def prepare_template_vars(self, name_prefix, data):
     '''Prepare data for the template.
     The markup for the object will be generated here, i.e before the 
     actual template is called to render().
     tpl_vars = FieldWidget.prepare_template_vars(self, name_prefix, data)
     field, value = self.field, self.value
     qname = tpl_vars.get('qname')
     # If value is None, pass an empty (but structured) object created
     # from the default factory
     if value is None:
         factory = Object.Factory(self.field.schema)
         value = factory()
     # Build the template context for the object's widget: some variables
     # must be moved from current field context to the object's context
     data1 = {}
     for k in ['title', 'description', 'required', 'readonly']:
         v = tpl_vars.pop(k, None)
         if v: 
             data1[k] = v
     # Generate markup for the object, feed to the current template context
     qa = self.context.requested_action
     markup = markup_for_object(qa, value, 
         errors=self.errors, name_prefix=qname, data=data1)
     tpl_vars['content'] = { 'markup': markup }
     return tpl_vars
    def _test_markup_for_object(self, fixture_name, action, data={}):
        '''Render an object widget'''

        obj = getattr(fixtures, fixture_name)
        markup = markup_for_object(action, obj, name_prefix=fixture_name, data=data)'Generated %s markup for object %r:\n%s' %(action, obj, markup))
        assert markup
        pq = pyquery.PyQuery(unicode(markup))
        assert pq
        assert pq.is_('div')
Exemple #3
    def _test_markup_for_object(self, fixture_name, action, data={}):
        '''Render an object widget'''

        obj = getattr(fixtures, fixture_name)
        markup = markup_for_object(action,
                                   data=data)'Generated %s markup for object %r:\n%s' %
                  (action, obj, markup))
        assert markup

        pq = pyquery.PyQuery(unicode(markup))
        assert pq
        assert pq.is_('div')
    def show_foo(self, id='foo1'):
        '''Grab a Foo fixture and show it with the requested format
        obj = getattr(fixtures, id)
        assert isinstance(obj, types.FooMetadata)
        read_action = 'read'
        f = request.params.get('f')
        if f:
            read_action = 'read:%s' %(f)

        c.markup = markup_for_object(
            str(read_action), obj, name_prefix='a.foo1',
            data={ 'title': u'Foo %s' % (id) })

        return render('tests/page.html')
Exemple #5
    def show_foo(self, id='foo1'):
        '''Grab a Foo fixture and show it with the requested format

        obj = getattr(fixtures, id)
        assert isinstance(obj, types.FooMetadata)

        read_action = 'read'
        f = request.params.get('f')
        if f:
            read_action = 'read:%s' % (f)

        c.markup = markup_for_object(str(read_action),
                                     data={'title': u'Foo %s' % (id)})

        return render('tests/page.html')
Exemple #6
    def edit_foo(self, id='foo1'):
        '''Grab a Foo fixture and present an edit form 

        obj = getattr(fixtures, id)
        assert isinstance(obj, types.FooMetadata)

        errors = obj.validate(dictize_errors=True)

        # Examine POSTed data
        if request.method == 'POST':
            # Parse request, filter-out empty values
            d = dict(filter(lambda t: t[1], request.params.items()))
            # Create a factory for this
            factory = Object.Factory(schemata.IFooMetadata,
                                         'unserialize-keys': True,
                                         'unserialize-values': True,
            obj = factory(d, is_flat=True)
            errors = obj.validate()
            if not errors:
                # Output a JSON dump of a valid object
                response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
                out = {'status': 'success', 'obj': obj.to_dict()}
                return to_json(out)
                # Prepare error dict for display
                errors = obj.dictize_errors(errors)
                #response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
                #out = { 'status': 'failure', 'errors': errors, 'obj': obj.to_dict() }
                #return to_json(out)

        # Display form
        c.form_class = 'form-horizontal'
        c.form_errors = errors
        c.form_markup = markup_for_object('edit:datasetform',
                                          data={'title': u'Foo %s' % (id)})
        return render('tests/form.html')
    def edit_foo(self, id='foo1'):
        '''Grab a Foo fixture and present an edit form 

        obj = getattr(fixtures, id)
        assert isinstance(obj, types.FooMetadata)
        errors = obj.validate(dictize_errors=True)

        # Examine POSTed data
        if request.method == 'POST':
            # Parse request, filter-out empty values
            d = dict(filter(lambda t: t[1], request.params.items()))
            # Create a factory for this 
            factory = Object.Factory(schemata.IFooMetadata, opts={
                'unserialize-keys': True,
                'unserialize-values': True,
            obj = factory(d, is_flat=True)
            errors = obj.validate()
            if not errors:
                # Output a JSON dump of a valid object
                response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' 
                out = { 'status': 'success', 'obj': obj.to_dict() } 
                return to_json(out)
                # Prepare error dict for display
                errors = obj.dictize_errors(errors)
                #response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' 
                #out = { 'status': 'failure', 'errors': errors, 'obj': obj.to_dict() } 
                #return to_json(out)

