def get_dataset_information(self):'Get information') context = {'user': c.user or, 'auth_user_obj': c.userobj, 'for_view': True} # Package needs to have a organization group in the call to # check_access and also to save it try: check_access('package_create', context) context['ignore_auth'] = True except NotAuthorized: abort(401, _('Unauthorized to create a package')) post_data = ecportal_logic.transform_to_data_dict(request.POST) raw_ids = post_data.get('ids').split(',') data_list = [] global_org = None for id in raw_ids: dataset_dict = {} dataset = get_action('package_show')(context,{'id':id}) try: for item in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IPackageController): dataset = item.before_view(dataset) except BaseException as e: log.error("plugin error on preparation of dataset") selected_dataset = context.get('package') #type:DatasetDcatApOp if not global_org: org_id = selected_dataset.schema.publisher_dcterms['0'].uri.split('/')[-1] global_org = get_action('organization_show')(context, {'id': org_id.lower(), 'include_datasets': 'false'}) else: if global_org['name'] != selected_dataset.schema.publisher_dcterms['0'].uri.split('/')[-1].lower(): abort(403, _('Unauthorized to create a package from different Publisher')) #org = selected_dataset.schema.publisher_dcterms.get('0').uri organization = dataset.get("organization")# todo get the name of the organization dataset_name = selected_dataset.schema.ckanName_dcatapop.get('0').value_or_uri dataset_title = "No title" for titlte_dcterms in selected_dataset.schema.title_dcterms.values(): if titlte_dcterms.lang == 'en': dataset_title = titlte_dcterms.value_or_uri dataset_url = selected_dataset.schema.uri status = ['published' if selected_dataset.privacy_state == 'public' else 'draft'] # todo get the correct value dataset_dict['title'] = dataset_title dataset_dict['url'] = dataset_url dataset_dict['organization'] = organization dataset_dict['status'] = status dataset_dict['name'] = dataset_name data_list.append(dataset_dict) result = [{'title': value['title'], 'name': value['name'], 'url': value['url'], 'publisher': value['organization'].get('name','').upper(), 'state': next((item for item in value['status'] if item is not None), '')} for value in data_list] return json.dumps(result)
class GroupController(base.BaseController): group_type = 'group' ## hooks for subclasses def _group_form(self, group_type=None): return lookup_group_plugin(group_type).group_form() def _form_to_db_schema(self, group_type=None): return lookup_group_plugin(group_type).form_to_db_schema() def _db_to_form_schema(self, group_type=None): '''This is an interface to manipulate data from the database into a format suitable for the form (optional)''' return lookup_group_plugin(group_type).db_to_form_schema() def _setup_template_variables(self, context, data_dict, group_type=None): return lookup_group_plugin(group_type).\ setup_template_variables(context, data_dict) def _new_template(self, group_type): return lookup_group_plugin(group_type).new_template() def _index_template(self, group_type): return lookup_group_plugin(group_type).index_template() def _about_template(self, group_type): return lookup_group_plugin(group_type).about_template() def _read_template(self, group_type): return lookup_group_plugin(group_type).read_template() def _history_template(self, group_type): return lookup_group_plugin(group_type).history_template() def _edit_template(self, group_type): return lookup_group_plugin(group_type).edit_template() def _activity_template(self, group_type): return lookup_group_plugin(group_type).activity_template() def _admins_template(self, group_type): return lookup_group_plugin(group_type).admins_template() def _bulk_process_template(self, group_type): return lookup_group_plugin(group_type).bulk_process_template() ## end hooks def _replace_group_org(self, string): ''' substitute organization for group if this is an org''' if self.group_type == 'organization': string = re.sub('^group', 'organization', string) return string def _action(self, action_name): ''' select the correct group/org action ''' return get_action(self._replace_group_org(action_name)) def _check_access(self, action_name, *args, **kw): ''' select the correct group/org check_access ''' return check_access(self._replace_group_org(action_name), *args, **kw) def _render_template(self, template_name): ''' render the correct