkg.license.title if pkg.license else '',
                         pkg.extras.get('licence', ''))
        packages_by_licence[licence_tuple].append((pkg.name, pkg.title))
        num_pkgs += 1

    for licence_tuple, dataset_tuples in sorted(packages_by_licence.items(),
                                                key=lambda x: -len(x[1])):
        license_id, license_title, licence = licence_tuple
        dataset_tuples.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
        dataset_names, dataset_titles = zip(*dataset_tuples)
        licence_dict = OrderedDict((
            ('license_id', license_id),
            ('license_title', license_title),
            ('licence', licence),
            ('dataset_titles', '|'.join(t for t in dataset_titles)),
            ('dataset_names', ' '.join(dataset_names)),

    return {
        'num_datasets': num_pkgs,
        'num_licences': len(rows),
        'table': rows,
        # limit is higher if sysadmin
        if is_sysadmin():
            max_limit = 1000
            max_limit = 50

        # Get the revisions in the requested time frame
        revs = model.Session.query(model.Revision) \
               .filter(model.Revision.timestamp >= since_timestamp) \
               .order_by(model.Revision.timestamp.asc()) \
               .limit(max_limit) \
        result = OrderedDict((
            ('number_of_revisions', len(revs)),
            ('since_timestamp', since_timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')),
            ('current_timestamp', now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')),
            ('since_revision_id', revs[0].id if revs else None),
            ('newest_revision_id', revs[-1].id if revs else None),
            ('results_limited', len(revs) == max_limit)))

        # See which packages have changed in the time frame
        changed_package_ids = set()
        query = model.Session.query(model.PackageRevision) \
                .join(model.Revision) \
                .filter(model.Revision.timestamp >= since_timestamp) \
        if query.count() == max_limit:
            result['results_limited'] = True
        changed_package_ids.update([pkg_rev.id for pkg_rev in query.all()])

        if not result['results_limited']:
Exemple #19
    return {'table': nii_dataset_details,
            'organizations': org_tuples,
            'num_resources': num_resources,
            'num_datasets': len(nii_dataset_objects),
            'num_organizations': len(nii_organizations),
            'num_broken_resources': num_broken_resources,
            'num_broken_datasets': num_broken_datasets,
            'num_broken_organizations': len(broken_organization_names),

nii_report_info = {
    'name': 'nii',
    'title': 'National Information Infrastructure',
    'description': 'Details of the datasets in the NII.',
    'option_defaults': OrderedDict([]),
    'option_combinations': None,
    'generate': nii_report,
    'template': 'report/nii.html',

# Publisher resources

def publisher_resources(organization=None,
    Returns a dictionary detailing resources for each dataset in the
    organisation specified.
Exemple #20
def organisation_resources(organisation_name,
    Returns a dictionary detailing resources for each dataset in the
    organisation specified.

    headings: ['Publisher title', 'Publisher name', 'Dataset title', 'Dataset name', 'Resource index', 'Description', 'URL', 'Format', 'Date created']

    {'publisher_name': 'cabinet-office',
     'publisher_title:': 'Cabinet Office',
     'schema': {'Publisher title': 'publisher_id',
                'Publisher name': 'publisher_name',
     'rows': [ row_dict, row_dict, ... ]
    sql = """
        select package.id as package_id,
               package.title as package_title,
               package.name as package_name,
               resource.id as resource_id,
               resource.url as resource_url,
               resource.format as resource_format,
               resource.description as resource_description,
               resource.position as resource_position,
               resource.created as resource_created,
               "group".id as publisher_id,
               "group".name as publisher_name,
               "group".title as publisher_title
        from resource
            left join resource_group on resource.resource_group_id = resource_group.id
            left join package on resource_group.package_id = package.id
            left join member on member.table_id = package.id
            left join "group" on member.group_id = "group".id
            and resource.state='active'
            and resource_group.state='active'
            and "group".state='active'
            and %(org_filter)s
        order by "group".name, package.name, resource.position
    org = model.Group.by_name(organisation_name)
    if not org:
        abort(404, 'Publisher not found')
    organisation_title = org.title

    sql_org_filter, sql_params = sql_to_filter_by_organisation(
        org, include_sub_organisations=include_sub_organisations)
    raw_rows = model.Session.execute(sql % sql_org_filter, sql_params)

    schema = OrderedDict((
        ('Publisher title', 'publisher_title'),
        ('Publisher name', 'publisher_name'),
        ('Dataset title', 'package_title'),
        ('Dataset name', 'package_name'),
        ('Resource index', 'resource_position'),
        ('Resource ID', 'resource_id'),
        ('Description', 'resource_description'),
        ('URL', 'resource_url'),
        ('Format', 'resource_format'),
        ('Date created', 'resource_created'),
    rows = []
    for raw_row in raw_rows:
        #row = [getattr(raw_row, key) for key in schema.values()]
        row = OrderedDict([(key, getattr(raw_row, key))
                           for key in schema.values()])
        if date_formatter:
            for col in ('resource_created', ):
                if row[col]:
                    row[col] = date_formatter(row[col])
    return {
        'publisher_name': org.name,
        'publisher_title': org.title,
        'schema': schema,
        'rows': rows,
Exemple #21
def broken_links_for_organization(organization,
    Returns a dictionary detailing broken resource links for the organization
    or if organization it returns the index page for all organizations.

