Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, base_url, api_key=None, **kw):
        :param base_url:
            Base URL of the Ckan instance, passed to high-level client

        :param api_key:
            API key to be used, passed to high-level client

        :param organization_merge_strategy: One of:

            - 'create' (default) if the organization doesn't exist, create it.
              Otherwise, leave it alone.
            - 'update' if the organization doesn't exist, create it.
              Otherwise, update with new values.

        :param group_merge_strategy: One of:

            - 'create' (default) if the group doesn't exist, create it.
              Otherwise, leave it alone.
            - 'update' if the group doesn't exist, create it.
              Otherwise, update with new values.

        :param dataset_preserve_names:
            if ``True`` (the default) will preserve old names of existing

        :param dataset_preserve_organization:
            if ``True`` (the default) will preserve old organizations of
            existing datasets.

        :param dataset_group_merge_strategy:
            - 'add' add groups, keep old ones (default)
            - 'replace' replace all existing groups
            - 'preserve' leave groups alone
        self._client = CkanHighlevelClient(base_url, api_key)
        self._conf = {
            'organization_merge_strategy': 'create',
            'group_merge_strategy': 'create',
            'dataset_preserve_names': True,
            'dataset_preserve_organization': True,
            'dataset_group_merge_strategy': 'add',
Exemple #2
def test_merge_strategies(ckan_client_arguments):
    args = ckan_client_arguments
    client = CkanHighlevelClient(*args[0], **args[1])
    sync_client = SynchronizationClient(*args[0], **args[1])
    data = copy.deepcopy(SAMPLE_DATA)

    # Sync data -- should create new datasets only
    sync_client.sync('test_merge', data)

    assert client.get_dataset_by_name('dataset-1').title == 'Dataset #1'
    assert client.get_organization_by_name(
        'org-1').title == 'Organization #1'  # noqa
    assert client.get_group_by_name('grp-1').title == 'Group #1'  # noqa

    # Make sure we preserve names if told so
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    sync_client._conf['dataset_preserve_names'] = True
    data['dataset']['dataset-1']['name'] = 'dummy-dataset-one'
    data['dataset']['dataset-1']['title'] = 'Dataset #1.1'
    sync_client.sync('test_merge', data)

    dataset = client.get_dataset_by_name('dataset-1')
    assert dataset.name == 'dataset-1'
    assert dataset.title == 'Dataset #1.1'

    # Make sure we update names if told so
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    sync_client._conf['dataset_preserve_names'] = False
    data['dataset']['dataset-1']['name'] = 'dummy-dataset-one'
    data['dataset']['dataset-1']['title'] = 'Dataset #1.2'
    sync_client.sync('test_merge', data)

    with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as excinfo:
        # It got renamed!
    assert excinfo.value.status_code == 404

    # Get using the old id
    dataset = client.get_dataset(dataset.id)
    assert dataset.name == 'dummy-dataset-one'
    assert dataset.title == 'Dataset #1.2'

    # Get using the new name
    dataset = client.get_dataset_by_name('dummy-dataset-one')
    assert dataset.name == 'dummy-dataset-one'
    assert dataset.title == 'Dataset #1.2'

    # Prepare for merging groups
    # ============================================================

    grp1_id = client.get_group_by_name('grp-1').id
    grp2_id = client.get_group_by_name('grp-2').id
    # grp3_id = client.get_group_by_name('grp-3').id

    # Merge groups with 'replace' strategy
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    dataset = client.get_dataset_by_name('dataset-2')
    assert dataset.groups == set([grp1_id, grp2_id])

    sync_client._conf['dataset_group_merge_strategy'] = 'replace'
    data['dataset']['dataset-2']['groups'] = ['grp-1']

    sync_client.sync('test_merge', data)
    dataset = client.get_dataset_by_name('dataset-2')
    assert dataset.groups == set([grp1_id])

    # Merge groups with 'add' strategy
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    sync_client._conf['dataset_group_merge_strategy'] = 'add'
    data['dataset']['dataset-2']['groups'] = ['grp-2']

    sync_client.sync('test_merge', data)
    dataset = client.get_dataset_by_name('dataset-2')
    assert dataset.groups == set([grp1_id, grp2_id])

    # Merge groups with 'preserve' strategy
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    sync_client._conf['dataset_group_merge_strategy'] = 'preserve'
    data['dataset']['dataset-2']['groups'] = ['grp-3']

    sync_client.sync('test_merge', data)
    dataset = client.get_dataset_by_name('dataset-2')
    assert dataset.groups == set([grp1_id, grp2_id])

