Exemple #1
    def run_manyfloatsum_symbolic(self, arch):
        global type_cache
        if type_cache is None:
            with open(os.path.join(location, 'tests_src',
                                   'manyfloatsum.c')) as fp:
                type_cache = parse_defns(fp.read())

        p = angr.Project(os.path.join(location, 'tests', arch, 'manyfloatsum'))
        function = 'sum_doubles'
        args = [
            claripy.FPS('arg_%d' % i, claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE)
            for i in range(len(type_cache[function].args))
        addr = p.loader.main_object.get_symbol(function).rebased_addr
        my_callable = p.factory.callable(addr, prototype=type_cache[function])
        result = my_callable(*args)
        assert result.symbolic

        s = claripy.Solver(timeout=15 * 60 * 1000)
        for arg in args:
            s.add(arg > claripy.FPV(1.0, claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE))
        s.add(result == claripy.FPV(27.7, claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE))

        args_conc = s.batch_eval(args, 1)[0]
        assert s.eval(result, 1)[0] == 27.7
        # not almost equal!! totally equal!!! z3 is magic, if kinda slow!!!!!
        for arg_conc in args_conc:
            assert arg_conc > 1.0
        assert sum(args_conc) == 27.7
Exemple #2
def value(ty, val):
    if ty == 'Ity_F32':
        return claripy.FPV(float(val), claripy.FSORT_FLOAT)
    elif ty == 'Ity_F64':
        return claripy.FPV(float(val), claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE)
        return claripy.BVV(int(val), pyvex.get_type_size(ty))
Exemple #3
def run_manyfloatsum_symbolic(arch):
    global type_cache
    if type_cache is None:
        type_cache = parse_defns(
            open(os.path.join(location, 'tests_src', 'manyfloatsum.c')).read())

    p = angr.Project(os.path.join(location, 'tests', arch, 'manyfloatsum'))
    function = 'sum_doubles'
    cc = p.factory.cc(func_ty=type_cache[function])
    args = [
        claripy.FPS('arg_%d' % i, claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE)
        for i in range(len(type_cache[function].args))
    addr = p.loader.main_object.get_symbol(function).rebased_addr
    my_callable = p.factory.callable(addr, cc=cc)
    result = my_callable(*args)

    s = claripy.Solver()
    for arg in args:
        s.add(arg > claripy.FPV(1.0, claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE))
    s.add(result == claripy.FPV(27.7, claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE))

    args_conc = s.batch_eval(args, 1)[0]
    nose.tools.assert_equal(s.eval(result, 1)[0], 27.7)
    # not almost equal!! totally equal!!! z3 is magic, if kinda slow!!!!!
    for arg_conc in args_conc:
        nose.tools.assert_greater(arg_conc, 1.0)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(sum(args_conc), 27.7)
Exemple #4
def value(ty, val, size: Optional[int] = None):
    if ty == 'Ity_F32':
        return claripy.FPV(float(val), claripy.FSORT_FLOAT)
    elif ty == 'Ity_F64':
        return claripy.FPV(float(val), claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE)
        if size is not None:
            return claripy.BVV(int(val), size)
        return claripy.BVV(int(val), pyvex.get_type_size(ty))
Exemple #5
def make_default_value(ty):
    if 'F' in ty:
        if '32' in ty:
            return claripy.FPV(0.0, claripy.fp.FSORT_FLOAT)
        elif '64' in ty:
            return claripy.FPV(0.0, claripy.fp.FSORT_DOUBLE)
            raise ValueError("Unknown float type %s" % ty)
        return claripy.BVV(0, extract_int(ty))
Exemple #6
 def default(ty):
     size = int(''.join(c for c in ty if c in '0123456789'))
     fp = ty.startswith('Ity_F')
     if not fp:
         return BiHead(claripy.BVV(0, size), claripy.BVV(0, size))
         if size == 32:
             sort = claripy.fp.FSORT_FLOAT
         elif size == 64:
             sort = claripy.fp.FSORT_DOUBLE
             raise ValueError("Bad float size: %d" % size)
         return BiHead(claripy.FPV(0.0, sort), claripy.FPV(0.0, sort))
Exemple #7
    def _op_Iop_CosF64(self, args):
        rm, arg = args
        rm = self._translate_rm(rm)
        rounds = 20
        accumulator = claripy.FPV(1.0, arg.sort)
        factorialpart = 2.0
        for i in xrange(1, rounds + 1):
            term = claripy.fpDiv(rm, self.pow(rm, arg, 2 * i),
                                 claripy.FPV(float(factorialpart), arg.sort))
            factorialpart *= (i * 2 + 1) * (i * 2 + 2)
            if i % 2 == 1:
                accumulator = claripy.fpSub(rm, accumulator, term)
                accumulator = claripy.fpAdd(rm, accumulator, term)

