Exemple #1
def run():
    # ===========================================================================
    # STEP0
    # initialize
    # make all node and connect nodes by edges
    # ===========================================================================
    #    jobs, qcs, ycs, yts, yt_operation_time = Input.exp_not_random()
    jobs, qcs, ycs, yts, yt_operation_time = Input.exp_random()

    print "yt_operation_time : ", [(k[0].id, k[1].id, v) for k, v in yt_operation_time.items()]

    not_yet_used_yt = yts[:]
    all_nodes = []
    possible_planable_n = []
    # ===========================================================================
    # make nodes related with job
    # ===========================================================================
    for job in jobs:
        maked_nodes = tuple([Node(job.id, i) for i in range(4)])
        target_qc = None
        target_yc = None
        for qc in qcs:
            if job in qc.job_sequence:
                target_qc = qc
        for yc in ycs:
            if job in yc.job_list:
                target_yc = yc

        if job.state == "discharging":
            Edge(maked_nodes[0], maked_nodes[1], target_qc, Input.qc_discharging_operation)
            Edge(maked_nodes[1], maked_nodes[2], None, yt_operation_time[(target_qc, target_yc)])
            Edge(maked_nodes[2], maked_nodes[3], target_yc, Input.yc_discharging_operation)
            Edge(maked_nodes[0], maked_nodes[1], target_yc, Input.yc_loading_operation)
            Edge(maked_nodes[1], maked_nodes[2], None, yt_operation_time[(target_qc, target_yc)])
            Edge(maked_nodes[2], maked_nodes[3], target_qc, Input.qc_loading_operation)
        job.nodes = maked_nodes
    # ===========================================================================
    # append all node in all_nodes
    # ===========================================================================
    for j in jobs:
    # ===========================================================================
    # connect nodes related with qcs
    # ===========================================================================
    for qc in qcs:
        for i in range(1, len(qc.job_sequence)):
            prev_j = qc.job_sequence[i - 1]
            current_j = qc.job_sequence[i]
            target_start_n = None
            target_end_n = None
            ready_time = None
            if prev_j.state == "discharging":
                target_start_n = jobs[prev_j.id].nodes[1]
                if current_j.state == "discharging":
                    target_end_n = jobs[current_j.id].nodes[0]
                    ready_time = Input.qc_ready_t_d_d
                    target_end_n = jobs[current_j.id].nodes[2]
                    ready_time = Input.qc_ready_t_d_l
                target_start_n = jobs[prev_j.id].nodes[3]
                if current_j.state == "discharging":
                    target_end_n = jobs[current_j.id].nodes[0]
                    ready_time = Input.qc_ready_t_l_d
                    target_end_n = jobs[current_j.id].nodes[2]
                    ready_time = Input.qc_ready_t_l_l
            Edge(target_start_n, target_end_n, qc.id, ready_time)
    # ===========================================================================
    # initialize nodes related with qcs
    # and make possible_planable_n
    # ===========================================================================
    for j in jobs:
        if j.state == "loading":
            j.nodes[2].planed = True
            j.nodes[3].planed = True
            j.nodes[0].planed = True
    for qc in qcs:
        if not qc.job_sequence:
        #        print qc.job_sequence
        qc_start_n = qc.job_sequence[0].nodes[0]
        for e in qc_start_n.outgoings:
            if isinstance(e.vehicle, QC):

    print "qcs"
    for qc in qcs:
        print "    qc id : ", qc.id, "sequence : ", [(x.id, x.state) for x in qc.job_sequence],
    print ""
    print "ycs"
    for yc in ycs:
        print "    yc id : ", yc.id, "sequence : ", [(x.id, x.state) for x in yc.job_list],
    print ""