group/org template ''' return render(self._replace_group_org(template_name)) def _redirect_to(self, *args, **kw): ''' wrapper to ensue the correct controller is used ''' if self.group_type == 'organization' and 'controller' in kw: kw['controller'] = 'organization' return h.redirect_to(*args, **kw) def _url_for(self, *args, **kw): ''' wrapper to ensue the correct controller is used ''' if self.group_type == 'organization' and 'controller' in kw: kw['controller'] = 'organization' return h.url_for(*args, **kw) def _guess_group_type(self, expecting_name=False): """ Guess the type of group from the URL handling the case where there is a prefix on the URL (such as /data/organization) """ parts = [x for x in request.path.split('/') if x] idx = -1 if expecting_name: idx = -2 gt = parts[idx] if gt == 'group': gt = None return gt def index(self): group_type = self._guess_group_type() context = { 'model': model, 'session': model.Session, 'user': c.user or, 'for_view': True, 'with_private': False } q = c.q = request.params.get('q', '') data_dict = {'all_fields': True, 'q': q} sort_by = c.sort_by_selected = request.params.get('sort') if sort_by: data_dict['sort'] = sort_by try: self._check_access('site_read', context) except NotAuthorized: abort(401, _('Not authorized to see this page')) # pass user info to context as needed to view private datasets of # orgs correctly if c.userobj: context['user_id'] = context['user_is_admin'] = c.userobj.sysadmin results = self._action('group_list')(context, data_dict) c.amount_group_diplayed = amount_group_displayed c.groups = results[:amount_group_displayed] c.hasmoregroups = len(results) > amount_group_displayed = h.Page( # collection=results, # page=request.params.get('page', 1), # url=h.pager_url, # items_per_page=21 #) return render(self._index_template(group_type)) def read(self, id, limit=20): if request.GET.get('ext_boolean') in ['all', 'any', 'exact']: base.session['ext_boolean'] = request.GET['ext_boolean'] group_type = self._get_group_type(id.split('@')[0]) if (group_type != self.group_type) and (group_type != "eurovoc_domain"): abort(404, _('Incorrect group type')) context = { 'model': model, 'session': model.Session, 'user': c.user or, 'schema': self._db_to_form_schema(group_type=group_type), 'for_view': True } # Do not query for the group datasets when dictizing, as they will # be ignored and get requested on the controller anyway data_dict = {'id': id, 'include_datasets': False} # unicode format (decoded from utf8) q = c.q = request.params.get('q', '') try: c.group_dict = self._action('group_show')(context, data_dict) = context['group'] except NotFound: abort(404, _('Group not found')) except NotAuthorized: abort(401, _('Unauthorized to read group %s') % id) self._read(id, limit) return render(self._read_template(c.group_dict['type'])) def _read(self, id, limit): ''' This is common code used by both read and bulk_process''' group_type = self._get_group_type(id.split('@')[0]) context = { 'model': model, 'session': model.Session, 'user': c.user or, 'schema': self._db_to_form_schema(group_type=group_type), 'for_view': True, 'extras_as_string': True } q = c.q = request.params.get('q', '') # Search within group if c.group_dict.get('is_organization'): q += ' owner_org:"%s"' % c.group_dict.get('id') else: q += ' groups:"%s"' % c.group_dict.get('name') c.description_formatted = h.render_markdown( c.group_dict.get('description')) context['return_query'] = True # c.group_admins is used by CKAN's legacy (Genshi) templates only, # if we drop support for those then we can delete this line. c.group_admins = new_authz.get_group_or_org_admin_ids( try: page = int(request.params.get('page', 1)) except ValueError, e: abort(400, ('"page" parameter must be an integer')) # most search operations should reset the page counter: params_nopage = [(k, v) for k, v in request.params.items() if k != 'page'] new_params_nopage = [] for key, value in params_nopage: if key == 'eurovoc_domains': new_params_nopage.append(('groups', value)) else: new_params_nopage.append((key, value)) params_nopage = new_params_nopage #sort_by = request.params.get('sort', 'name asc') sort_by = request.params.get('sort', None) def search_url(params): if group_type == 'organization': if c.action == 'bulk_process': url = self._url_for(controller='organization', action='bulk_process', id=id) else: url = self._url_for(controller='organization', action='read', id=id) else: url = self._url_for(controller='group', action='read', id=id) params = [ (k, v.