      organization - name of an organization

    {'organization_name': 'cabinet-office',
     'organization_title:': 'Cabinet Office',
     'table': [
       {'package_name', 'package_title', 'resource_url', 'status', 'reason', 'last_success', 'first_failure', 'failure_count', 'last_updated'}

    from ckanext.archiver.model import Archival

    org = model.Group.get(organization)
    if not org:
        raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound()

    name = org.name
    title = org.title

    archivals = model.Session.query(Archival, model.Package, model.Group).\
        filter(Archival.is_broken == True).\
        join(model.Package, Archival.package_id == model.Package.id).\
        filter(model.Package.state == 'active').\
        join(model.Resource, Archival.resource_id == model.Resource.id).\
        filter(model.Resource.state == 'active')

    if not include_sub_organizations:
        org_ids = [org.id]
        archivals = archivals.filter(model.Package.owner_org == org.id)
        # We want any organization_id that is part of this organization's tree
        org_ids = [
            '%s' % organization.id for organization in lib.go_down_tree(org)
        archivals = archivals.filter(model.Package.owner_org.in_(org_ids))

    archivals = archivals.join(model.Group,
                               model.Package.owner_org == model.Group.id)

    results = []

    for archival, pkg, org in archivals.all():
        pkg = model.Package.get(archival.package_id)
        resource = model.Resource.get(archival.resource_id)

        via = ''
        er = pkg.extras.get('external_reference', '')
        if er == 'ONSHUB':
            via = "Stats Hub"
        elif er.startswith("DATA4NR"):
            via = "Data4nr"

        archived_resource = model.Session.query(model.ResourceRevision)\
                            .first() or resource
        row_data = OrderedDict((
            ('dataset_title', pkg.title),
            ('dataset_name', pkg.name),
            ('dataset_notes', lib.dataset_notes(pkg)),
            ('organization_title', org.title),
            ('organization_name', org.name),
            ('resource_position', resource.position),
            ('resource_id', resource.id),
            ('resource_url', archived_resource.url),
            ('url_up_to_date', resource.url == archived_resource.url),
            ('via', via),
            ('first_failure', archival.first_failure.isoformat()
             if archival.first_failure else None),
             archival.updated.isoformat() if archival.updated else None),
            ('last_success', archival.last_success.isoformat()
             if archival.last_success else None),
            ('url_redirected_to', archival.url_redirected_to),
            ('reason', archival.reason),
            ('status', archival.status),
            ('failure_count', archival.failure_count),


    num_broken_packages = archivals.distinct(model.Package.name).count()
    num_broken_resources = len(results)

    # Get total number of packages & resources
    num_packages = model.Session.query(model.Package)\
    num_resources = model.Session.query(model.Resource)\
    if hasattr(model, 'ResourceGroup'):
        num_resources = num_resources.join(model.ResourceGroup)
    num_resources = num_resources \

    return {
        'organization_name': name,
        'organization_title': title,
        'num_broken_packages': num_broken_packages,
        'num_broken_resources': num_broken_resources,
        'num_packages': num_packages,
        'num_resources': num_resources,
        'broken_package_percent': lib.percent(num_broken_packages,
        'broken_resource_percent': lib.percent(num_broken_resources,
        'table': results
Exemple #22
        'table': nii_dataset_details,
        'organizations': org_tuples,
        'num_resources': num_resources,
        'num_datasets': len(nii_dataset_objects),
        'num_organizations': len(nii_organizations),
        'num_broken_resources': num_broken_resources,
        'num_broken_datasets': num_broken_datasets,
        'num_broken_organizations': len(broken_organization_names),

nii_report_info = {
    'name': 'nii',
    'title': 'National Information Infrastructure',
    'description': 'Details of the datasets in the NII.',
    'option_defaults': OrderedDict([]),
    'option_combinations': None,
    'generate': nii_report,
    'template': 'report/nii.html',

def publisher_resources(organization=None, include_sub_organizations=False):
    Returns a dictionary detailing resources for each dataset in the
    organisation specified.
    org = model.Group.by_name(organization)
    if not org:
        raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound('Publisher not found')
Exemple #23
def openness_index(include_sub_organizations=False):
    '''Returns the counts of 5 stars of openness for all organizations.'''