    count = 0
    while possible_planable_n:
        count += 1
        print ""
        print "the number of times : ", count
        print "possible_planable_n : ", [(x.id, x.order) for x in possible_planable_n]
        # ===========================================================================
        # STEP1
        # calculate ET and LT on each node
        # ===========================================================================
        # ===========================================================================
        # calculate E_T    function
        # ===========================================================================
        # calculate L_T       function
        # ===========================================================================
        calc_L_T(all_nodes, jobs)
        # ===========================================================================
        for x in all_nodes:
            print (x.id, x.order, x.E_T, x.L_T),
            if x.order == 3:
                print ""
        # ===========================================================================
        # STEP2
        # find node whose L_T is minimum in possible_planable_n
        # if there are more than two nodes which is same minimum L_T, choice one which has bigger E_T
        # ===========================================================================
        print "planed_nodes : ", [(n.id, n.order) for n in all_nodes if n.planed]
        minL_T = min([n.L_T for n in possible_planable_n])
        min_L_T_nodes = [n for n in possible_planable_n if minL_T == n.L_T]
        min_L_T_nodes.sort(key=lambda Node: Node.E_T, reverse=True)
        cur_planed_node = possible_planable_n.pop(possible_planable_n.index(min_L_T_nodes[0]))
        #        planed_nodes.append(cur_planed_node)
        cur_planed_node.planed = True
        print "cur_planed_node : ", (cur_planed_node.id, cur_planed_node.order)
        # ===========================================================================
        # STEP3 and STEP4
        # choice next step decided by vehicle
        # ===========================================================================
        cur_vehicle = cur_planed_node.outgoings[0].vehicle

        if isinstance(cur_vehicle, YC):
            # ===========================================================================
            # STEP4
            # in this step, YC operate
            # find YC whose job_list include cur_planed_node
            # ===========================================================================
            cur_j = jobs[cur_planed_node.id]
            for yc in ycs:
                if cur_j in yc.job_list:
                    cur_yc = yc
            if cur_j.state == "loading":
                if cur_yc.stop_position == None:
                    # ===========================================================
                    # don't need to add Edge
                    # ===========================================================
                elif cur_yc.stop_position.state == "loading":
                    added_e = Edge(cur_yc.stop_position.nodes[1], cur_j.nodes[2], cur_yc, Input.yc_ready_t_l_d)
                    print "added_e : ", "start", (added_e.start_n.id, added_e.start_n.order), "end", (
                    ), "time", added_e.time
                    added_e = Edge(cur_yc.stop_position.nodes[3], cur_j.nodes[2], cur_yc, Input.yc_ready_t_d_d)
                    print "added_e : ", "start", (added_e.start_n.id, added_e.start_n.order), "end", (
                    ), "time", added_e.time

                if is_cycle_existing(all_nodes):
                    assert False, "exception!!! there is not available yt"

                for e in cur_planed_node.outgoings:
                    if e.end_n.planed:
                        #####                        print 'e.end_n.planed'
                        #####                        print (e.end_n.id,e.end_n.order, e.end_n.planed)
                        #####                        print len([in_e for in_e in e.end_n.incomings if in_e.start_n.planed]) , len(e.end_n.incomings)
                        #####                        print 'len(e.end_n.outgoings) : ',len(e.end_n.outgoings)
                        #####                        for e1 in e.end_n.outgoings:
                        #####                            if e1.end_n.planed:
                        #####                                print 'planed'
                        ######                                add_planable_node(e.end_n, possible_planable_n)
                        #####                            else:
                        #####                                print 'not planed'
                        ######                                possible_planable_n.append(e.end_n)
                        add_planable_node(e.end_n, possible_planable_n)
                        #                        print 'e.end_n.planed  not!!!!'
                        cur_j.nodes[3].planed = True
            #                        possible_planable_n.append(e.end_n)

