Exemple #1
def ignore_not_package_admin(key: FlattenKey, data: FlattenDataDict,
                             errors: FlattenErrorDict,
                             context: Context) -> Any:
    '''Ignore if the user is not allowed to administer the package specified.'''

    user = context.get('user')

    if 'ignore_auth' in context:

    if user and authz.is_sysadmin(user):

    authorized = False
    pkg = context.get('package')
    if pkg:
            logic.check_access('package_change_state', context)
            authorized = True
        except logic.NotAuthorized:
            authorized = False

    if (user and pkg and authorized):

    # allow_state_change in the context will allow the state to be changed
    # FIXME is this the best way to cjeck for state only?
    if key == ('state', ) and context.get('allow_state_change'):
Exemple #2
def ignore_empty(key: FlattenKey, data: FlattenDataDict,
                 errors: FlattenErrorDict, context: Context) -> None:

    value = data.get(key)

    if value is missing or not value:
        data.pop(key, None)
        raise StopOnError
Exemple #3
def owner_org_validator(key: FlattenKey, data: FlattenDataDict,
                        errors: FlattenErrorDict, context: Context) -> Any:
    value = data.get(key)

    if value is missing or value is None:
        if not authz.check_config_permission('create_unowned_dataset'):
            raise Invalid(_('An organization must be provided'))
        data.pop(key, None)
        raise df.StopOnError

    model = context['model']
    user = model.User.get(context['user'])
    package = context.get('package')

    if value == '':
        if not authz.check_config_permission('create_unowned_dataset'):
            raise Invalid(_('An organization must be provided'))

    if (authz.check_config_permission('allow_dataset_collaborators')
            and not authz.check_config_permission(

        if package and user and not user.sysadmin:
            is_collaborator = authz.user_is_collaborator_on_dataset(
                user.id, package.id, ['admin', 'editor'])
            if is_collaborator:
                # User is a collaborator, check if it's also a member with
                # edit rights of the current organization (redundant, but possible)
                user_orgs = logic.get_action('organization_list_for_user')(
                        'ignore_auth': True
                    }, {
                        'id': user.id,
                        'permission': 'update_dataset'
                user_is_org_member = package.owner_org in [
                    org['id'] for org in user_orgs
                if data.get(
                        key) != package.owner_org and not user_is_org_member:
                    raise Invalid(
                        _('You cannot move this dataset to another organization'

    group = model.Group.get(value)
    if not group:
        raise Invalid(_('Organization does not exist'))
    group_id = group.id

    if not package or (package and package.owner_org != group_id):
        # This is a new dataset or we are changing the organization
        if not context.get(u'ignore_auth', False) and (not user or not (
                user.sysadmin or authz.has_user_permission_for_group_or_org(
                    group_id, user.name, 'create_dataset'))):
            raise Invalid(_('You cannot add a dataset to this organization'))

    data[key] = group_id
Exemple #4
def ignore_not_sysadmin(key: FlattenKey, data: FlattenDataDict,
                        errors: FlattenErrorDict, context: Context) -> Any:
    '''Ignore the field if user not sysadmin or ignore_auth in context.'''

    user = context.get('user')
    ignore_auth = context.get('ignore_auth')
    if ignore_auth or (user and authz.is_sysadmin(user)):

Exemple #5
    def rename_field(key: FlattenKey, data: FlattenDataDict,
                     errors: FlattenErrorDict, context: Context):
        index = max([int(k[1]) for k in data.keys()
                     if len(k) == 3 and k[0] == new] + [-1])

        for field_name in list(data.keys()):
            if field_name[0] == old and data.get(field_name):
                new_field_name = list(field_name)
                new_field_name[0] = new

                if len(new_field_name) > 1:
                    new_field_name[1] = int(new_field_name[1]) + index + 1

                data[tuple(new_field_name)] = data[field_name]
Exemple #6
def ignore(key: FlattenKey, data: FlattenDataDict,
           errors: FlattenErrorDict, context: Context) -> NoReturn:
    """Remove the value from the input and skip the rest of validators.

    .. code-block::

        data, errors = tk.navl_validate(
            {"hello": 1},
            {"hello": [ignore]}
        assert data == {}

    data.pop(key, None)
    raise StopOnError
Exemple #7
def ignore_empty(key: FlattenKey, data: FlattenDataDict,
                 errors: FlattenErrorDict, context: Context) -> None:
    """Skip the rest of validators if the value is empty or missing.

