Exemple #1
    def init():
        from classes import Class

        new_class = Class(operation, request, 0)
        rebuild_class = Class(_id=1, **{"name":"Container", "subclasses":{}})

        return new_class, rebuild_class
Exemple #2
    def init():

        from items import Item
        from classes import Class, Subclass
        from pets import Pet
        from mounts import Mount

        weapon_class = Class(operation, request, 2)
        battle_pet_class = Class(operation, request, 17)
        misc_class = Class(operation, request, 15)
        staff_subclass = Subclass(operation, request, 2, 10)
        pet_subclass = Subclass(operation, request, 17, 0)
        mount_subclass = Subclass(operation, request, 15, 5)

        existing_pet = Pet(operation, request, 40)
        existing_mount = Mount(operation, request, 240)

        new_item_item = Item(operation, request, 25)
        new_item_pet = Item(operation, request, 82800, pet_data={"_id":39, "quality":3, "level":1, "breed_id":5})
        new_item_mount = Item(operation, request, 34060)
        new_items = (new_item_item, new_item_pet, new_item_mount)

        rebuild_item_item = Item(**{"_id":35, "pet":{"_id":0}, "mount":{"_id":0}, "level":1, "name":"Bent Staff", "quality":"Common", "item_class":2, "item_subclass":10, "type":"TWOHWEAPON", "subtype":"Two-Hand", "sold":0, "price":0, "mean_price":0, "Pet":None, "Mount":None, "Class":weapon_class, "Subclass":staff_subclass})
        rebuild_item_pet = Item(**{"_id":82800, "pet":{"_id":40}, "mount":{"_id":0},"level":25, "name":"Pet Cage", "quality":"Rare", "item_class":17, "item_subclass":0, "type":"NON_EQUIP", "subtype":"Non-equippable", "sold":0, "price":0, "mean_price":0, "Pet":existing_pet, "Mount":None, "Class":battle_pet_class, "Subclass":pet_subclass})
        rebuild_item_mount = Item(**{"_id":41058, "pet":{"_id":0}, "mount":{"_id":240},"level":30, "name":"Mechano-Hog","quality":"Epic", "item_class":15, "item_subclass":5, "type":"NON_EQUIP", "subtype":"Non-equippable", "sold":0, "price":0, "mean_price":0, "Pet":None, "Mount":existing_mount, "Class":misc_class, "Subclass":mount_subclass})
        rebuild_items = (rebuild_item_item, rebuild_item_pet, rebuild_item_mount)

        return new_items, rebuild_items
Exemple #3
def parse(f):
    lines = open(f).read().split('\n')
    # Remove comments and blank lines:
    lines = [x.split('#')[0] for x in lines if len(x) > 0 and not x[0] == '#']
    name = ''
    units = []
    hours = 0
    for line in lines:
        if not line[0] == '\t':
            if name:
                units.append(Unit(name, classes))
                hours = 0
            name = line.strip()
            classes = []
            line = line.strip()
            if line.split(' ')[-1].startswith('hour'):
                hours = float(line.split()[0])
                if hours == 0:
                          'Need to specify hours before listing classes.')
                    classes += [Class(x, hours) for x in line.split()]
                except SyntaxError as e:
                    error(name, e.msg)
    return units
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, hp=1, *args, **kwargs):
     self.hp = hp
     self.alive = True
     character_class = kwargs.get('character_class')
     if character_class:
         self.character_class = character_class
         self.character_class = Class()
def classes(add, remove, display):
    if add:
        class_name = input("Enter the Class Name: ")
        subject = input("Enter the Class Subject: ")
        teacher = input("Enter the Teacher's Name: ")
        cla = Class(class_name, subject, teacher)
    elif remove:
        class_id = input("Enter Class' Id: ")
    elif display:
Exemple #6
def create_class():
    if request.method == "POST":
        form_class_code = request.form["class_code"]
        form_class_name = request.form["class_name"]
        new_class = Class(form_class_name, form_class_code, session['id'])
        db = current_app.config["db"]

        if db.check_exists_class_code(form_class_code):
            error = "The CRN exists !  Enter class code again"
            return render_template("create_class.html", error=error)
        class_key = db.add_class(new_class)

        return redirect(url_for("teacher_main_page", class_key=class_key))
        return render_template("create_class.html")
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self):