            # ===================================================================
            # save yc's stop_position for calculate next yc operation's ready time
            # ===================================================================
            cur_yc.stop_position = cur_j

            print "YC Node go step 4"
            print "cur_vehicle : ", cur_vehicle.id

            # ===========================================================================
            # STEP3
            # in this step, YT operate
            # find YT whose ready time is shorter than others
            # if chosen YT make a cycle, choose another one
            # ===========================================================================
            cur_j = jobs[cur_planed_node.id]
            cur_yt = None
            if not_yet_used_yt:
                cur_yt = not_yet_used_yt.pop(0)
                yt_and_ready_t_for_cur_j = []
                for yt in yts:
                    prev_vehicle = yt.stop_position.nodes[2].outgoings[0].vehicle
                    next_vehicle = cur_planed_node.incomings[0].vehicle
                    yt_and_ready_t_for_cur_j.append((yt, yt_operation_time[(prev_vehicle, next_vehicle)]))
                print "yt_and_ready_t_for_cur_j : ", [(x.id, y) for x, y in yt_and_ready_t_for_cur_j]
                for cur_yt, ready_t in sorted(yt_and_ready_t_for_cur_j, key=lambda x: x[1]):
                    added_e = Edge(cur_yt.stop_position.nodes[2], cur_planed_node, cur_yt, ready_t)
                    # ============================================================
                    # check cycle
                    # ============================================================
                    #                    print 'added_e : ', (added_e.start_n.id,added_e.start_n.order), (added_e.end_n.id,added_e.end_n.order)
                    if not is_cycle_existing(all_nodes):
                        print "added_e : ", "start", (added_e.start_n.id, added_e.start_n.order), "end", (
                        ), "time", added_e.time

                    print "this edge make cycle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
                    added_e = None
                    cur_yt = None
                    assert False, "exception!!! there is not available yt"
            print "YT Node go step 3"
            print "cur_vehicle : ", cur_yt.id
            cur_yt.stop_position = cur_j
            for e in cur_j.nodes[1].outgoings:
                if e.end_n.planed:
                    add_planable_node(e.end_n, possible_planable_n)
                    for i_e in cur_planed_node.incomings:
                        if not i_e.start_n.planed:
        print "ycs"
        for yc in ycs:
            print "    yc id :", yc.id, "sequence : ", [x.id for x in yc.job_sequence], "    ",
        print ""
        print "yts"
        for yt in yts:
            print "    yt id :", yt.id, "sequence : ", [x.id for x in yt.job_sequence], "    ",

        print ""

    #        for n in all_nodes:
    #            print (n.id, n.order, n.E_T, n.L_T, n.planed), 'outgoings : ', [(e.end_n.id, e.end_n.order, e.time)for e in n.outgoings],
    #            if len(n.outgoings) == 2:
    #                print '    ',
    #            else:
    #                print '             ',
    #            if n.order == 3:
    #                print ''

    print "algorithms is ended"
Exemple #2
def run():
    # STEP0
    # initialize
    # make all node and connect nodes by edges
    jobs = Input.jobs
    qcs = Input.qcs
    ycs = Input.ycs
    yts = Input.yts
    not_yet_used_yt = yts[:]
    all_nodes = []
    possible_planable_n = []
    # make nodes related with job
    for job in jobs:
        maked_nodes = tuple([Node(job.id, i) for i in range(4)])
        target_qc = None
        target_yc = None
        for qc in qcs:
            if job in qc.job_sequence:
                target_qc = qc            
        for yc in ycs:
            if job in yc.job_list:
                target_yc = yc