    .. code-block::

        data, errors = tk.navl_validate(
            {"hello": ""},
            {"hello": [ignore_empty, isodate]}
        assert data == {}
        assert not errors

    value = data.get(key)

    if value is missing or not value:
        data.pop(key, None)
        raise StopOnError
Exemple #8
def ignore_missing(key: FlattenKey, data: FlattenDataDict,
                   errors: FlattenErrorDict, context: Context) -> None:
    '''If the key is missing from the data, ignore the rest of the key's

    By putting ignore_missing at the start of the schema list for a key,
    you can allow users to post a dict without the key and the dict will pass
    validation. But if they post a dict that does contain the key, then any
    validators after ignore_missing in the key's schema list will be applied.

    :raises ckan.lib.navl.dictization_functions.StopOnError: if ``data[key]``
        is :py:data:`ckan.lib.navl.dictization_functions.missing` or ``None``

    :returns: ``None``

    value = data.get(key)

    if value is missing or value is None:
        data.pop(key, None)
        raise StopOnError
Exemple #9
def ignore_not_group_admin(key: FlattenKey, data: FlattenDataDict,
                           errors: FlattenErrorDict, context: Context) -> Any:
    '''Ignore if the user is not allowed to administer for the group specified.'''

    user = context.get('user')

    if user and authz.is_sysadmin(user):

    authorized = False
    group = context.get('group')
    if group:
            logic.check_access('group_change_state', context)
            authorized = True
        except logic.NotAuthorized:
            authorized = False

    if (user and group and authorized):

Exemple #10
def empty(key: FlattenKey, data: FlattenDataDict, errors: FlattenErrorDict,
          context: Context) -> None:

    value = data.pop(key, None)

    if value and value is not missing:
        key_name = key[-1]
        if key_name == '__junk':
            # for junked fields, the field name is contained in the value
            key_name = list(value.keys())
            _('The input field %(name)s was not expected.') %
            {"name": key_name})
Exemple #11
def keep_extras(key: FlattenKey, data: FlattenDataDict,
                errors: FlattenErrorDict, context: Context) -> None:
    """Convert dictionary into simple fields.

    .. code-block::

        data, errors = tk.navl_validate(
            {"input": {"hello": 1, "world": 2}},
            {"input": [keep_extras]}
        assert data == {"hello": 1, "world": 2}

    extras = data.pop(key, {})
    for extras_key, value in extras.items():
        data[key[:-1] + (extras_key,)] = value
Exemple #12
def empty(key: FlattenKey, data: FlattenDataDict,
          errors: FlattenErrorDict, context: Context) -> None:
    """Ensure that value is not present in the input.

    .. code-block::

        data, errors = tk.navl_validate(
            {"hello": 1},
            {"hello": [empty]}
        assert errors == {"hello": [error_message]}


    value = data.pop(key, None)

    if value and value is not missing:
        key_name = key[-1]
        if key_name == '__junk':
            # for junked fields, the field name is contained in the value
            key_name = list(value.keys())
            'The input field %(name)s was not expected.') % {"name": key_name})
Exemple #13
    def prefix_validator(key: FlattenKey, data: FlattenDataDict,
                         errors: FlattenErrorDict, context: Context):
        out = {}
        extras = data.get(('__extras', ), {})

        # values passed as lists of dicts will have been flattened into __junk
        junk = df.unflatten(data.get(('__junk', ), {}))
        for field_name in junk:
            if not field_name.startswith(prefix):
            extras[field_name] = junk[field_name]

        for field_name in list(extras):
            if not field_name.startswith(prefix):
            data[(field_name, )] = extras.pop(field_name)
            for v in validator_fns:
                    df.convert(v, (field_name, ), data, errors, context)
                except df.StopOnError:
            out[field_name[len(prefix):]] = data.pop((field_name, ))

        data[(prefix, )] = out
Exemple #14
def ignore(key: FlattenKey, data: FlattenDataDict, errors: FlattenErrorDict,
           context: Context) -> NoReturn:

    data.pop(key, None)
    raise StopOnError
Exemple #15
def keep_extras(key: FlattenKey, data: FlattenDataDict,
                errors: FlattenErrorDict, context: Context) -> None:

    extras = data.pop(key, {})
    for extras_key, value in extras.items():
        data[key[:-1] + (extras_key, )] = value