def startGame(gameState=None): word = getWordFromFile("wordsList.txt") highScoreData = getHighScoreFromFile("scores.txt") if gameState == None: newGameState = GameState(word, highScoreData[0], int(highScoreData[1])) else: newGameState = GameState(word, highScoreData[0], int(highScoreData[1]), gameState.winsInARow) print("Let's play the Hangman game !\n") print("High score : ", newGameState.highScore) print("Best Player :", newGameState.highScorePlayer) print("Your Score :", newGameState.winsInARow) newTry(newGameState)
def startGame(mainWindow=None, prevGameState=None): if mainWindow == None: mainWindow = MainWindow() word = getWordFromFile("wordsList.txt") highScoreData = getHighScoreFromFile("scores.txt") if prevGameState == None: gameState = GameState(word, highScoreData[0], int(highScoreData[1])) else: gameState = GameState(word, highScoreData[0], int( highScoreData[1]), prevGameState.winsInARow) mainWindow.tryButton.configure( command=lambda: tryLetter(mainWindow, gameState)) updateWidgets(mainWindow, gameState) mainWindow.bind_all( '<Return>', lambda event: tryLetter(mainWindow, gameState)) mainWindow.mainloop()
def end_screen(): # Keeps track of all sprites to be updated every frame allsprites = pygame.sprite.Group() # Song to be used in game. Only one can be used. song = song_library.example_song_short # Short random song for debugging # song = song_library.example_song_long # Ode To Joy # Create game_state instance, this holds all required game info game_state = GameState(allsprites, song) loop = True replayButton = Button(500, 500, 200, 45, ' Replay', game_state.restart, song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state) mainMenuButton = Button(650, 500, 200, 45, ' Main menu', game_state.menu_start, song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state) top5 = score.get_top5_high_score() while loop: text_font.render_to(screen, (590, 200), "Highscores:", (153, 204, 255)) eventlist = pygame.event.get() for event in eventlist: # Checks if a mouse is clicked if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: replayButton.check_click() mainMenuButton.check_click() quitButton.check_click() # This calls the update() function on all sprites allsprites.update() # Draw Everything screen.blit(game_state.get_background(), (0, 0)) # First draw a new background allsprites.draw(screen) # Next draw all updated sprites pygame.display.update() # Finally render everything to the display
def main(): # Initialize pygame pygame.init() # Set screen size. Don't change this unless you know what you are doing! screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1280, 720)) # Set the window title pygame.display.set_caption("Sweden - Interaction Hero") # Keeps track of all sprites to be updated every frame allsprites = pygame.sprite.Group() # Song to be used in game. Only one can be used. #song = song_library.example_song_short # Short random song for debugging #song = song_library.example_song_long # Ode To Joy song = song_library.du_gamla_du_fria # Create game_state instance, this holds all required game info game_state = GameState(allsprites, song) # Checks if the program is running on a Raspberry Pi is_running_on_rpi = utils.is_running_on_rpi() if is_running_on_rpi: # Below are some pin input numbers, feel free to change them. However, # !!! ALWAYS READ THE PIN DOCUMENTATION CAREFULLY !!! # Pay special attention to the difference between GPIO pin numbers and BOARD pin numbers # For example GPIO17 is addressed 17 rather than 11 (See pin numbering diagram.) # gpio_pin_numbers = [22, 23, 24, 27] # Max 4 pins gpio_buttons = init_rpi_buttons(gpio_pin_numbers) game_state.add_gpio_pins(gpio_pin_numbers) # Prepare game objects clock = pygame.time.Clock() startButton = Button(570, 200, 140, 40, ' Börja', game_state.restart, "menu", song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state) quitButton = Button(570, 300, 140, 40, ' Sluta', quit, "menu", song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state) scoreButton = Button(570, 250, 140, 40, ' Score', game_state.open_score_menu, "menu", song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state) scoreBackButton = Button(570, 350, 140, 40, ' Bakåt', game_state.open_menu, "score", song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state) highscoreLabel = Label("", 100, 220, True, 36, song.get_font_filename(), (255, 255, 255), "score", allsprites, game_state) # Main loop going = True while going: # Update the clock, argument is max fps clock.tick(60) # Every 'tick' or programcycle the gamestate update() is called game_state.update() # Get all events from the last cycle and store them as variable # This is stored as a variable because pygame.even.get() empties this list eventlist = pygame.event.get() # Check if there are any global quit events for event in eventlist: # If yes, the game loop won't start again if event.type == pygame.QUIT: going = False elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.unicode == pygame.K_ESCAPE: going = False # This runs before the user starts the game if game_state.state == 'prestart': for event in eventlist: # Checks if a mouse is clicked if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: startButton.check_click() quitButton.check_click() scoreButton.check_click() elif game_state.state == 'score': highscoreLabel.text = "Highscore: " + str( game_state.scoreHandler.get_high_score()) for event in eventlist: if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: scoreBackButton.check_click() # This runs when the users starts a game elif game_state.state == 'playing': # Loop through all potential hitboxes for hitbox in game_state.hitboxes: # Every hitbox needs to check all events for event in eventlist: if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.unicode == hitbox.event_key: game_state.check_for_hit(hitbox) elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: hitbox.unpunch() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: game_state.state = 'prestart' hitbox.destroy_all_notes() # When on RPi also check for GPIO input if is_running_on_rpi: for button in gpio_buttons: # When a buttons is pressed in this loop and wasn't pressed in the last loop if button.is_pressed( ) and button.gpio_key is hitbox.gpio_event_key and button.is_available( ): button.use( ) # Set the button as unavailable for the next loop game_state.check_for_hit(hitbox) # When a button was not pressed in this loop elif not button.is_pressed(): button.wake() # Set the button as available again hitbox.unpunch() # This calls the update() function on all sprites allsprites.update() # Draw Everything screen.blit(game_state.get_background(), (0, 0)) # First draw a new background allsprites.draw(screen) # Next draw all updated sprites pygame.display.update() # Finally render everything to the display
def main(): # Initialize pygame pygame.init() # Set screen size. Don't change this unless you know what you are doing! screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1280, 720)) # Set the window title pygame.display.set_caption("IAT Challengeweek: Interaction Hero | China") # Keeps track of all sprites to be updated every frame allsprites = pygame.sprite.Group() text_font = pygame.freetype.Font("data/RobotoMono-VariableFont_wght.ttf", 34) # Song to be used in game. Only one can be used. song = song_library.example_song_short # Short random song for debugging # song = song_library.example_song_long # Ode To Joy # Create game_state instance, this holds all required game info game_state = GameState(allsprites, song) # Checks if the program is running on a Raspberry Pi is_running_on_rpi = utils.is_running_on_rpi() if is_running_on_rpi: # Below are some pin input numbers, feel free to change them. However, # !!! ALWAYS READ THE PIN DOCUMENTATION CAREFULLY !!! # Pay special attention to the difference between GPIO pin numbers and BOARD pin numbers # For example GPIO17 is addressed 17 rather than 11 (See pin numbering diagram.) # gpio_pin_numbers = [2, 3, 4, 17] # Max 4 pins gpio_buttons = init_rpi_buttons(gpio_pin_numbers) game_state.add_gpio_pins(gpio_pin_numbers) # Prepare game objects clock = pygame.time.Clock() startButton = Button(500, 300, 140, 40, ' Start', game_state.restart, song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state) quitButton = Button(500, 350, 140, 40, ' Quit', quit, song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state) # easyButton = Button(450, 250, 140, 40, ' Easy', select_difficulty, song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state) # normalButton = Button(600, 250, 140, 40, ' Normal', select_difficulty, song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state) # hardButton = Button(750, 250, 140, 40, ' Hard', select_difficulty, song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state) # Main loop going = True while going: # Update the clock, argument is max fps clock.tick(60) # Every 'tick' or programcycle the gamestate update() is called game_state.update() # Get all events from the last cycle and store them as variable # This is stored as a variable because pygame.even.get() empties this list eventlist = pygame.event.get() # Check if there are any global quit events for event in eventlist: # If yes, the game loop won't start again if event.type == pygame.QUIT: going = False elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.unicode == pygame.K_ESCAPE: going = False # This runs before the user starts the game if game_state.state == 'prestart': for event in eventlist: # Checks if a mouse is clicked if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: startButton.check_click() quitButton.check_click() # Difficulty buttons # easyButton.check_click() # normalButton.check_click() # hardButton.check_click() # This runs when the users starts a game elif game_state.state == 'playing': stopButton = Button(100, 100, 140, 40, ' Stop', game_state.menu_start, song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state) # Loop through all potential hitboxes for hitbox in game_state.hitboxes: # Every hitbox needs to check all events for event in eventlist: if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.unicode == hitbox.event_key: game_state.check_for_hit(hitbox) elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: hitbox.unpunch() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: stopButton.check_click() # When on RPi also check for GPIO input if is_running_on_rpi: for button in gpio_buttons: # When a buttons is pressed in this loop and wasn't pressed in the last loop if button.is_pressed( ) and button.gpio_key is hitbox.gpio_event_key and button.is_available( ): button.use( ) # Set the button as unavailable for the next loop game_state.check_for_hit(hitbox) # When