        return accumulator
Exemple #8
    def _cast_to(e, solution, cast_to):
        Casts a solution for the given expression to type `cast_to`.

        :param e: The expression `value` is a solution for
        :param value: The solution to be cast
        :param cast_to: The type `value` should be cast to. Must be one of the currently supported types (bytes|int)
        :raise ValueError: If cast_to is a currently unsupported cast target.
        :return: The value of `solution` cast to type `cast_to`
        if cast_to is None:
            return solution

        if type(solution) is bool:
            if cast_to is bytes:
                return bytes([int(solution)])
            elif cast_to is int:
                return int(solution)
        elif type(solution) is float:
            solution = _concrete_value(

        if cast_to is bytes:
            if len(e) == 0:
                return b""
            return binascii.unhexlify('{:x}'.format(solution).zfill(
                len(e) // 4))

        if cast_to is not int:
            raise ValueError(
                "cast_to parameter {!r} is not a valid cast target, currently supported are only int and bytes!"

        return solution
Exemple #9
    def _convert_to_ast(self, thing, size, byte_width):
        :param thing:       The thing to convert to an AST
        :param size:        The size of the thing in bytes
        :param byte_width:  The size of a byte in bits
        if type(thing) is claripy.ast.BV:
            return thing

        if type(size) is int:
            bits = size * byte_width
        elif getattr(size, 'op', None) == 'BVV':
            bits = size.args[0] * byte_width
            bits = None

        if isinstance(thing, str):
                "Encoding unicode string for memory as utf-8. Did you mean to use a bytestring?"
            thing = thing.encode('utf-8')
        if type(thing) in (bytes, bytearray, memoryview):
            return claripy.BVV(thing)
        elif type(thing) is int:
            if bits is None:
                    "Unknown size for memory data %#x. Default to arch.bits.",
                bits = self.state.arch.bits
            return claripy.BVV(thing, bits)
        elif type(thing) is float:
            if bits == 32:
                return claripy.FPV(thing, claripy.FSORT_FLOAT).raw_to_bv()
            elif bits == 64:
                return claripy.FPV(thing, claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE).raw_to_bv()
                raise TypeError(
                    "Passed float size which is not a float or a double", size)
                raw_to_bv = thing.raw_to_bv
            except AttributeError:
                raise TypeError("Bad value passed to memory", thing) from None
                return raw_to_bv()
Exemple #10
 def _ail_handle_Const(self, expr) -> MultiValues:
     if isinstance(expr.value, float):
         sort = None
         if expr.bits == 64:
             sort = FSORT_DOUBLE
         elif expr.bits == 32:
             sort = FSORT_FLOAT
         return MultiValues(
             offset_to_values={0: {claripy.FPV(expr.value, sort)}})
         return MultiValues(
             offset_to_values={0: {claripy.BVV(expr.value, expr.bits)}})
 def set_value(self, state, value, endness=None, **kwargs):
     if endness is None: endness = state.arch.memory_endness
     if isinstance(value, (int, long)):
         value = claripy.BVV(value, self.size*8)
     elif isinstance(value, float):
         if self.size not in (4, 8):
             raise ValueError("What do I do with a float %d bytes long" % self.size)
         value = claripy.FPV(value, claripy.FSORT_FLOAT if self.size == 4 else claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE)
     cur = 0
     for loc in reversed(self.locations):
         loc.set_value(state, value[cur*8 + loc.size*8 - 1:cur*8], endness, **kwargs)
         cur += loc.size
Exemple #12
    def run(self, str_ref):
            'Called SimProcedure java.lang.Double.parseDouble with args: {}'.
        str_ = self.state.memory.load(str_ref)