        if job.state == 'discharging':
            Edge(maked_nodes[0], maked_nodes[1], target_qc, Input.qc_discharging_operation)
            Edge(maked_nodes[1], maked_nodes[2], None, Input.yt_operation_time[(target_qc, target_yc)])
            Edge(maked_nodes[2], maked_nodes[3], target_yc, Input.yc_discharging_operation)
            Edge(maked_nodes[0], maked_nodes[1], target_yc, Input.yc_loading_operation)
            Edge(maked_nodes[1], maked_nodes[2], None, Input.yt_operation_time[(target_qc, target_yc)])
            Edge(maked_nodes[2], maked_nodes[3], target_qc, Input.qc_loading_operation)
        job.nodes = maked_nodes
    # append all node in all_nodes
    for j in jobs:
    # connect nodes related with qcs
    for qc in qcs:
        for i in range(1, len(qc.job_sequence)):
            prev_j = qc.job_sequence[i - 1]
            current_j = qc.job_sequence[i]
            target_start_n = None
            target_end_n = None
            ready_time = None
            if prev_j.state == 'discharging':
                target_start_n = jobs[prev_j.id].nodes[1]                
                if current_j.state == 'discharging':
                    target_end_n = jobs[current_j.id].nodes[0]    
                    ready_time = Input.qc_ready_t_d_d
                    target_end_n = jobs[current_j.id].nodes[2]
                    ready_time = Input.qc_ready_t_d_l
                target_start_n = jobs[prev_j.id].nodes[3]
                if current_j.state == 'discharging':
                    target_end_n = jobs[current_j.id].nodes[0]
                    ready_time = Input.qc_ready_t_l_d
                    target_end_n = jobs[current_j.id].nodes[2]
                    ready_time = Input.qc_ready_t_l_l
            Edge(target_start_n, target_end_n, qc.id, ready_time)
    # initialize nodes related with qcs
    # and make possible_planable_n
    for j in jobs:
        if j.state == 'loading':
            j.nodes[2].planed = True
            j.nodes[3].planed = True
            j.nodes[0].planed = True
    for qc in qcs:
        qc_start_n = qc.job_sequence[0].nodes[0]
        for e in qc_start_n.outgoings:
            if isinstance(e.vehicle, QC):
#    for n in all_nodes:
#        print '(id, order)', (n.id, n.order)
#        print '    incomings', [(e.start_n.id, e.start_n.order, e.time)for e in n.incomings]
#        print '    outgoings', [(e.end_n.id, e.end_n.order, e.time)for e in n.outgoings]
    count = 0
    while possible_planable_n:
#        yield all_nodes
        count +=1
        print count
        print 'possible_planable_n : ', [(x.id,x.order)for x in possible_planable_n]
        # STEP1
        # calculate ET and LT on each node
        # calculate E_T    function
        # calculate L_T       function
        calc_L_T(all_nodes, jobs)
#        print 'why??~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
#        print 'all_nodes : ', [(x.id, x.order, x.E_T, x.L_T)for x in all_nodes]
        # STEP2
        # find node whose L_T is minimum in possible_planable_n
        # if there are more than two nodes which is same minimum L_T, choice one which has bigger E_T
        minL_T = min([n.L_T for n in possible_planable_n])
        min_L_T_nodes = [n for n in possible_planable_n if minL_T == n.L_T]
        min_L_T_nodes.sort(key=lambda Node:Node.E_T, reverse=True)
        cur_planed_node = possible_planable_n.pop(possible_planable_n.index(min_L_T_nodes[0]))
        cur_planed_node.planed = True
        print 'cur_planed_node : ', (cur_planed_node.id, cur_planed_node.order)  
        # STEP3 and STEP4
        # choice next step decided by vehicle
        cur_vehicle = cur_planed_node.outgoings[0].vehicle
        if isinstance(cur_vehicle, YC):
            # STEP4
            # in this step, YC operate 
            # find YC whose job_list include cur_planed_node   
            cur_j = jobs[cur_planed_node.id]
            for yc in ycs:
                if cur_j in yc.job_list:
                    cur_yc = yc
            if cur_j.state == 'loading':
                cur_j.nodes[3].planed = True
                if cur_yc.stop_position == None:
                    # don't need to add Edge
                elif cur_yc.stop_position.state == 'loading':
                    Edge(cur_yc.stop_position.nodes[1], cur_j.nodes[2], cur_yc, Input.yc_ready_t_l_d)
                    Edge(cur_yc.stop_position.nodes[3], cur_j.nodes[2], cur_yc, Input.yc_ready_t_d_d)
            # save yc's stop_position for calculate next yc operation's ready time
            cur_yc.stop_position = cur_j
            for e in cur_j.nodes[1].outgoings: 
                if e.end_n.planed:
                    add_planable_node(e.end_n, possible_planable_n)
#                    print 'possible node added'
#                    print (e.end_n.id,e.end_n.order,e.end_n.E_T,e.end_n.L_T)
            print 'YC Node go step 4'
            print 'cur_vehicle : ', cur_vehicle.id
            print ''
            # STEP3
            # in this step, YT operate 
            # find YT whose ready time is shorter than others
            # if chosen YT make a cycle, choose another one   
            cur_j = jobs[cur_planed_node.id]
            cur_yt = None
            if not_yet_used_yt:
                cur_yt = not_yet_used_yt.pop(0)
                yt_and_ready_t_for_cur_j = []
                for yt in yts:
                    prev_vehicle = yt.stop_position.nodes[2].outgoings[0].vehicle
                    next_vehicle = cur_planed_node.incomings[0].vehicle        
                    yt_and_ready_t_for_cur_j.append((yt, Input.yt_operation_time[(prev_vehicle, next_vehicle)]))
                for cur_yt, ready_t in sorted(yt_and_ready_t_for_cur_j, key=lambda x:x[1]):
                    added_e = Edge(cur_yt.stop_position.nodes[2], cur_planed_node, cur_yt, ready_t)
                    # check cycle 
#                    print 'added_e : ', (added_e.start_n.id,added_e.start_n.order), (added_e.end_n.id,added_e.end_n.order)
                    if not is_cycle_existing(all_nodes):
                        print 'no cycle'
                        print 'cur yt : ', cur_yt.id
                    print 'this edge make cycle'
                    added_e = None
                    cur_yt = None
                    assert False, 'exception!!! there is not available yt'
            print 'YT Node go step 3'
            print 'cur_vehicle : ', cur_yt.id
            print ''
            cur_yt.stop_position = cur_j
            for e in cur_j.nodes[1].outgoings: 
                if e.end_n.planed:
                    add_planable_node(e.end_n, possible_planable_n)
#                    print 'possible node added'
#                    print (e.end_n.id,e.end_n.order,e.end_n.E_T,e.end_n.L_T)
    for n in all_nodes:
        print 'n : ', (n.id, n.order, n.E_T, n.L_T)
#        print '    incomings : ', [(e.start_n.id, e.start_n.order, e.start_n.E_T, e.start_n.L_T)for e in n.incomings]
#        print '    outgoings : ', [(e.end_n.id, e.end_n.order, e.end_n.E_T, e.end_n.L_T)for e in n.outgoings]
        print '    outgoings : ', [(e.end_n.id, e.end_n.order, e.end_n.E_T, e.end_n.L_T)for e in n.outgoings]
    print 'algorithms is ended'
    print 'result'
    print 'qcs'
    for qc in qcs:
        print '    qc id : ', qc.id
        print '    sequence : ', [x.id for x in qc.job_sequence]
    print ''
    print 'ycs'
    for yc in ycs:
        print '    yc id : ', yc.id
        print '    sequence : ', [x.id for x in yc.job_sequence]
    print ''
    print 'yts'
    for yt in yts:
        print '    yt id : ', yt.id
        print '    sequence : ', [x.id for x in yt.job_sequence]
def run():
    # STEP0
    # initialize
    # make all node and connect nodes by edges
    jobs = Input.jobs
    qcs = Input.qcs
    ycs = Input.ycs
    yts = Input.yts
    not_yet_used_yt = yts[:]
    all_nodes = []
    possible_planable_n = []
    # make nodes related with job
    for job in jobs:
        maked_nodes = tuple([Node(job.id, i) for i in range(4)])
        target_qc = None
        target_yc = None
        for qc in qcs:
            if job in qc.job_sequence:
                target_qc = qc            
        for yc in ycs:
            if job in yc.job_list:
                target_yc = yc