        self.name = ''
        while self.name == '':
            self.name = console.input("[bold yellow]Character Name: [/]")

        self.race = iterfzf(racial_stat_bonus)

        self.stats = {
            'Strength': 0,
            'Dexterity': 0,
            'Constitution': 0,
            'Intelligence': 0,
            'Wisdom': 0,
            'Charisma': 0


        self.classes_list_names = iterfzf(class_hitdice, multi=True)
        self.classes_list = [Class(name) for name in self.classes_list_names]

        self.proficiency_bonus = 0
        self.HP = 0
        self.level = 0
        self.proficiencies = []
        self.expertise = []
        self.saves = []
        self.armor_proficiencies = []
        self.weapon_proficiencies = []
        self.tool_proficiencies = []
        self.spells = []
        self.background = ''
        self.alignment = ''
        self.DATA = {}

        for classitem in self.classes_list:

            for item in classitem.asi:
                if classitem.level >= item:

            self.level = self.level + classitem.level

        self.proficiency_bonus = int((self.level - 1) / 4) + 2

        self.proficiencies = list(set(self.proficiencies))
        self.expertise = list(set(self.expertise))
        self.saves = list(set(self.saves))
        self.armor_proficiencies = list(set(classitem.armor_proficiencies))
        self.weapon_proficiencies = list(set(classitem.weapon_proficiencies))
        self.tool_proficiencies = list(set(classitem.tool_proficiencies))
        self.spells = list(set(classitem.spells))

        self.background = iterfzf(backgrounds)
        self.alignment = iterfzf(alignments)

        ## Select Proficiencies from list of allowable skills
        self.proficiencies = iterfzf(
            prompt="Background (" + self.background + "): " +
            backgrounds[self.background] + ' ') or []
            [x.strip() for x in backgrounds[self.background].split(',')])
        self.proficiencies = list(set(self.proficiencies))
        print("Proficiencies:", self.proficiencies)

        if any(x in self.classes_list_names for x in ['Rogue', 'Bard']):
            self.expertise = iterfzf(self.expertise,
                                     prompt='> Select Expertise: ') or []
            print("Expertise:", self.expertise)
            self.expertise = []

        print("STATS: ", [self.stats[key] for key in self.stats])

        self.mods = {x: modsmap[self.stats[x]] for x in self.stats.keys()}

        print("MODS: ", [self.mods[key] for key in self.mods])
        self.HP = sum([
            for item in self.classes_list

        self.AC = 10
        self.weapons = iterfzf(
            prompt='> ' + ', '.join(self.weapon_proficiencies)) or []
        self.armors = iterfzf(
            armors, prompt='> ' + ', '.join(self.armor_proficiencies)) or []

        self.skills = {
            'Acrobatics': self.mods['Dexterity'],
            'Animal Handling': self.mods['Wisdom'],
            'Arcana': self.mods['Intelligence'],
            'Athletics': self.mods['Strength'],
            'Deception': self.mods['Charisma'],
            'History': self.mods['Intelligence'],
            'Insight': self.mods['Wisdom'],
            'Intimidation': self.mods['Charisma'],
            'Investigation': self.mods['Intelligence'],
            'Medicine': self.mods['Wisdom'],
            'Nature': self.mods['Intelligence'],
            'Perception': self.mods['Wisdom'],
            'Performance': self.mods['Charisma'],
            'Persuasion': self.mods['Charisma'],
            'Religion': self.mods['Intelligence'],
            'Sleight of Hand': self.mods['Dexterity'],
            'Stealth': self.mods['Dexterity'],
            'Survival': self.mods['Wisdom'],

            x: self.skills[x] + self.proficiency_bonus
            for x in self.skills.keys() if x in self.proficiencies
            x: self.skills[x] + self.proficiency_bonus
            for x in self.skills.keys() if x in self.expertise
Exemple #8
 def class_average_test_result(self):
     if not hasattr(self, '_class_average_test_result'):
         self._class_average_test_result = dict(
             [cls.id, self._class_average_result(cls)]
             for cls in Class.all())
Exemple #9
 def class_average_test_results(self):
     return dict([cls.id, self._class_average_result(cls)]
                 for cls in Class.all())
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self,
        """constructor for Item class"""