        if str_.concrete:
            str_value = self.state.solver.eval(str_)
            # this can raise a ValueError if str_value is not convertible to float
            double_val = float(str_value)
            return claripy.FPV(double_val, claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE)

            return claripy.StrToInt(str_, self.arch.bits)
Exemple #13
 def set_value(self, state, value, endness=None, **kwargs):  # pylint:disable=arguments-differ
     # TODO: This code needs to be reworked for variable byte with and the Third Endness
     if endness is None: endness = state.arch.memory_endness
     if isinstance(value, int):
         value = claripy.BVV(value, self.size*state.arch.byte_width)
     elif isinstance(value, float):
         if self.size not in (4, 8):
             raise ValueError("What do I do with a float %d bytes long" % self.size)
         value = claripy.FPV(value, claripy.FSORT_FLOAT if self.size == 4 else claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE)
     cur = 0
     for loc in reversed(self.locations):
         loc.set_value(state, value[cur*state.arch.byte_width + loc.size*state.arch.byte_width - 1:cur*state.arch.byte_width], endness=endness, **kwargs)
         cur += loc.size
Exemple #14
    def _op_Iop_Yl2xF64(self, args):
        rm = self._translate_rm(args[0])
        arg2_bv = args[2].to_bv()
        # IEEE754 double looks like this:
        # thus, we extract the exponent bits, re-bias them, then
        # (signed) convert them back into an FP value for the integer
        # part of the log. then we make the approximation that log2(x)
        # = x - 1 for 1.0 <= x < 2.0 to account for the mantissa.

        # the bias for doubles is 1023
        arg2_exp = (arg2_bv[62:52] - 1023).signed_to_fp(
            rm, claripy.fp.FSORT_DOUBLE)
        arg2_mantissa = claripy.Concat(claripy.BVV(int('001111111111', 2), 12),
        # this is the hacky approximation:
        log2_arg2_mantissa = claripy.fpSub(
            rm, arg2_mantissa, claripy.FPV(1.0, claripy.fp.FSORT_DOUBLE))
        return claripy.fpMul(rm, args[1].raw_to_fp(),
                             claripy.fpAdd(rm, arg2_exp, log2_arg2_mantissa))
Exemple #15
def test_fp_ops():
    a = claripy.FPV(1.5, claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE)
    b = claripy.fpToUBV(claripy.fp.RM_NearestTiesEven, a, 32)