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, basestring) else str(v)) for k, v in params ] return url + u'?' + urlencode(params) def drill_down_url(**by): return h.add_url_param(alternative_url=None, controller='group', action='read', extras=dict(id=c.group_dict.get('name')), new_params=by) c.drill_down_url = drill_down_url def remove_field(key, value=None, replace=None): if c.group_dict.get('is_organization'): return h.remove_url_param( key, value=value, replace=replace, controller='organization', action='read', extras=dict(id=c.group_dict.get('id'))) else: return h.remove_url_param( key, value=value, replace=replace, controller='group', action='read', extras=dict(id=c.group_dict.get('name'))) c.remove_field = remove_field def pager_url(q=None, page=None): params = list(params_nopage) params.append(('page', page)) return search_url(params) try: c.fields = [] search_extras = {} for (param, value) in request.params.items(): if not param in ['q', 'page', 'sort'] \ and len(value) and not param.startswith('_'): if not param.startswith('ext_'): c.fields.append((param, value)) param = 'groups' if (param == 'eurovoc_domains') else param q += ' %s: "%s"' % (param, value) else: search_extras[param] = value fq = 'capacity:"public"' user_member_of_orgs = [ org['id'] for org in h.organizations_available('read') ] if ( and in user_member_of_orgs): fq = '' context['ignore_capacity_check'] = True facets = OrderedDict() default_facet_titles = { 'organization': _('Organizations'), 'groups': _('Groups'), 'tags': _('Tags'), 'res_format': _('Formats'), 'license_id': _('Licenses') } for facet in g.facets: if facet in default_facet_titles: facets[facet] = default_facet_titles[facet] else: facets[facet] = facet # Facet titles for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IFacets): if self.group_type == 'organization': facets = plugin.organization_facets( facets, self.group_type, None) else: facets = plugin.group_facets(facets, self.group_type, None) if 'capacity' in facets and (self.group_type != 'organization' or not user_member_of_orgs): del facets['capacity'] c.facet_titles = facets data_dict = { 'q': q, 'fq': fq, 'facet.field': facets.keys(), 'rows': limit, 'sort': sort_by, 'start': (page - 1) * limit, 'extras': search_extras } context_ = dict( (k, v) for (k, v) in context.items() if k != 'schema') query = get_action('package_search')(context_, data_dict) c.search_url_params = urlencode(_encode_params(params_nopage)) = h.Page(collection=query['results'], page=page, url=pager_url, item_count=query['count'], items_per_page=limit) c.group_dict['package_count'] = query['count'] c.facets = query['facets'] maintain.deprecate_context_item('facets', 'Use `c.search_facets` instead.') c.search_facets = query['search_facets'] c.search_facets_limits = {} for facet in c.facets.keys(): limit = int( request.params.get('_%s_limit' % facet, g.facets_default_number)) c.search_facets_limits[facet] = limit = query['results'] c.sort_by_selected = sort_by except search.SearchError, se: log.error('Group search error: %r', se.args) c.query_error = True c.facets = {} = h.Page(collection=[]) c.search_url_params = ''
def _update_facet_titles(self, facets, group_type): for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IFacets): facets = plugin.group_facets(facets, group_type, None)
def _read(self, id, limit): ''' This is common code used by both read and bulk_process''' group_type = self._get_group_type(id.split('@')[0]) context = { 'model': model, 'session': model.Session, 'user': c.user or, 'schema': self._db_to_form_schema(group_type=group_type), 'for_view': True, 'extras_as_string': True } q = c.q = request.params.get('q', '') # Search within group if c.group_dict.get('is_organization'): q += ' owner_org:"%s"' % c.group_dict.get('id') else: q += ' groups:"%s"' % c.group_dict.get('name') c.description_formatted = h.render_markdown( c.group_dict.get('description')) context['return_query'] = True # c.group_admins is used by CKAN's legacy (Genshi) templates only, # if we drop support for those then we can delete this line. c.group_admins = authz.get_group_or_org_admin_ids( page = self._get_page_number(request.params) # most search operations should reset the page counter: params_nopage = [(k, v) for k, v in request.params.items() if k != 'page'] sort_by = request.params.get('sort', None) def search_url(params): if group_type == 'organization': if c.action == 'bulk_process': url = self._url_for(controller='organization', action='bulk_process', id=id) else: url = self._url_for(controller='organization', action='read', id=id) else: url = self._url_for(controller='group', action='read', id=id) params = [ (k, v.