    context = {'model': model, 'session': model.Session, 'ignore_auth': True}
    total_score_counts = Counter()
    counts = {}
    # Get all the scores and build up the results by org
    for org in model.Session.query(model.Group)\
                          .filter(model.Group.type == 'organization')\
                          .filter(model.Group.state == 'active').all():
        scores = []
        for pkg in org.packages():
                qa = p.toolkit.get_action('qa_package_openness_show')(context, {'id': pkg.id})
            except p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound:
                log.warning('No QA info for package %s', pkg.name)
        score_counts = Counter(scores)
        total_score_counts += score_counts
        counts[org.name] = {
            'organization_title': org.title,
            'score_counts': score_counts,

    counts_with_sub_orgs = copy.deepcopy(counts)  # new dict
    if include_sub_organizations:
        for org_name in counts_with_sub_orgs:
            org = model.Group.by_name(org_name)

            for sub_org_id, sub_org_name, sub_org_title, sub_org_parent_id \
                    in org.get_children_group_hierarchy(type='organization'):
                if sub_org_name not in counts:
                    # occurs only if there is an organization created since the last loop?
                counts_with_sub_orgs[org_name]['score_counts'] += \
        results = counts_with_sub_orgs
        results = counts

    table = []
    for org_name, org_counts in sorted(results.iteritems(), key=lambda r: r[0]):
        total_stars = sum([k*v for k, v in org_counts['score_counts'].items() if k])
        num_pkgs_scored = sum([v for k, v in org_counts['score_counts'].items()
                              if k is not None])
        average_stars = round(float(total_stars) / num_pkgs_scored, 1) \
                        if num_pkgs_scored else 0.0
        row = OrderedDict((
            ('organization_title', results[org_name]['organization_title']),
            ('organization_name', org_name),
            ('total_stars', total_stars),
            ('average_stars', average_stars),

    # Get total number of packages & resources
    num_packages = model.Session.query(model.Package)\
    return {'table': table,
            'total_score_counts': jsonify_counter(total_score_counts),
            'num_packages_scored': sum(total_score_counts.values()),
            'num_packages': num_packages,
Exemple #24
    top_packages = PackageStats.get_top(limit=last)

    return {'table': top_packages.get("packages")}

def google_analytics_dataset_option_combinations():
    options = [20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]
    for option in options:
        yield {'last': option}

googleanalytics_dataset_report_info = {
    'name': 'google-analytics-dataset',
    'title': 'Most popular datasets',
    'description': 'Google analytics showing top datasets with most views',
    'option_defaults': OrderedDict((('last', 20), )),
    'option_combinations': google_analytics_dataset_option_combinations,
    'generate': google_analytics_dataset_report,
    'template': 'report/dataset_analytics.html',

def google_analytics_resource_report(last):
    Generates report based on google analytics data. number of views per package
    # get resource objects corresponding to popular GA content
    top_resources = ResourceStats.get_top(limit=last)

    return {'table': top_resources.get("resources")}
Exemple #25
def organisation_resources(organisation_name,
    Returns a dictionary detailing resources for each dataset in the
    organisation specified.

    headings: ['Publisher title', 'Publisher name', 'Dataset title', 'Dataset name', 'Resource index', 'Description', 'URL', 'Format', 'Date created']

    {'publisher_name': 'cabinet-office',
     'publisher_title:': 'Cabinet Office',
     'schema': {'Publisher title': 'publisher_id',
                'Publisher name': 'publisher_name',
     'rows': [ row_dict, row_dict, ... ]
    sql = """
        select package.id as package_id,
               package.title as package_title,
               package.name as package_name,
               resource.id as resource_id,
               resource.url as resource_url,
               resource.format as resource_format,
               resource.description as resource_description,
               resource.position as resource_position,
               resource.created as resource_created,
               "group".id as publisher_id,
               "group".name as publisher_name,
               "group".title as publisher_title
        from resource
            left join resource_group on resource.resource_group_id = resource_group.id
            left join package on resource_group.package_id = package.id
            left join member on member.table_id = package.id
            left join "group" on member.group_id = "group".id
            and resource.state='active'
            and resource_group.state='active'
            and "group".state='active'
            and %(org_filter)s
        order by "group".name, package.name, resource.position
    org = model.Group.by_name(organisation_name)
    if not org:
        abort(404, 'Publisher not found')
    organisation_title = org.title

    sql_org_filter, sql_params = sql_to_filter_by_organisation(
    raw_rows = model.Session.execute(sql % sql_org_filter, sql_params)

    schema = OrderedDict((('Publisher title', 'publisher_title'),
                          ('Publisher name', 'publisher_name'),
                          ('Dataset title', 'package_title'),
                          ('Dataset name', 'package_name'),
                          ('Resource index', 'resource_position'),
                          ('Resource ID', 'resource_id'),
                          ('Description', 'resource_description'),
                          ('URL', 'resource_url'),
                          ('Format', 'resource_format'),
                          ('Date created', 'resource_created'),
    rows = []
    for raw_row in raw_rows:
        #row = [getattr(raw_row, key) for key in schema.values()]
        row = OrderedDict([(key, getattr(raw_row, key)) for key in schema.values()])
        if date_formatter:
            for col in ('resource_created',):
                if row[col]:
                    row[col] = date_formatter(row[col])
    return {'publisher_name': org.name,
            'publisher_title': org.title,
            'schema': schema,
            'rows': rows,
Exemple #26
def organisation_dataset_scores(organisation_name,
    Returns a dictionary detailing openness scores for the organisation
    for each dataset.