a button was not pressed in this loop elif not button.is_pressed(): button.wake() # Set the button as available again hitbox.unpunch() # elif game_state.state == 'end_game': # going = False # end_screen() # End state elif game_state.state == 'end_game': replayButton = Button(500, 500, 200, 45, ' Replay', game_state.restart, song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state) mainMenuButton = Button(650, 500, 200, 45, ' Main menu', game_state.menu_start, song.get_font_filename(), allsprites, game_state) top5 = score.get_top5_high_score() text_font.render_to(screen, (500, 200), "top 5 Score:", (0, 0, 0)) height = 250 for count, top in enumerate(top5): h = height + 30 * count text_font.render_to(screen, (500, h), str(top), (0, 0, 0)) # text_font.render_to(screen, (500, 250), "ss", (153, 204, 255)) # [90, 70, 65, 60, 60] for event in eventlist: # Checks if a mouse is clicked if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: replayButton.check_click() mainMenuButton.check_click() quitButton.check_click() # text_font.render_to(screen, (40, 350), "Hello World!", (0, 0, 0)) # This calls the update() function on all sprites allsprites.update() pygame.display.flip() # Draw Everything screen.blit(game_state.get_background(), (0, 0)) # First draw a new background allsprites.draw(screen) # Next draw all updated sprites pygame.display.update() # Finally render everything to the display
def main(): clock = pygame.time.Clock() bgY = 0 bgY2 = -BG.get_height() main_font = pygame.font.SysFont("roboto", 30, bold=False, italic=False) lost_font = pygame.font.SysFont("roboto", 70, bold=True, italic=False) # init game state gameState = GameState([], []) player = Player(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT - 50) def enemy_shoot(enemy): if enemy.y > 0: rand = random.randrange(0, 100) if enemy.cooldown < enemy.shoot_timer: enemy.cooldown += 1 if enemy.cooldown >= enemy.shoot_timer and rand > 95: enemy.cooldown = 0 laser = Laser(enemy.x + 10, enemy.y + enemy.ship_img.get_height() - 10, ENEMY_LASER_IMG, enemy.laser_vel + enemy.ship_vel, 1, enemy.damage) gameState.lasers.append(laser) def stageHandler(): if len(gameState.enemies) == 0: gameState.level += 1 gameState.wave_length += 5 enemy_dic = (Enemy1, Enemy2, Enemy3) for i in range(gameState.wave_length): enemy = random.choice(enemy_dic) gameState.enemies.append( enemy(random.randrange(100, WIDTH - 100), random.randrange(-1500, -100))) else: # handles enemies for enemy in gameState.enemies: enemy.move() enemy_shoot(enemy) if (enemy.y >= HEIGHT or enemy.y > 0 and player.collide(enemy)): gameState.enemies.remove(enemy) enemy.death() gameState.hit() # handles lasers if len(gameState.lasers): for laser in gameState.lasers: if laser.off_screen(HEIGHT): gameState.lasers.remove(laser) elif player.collide(laser): player.hit() gameState.hit() gameState.lasers.remove(laser) else: move = True for obj in (gameState.enemies): if (laser.collision(obj)): obj.Damage(laser.damage) if <= 0: gameState.enemies.remove(obj) gameState.lasers.remove(laser) move = False continue if (laser.collision(player)): player.Damage(laser.damage) gameState.lasers.remove(laser) move = False continue if move: laser.moveLaser() player.shot_counter() def deathHandler(): # handles lost game timer if gameState.lives == 0: if (gameState.lost_counter == 0): player.death() gameState.lost = True gameState.lost_counter += 1 # checks if lost the game if gameState.lost: if gameState.lost_counter > gameState.FPS * 3: = False else: return True def reRender(): # background WIN.blit(BG, (0, int(bgY))) WIN.blit(BG, (0, int(bgY2))) # enemies for enemy in gameState.enemies: enemy.draw(WIN) # player player.draw(WIN) # lasers for laser in gameState.lasers: laser.draw(WIN) # render lost message if gameState.lost: lost_message = lost_font.render("You Lost! Better Luck Next Time", 1, (255, 255, 255)) WIN.blit(lost_message, (int(WIDTH / 2 - lost_message.get_width() / 2), int(HEIGHT / 2 - lost_message.get_height() / 2))) # draw text level_label = main_font.render(f"Level: {gameState.level}", 1, (255, 255, 255)) enemies_left = main_font.render( f"Enemies Left: {len(gameState.enemies)}", 1, (255, 255, 255)) # render lives for i in range(gameState.lives): WIN.blit(PLAYER_LIFE_IMG, (10 + (i * PLAYER_LIFE_IMG.get_width()) + 5, 10)) WIN.blit(level_label, (WIDTH - level_label.get_width() - 10, 10)) WIN.blit(enemies_left, (WIDTH - enemies_left.get_width() - 10, 20 + level_label.get_height())) pygame.display.update() while clock.tick(gameState.FPS) reRender() # handles death if (deathHandler()): continue # handle background repetition bgY += 0.8 bgY2 += 0.8 if bgY > BG.get_height(): bgY = -BG.get_height() if bgY2 > BG.get_height(): bgY2 = -BG.get_height() stageHandler() # handles pygame events for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: = False # track movment player.controles(WIDTH, HEIGHT, gameState.lasers)
""" entry point for the Space Invaders Game 17/12/20 by Loïc (Pyrrha) TOCQUET and MALOSSE Alice """ from tkinter import Tk, Label, Button, Canvas from classes.MainWindow import MainWindow from classes.Sprite import Sprite from classes.GameState import GameState from classes.Alien import Alien from funcs.gameLoop import gameLoop gameState = GameState() mainWindow = MainWindow(gameState) gameLoop(mainWindow, gameState) mainWindow.manageEvent(gameState) mainWindow.mainloop()