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, basestring) else str(v)) for k, v in params ] return url + u'?' + urlencode(params) def drill_down_url(**by): return h.add_url_param(alternative_url=None, controller='group', action='read', extras=dict(id=c.group_dict.get('name')), new_params=by) c.drill_down_url = drill_down_url def remove_field(key, value=None, replace=None): return h.remove_url_param(key, value=value, replace=replace, controller='group', action='read', extras=dict(id=c.group_dict.get('name'))) c.remove_field = remove_field def pager_url(q=None, page=None): params = list(params_nopage) params.append(('page', page)) return search_url(params) try: c.fields = [] search_extras = {} for (param, value) in request.params.items(): if not param in ['q', 'page', 'sort'] \ and len(value) and not param.startswith('_'): if not param.startswith('ext_'): c.fields.append((param, value)) q += ' %s: "%s"' % (param, value) else: search_extras[param] = value fq = 'capacity:"public"' user_member_of_orgs = [ org['id'] for org in h.organizations_available('read') ] if ( and in user_member_of_orgs): fq = '' context['ignore_capacity_check'] = True facets = OrderedDict() default_facet_titles = { 'organization': _('Organizations'), 'groups': _('Groups'), 'tags': _('Tags'), 'res_format': _('Formats'), 'license_id': _('Licenses') } for facet in g.facets: if facet in default_facet_titles: facets[facet] = default_facet_titles[facet] else: facets[facet] = facet # Facet titles for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IFacets): if self.group_type == 'organization': facets = plugin.organization_facets( facets, self.group_type, None) else: facets = plugin.group_facets(facets, self.group_type, None) if 'capacity' in facets and (self.group_type != 'organization' or not user_member_of_orgs): del facets['capacity'] c.facet_titles = facets data_dict = { 'q': q, 'fq': fq, 'facet.field': facets.keys(), 'rows': limit, 'sort': sort_by, 'start': (page - 1) * limit, 'extras': search_extras } context_ = dict( (k, v) for (k, v) in context.items() if k != 'schema') query = get_action('package_search')(context_, data_dict) = h.Page(collection=query['results'], page=page, url=pager_url, item_count=query['count'], items_per_page=limit) c.group_dict['package_count'] = query['count'] c.facets = query['facets'] maintain.deprecate_context_item('facets', 'Use `c.search_facets` instead.') c.search_facets = query['search_facets'] c.search_facets_limits = {} for facet in c.facets.keys(): limit = int( request.params.get('_%s_limit' % facet, g.facets_default_number)) c.search_facets_limits[facet] = limit = query['results'] c.sort_by_selected = sort_by except search.SearchError, se: log.error('Group search error: %r', se.args) c.query_error = True c.facets = {} = h.Page(collection=[])
def manage_package(self): package_type = 'dataset' context = { 'user': c.user or, 'auth_user_obj': c.userobj, 'save_locally': 'save_locally' in request.params, 'add_rdf': 'add_rdf' in request.params, 'add_delete': 'add_delete' in request.params, 'upload': 'upload' in request.params, } # Package needs to have a organization group in the call to # check_access and also to save it try: check_access('package_create', context) except NotAuthorized: abort(401, _('Unauthorized to create a package')) data = None id = TEST workdir = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, c.user) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(workdir, request.POST.get('file_path', 'nofile'))): id = os.path.join(workdir, request.POST.get('file_path', '')) if context['upload']: request.POST.pop('upload') file = request.POST.pop('resource_file_upload') data = data or ecportal_logic.transform_to_data_dict(request.POST) data = self._safe_resource_upload(data, file) if context['save_locally'] and not data: request.POST.pop('save_locally') data = data or ecportal_logic.transform_to_data_dict(request.POST) for package in data.get('dataset', []): package = get_action('validate_dataset')(context, package) if