    {'publisher_name': 'cabinet-office',
     'publisher_title:': 'Cabinet Office',
     'data': [
       {'package_name', 'package_title', 'resource_url', 'openness_score', 'reason', 'last_updated', 'is_broken', 'format'}

    NB the list does not contain datasets that have 0 resources and therefore
       score 0

    values = {}
    sql = """
        select package.id as package_id,
               task_status.key as task_status_key,
               task_status.value as task_status_value,
               task_status.error as task_status_error,
               task_status.last_updated as task_status_last_updated,
               resource.id as resource_id,
               resource.url as resource_url,
               package.title as package_title,
               package.name as package_name,
               "group".id as publisher_id,
               "group".name as publisher_name,
               "group".title as publisher_title
        from resource
            left join task_status on task_status.entity_id = resource.id
            left join resource_group on resource.resource_group_id = resource_group.id
            left join package on resource_group.package_id = package.id
            left join member on member.table_id = package.id
            left join "group" on member.group_id = "group".id
            entity_id in (select entity_id from task_status where task_status.task_type='qa')
            and package.state = 'active'
            and resource.state='active'
            and resource_group.state='active'
            and "group".state='active'
            and task_status.task_type='qa'
            and task_status.key='status'
        order by package.title, package.name, resource.position
    sql_options = {}
    org = model.Group.by_name(organisation_name)
    if not org:
        abort(404, 'Publisher not found')
    organisation_title = org.title

    if not include_sub_organisations:
        sql_options['org_filter'] = 'and "group".name = :org_name'
        values['org_name'] = organisation_name
        sub_org_filters = ['"group".name=\'%s\'' % org.name for org in go_down_tree(org)]
        sql_options['org_filter'] = 'and (%s)' % ' or '.join(sub_org_filters)

    rows = model.Session.execute(sql % sql_options, values)
    data = dict() # dataset_name: {properties}
    for row in rows:
        package_data = data.get(row.package_name)
        if not package_data:
            package_data = OrderedDict((
                ('dataset_title', row.package_title),
                ('dataset_name', row.package_name),
                ('publisher_title', row.publisher_title),
                ('publisher_name', row.publisher_name),
                # the rest are placeholders to hold the details
                # of the highest scoring resource
                ('resource_position', None),
                ('resource_id', None),
                ('resource_url', None),
                ('openness_score', None),
                ('openness_score_reason', None),
                ('last_updated', None),
        if row.task_status_value > package_data['openness_score']:
            package_data['resource_position'] = row.position
            package_data['resource_id'] = row.resource_id
            package_data['resource_url'] = row.resource_url

            except ValueError, e:
                log.error('QA status "error" should have been in JSON format, but found: "%s" %s', task_status_error, e)
                package_data['reason'] = 'Could not display reason due to a system error'

            package_data['openness_score'] = row.task_status_value
            package_data['openness_score_reason'] = package_data['reason'] # deprecated
            package_data['last_updated'] = row.task_status_last_updated

        data[row.package_name] = package_data
Exemple #27
            except ValueError, e:
                log.error('QA status "error" should have been in JSON format, but found: "%s" %s', task_status_error, e)
                package_data['reason'] = 'Could not display reason due to a system error'

            package_data['openness_score'] = row.task_status_value
            package_data['openness_score_reason'] = package_data['reason'] # deprecated
            package_data['last_updated'] = row.task_status_last_updated

        data[row.package_name] = package_data

    # Sort the results by openness_score asc so we can see the worst
    # results first
    data = OrderedDict(sorted(data.iteritems(),
        key=lambda x: x[1]['openness_score']))

    return {'publisher_name': organisation_name,
            'publisher_title': organisation_title,
            'data': data.values()}

def feedback_report(publisher, include_sub_publishers=False, include_published=False, use_cache=False):
    For the publisher provided (and optionally for sub-publishers) this
    function will generate a report on the feedback for that publisher.
    import collections
    import datetime
    import ckan.lib.helpers as helpers
    from ckanext.dgu.lib.publisher import go_down_tree
Exemple #28
        'average_tags_per_package': average_tags_per_package,

def tagless_report_option_combinations():
    for organization in lib.all_organizations(include_none=True):
        for include_sub_organizations in (False, True):
            yield {
                'organization': organization,
                'include_sub_organizations': include_sub_organizations