        if job.state == 'discharging':
            Edge(maked_nodes[0], maked_nodes[1], target_qc, Input.qc_discharging_operation)
            Edge(maked_nodes[1], maked_nodes[2], None, Input.yt_operation_time[(target_qc, target_yc)])
            Edge(maked_nodes[2], maked_nodes[3], target_yc, Input.yc_discharging_operation)
            Edge(maked_nodes[0], maked_nodes[1], target_yc, Input.yc_loading_operation)
            Edge(maked_nodes[1], maked_nodes[2], None, Input.yt_operation_time[(target_qc, target_yc)])
            Edge(maked_nodes[2], maked_nodes[3], target_qc, Input.qc_loading_operation)
        job.nodes = maked_nodes
    # append all node in all_nodes
    for j in jobs:
    # connect nodes related with qcs
    for qc in qcs:
        for i in range(1, len(qc.job_sequence)):
            prev_j = qc.job_sequence[i - 1]
            current_j = qc.job_sequence[i]
            target_start_n = None
            target_end_n = None
            ready_time = None
            if prev_j.state == 'discharging':
                target_start_n = jobs[prev_j.id].nodes[1]                
                if current_j.state == 'discharging':
                    target_end_n = jobs[current_j.id].nodes[0]    
                    ready_time = Input.qc_ready_t_d_d
                    target_end_n = jobs[current_j.id].nodes[2]
                    ready_time = Input.qc_ready_t_d_l
                target_start_n = jobs[prev_j.id].nodes[3]
                if current_j.state == 'discharging':
                    target_end_n = jobs[current_j.id].nodes[0]
                    ready_time = Input.qc_ready_t_l_d
                    target_end_n = jobs[current_j.id].nodes[2]
                    ready_time = Input.qc_ready_t_l_l
            Edge(target_start_n, target_end_n, qc.id, ready_time)
    # initialize nodes related with qcs
    # and make possible_planable_n
    for j in jobs:
        if j.state == 'loading':
            j.nodes[2].planed = True
            j.nodes[3].planed = True
            j.nodes[0].planed = True
    for qc in qcs:
        qc_start_n = qc.job_sequence[0].nodes[0]
        for e in qc_start_n.outgoings:
            if isinstance(e.vehicle, QC):
    while possible_planable_n:
        # STEP1
        # calculate ET and LT on each node
        # calculate E_T    function
        for node in [j.nodes[0] for j in jobs if not j.nodes[0].incomings]:
            for n in all_nodes:
                n.visited = False        
            todo = [node]
            while todo:
                n = todo.pop(0)
                n.visited = True
                for e in n.outgoings:
                    e.end_n.E_T = max(e.end_n.E_T, n.E_T + e.time)
                    if e.end_n.visited == False:
        # calculate L_T       function
        end_nodes_of_jobs = [j.nodes[3] for j in jobs if not j.nodes[3].outgoings]    
        max_L_T = max([x.E_T for x in end_nodes_of_jobs])
        for node in end_nodes_of_jobs:
            node.L_T = max_L_T
            for n in all_nodes:
                n.visited = False
            todo = [node]
            while todo:
                n = todo.pop(0)
                n.l_visited = True    
                for edge in n.incomings:
                        edge.start_n.L_T = min(edge.start_n.L_T, n.L_T - edge.time)
                        if edge.start_n.e_visited == False:
        # revise node's L_T which is for yc's discharging operation
        for j in jobs:
            if j.state == 'discharging' and j.nodes[2].planed == False:
                j.nodes[2].L_T = min(j.nodes[2].L_T, j.nodes[1].L_T + Input.yc_discharging_operation + Input.yc_discharging_operation)
        print 'possible_planable_n : ', [(x.id, x.order, x.E_T, x.L_T)for x in possible_planable_n]
        # STEP2
        # find node whose L_T is minimum in possible_planable_n