package.get('domains_eurovoc'): groups = ingestion.get_groups_from_database_by_title( package.get('domains_eurovoc')) package['groups'] = groups split_id = package['owner_org'] if not data.get('organization'): org = get_action('organization_show')( context, { 'id': split_id, 'include_datasets': 'false' }) package['organization'] = org self._create_temporary_files_for_packaging(context, data) return if context['add_rdf'] and not data: request.POST.pop('add_rdf') data = data or ecportal_logic.transform_to_data_dict(request.POST) tmp_list = data.get('dataset', []) tmp_list.append({'id': 'dew_dataset'}) data['dataset'] = tmp_list if context['add_delete'] and not data: request.POST.pop('add_delete') data = data or ecportal_logic.transform_to_data_dict(request.POST) tmp_list = data.get('delete', []) tmp_list.append({'name': 'dew_delete_action'}) data['delete'] = tmp_list if not data: data = { 'dataset': [], 'manifest': [{}], 'files': [], 'delete': [], 'organization': {} } if id: zf = ingestion.read_zip_file_content(id) for file in zf.namelist(): if '.xml' in file and '/files' not in file: fileContent = simple_name = os.path.basename( os.path.splitext(file)[0]) manifest = ingestion.parse_xml_to_dict(fileContent) data['manifest'] = [{ 'publisher_uri': manifest.get('ecodp:manifest').get( '@ecodp:publisher'), 'package_id': manifest.get('ecodp:manifest').get( '@ecodp:package-id'), 'creation_date': manifest.get('ecodp:manifest').get( '@ecodp:creation-date-time') }] action_list = [] for del_action in manifest.get('ecodp:manifest').get( 'ecodp:action'): if del_action.get('ecodp:remove'): action_list.append({ 'uri': del_action.get('@codp:object-uri'), 'name': del_action.get('@ecodp:object-ckan-name') }) data['delete'] = action_list for file in zf.namelist(): if '.rdf' in file and '/files' not in file: rdf = {} fileContent = simple_name = os.path.basename( os.path.splitext(file)[0]) rdf = ingestion.mapp_rdf2ckan_fields(fileContent) split_id = rdf['owner_org'].split('/') if not data.get('organization'): org = get_action('organization_show')( context, { 'id': split_id[-1].lower(), 'include_datasets': 'false' }) data['organization'] = org rdf['owner_org'] = org if org else rdf['owner_org'] rdf['id'] = simple_name data['dataset'].append(rdf) rdf['keywords'] = rdf.get('keyword_string', []) elif '/files' in file and not file.endswith('/'): if not os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'files'): os.makedirs(os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'files')) if not os.path.join( WORKDIR + '/files', data['manifest'][0].get('package_id')): os.makedirs( os.path.join( WORKDIR + '/files', data['manifest'][0].get('package_id'))) local_path = zf.extract( file, os.path.join( WORKDIR + '/files', data['manifest'][0].get('package_id'))) upload_file = { 'name': os.path.basename(file), 'path': file, 'local_path': local_path } data['files'].append(upload_file) for package in data.get('dataset', []): if package.get('groups'): glist = [] for value in package.get('groups'): glist.extend([result for result in value.values()]) groups = ingestion.get_groups_from_database_by_title(glist) package['groups'] = groups for item in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IPackageController): new_item = [] for rdf in data['dataset']: new_item.append(item.before_view(rdf)) data['dataset'] = new_item c.pkg_dict = data # for key, value in c.pkg_dict.get('datasets/EAC_Erasmus_mobility_statistics_2012_2013-odp.rdf').get('rdf:RDF').get('dcat:Dataset').iteritems(): # if 'dct:title' == key: # new_lang = value.get('@xml:lang') # new_text = value.get('#text') errors = {} error_summary = {} data['resources_types'] = dataset.RESOURCES_TYPES tags = logic.get_action('tag_list')( context, { 'vocabulary_id': u'concepts_eurovoc' }) c.resources_types_documentation = dataset.RESOURCES_TYPES_DOCUMENTATION c.resources_types_distribution = dataset.RESOURCES_TYPES_DISTRIBUTION c.resources_types_visualization = dataset.RESOURCES_TYPES_VISUALIZATION vars = { 'data': data, 'errors': errors, 'error_summary': error_summary, 'action': 'manage_package' } self._setup_template_variables(context, {}, package_type=package_type) c.form = base.render( self._package_form(package_type='ingestion_package'), extra_vars=vars) return base.render('user/manage_base.html')