        insert_new_item = operation is not None and not kwargs
        insert_item = operation is not None and kwargs
        test_item = test
        rebuild_item = operation is None and kwargs

        if test_item:
            self.id = _id
            self.kwargs = self.setData(operation, request, None, test=True)

        elif rebuild_item or insert_item:
            self.pet_id = kwargs["pet"]["_id"]
            self.mount_id = kwargs["mount"]["_id"]
            self.name = kwargs["name"]
            self.level = kwargs["level"]
            self.quality = kwargs["quality"]
            self.class_id = kwargs["item_class"]
            self.subclass_id = kwargs["item_subclass"]
            self.type = kwargs["type"]
            self.subtype = kwargs["subtype"]
            self.sold = kwargs["sold"]
            self.price = kwargs["price"]
            self.mean_price = kwargs["mean_price"]

            if rebuild_item:
                self.id = _id
                self.Pet = kwargs["Pet"]
                self.Mount = kwargs["Mount"]
                self.Class = kwargs["Class"]
                self.Subclass = kwargs["Subclass"]

        elif insert_new_item:
            self.id = _id
            self.Pet = None
            self.Mount = None
            status, data = self.setData(operation, request, pet_data)
            if status:
                new_pet = self.id == 82800 and self.pet_id not in operation.live_data[
                existing_pet = self.id == 82800 and self.pet_id in operation.live_data[
                new_class = self.class_id not in operation.live_data["classes"]
                existing_class = self.class_id in operation.live_data[
                new_subclass = self.class_id not in operation.live_data[
                    "classes"] or self.subclass_id not in operation.live_data[
                existing_subclass = self.class_id in operation.live_data[
                    "classes"] and self.subclass_id in operation.live_data[
                new_mount = not self.mount_id == 0 and self.mount_id not in operation.live_data[
                existing_mount = not self.mount_id == 0 and self.mount_id in operation.live_data[

                if new_pet:
                    self.Pet = Pet(operation, request, self.pet_id)
                    operation.live_data["pets"][self.pet_id] = self.Pet

                elif existing_pet:
                    self.Pet = operation.live_data["pets"][self.pet_id]

                elif new_mount:
                    self.Mount = Mount(operation, request, self.mount_id)
                    operation.live_data["mounts"][self.mount_id] = self.Mount

                elif existing_mount:
                    self.Mount = operation.live_data["mounts"][self.mount_id]

                if new_class:
                    self.Class = Class(operation, request, self.class_id)
                    operation.live_data["classes"][self.class_id] = self.Class

                elif existing_class:
                    self.Class = operation.live_data["classes"][self.class_id]

                if new_subclass:
                    self.Subclass = Subclass(operation, request, self.class_id,
                        self.subclass_id] = self.Subclass

                elif existing_subclass:
                    self.Subclass = operation.live_data["classes"][


            if status == False:
                    True, msg="Encountered an item without data from api")
                self.id = data["id"]
                self.pet_id = data["pet_id"]
                self.mount_id = data["mount_id"]
                self.name = ""
                self.level = data["level"]
                self.quality = ""
                self.class_id = 0
                self.subclass_id = 0
                self.type = ""
                self.subtype = ""
                self.sold = 0.0
                self.price = 0.0
                self.mean_price = 0.0