    s = claripy.Solver()
    assert s.eval(b, 1)[0] == 2
Exemple #16
 def handle_expression(self, expr, tyenv, path):
     size = expr.result_size(
         tyenv) if not expr.tag.startswith('Ico_') else expr.size
     ty = expr.result_type(
         tyenv) if not expr.tag.startswith('Ico_') else expr.type
     addr = self.addr
     if expr.tag == 'Iex_Get':
         return self.get_reg(expr.offset, ty)
     elif expr.tag == 'Iex_RdTmp':
         return self.get_tmp(expr.tmp)
     elif expr.tag == 'Iex_Load':
         addr_expression = self.handle_expression(expr.addr, tyenv,
                                                  path + ['addr'])
         self.access(addr_expression, ACCESS_READ)
         return self.get_mem(addr_expression, ty)
     elif expr.tag == 'Iex_Const' or expr.tag.startswith('Ico_'):
         if expr.tag == 'Iex_Const':
             expr = expr.con
         if 'F' in ty:
             if size == 32:
                 values = BiHead(
                     claripy.FPV(expr.value, claripy.fp.FSORT_FLOAT),
                     claripy.FPS('%x_%d' % (addr, path[1]),
             elif size == 64:
                 values = BiHead(
                     claripy.FPV(expr.value, claripy.fp.FSORT_DOUBLE),
                     claripy.FPS('%x_%d' % (addr, path[1]),
                 raise FidgetUnsupportedError(
                     "Why is there a FP const of size %d" % size)
             values = BiHead(claripy.BVV(expr.value, size),
                             claripy.BVS('%x_%d' % (addr, path[1]), size))
             PendingBinaryData(self.project, self.addr, values, path))
         values.taints['concrete'] = True
         values.taints['concrete_root'] = True
         return values
     elif expr.tag == 'Iex_ITE':
         false_expr = self.handle_expression(expr.iffalse, tyenv,
                                             path + ['iffalse'])
         truth_expr = self.handle_expression(expr.iftrue, tyenv,
                                             path + ['iftrue'])
         values = truth_expr if truth_expr.taints['pointer'] else false_expr
         cond_expr = self.handle_expression(expr.cond, tyenv,
                                            path + ['cond'])
         if not cond_expr.taints['it']:
             values.taints['concrete'] = false_expr.taints[
                 'concrete'] and truth_expr.taints['concrete']
             'it'] = false_expr.taints['it'] or truth_expr.taints['it']
         return values
     elif expr.tag in ('Iex_Unop', 'Iex_Binop', 'Iex_Triop', 'Iex_Qop'):
         args = []
         for i, sub_expr in enumerate(expr.args):
             arg = self.handle_expression(sub_expr, tyenv,
                                          path + ['args', i])
             if expr.op.startswith('Iop_Mul') or expr.op.startswith('Iop_And') \
                     or (i == 0 and expr.op in ROUNDING_IROPS):
                 if arg.taints['concrete_root']:
                     arg = BiHead(arg.cleanval, arg.cleanval)
                     arg.taints['concrete'] = True
             values = BiHead(
                 operations[expr.op].calculate(*(x.cleanval for x in args)),
                 operations[expr.op].calculate(*(x.dirtyval for x in args)))
         except SimOperationError:
                 "SimOperationError while running op '%s', returning null",
             return BiHead.default(ty)
         except KeyError:
             l.error("Unsupported operation '%s', returning null", expr.op)
             return BiHead.default(ty)
             # propogate the taints correctly
             values.taints['concrete'] = True
             for arg in args:
                 values.taints['concrete'] = values.taints[
                     'concrete'] and arg.taints['concrete']
                     'it'] = values.taints['it'] or arg.taints['it']
             if expr.op.startswith('Iop_Add') or expr.op.startswith('Iop_And') or \
                expr.op.startswith('Iop_Or') or expr.op.startswith('Iop_Xor'):
                 t1 = args[0].taints['pointer']
                 t2 = args[1].taints['pointer']
                 values.taints['pointer'] = (t1 if t1 else t2) if (
                     bool(t1) ^ bool(t2)) else False
             elif expr.op.startswith('Iop_Sub'):
                 t1 = args[0].taints['pointer']
                 t2 = args[1].taints['pointer']
                 values.taints['pointer'] = t1 if t1 and not t2 else False
             return values
     elif expr.tag == 'Iex_CCall':
         values = BiHead.default(ty)
         for i, expr in enumerate(expr.args):
             arg = self.handle_expression(expr, tyenv, path + ['args', i])
             values.taints['it'] = values.taints['it'] or arg.taints['it']
         return values
     elif expr.tag == 'Iex_GetI':
         return BiHead.default(ty)
         raise FidgetUnsupportedError(
             'Unknown expression tag ({:#x}): {!r}'.format(addr, expr.tag))
Exemple #17
    def _standardize_value(arg, ty, state, alloc):
        check = ty is not None
        if isinstance(arg, s_action_object.SimActionObject):
            return SimCC._standardize_value(arg.ast, ty, state, alloc)
        elif isinstance(arg, PointerWrapper):
            if check and not isinstance(ty, s_type.SimTypePointer):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Type mismatch: expected %s, got pointer-wrapper" %

            real_value = SimCC._standardize_value(arg.value,
                                                  ty.pts_to if check else None,
                                                  state, alloc)
            return alloc(real_value, state)