        # if there are more than two nodes which is same minimum L_T, choice one which has bigger E_T
        minL_T = min([n.L_T for n in possible_planable_n])
        min_L_T_nodes = [n for n in possible_planable_n if minL_T == n.L_T]
        min_L_T_nodes.sort(key=lambda Node:Node.E_T, reverse=True)
        cur_planed_node = possible_planable_n.pop(possible_planable_n.index(min_L_T_nodes[0]))
        cur_planed_node.planed = True
        print 'cur_planed_node : ', (cur_planed_node.id, cur_planed_node.order)  
        # STEP3 and STEP4
        # choice next step decided by vehicle
        cur_vehicle = cur_planed_node.outgoings[0].vehicle
        if isinstance(cur_vehicle, YC):
            # STEP4
            # in this step, YC operate 
            # find YC whose job_list include cur_planed_node   
            cur_j = jobs[cur_planed_node.id]
            for yc in ycs:
                if cur_j in yc.job_list:
                    cur_yc = yc
            if cur_j.state == 'loading':
                cur_j.nodes[3].planed = True
                if cur_yc.stop_position == None:
                    # don't need to add Edge
                elif cur_yc.stop_position.state == 'loading':
                    Edge(cur_yc.stop_position.nodes[1], cur_j.nodes[2], cur_yc, Input.yc_ready_t_l_d)
                    Edge(cur_yc.stop_position.nodes[3], cur_j.nodes[2], cur_yc, Input.yc_ready_t_d_d)
            # save yc's stop_position for calculate next yc operation's ready time
            cur_yc.stop_position = cur_j
            print 'YC Node go step 4'
            print 'cur_vehicle : ', cur_vehicle.id
            print ''
            # STEP3
            # in this step, YT operate 
            # find YT whose ready time is shorter than others
            # if chosen YT make a cycle, choose another one   
            cur_j = jobs[cur_planed_node.id]
            cur_yt = None
            if not_yet_used_yt:
                cur_yt = not_yet_used_yt.pop(0)
                yt_and_ready_t_for_cur_j = []
                for yt in yts:
                    prev_vehicle = yt.stop_position.nodes[2].outgoings[0].vehicle
                    next_vehicle = cur_planed_node.incomings[0].vehicle        
                    yt_and_ready_t_for_cur_j.append((yt, Input.yt_operation_time[(prev_vehicle, next_vehicle)]))
                for cur_yt, ready_t in sorted(yt_and_ready_t_for_cur_j, key=lambda x:x[1]):
                    added_e = Edge(cur_yt.stop_position.nodes[2], cur_planed_node, cur_yt, ready_t)
#                    possible_del_n = [j.nodes[0] for j in jobs if not j.nodes[0].incomings]
                    # check cycle 
                    possible_del_n = []
                    for n in all_nodes:
                        n.visited = False
                        for e in n.outgoings:
                            e.checked = False
                        if not n.incomings:
                    while possible_del_n:
                        n = possible_del_n.pop(0)                        
                        n.visited = True
                        for o_e in n.outgoings:
                            o_e.checked = True
                            for e in o_e.end_n.incomings:
                                if not e.checked:
                    if len([n for n in all_nodes if n.visited]) == len(all_nodes):
                    print 'this edge make cycle'
                    added_e = None
                    cur_yt = None
                    assert False, 'exception!!! there is not available yt'

            print 'YT Node go step 3'
            print 'cur_vehicle : ', cur_yt.id
            print ''
            cur_yt.stop_position = cur_j
            for e in cur_j.nodes[1].outgoings: 
                if e.end_n.planed:
                    add_planable_node(e.end_n, possible_planable_n)
    print 'algorithms is ended'