tagless_report_info = {
    'Datasets which have no tags.',
        ('organization', None),
        ('include_sub_organizations', False),
Exemple #29
def publisher_report(metric):
    orgs = dict(model.Session.query(model.Group.name, model.Group)\

    org_counts = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    if metric in ('views', 'viewsdownloads', 'visits'):
        if metric == 'views' or metric == 'viewsdownloads':
            sql_function = 'sum(pageviews::int)'
        elif metric == 'visits':
            sql_function = 'sum(visits::int)'
        q = '''
            select department_id, period_name, %s metric
            from ga_url
            where department_id <> ''
            and package_id <> ''
            group by department_id, period_name
            order by department_id
        ''' % sql_function

        org_period_count = model.Session.connection().execute(q)

        for org_name, period_name, count in org_period_count:
            org_counts[org_name][period_name] = count

    if metric in ('downloads', 'viewsdownloads'):
        q = '''
            select g.name as org_name, s.period_name, sum(s.value::int) as downloads
            from GA_Stat as s
            join Package as p on s.key=p.name
            join "group" as g on p.owner_org=g.id
            where stat_name='Downloads'
            and g.state='active'
            group by org_name, s.period_name
            order by downloads desc;
        org_period_count = model.Session.connection().execute(q)

        if metric == 'viewsdownloads':
            # add it onto the existing counts
            for org_name, period_name, count in org_period_count:
                org_counts[org_name][period_name] = count + \
                    org_counts[org_name].get(period_name, 0)
                org_counts[org_name]['All'] = count + \
                    org_counts[org_name].get('All', 0)
            for org_name, period_name, count in org_period_count:
                org_counts[org_name][period_name] = count
                org_counts[org_name]['All'] = count + \
                    org_counts[org_name].get('All', 0)

    org_counts = sorted(org_counts.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1].get('All', 0))

    all_periods = [
        res[0] for res in model.Session.query(GA_Url.period_name).group_by(
    rows = []
    for org_name, counts in org_counts:
        org = orgs.get(org_name)
        if not org:
        top_org = list(go_up_tree(org))[-1]

        row = OrderedDict((
            ('organization title', org.title),
            ('organization name', org.name),
            ('top-level organization title', top_org.title),
            ('top-level organization name', top_org.name),
        for period_name in all_periods:
            row[period_name] = counts.get(period_name, 0)

    # Group the periods by year, to help the template draw the table nicely
    #all_periods_tuples = [period.split('-') for period in all_periods
    #                      if '-' in period]
    #all_periods_tuples.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
    #all_periods_by_year = [
    #    (year, [p for y, p in year_periods])
    #    for year, year_periods in groupby(all_periods_tuples, lambda x: x[0])]

    return {
        'table': rows,
        'all periods': all_periods,
        #'all periods by year': all_periods_by_year
Exemple #30
class DateType(object):
    '''Utils for handling dates in forms.
    * Full or partial dates
    * User inputs in form DD/MM/YYYY and it is stored in db as YYYY-MM-DD.
    format_types = ('form', 'db')
    datetime_fields = OrderedDict([('year', (1000, 2100, 4, 'YYYY')),
                                   ('month', (1, 12, 2, 'MM')),
                                   ('day', (1, 31, 2, 'DD')),
                                   ('hour', (0, 23, 2, 'HH')),
                                   ('minute', (0, 59, 2, 'MM')),
    datetime_fields_indexes = {'min':0, 'max':1, 'digits':2, 'format_code':3}
    date_fields_order = {'db':('year', 'month', 'day'),
                         'form':('day', 'month', 'year')}
    parsing_separators = {'date':'-/',
    default_separators = {'db':{'date':'-',
    field_code_map = {'year':'YYYY', 'month':'MM', 'day':'DD',
                      'hour':'HH', 'minute':'MM'}
    word_match = re.compile('[A-Za-z]+')
    timezone_match = re.compile('(\s[A-Z]{3})|(\s[+-]\d\d:?\d\d)')
    months_abbreviated = [month[:3] for month in months]