        elif isinstance(arg, str):
            # TODO: when we switch to py3, distinguish between str and bytes
            # by null-terminating str but not bytes :/
            arg += '\0'
            ref = False
            if check:
                if isinstance(ty, s_type.SimTypePointer) and \
                        isinstance(ty.pts_to, s_type.SimTypeChar):
                    ref = True
                elif isinstance(ty, s_type.SimTypeFixedSizeArray) and \
                        isinstance(ty.elem_type, s_type.SimTypeChar):
                    ref = False
                    if len(arg) > ty.length:
                        raise TypeError("String %s is too long for %s" %
                                        (repr(arg), ty.name))
                    arg = arg.ljust(ty.length, '\0')
                elif isinstance(ty, s_type.SimTypeArray) and \
                        isinstance(ty.elem_type, s_type.SimTypeChar):
                    ref = True
                    if ty.length is not None:
                        if len(arg) > ty.length:
                            raise TypeError("String %s is too long for %s" %
                                            (repr(arg), ty.name))
                        arg = arg.ljust(ty.length, '\0')
                elif isinstance(ty, s_type.SimTypeString):
                    ref = False
                    if len(arg) > ty.length + 1:
                        raise TypeError("String %s is too long for %s" %
                                        (repr(arg), ty.name))
                    arg = arg.ljust(ty.length + 1, '\0')
                    raise TypeError("Type mismatch: Expected %s, got char*" %
            val = SimCC._standardize_value(
                map(ord, arg),
                s_type.SimTypeFixedSizeArray(s_type.SimTypeChar(), len(arg)),
                state, alloc)
            if ref:
                val = alloc(val, state)
            return val

        elif isinstance(arg, list):
            ref = False
            subty = None
            if check:
                if isinstance(ty, s_type.SimTypePointer):
                    ref = True
                    subty = ty.pts_to
                elif isinstance(ty, s_type.SimTypeFixedSizeArray):
                    ref = False
                    subty = ty.elem_type
                    if len(arg) != ty.length:
                        raise TypeError("Array %s is the wrong length for %s" %
                                        (repr(arg), ty.name))
                elif isinstance(ty, s_type.SimTypeArray):
                    ref = True
                    subty = ty.elem_type
                    if ty.length is not None:
                        if len(arg) != ty.length:
                            raise TypeError(
                                "Array %s is the wrong length for %s" %
                                (repr(arg), ty.name))
                    raise TypeError("Type mismatch: Expected %s, got char*" %
                types = map(type, arg)
                if types[1:] != types[:-1]:
                    raise TypeError(
                        "All elements of list must be of same type")

            val = claripy.Concat(*[
                SimCC._standardize_value(sarg, subty, state, alloc)
                for sarg in arg
            if ref:
                val = alloc(val, state)
            return val

        elif isinstance(arg, tuple):
            if check:
                if not isinstance(ty, s_type.SimStruct):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Type mismatch: Expected %s, got tuple (i.e. struct)" %
                if len(arg) != len(ty.fields):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Wrong number of fields in struct, expected %d got %d"
                        % (len(ty.fields), len(arg)))
                return claripy.Concat(*[
                    SimCC._standardize_value(sarg, sty, state, alloc)
                    for sarg, sty in zip(arg, ty.fields.values())
                return claripy.Concat(*[
                    SimCC._standardize_value(sarg, None, state, alloc)
                    for sarg in arg

        elif isinstance(arg, (int, long)):
            if check and isinstance(ty, s_type.SimTypeFloat):
                return SimCC._standardize_value(float(arg), ty, state, alloc)

            val = state.se.BVV(arg, ty.size if check else state.arch.bits)
            if state.arch.memory_endness == 'Iend_LE':
                val = val.reversed
            return val

        elif isinstance(arg, float):
            sort = claripy.FSORT_FLOAT
            if check:
                if isinstance(ty, s_type.SimTypeDouble):
                    sort = claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE
                elif isinstance(ty, s_type.SimTypeFloat):
                    raise TypeError("Type mismatch: expectd %s, got float" %
                sort = claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE if state.arch.bits == 64 else claripy.FSORT_FLOAT

            val = claripy.fpToIEEEBV(claripy.FPV(arg, sort))
            if state.arch.memory_endness == 'Iend_LE':
                val = val.reversed  # pylint: disable=no-member
            return val

        elif isinstance(arg, claripy.ast.Base):
            # yikes
            if state.arch.memory_endness == 'Iend_LE' and arg.length == state.arch.bits:
                arg = arg.reversed
            return arg