Exemple #11
     "### Fighting Style \n \nYou adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the "
     "following options. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose "
     "again. \n \n "
     "#### Archery \n \n"
     "You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons. \n \n"
     "#### Defense \n \n"
     "While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. \n \n"
     "#### Dueling \n \n"
     "When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with "
     "that weapon. \n \n "
     "#### Great Weapon Fighting \n \n"
     "When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two "
     "hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must "
     "have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit. \n \n "
     "#### Protection \n \n"
     "When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your "
     "reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield. \n \n "
     "#### Two-Weapon Fighting \n \n"
     "When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack. \n "
     "\n "
     "### Second Wind \n \n"
     "You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use "
     "a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. Once you use this feature, "
     "you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. \n \n "
     "### Action Surge \n \n"
     "Starting at 2nd level, you can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take "
     "one additional action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. \n \n "
     "Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 17th "
     "level, you can use it twice before a rest, but only once on the same turn. \n \n "
     "### Martial Archetype \n \n"
     "At 3rd level, you choose an archetype that you strive to emulate in your combat styles and techniques. Choose "
     "Champion, Battle Master, or Eldritch Knight, all detailed at the end of the class description. The archetype you "
     "choose grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level. \n \n "
     "### Ability Score Improvement \n \n"
     "When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability "
     "score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, "
     "you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. \n \n "
     "### Extra Attack \n \n"
     "Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. "
     "\n \n "
     "The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 20th "
     "level in this class. \n \n "
     "### Indomitable \n \n"
     "Beginning at 9th level, you can reroll a saving throw that you fail. If you do so, you must use the new roll, "
     "and you can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest. \n \n "
     "You can use this feature twice between long rests starting at 13th level and three times between long rests "
     "starting at 17th level.\n \n "
     "### Martial Archetypes \n \n"
     "Different fighters choose different approaches to perfecting their fighting prowess. The martial archetype you "
     "choose to emulate reflects your approach.",
     prof_armor="All armor, shields",
     prof_weapons="Simple weapons, martial weapons",
     prof_saving_throws="Strength, Constitution",
     "Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Animal, Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, "
     "Perception, and Survival",
     "You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: \n \n"
     "* (*a*) chain mail or (*b*) leather armor, longbow, and 20 arrows \n"
     "* (*a*) a martial weapon and a shield or (*b*) two martial weapons \n"
     "* (*a*) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (*b*) two handaxes \n"
     "* (*a*) a dungeoneer's pack or (*b*) an explorer's pack",
     "| Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features                                          | \n"
     "|-------|-------------------|---------------------------------------------------| \n"
     "| 1st   | +2                | Fighting Style, Second Wind                       | \n"
     "| 2nd   | +2                | Action Surge (one use)                            | \n"
     "| 3rd   | +2                | Martial Archetype                                 | \n"
     "| 4th   | +2                | Ability Score Improvement                         | \n"
     "| 5th   | +3                | Extra Attack                                      | \n"
     "| 6th   | +3                | Ability Score Improvement                         | \n"
     "| 7th   | +3                | Martial Archetype Feature                         | \n"
     "| 8th   | +3                | Ability Score Improvement                         | \n"
     "| 9th   | +4                | Indomitable (one use)                             | \n"
     "| 10th  | +4                | Martial Archetype Feature                         | \n"
     "| 11th  | +4                | Extra Attack (2)                                  | \n"
     "| 12th  | +4                | Ability Score Improvement                         | \n"
     "| 13th  | +5                | Indomitable (two uses)                            | \n"
     "| 14th  | +5                | Ability Score Improvement                         | \n"
     "| 15th  | +5                | Martial Archetype Feature                         | \n"
     "| 16th  | +5                | Ability Score Improvement                         | \n"
     "| 17th  | +6                | Action Surge (two uses), Indomitable (three uses) | \n"
     "| 18th  | +6                | Martial Archetype Feature                         | \n"
     "| 19th  | +6                | Ability Score Improvement                         | \n"
     "| 20th  | +6                | Extra Attack (3)                                  | ",
     subtypes_name="Martial Archetypes",
         "champion": {
             "The archetypal Champion focuses on the development of raw physical power honed to deadly "
             "perfection. Those who model themselves on this archetype combine rigorous training with physical "
             "excellence to deal devastating blows. \n \n "
             "##### Improved Critical \n \n"
             "Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit "
             "on a roll of 19 or 20. \n \n "
             "##### Remarkable Athlete \n \n"
             "Starting at 7th level, you can add half your proficiency bonus (round up) to any Strength, "
             "Dexterity, or Constitution check you make that doesn't already use your proficiency bonus. \n \n "
             "In addition, when you make a running long jump, the distance you can cover increases by a number "
             "of feet equal to your Strength modifier. \n \n "
             "##### Additional Fighting Style \n \n"
             "At 10th level, you can choose a second option from the Fighting Style class feature. \n \n"
             "##### Superior Critical \n \n"
             "Starting at 15th level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20. \n \n"
             "##### Survivor \n \n"
             "At 18th level, you attain the pinnacle of resilience in battle. At the start of each of your "
             "turns, you regain hit points equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier if you have no more than "
             "half of your hit points left. You don't gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points."