    def parse_timedate(cls, timedate_str, format_type):
        '''Takes a timedate and returns a dictionary of the fields.
        * Little validation is done.
        * If it can\'t understand the layout it raises DateConvertError
        assert format_type in cls.format_types
        if not hasattr(cls, 'matchers'):
            # build up a list of re matches for the different
            # acceptable ways of expressing the time and date
            cls.matchers = {}
            cls.readable_formats = {}
            for format_type_ in cls.format_types:
                finished_regexps = []
                readable_formats = [] # analogous to the regexps,
                                      # but human readable
                year_re = '(?P<%s>\d{2,4})'
                month_re = '(?P<%s>\w+)'
                two_digit_decimal_re = '(?P<%s>\d{1,2})'
                time_re = '%s[%s]%s' % (
                    two_digit_decimal_re % 'hour',
                    two_digit_decimal_re % 'minute')
                time_readable = '%s%s%s' % (
                date_field_re = {'year':year_re % 'year',
                                 'month':month_re % 'month',
                                 'day':two_digit_decimal_re % 'day'}
                date_fields = list(cls.date_fields_order[format_type_])
                for how_specific in ('day', 'month', 'year'):
                    date_sep_re = '[%s]' % cls.parsing_separators['date']
                    date_sep_readable = cls.default_separators[format_type_]['date']
                    date_field_regexps = [date_field_re[field] for field in date_fields]
                    date_field_readable = [cls.datetime_fields[field][cls.datetime_fields_indexes['format_code']] for field in date_fields]
                    date_re = date_sep_re.join(date_field_regexps)
                    date_readable = date_sep_readable.join(date_field_readable)
                full_date_re = finished_regexps[0]
                full_date_readable = readable_formats[0]
                # Allow time to be before or after the date
                for format_ in ('%(time_re)s%(sep)s%(full_date_re)s',
                    finished_regexps.insert(0, format_ % {
                    readable_formats.insert(0, format_ % {
                        'sep':' ',
                cls.matchers[format_type_] = [re.compile('^%s$' % regexp) for regexp in finished_regexps]
                cls.readable_formats[format_type_] = readable_formats
                #print format_type_, finished_regexps, readable_formats
        for index, matcher in enumerate(cls.matchers[format_type]):
            match = matcher.match(timedate_str)
            if match:
                timedate_dict = match.groupdict()
                timedate_dict = cls.int_timedate(timedate_dict)
                timedate_dict['readable_format'] = cls.readable_formats[format_type][index]
                return timedate_dict
            acceptable_formats = ', '.join(["'%s'" % format_ for format_ in cls.readable_formats[format_type]])
            raise DateConvertError("Cannot parse %s date '%s'. Acceptable formats: %s" % (format_type, timedate_str, acceptable_formats))

    def int_timedate(cls, timedate_dict):
        # Convert timedate string values to integers
        int_timedate_dict = timedate_dict.copy()
        for field in cls.datetime_fields.keys():
            if timedate_dict.has_key(field):
                val = timedate_dict[field]
                if field == 'year':
                    if len(val) == 2:
                        # Deal with 2 digit dates
                            int_val = int(val)
                        except ValueError:
                            raise DateConvertError('Expecting integer for %s value: %s' % (field, val))
                        val = cls.add_centurys_to_two_digit_year(int_val)
                    elif len(val) == 3:
                        raise DateConvertError('Expecting 2 or 4 digit year: "%s"' % (val))
                if field == 'month':
                    # Deal with months expressed as words
                    if val in months:
                        val = months.index(val) + 1
                    if val in cls.months_abbreviated:
                        val = cls.months_abbreviated.index(val) + 1
                    int_timedate_dict[field] = int(val)
                except ValueError:
                    raise DateConvertError('Expecting integer for %s value: %s' % (field, val))
        return int_timedate_dict

    def iso_to_db(cls, iso_date, format):
        # e.g. 'Wed, 06 Jan 2010 09:30:00'
        #      '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'
        assert isinstance(iso_date, (unicode, str))
            date_tuple = time.strptime(iso_date, format)
        except ValueError, e:
            raise DateConvertError('Could not read date as ISO format "%s". Date provided: "%s"' % (format, iso_date))
        date_obj = datetime.datetime(*date_tuple[:4])
        date_str = cls.date_to_db(date_obj)
        return date_str
Exemple #31
            except ValueError, e:
                log.error('QA status "error" should have been in JSON format, but found: "%s" %s', task_status_error, e)
                package_data["reason"] = "Could not display reason due to a system error"

            package_data["openness_score"] = row.task_status_value
            package_data["openness_score_reason"] = package_data["reason"]  # deprecated
            package_data["last_updated"] = row.task_status_last_updated

        data[row.package_name] = package_data

    # Sort the results by openness_score asc so we can see the worst
    # results first
    data = OrderedDict(sorted(data.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1]["openness_score"]))

    return {"publisher_name": organisation_name, "publisher_title": organisation_title, "data": data.values()}

def feedback_report(publisher, include_sub_publishers=False, include_published=False, use_cache=False):
    For the publisher provided (and optionally for sub-publishers) this
    function will generate a report on the feedback for that publisher.
    import collections
    import datetime
    import ckan.lib.helpers as helpers
    from ckanext.dgu.lib.publisher import go_down_tree
    from ckanext.dgu.model.feedback import Feedback
    from operator import itemgetter
Exemple #32
                    'QA status "error" should have been in JSON format, but found: "%s" %s',
                    task_status_error, e)
                    'reason'] = 'Could not display reason due to a system error'

            package_data['openness_score'] = row.task_status_value
            package_data['openness_score_reason'] = package_data[
                'reason']  # deprecated
            package_data['last_updated'] = row.task_status_last_updated

        data[row.package_name] = package_data

    # Sort the results by openness_score asc so we can see the worst
    # results first
    data = OrderedDict(
        sorted(data.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1]['openness_score']))

    return {
        'publisher_name': organisation_name,
        'publisher_title': organisation_title,
        'data': data.values()

def feedback_report(publisher,
    For the publisher provided (and optionally for sub-publishers) this
    function will generate a report on the feedback for that publisher.
Exemple #33
from ckan import model
from ckan.lib.helpers import OrderedDict
from ckanext.report import lib
from ckan.lib.helpers import (url_for, Page)
from ckanext.statsresources.helpers import get_org_title

