def main(): player = class_player.Player('Phil') game = class_game.Game(player) game.bgImage = pygame.image.load('images/bg/default.bmp') job = game_data.bear_hunt jobFunction(game, job)
def characterCreationScreen(): player = class_player.Player('') basicInfoSlide(player) chooseClassSlide(player) return player
def main(): player = class_player.Player('Phil') game = class_game.Game(player) game.bgImage = pygame.image.load('images/bg/default.bmp') game.activeJobs = [game_data.bear_hunt] game.activeJobs[0].startDay = 3 game.player.classStats = {'Sword': 40, 'Shield': 30, 'Heavy Armor': 35} game.player.stats = { 'Health': 60, 'Strength': 60, 'Endurance': 50, 'Intelligence': 30, 'Perception': 45, 'Focus': 40, 'Charisma': 50, 'Stealth': 30, 'Speed': 40 } game.player.weapon = 'Iron Sword' game.player.armor = 'Chain Mail' game.player.accessory = 'Bronze Ring' statusScreenMenu(game)
def main(): player = class_player.Player('Phil') game = class_game.Game(player) destination = game_data.riverwood #uses astralis as a starting point and riverwood as a sample destination travelFunction(game, destination)
new_scale = (rect.width * playerScale, rect.height * playerScale) image = pygame.transform.scale(image, new_scale) player1Right.append(image) player1Left = [] for counter in range(1, 5): imagePath = 'Sprites/Player1/Player1_Left.png' image = pygame.image.load(imagePath) rect = image.get_rect() new_scale = (rect.width * playerScale, rect.height * playerScale) image = pygame.transform.scale(image, new_scale) player1Left.append(image) player_1 = player.Player(player1Right, player1Left, 0, 0, screen_size, 100, "Joueur 1") player2Right = [] for counter in range(1, 5): imagePath = 'Sprites/Player2/Player2_Right.png' image = pygame.image.load(imagePath) rect = image.get_rect() new_scale = (rect.width * playerScale, rect.height * playerScale) image = pygame.transform.scale(image, new_scale) player2Right.append(image) player2Left = [] for counter in range(1, 5): imagePath = 'Sprites/Player2/Player2_Left.png' image = pygame.image.load(imagePath)
def main(): player = class_player.Player('Phil') game = class_game.Game(player) worldMap(game)
def mainMenuScreen(): while True: select = None common_functions.standardEventHandling() cfg.DISPLAYSURF.fill(cfg.BLACK) mainMenuBackSurf = pygame.Surface((250, 280)) mainMenuBackRect = mainMenuBackSurf.get_rect() mainMenuBackRect.midtop = (cfg.WINWIDTH / 2, cfg.WINHEIGHT / 8) cfg.DISPLAYSURF.blit(mainMenuBackSurf, mainMenuBackRect) pygame.draw.rect(cfg.DISPLAYSURF, cfg.BLUE, mainMenuBackRect, 2) x = mainMenuBackRect.centerx y = + 20 for i in cfg.MAINMENUOPTIONS: optionSurf = cfg.AR28.render(i, True, cfg.WHITE) optionRect = optionSurf.get_rect() optionRect.midtop = (x, y) if optionRect.collidepoint(cfg.mouseX, cfg.mouseY): optionSurf = cfg.AR28.render(i, True, cfg.RED) pygame.draw.line(cfg.DISPLAYSURF, cfg.WHITE, (optionRect.left + 5, optionRect.bottom + 1), (optionRect.right - 5, optionRect.bottom + 1), 1) if cfg.mouseClicked: select = i cfg.DISPLAYSURF.blit(optionSurf, optionRect) y += 50 if select == 'Quick Play': player = class_player.Player('Phil') player.playerClass = 'Warrior' player.classStats = {'Sword': 40, 'Shield': 30, 'Heavy Armor': 35} player.stats = { 'Health': 60, 'Strength': 60, 'Endurance': 50, 'Intelligence': 30, 'Perception': 45, 'Focus': 40, 'Charisma': 50, 'Stealth': 30, 'Speed': 40 } game = class_game.Game(player) return game elif select == 'Create Character': player = character_creation.characterCreationScreen() game = class_game.Game(player) return game elif select == 'Load Game': #long way off from this :P pass elif select == 'Options': pass elif select == 'Exit Game': common_functions.terminate() pygame.display.update() cfg.FPSCLOCK.tick(cfg.FPS)
def main(): player = class_player.Player('Phil') game = class_game.Game(player) hub = game_data.astralis #uses Phil and Riverwood as default placeholders adventureMode(game, hub)
image = pygame.transform.scale(image, new_scale) player1Right.append(image) player1Left = [] for counter in range(1, 5): imagePath = 'Sprites/Captain America Sprites/CaptainAmerica_Left_' + str( counter) + '.png' image = pygame.image.load(imagePath) rect = image.get_rect() new_scale = (rect.width * playerScale, rect.height * playerScale) image = pygame.transform.scale(image, new_scale) player1Left.append(image) player_1 = player.Player(player1Right, player1Left, 0, 0, screen_size, 100, "Captain America") player2Right = [] for counter in range(1, 5): imagePath = 'Sprites/Iron Man Sprites/IronMan_Right_' + str( counter) + '.png' image = pygame.image.load(imagePath) rect = image.get_rect() new_scale = (rect.width * playerScale, rect.height * playerScale) image = pygame.transform.scale(image, new_scale) player2Right.append(image) player2Left = [] for counter in range(1, 5): imagePath = 'Sprites/Iron Man Sprites/IronMan_Left_' + str(
def main(): player = class_player.Player('Phil') game = class_game.Game(player) location = game_data.astralis_library #uses Phil and Riverwood as default placeholders locationScreen(game, location)