def _check_root_elem(self, root_elem: ElementTree.Element): """ Check root element :param root_elem: XML DOM root element """ if root_elem.tag != "program": raise XMLFormatError( "Vstupní XML musí mít kořenový element <program>") has_language = False for attrib, value in root_elem.attrib.items(): if attrib == 'language': if value != 'IPPcode18': raise XMLFormatError( "Kořenový element <program> musí obsahovat atribut 'language=\"IPPcode18\"'" ) else: has_language = True elif attrib not in ['name', 'description']: raise XMLFormatError( "Nepovolený atribut '{}' elementu '<program>".format( attrib)) if not has_language: raise XMLFormatError( "Kořenový element <program> musí obsahovat atribut 'language=\"IPPcode18\"'" )
def _check_instruction_args(self, instruction: ElementTree.Element): """ Check instruction arguments :param instruction: XML DOM instruction element """ args = list() opcode = instruction.attrib['opcode'] order = instruction.attrib['order'] for arg in instruction: matches = self.arg_regex.match(arg.tag) if matches: nth = int( if nth in args: raise XMLFormatError( "Duplikátní argument {} instrukce {}".format( arg.tag, order)) args.append(nth) Instruction.is_valid_arg(opcode, nth, arg) else: raise XMLFormatError( "Neplatný agrument {} instrukce {}".format(arg.tag, order)) if len(args) != Instruction.get_opcode_arg_num(opcode): raise SrcSyntaxError( "Neplatný počet argumentů instrukce {}".format(order)) for i in range(1, len(args) + 1): if i not in args: raise XMLFormatError( "Chybí argument 'arg{}' v instrukci {}".format(i, order))
def _check_instruction_attribs(self, instruction: ElementTree.Element): """ Check instruction attributes :param instruction: XML DOM instruction element """ has_opcode = has_order = False for attrib, value in instruction.attrib.items(): if attrib == "order": try: int(value) has_order = True except ValueError: raise LexicalError( "Atribut 'order' neobsahuje číselnou hodnotu") elif attrib == "opcode": if value not in Instruction.INSTRUCTION_ARGS: raise SrcSyntaxError( "Neplatný operační kód '{}'".format(value)) else: has_opcode = True else: raise XMLFormatError("Neznámý atribut '{}'".format(attrib)) if not has_order or not has_opcode: raise XMLFormatError( "Chybí atribut 'order' nebo 'opcode' v elementu <instruction>")
def parse_from_string(self, xml_string: str) -> ElementTree.Element: """ Parse XML from given string :param xml_string: string with xml :return: root XML DOM element """ try: xml_dom = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_string) except ElementTree.ParseError: raise XMLFormatError("Vstupní XML nemá správný formát'") self._check_xml_structure(xml_dom) return xml_dom
def _check_instructions(self, root_elem: ElementTree.Element): """ Check instructions :param root_elem: XML DOM root element """ for instruction in root_elem: if instruction.tag != "instruction": raise XMLFormatError("Neočekávaný element {}".format( instruction.tag)) self._check_instruction_attribs(instruction) self._check_instruction_args(instruction)
def is_valid_arg(opcode: str, nth_arg: int, arg: Element): """ Check if given argument in XML DOM element form is valid :param opcode: instruction opcode (expects a valid opcode) :param nth_arg: argument position :param arg: XML DOM element """ assert opcode in Instruction.INSTRUCTION_ARGS if not (1 <= nth_arg <= len(Instruction.INSTRUCTION_ARGS[opcode])): raise XMLFormatError('Neplatný argument arg{}'.format( nth_arg, opcode)) if 'type' not in arg.attrib: raise XMLFormatError( 'Chybí atribut "type" argumentu arg{} instrukce {}'.format( nth_arg, opcode)) if len(arg.attrib) != 1: raise XMLFormatError( 'Neplatný počet atributů argumentu arg{} instrukce {}'.format( nth_arg, opcode)) lexical_analyzer.check_validity(arg.attrib['type'], arg.text)
def parse_from_file(self, file: str) -> ElementTree.Element: """ Parse XML from given file :param file: file with xml :return: root XML DOM element """ try: xml_dom = ElementTree.parse(file).getroot() except ElementTree.ParseError: raise XMLFormatError("Vstupní XML nemá správný formát'") except FileNotFoundError: raise ApplicationError( "Nepodařilo se otevřít vstupní soubor '{}'".format(file), INPUT_FILE_ERROR) self._check_xml_structure(xml_dom) return xml_dom