OD = OrderedDict((
    ('organization', None),
    ('include_sub_organizations', False),
    ('include_private', False),
    ('include_draft', False),

def dataset_creation(organization=OD['organization'],
    """Produce a report with basic dataset info."""
    selectable_states = set(['active'])
    if include_draft:

    query = model.Session.query(model.Package)\
        .filter(model.Package.type == 'dataset',
    if not include_private:
        query = query.filter(model.Package.private.is_(False))
    if organization:
        query = lib.filter_by_organizations(query, organization,
Exemple #34
    #all_periods_tuples = [period.split('-') for period in all_periods
    #                      if '-' in period]
    #all_periods_tuples.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
    #all_periods_by_year = [
    #    (year, [p for y, p in year_periods])
    #    for year, year_periods in groupby(all_periods_tuples, lambda x: x[0])]

    return {
        'table': rows,
        'all periods': all_periods,
        #'all periods by year': all_periods_by_year

def publisher_report_option_combinations():
    return ({
        'metric': metric
    } for metric in ('views', 'visits', 'downloads', 'viewsdownloads'))

publisher_report_info = {
    'name': 'site-usage-publisher',
    'title': 'Site usage by publisher',
    'Usage statistics, by publisher for each month. Data is from Google Analytics.',
    'option_defaults': OrderedDict([('metric', 'views')]),
    'option_combinations': publisher_report_option_combinations,
    'generate': publisher_report,
    'template': 'report/publisher.html',
Exemple #35
def organisation_dataset_scores(organisation_name,
    Returns a dictionary detailing openness scores for the organisation
    for each dataset.

    {'publisher_name': 'cabinet-office',
     'publisher_title:': 'Cabinet Office',
     'data': [
       {'package_name', 'package_title', 'resource_url', 'openness_score', 'reason', 'last_updated', 'is_broken', 'format'}

    NB the list does not contain datasets that have 0 resources and therefore
       score 0

    values = {}
    sql = """
        select package.id as package_id,
               task_status.key as task_status_key,
               task_status.value as task_status_value,
               task_status.error as task_status_error,
               task_status.last_updated as task_status_last_updated,
               resource.id as resource_id,
               resource.url as resource_url,
               package.title as package_title,
               package.name as package_name,
               "group".id as publisher_id,
               "group".name as publisher_name,
               "group".title as publisher_title
        from resource
            left join task_status on task_status.entity_id = resource.id
            left join resource_group on resource.resource_group_id = resource_group.id
            left join package on resource_group.package_id = package.id
            left join member on member.table_id = package.id
            left join "group" on member.group_id = "group".id
            entity_id in (select entity_id from task_status where task_status.task_type='qa')
            and package.state = 'active'
            and resource.state='active'
            and resource_group.state='active'
            and "group".state='active'
            and task_status.task_type='qa'
            and task_status.key='status'
        order by package.title, package.name, resource.position
    sql_options = {}
    org = model.Group.by_name(organisation_name)
    if not org:
        abort(404, 'Publisher not found')
    organisation_title = org.title

    if not include_sub_organisations:
        sql_options['org_filter'] = 'and "group".name = :org_name'
        values['org_name'] = organisation_name
        sub_org_filters = [
            '"group".name=\'%s\'' % org.name for org in go_down_tree(org)
        sql_options['org_filter'] = 'and (%s)' % ' or '.join(sub_org_filters)

    rows = model.Session.execute(sql % sql_options, values)
    data = dict()  # dataset_name: {properties}
    for row in rows:
        package_data = data.get(row.package_name)
        if not package_data:
            package_data = OrderedDict((
                ('dataset_title', row.package_title),
                ('dataset_name', row.package_name),
                ('publisher_title', row.publisher_title),
                ('publisher_name', row.publisher_name),
                # the rest are placeholders to hold the details
                # of the highest scoring resource
                ('resource_position', None),
                ('resource_id', None),
                ('resource_url', None),
                ('openness_score', None),
                ('openness_score_reason', None),
                ('last_updated', None),
        if row.task_status_value > package_data['openness_score']:
            package_data['resource_position'] = row.position
            package_data['resource_id'] = row.resource_id
            package_data['resource_url'] = row.resource_url

            except ValueError, e:
                    'QA status "error" should have been in JSON format, but found: "%s" %s',
                    task_status_error, e)
                    'reason'] = 'Could not display reason due to a system error'

            package_data['openness_score'] = row.task_status_value
            package_data['openness_score_reason'] = package_data[
                'reason']  # deprecated
            package_data['last_updated'] = row.task_status_last_updated

        data[row.package_name] = package_data
Exemple #36
def broken_links_index(include_sub_organizations=False):
    '''Returns the count of broken links for all organizations.'''