        # Display form
        c.form_class = 'form-horizontal'
        c.form_errors = errors
        c.form_markup = markup_for_object('edit:datasetform', obj, 
            errors = errors,
            name_prefix = '', 
            data = { 'title': u'Foo %s' % (id) }
        return render('tests/form.html')
Exemple #8
    def get_objects_markup(self):
        markup = ''
        c.form_sections = []

        # 1. A Point object
        obj = fixtures.pt1
        assert isinstance(obj, types.Point)
        data = {
            'required': False,
            'classes': [],
            'input_classes': ['input-small'],
            'title': u'Point A',
            'heading': toolkit.literal('<h3>Object <code>Point</code></h3>'),
            'body': \
                markup_for_object('edit:baz', obj, name_prefix='pt1', data=data) + \
                toolkit.literal('<hr/>') + \
                markup_for_object('read:boz', obj, name_prefix='pt1', data={'title': u'Point B'})

        # 2.1 A TemporalExtent object
        obj = fixtures.dt1
        assert isinstance(obj, types.TemporalExtent)
            toolkit.literal('<h3>Object <code>TemporalExtent</code></h3>'),
                              data={'title': u'Extent A'}) +
            toolkit.literal('<hr/>') + markup_for_object(
                'read', obj, name_prefix='dt1', data={'title': u'Extent B'})

        # 2.2 A TemporalExtent object (with errors)
        obj = types.TemporalExtent(, 1, 1),
                         , 1, 1))
        errs = obj.validate()
        errs = obj.dictize_errors(errs)
        assert isinstance(obj, types.TemporalExtent)
            'heading': toolkit.literal('<h3>Object <code>TemporalExtent</code></h3>'),
            'body': \
                markup_for_object('edit:faz.baz', obj,
                    errors=errs, name_prefix='dt1', data={'title': u'Extent A'}) + \
                toolkit.literal('<hr/>') + \
                markup_for_object('read', obj,
                    errors=errs, name_prefix='dt1', data={ 'title': u'Extent B' })

        # 3. A PostalAddress object
        obj = types.PostalAddress(address=u'22 Acacia Avenue',
            'heading': toolkit.literal('<h3>Object <code>PostalAddress</code></h3>'),
            'body': \
                markup_for_object('edit:comfortable', obj,
                    name_prefix='contact_info', data={'title': u'Address A'}) + \
                toolkit.literal('<hr/>') + \
                markup_for_object('read', obj,
                    name_prefix='contact_info', data={'title': u'Address B'})

        # Render
        c.form_class = 'form-horizontal'
        return render('tests/accordion-form.html')
 def get_objects_markup(self):
     markup = ''
     c.form_sections = []
     # 1. A Point object
     obj = fixtures.pt1
     assert isinstance(obj, types.Point)
     data = {
         'required': False,
         'classes': [],
         'input_classes': [ 'input-small' ],
         'title': u'Point A',
         'heading': toolkit.literal('<h3>Object <code>Point</code></h3>'),
         'body': \
             markup_for_object('edit:baz', obj, name_prefix='pt1', data=data) + \
             toolkit.literal('<hr/>') + \
             markup_for_object('read:boz', obj, name_prefix='pt1', data={'title': u'Point B'})
     # 2.1 A TemporalExtent object
     obj = fixtures.dt1
     assert isinstance(obj, types.TemporalExtent)
         'heading': toolkit.literal('<h3>Object <code>TemporalExtent</code></h3>'),
         'body': markup_for_object('edit:faz.baz', obj, name_prefix='dt1', data={'title': u'Extent A'}) +
             toolkit.literal('<hr/>') +
             markup_for_object('read', obj, name_prefix='dt1', data={ 'title': u'Extent B' })
     # 2.2 A TemporalExtent object (with errors)
     obj = types.TemporalExtent(, 1, 1),, 1, 1))
     errs = obj.validate()
     errs = obj.dictize_errors(errs)
     assert isinstance(obj, types.TemporalExtent)
         'heading': toolkit.literal('<h3>Object <code>TemporalExtent</code></h3>'),
         'body': \
             markup_for_object('edit:faz.baz', obj, 
                 errors=errs, name_prefix='dt1', data={'title': u'Extent A'}) + \
             toolkit.literal('<hr/>') + \
             markup_for_object('read', obj, 
                 errors=errs, name_prefix='dt1', data={ 'title': u'Extent B' })
     # 3. A PostalAddress object
     obj = types.PostalAddress(address=u'22 Acacia Avenue', postalcode=u'12345')
         'heading': toolkit.literal('<h3>Object <code>PostalAddress</code></h3>'),
         'body': \
             markup_for_object('edit:comfortable', obj, 
                 name_prefix='contact_info', data={'title': u'Address A'}) + \
             toolkit.literal('<hr/>') + \
             markup_for_object('read', obj, 
                 name_prefix='contact_info', data={'title': u'Address B'})
     # Render
     c.form_class = 'form-horizontal'
     return render('tests/accordion-form.html')
 def _format(self, obj, opts):
     qualifier = opts.get('q')
     qual_action = 'read:%s' % (qualifier) if qualifier else 'read'
     return markup_for_object(qual_action, obj, name_prefix='')