facets = OrderedDict() default_facet_titles = {'groups': _('Groups'), 'tags': _('Tags'), 'res_format': _('Formats'), 'license': _('Licence')} for facet in g.facets: if facet in default_facet_titles: facets[facet] = default_facet_titles[facet] else: facets[facet] = facet # Facet titles for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IFacets): if self.group_type == 'organization': facets = plugin.organization_facets( facets, self.group_type, None) else: facets = plugin.group_facets( facets, self.group_type, None) if 'capacity' in facets and (self.group_type != 'organization' or not user_member_of_orgs): del facets['capacity'] c.facet_titles = facets data_dict = { 'q': q,
def resource_create(context, data_dict): user = context['user'] dataset = None # type: DatasetDcatApOp active_cache = config.get('', 'false') _check_access('package_update', context, data_dict) pkg = pkg_dict = logic.get_action('package_show')( context, { 'id': data_dict.pop('package_id', '') }) dataset = context['package'] old_dataset = pickle.dumps(dataset) try: dataset = dataset_transition_util.update_dataset_for_package_dict( dataset, data_dict) dataset = dataset_transition_util.update_resources_for_dataset( [data_dict], dataset, dataset) except ValidationError as e: import traceback log.error('{0}'.format(e)) log.error(traceback.print_exc()) raise e except Exception as e: import traceback log.error(traceback.print_exc()) raise ValidationError('Could {0} not transform to new model'.format( dataset.dataset_uri)) # old_data_dict = logic.get_action('package_show')(context, {'id': data_dict.get('id')}) # old_dataset = context['package'] # type: DatasetDcatApOp start = time.time() dataset, errors = validation.validate_dacat_dataset(dataset, context) context['errors'] = errors'validation took {0} sec'.format(time.time() - start)) # TODO check the business rule of save if errors.get('fatal'): # dataset.privacy_state = DCATAPOP_PRIVATE_DATASET # dataset.add_draft_to_title() raise ValidationError(errors) elif errors.get( 'error') and dataset.privacy_state == DCATAPOP_PUBLIC_DATASET: # dataset.privacy_state = DCATAPOP_PRIVATE_DATASET # dataset.add_draft_to_title() raise ValidationError(errors) elif errors.get( 'error') and dataset.privacy_state == DCATAPOP_PRIVATE_DATASET: # dataset.add_draft_to_title() pass rev = model.repo.new_revision() = user if 'message' in context: rev.message = context['message'] else: rev.message = _( u'REST API: Update object %s') % dataset.dataset_uri.split('/')[-1] try: result = dataset.save_to_ts( except BaseException as e: log.error('Error while saving the package {0} to Virtuoso.'.format( dataset.dataset_uri)) model.repo.rollback() raise ActionError( 'Error while saving the package {0} to Virtuoso.'.format( dataset.dataset_uri)) context_org_update = context.copy() context_org_update['ignore_auth'] = True context_org_update['defer_commit'] = True for item in lib_plugins.PluginImplementations( lib_plugins.IPackageController): item.edit(dataset) item.after_update(context, dataset) log.debug('Updated object %s' % dataset.dataset_uri) return_id_only = context.get('return_id_only', False) # Make sure that a user provided schema is not used on package_show context.pop('schema', None) if dataset.privacy_state == 'public' and active_cache == 'true': redis_cache.set_value_no_ttl_in_cache(dataset.dataset_uri, pickle.dumps(dataset)) else: redis_cache.delete_value_from_cache(dataset.dataset_uri) try: redis_cache.flush_all_from_db(redis_cache.MISC_POOL) search.rebuild(dataset.dataset_uri.split('/')[-1]) except Exception as e: log.error("Error while index the package {0} to Solr".format( dataset.dataset_uri)) old_dataset = pickle.loads(old_dataset) dataset.schema = old_dataset.schema dataset.schema_catalog_record = old_dataset.schema_catalog_record dataset.privacy_state = old_dataset.privacy_state dataset.save_to_ts() search.rebuild(dataset.dataset_uri.split('/')[-1]) model.repo.rollback() raise ActionError('Error while index the package {0} to Solr.'.format( dataset.dataset_uri)) if not context.get('defer_commit'): model.repo.commit() for item in lib_plugins.PluginImplementations( lib_plugins.IResourceUrlChange): if != 'qa': item.notify(dataset, model.domain_object.DomainObjectOperation.changed) # we could update the dataset so we should still be able to read it. context['ignore_auth'] = True return_id_only = context.get('return_id_only', False) output = _get_action('legacy_package_show')(context, { 'uri': dataset.dataset_uri }) return output