    from ckanext.archiver.model import Archival

    counts = {}
    # Get all the broken datasets and build up the results by org
    for org in model.Session.query(model.Group)\
                          .filter(model.Group.type == 'organization')\
                          .filter(model.Group.state == 'active').all():
        archivals = model.Session.query(Archival)\
                         .filter(Archival.is_broken == True)\
                         .join(model.Package, Archival.package_id == model.Package.id)\
                         .filter(model.Package.owner_org == org.id)\
                         .filter(model.Package.state == 'active')\
                         .join(model.Resource, Archival.resource_id == model.Resource.id)\
                         .filter(model.Resource.state == 'active')
        broken_resources = archivals.count()
        broken_datasets = archivals.distinct(model.Package.id).count()
        num_datasets = model.Session.query(model.Package)\
        num_resources = model.Session.query(model.Package)\
        if hasattr(model, 'ResourceGroup'):
            num_resources = num_resources.join(model.ResourceGroup)
        num_resources = num_resources \
        counts[org.name] = {
            'organization_title': org.title,
            'broken_packages': broken_datasets,
            'broken_resources': broken_resources,
            'packages': num_datasets,
            'resources': num_resources

    counts_with_sub_orgs = copy.deepcopy(counts)  # new dict
    if include_sub_organizations:
        for org_name in counts_with_sub_orgs:
            org = model.Group.by_name(org_name)

            for sub_org_id, sub_org_name, sub_org_title, sub_org_parent_id \
                    in org.get_children_group_hierarchy(type='organization'):
                if sub_org_name not in counts:
                    # occurs only if there is an organization created since the last loop?
                counts_with_sub_orgs[org_name]['broken_packages'] += \
                counts_with_sub_orgs[org_name]['broken_resources'] += \
                counts_with_sub_orgs[org_name]['packages'] += \
                counts_with_sub_orgs[org_name]['resources'] += \
        results = counts_with_sub_orgs
        results = counts

    data = []
    num_broken_packages = 0
    num_broken_resources = 0
    num_packages = 0
    num_resources = 0
    for org_name, org_counts in sorted(results.iteritems(),
                                       key=lambda r: r[0]):
                ('organization_name', org_name),
                ('package_count', org_counts['packages']),
                ('resource_count', org_counts['resources']),
                ('broken_package_count', org_counts['broken_packages']),
                ('broken_resource_count', org_counts['broken_resources']),
        # Totals - always use the counts, rather than counts_with_sub_orgs, to
        # avoid counting a package in both its org and parent org
        org_counts_ = counts[org_name]
        num_broken_packages += org_counts_['broken_packages']
        num_broken_resources += org_counts_['broken_resources']
        num_packages += org_counts_['packages']
        num_resources += org_counts_['resources']

    return {
        lib.percent(num_broken_packages, num_packages),
        lib.percent(num_broken_resources, num_resources),
class DguApiController(ApiController):

    def popular_unpublished(self):
        Returns the most popular unpublished items after it has calculated a score
        for each criteria. We need to be able to calculate the score for this.
        return self._finish_ok([])

    def latest_datasets(self, published_only=True):
        '''Designed for the dgu home page, shows lists the latest datasets
        that got changed (exluding extra, group and tag changes) with lots
        of details about each dataset.
            limit = int(request.params.get('limit', default_limit))
        except ValueError:
            limit = default_limit

        limit = min(100, limit) # max value

        from ckan.lib.search import SearchError
        fq = 'capacity:"public"'
        if published_only:
             fq = fq + ' unpublished:false'

            # package search
            context = {'model': model, 'session': model.Session,
                       'user': '******'}
            data_dict = {
                'fq': fq,
                'rows': limit,
                'sort': 'metadata_modified desc'
            query = get_action('package_search')(context,data_dict)
        except SearchError, se:
            log.error('Search error: %s', se)

        pkg_dicts = []
        for pkg_dict in query['results']:
            pkg = model.Package.get(pkg_dict['id'])
            publisher = pkg.get_organization()
            if publisher:
                pub_title = publisher.title
                pub_link = '/publisher/%s' % publisher.name
                pub_title = pub_link = None
            last_modified = pkg.metadata_modified
            pkg_dict = OrderedDict((
                ('name', pkg.name),
                ('title', pkg.title),
                ('notes', pkg.notes),
                ('dataset_link', '/dataset/%s' % pkg.name),
                ('publisher_title', pub_title),
                ('publisher_link', pub_link),
                ('metadata_modified', last_modified.isoformat()),
        return self._finish_ok(pkg_dicts)