            raise TypeError("I don't know how to serialize %s." % repr(arg))
Exemple #18
 def store(self, state, addr, value):
     if type(value) in (int, float):
         value = claripy.FPV(float(value), self.sort)
     return super(SimTypeFloat, self).store(state, addr, value)
Exemple #19
 def pow(rm, arg, n):
     out = claripy.FPV(1.0, arg.sort)
     for _ in range(n):
         out = claripy.fpMul(rm, arg, out)
     return out
Exemple #20
 def _op_Iop_Yl2xp1F64(self, args):
     rm_raw, arg1, arg2 = args
     rm = self._translate_rm(rm_raw)
     arg2_p1 = claripy.fpAdd(rm, arg2.raw_to_fp(),
                             claripy.FPV(1.0, claripy.fp.FSORT_DOUBLE))
     return self._op_Iop_Yl2xF64((rm_raw, arg1, arg2_p1))
def test_concrete_fp():
    f = claripy.FPV(1.0, claripy.FSORT_FLOAT)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(claripy.backends.concrete.eval(f, 2), (1.0, ))
Exemple #22
    def _get_initialized_method_args(self, state, soot_method):
        arg_vals = []
        args_target_method = []
        if 'STATIC' not in soot_method.attrs:
            this = SimSootValue_ThisRef.new_object(state,
                get_new_object_arg(this, is_this_ref=True))

        for param in soot_method.params:
            if param in ['byte', 'char']:
                val = random.randint(0, 255)
                arg = get_new_primitive_arg(claripy.BVV(val, 8), param)
            elif param in ['short', 'int', 'boolean']:
                val = random.randint(0, 2**32)
                arg = get_new_primitive_arg(claripy.BVV(val, 32), param)
            elif param == 'long':
                val = random.randint(0, 2**64 - 1)
                arg = get_new_primitive_arg(claripy.BVV(val, 64), param)
            elif param == 'float':
                val = random.randint(0, 2**64 - 1)
                arg = get_new_primitive_arg(
                    claripy.FPV(val, claripy.FSORT_FLOAT), param)
            elif param == 'double':
                val = random.randint(0, 2**64 - 1)
                arg = get_new_primitive_arg(
                    claripy.FPV(val, claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE), param)

            elif param == 'java.lang.String':
                s = "A" * 20
                sym_str = claripy.StringV(s, 20)
                str_ref = SimSootValue_StringRef.new_string(state, sym_str)
                arg = get_new_object_arg(str_ref)

            elif param.endswith('[][]'):
                raise NotImplementedError

            elif param.endswith('[]') and 'byte' in param:
                # TODO: symbolic size?
                base_ref = SimSootExpr_NewArray.new_array(
                    state, param[:-2], claripy.BVV(20, 32))
                arg_vals.append([0x41] * 20)
                for idx in range(20):
                    elem_ref = SimSootValue_ArrayRef(base_ref, idx)
                    state.memory.store(elem_ref, claripy.BVV(0x41, 8))
                arg = get_new_object_arg(base_ref)
            elif param.endswith('[]'):
                # TODO: symbolic size?
                array_ref = SimSootExpr_NewArray.new_array(
                    state, param[:-2], claripy.BVV(2, 32))
                arg = get_new_object_arg(array_ref)
                obj_ref = SimSootValue_ThisRef.new_object(state,
                if param in self.p.classes:
                    clx = self.p.classes[param]
                    for info in clx.fields.items():
                        # initialize strings and byte[] with some random values
                        name = info[0]
                        t = info[1][1]
                        if 'String' in t:
                            s = "A" * 20
                            sym_str = claripy.StringV(s, 20)
                            str_ref = SimSootValue_StringRef.new_string(
                                state, sym_str)
                            obj_ref.set_field(state, name, t, str_ref)

                        if 'byte[]' in t:
                            print("Setting byte[]")
                            import ipdb
                            arg_vals.append([0x41] * 20)
                            base_ref = SimSootExpr_NewArray.new_array(
                                state, 'byte', claripy.BVV(20, 32))
                            for idx in range(20):
                                elem_ref = SimSootValue_ArrayRef(base_ref, idx)
                                                   claripy.BVV(0x41, 8))
                            obj_ref.set_field(state, name, t, base_ref)
                arg = get_new_object_arg(obj_ref)

        return args_target_method, arg_vals