    # Prepare for merging Organizations
    # ============================================================

    org1_id = client.get_organization_by_name('org-1').id
    org2_id = client.get_organization_by_name('org-2').id

    dataset = client.get_dataset_by_name('dataset-2')
    assert dataset.owner_org == org1_id

    # Update preserving organization
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    sync_client._conf['dataset_preserve_organization'] = True
    data['dataset']['dataset-2']['owner_org'] = 'org-2'

    sync_client.sync('test_merge', data)
    dataset = client.get_dataset_by_name('dataset-2')
    assert dataset.owner_org == org1_id

    # Update *not* preserving organization
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    sync_client._conf['dataset_preserve_organization'] = False
    data['dataset']['dataset-2']['owner_org'] = 'org-2'

    sync_client.sync('test_merge', data)
    dataset = client.get_dataset_by_name('dataset-2')
    assert dataset.owner_org == org2_id
Exemple #3
def test_merge_organizations(ckan_client_arguments):
    args = ckan_client_arguments
    client = CkanHighlevelClient(*args[0], **args[1])
    sync_client = SynchronizationClient(*args[0], **args[1])

    # Create a couple initial organizations
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

            'name': 'tmo-1',
            'title': 'TMO 1'
            'name': 'tmo-2',
            'title': 'TMO 2'

    # Test merging with "create" strategy
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    data = {
        'organization': {
            'tmo-2': {
                'name': 'tmo-2',
                'title': 'TMO 2.1'
            'tmo-3': {
                'name': 'tmo-3',
                'title': 'TMO 3.1'
        'group': {},
        'dataset': {}

    sync_client._conf['organization_merge_strategy'] = 'create'
    sync_client.sync('test_merge_organizations', data)

    assert client.get_organization_by_name('tmo-1').title == 'TMO 1'
    assert client.get_organization_by_name('tmo-2').title == 'TMO 2'
    assert client.get_organization_by_name('tmo-3').title == 'TMO 3.1'

    # Test merging with "update" strategy
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    data = {
        'organization': {
            'tmo-2': {
                'name': 'tmo-2',
                'title': 'TMO 2.2'
            'tmo-4': {
                'name': 'tmo-4',
                'title': 'TMO 4.2'
        'group': {},
        'dataset': {}

    sync_client._conf['organization_merge_strategy'] = 'update'
    sync_client.sync('test_merge_organizations', data)

    assert client.get_organization_by_name('tmo-1').title == 'TMO 1'
    assert client.get_organization_by_name('tmo-2').title == 'TMO 2.2'
    assert client.get_organization_by_name('tmo-3').title == 'TMO 3.1'
    assert client.get_organization_by_name('tmo-4').title == 'TMO 4.2'
Exemple #4
def test_dataset_import_export(ckan_instance):
    api_key = ckan_instance.get_sysadmin_api_key()

    with ckan_instance.serve():
        client = CkanHighlevelClient(ckan_instance.server_url, api_key=api_key)
        assert client.list_datasets() == []
Exemple #5
from ckan_api_client.high_level import CkanHighlevelClient
from ckan_api_client.objects import CkanDataset

API_Key = "cdc0284b-47c9-48ff-8a17-5861259c5a03"
# ckan_url = "https://demo.ckan.org"
ckan_url = "http://localhost:5000"
# ckan_url = "http://ckan.dev.pfe.co.nz"
ua = 'ckanapiexample/1.0 (+http://pfr.co.nz/)'

client = CkanHighlevelClient(ckan_url, api_key=API_Key)

# Put the details of the dataset we're going to create into a dict.
dataset_dict = {
    "name": "lure-dispenser-comparison-trial2",
    "title": "Lure Dispenser comparison trial, thrips, Australia, Perth",
    "Assess three thrips Lure delivery mechanisms:\n\n* P Paint pen\n* D Deer wick\n* C Control (no wick)",
    "private": False,
    "owner_org": "plant-and-food-research-nz",
    "author": "Mette Nielson",

dataset_dict2 = {
    "name": "lure-dispenser-comparison-trial",
    "title": "Lure Dispenser comparison trial, thrips, Australia, Perth",
    "Assess three thrips Lure delivery mechanisms:\n\n* P Paint pen\n* D Deer wick\n* C Control (no wick)",
    "private": False,
    "owner_org": "plant-and-food-research-nz",
    "state": "active",
    "project_code": "P/1234",