Exemple #1
def impression_list(request):
    err_msg = ''
    where_clause = ''
        Process times and POST
    duration_hrs = 2
    end_time, start_time = TP.timestamps_for_interval(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 1, hours=-duration_hrs)    
    if 'earliest_utc_ts' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['earliest_utc_ts'], '') != 0:
            earliest_utc_ts = MySQLdb._mysql.escape_string(request.POST['earliest_utc_ts'].strip())
            format = TP.getTimestampFormat(earliest_utc_ts)
            if format == 1:
                start_time = earliest_utc_ts
            if format == 2:
                start_time = TP.timestamp_convert_format(earliest_utc_ts, 2, 1)
            elif format == -1:
                err_msg = err_msg + 'Start timestamp is formatted incorrectly\n'
    if 'latest_utc_ts' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['latest_utc_ts'], '') != 0:
            latest_utc_ts = MySQLdb._mysql.escape_string(request.POST['latest_utc_ts'].strip())
            format = TP.getTimestampFormat(latest_utc_ts)
            if format == 1:
                end_time = latest_utc_ts
            if format == 2:
                end_time = TP.timestamp_convert_format(latest_utc_ts, 2, 1)
            elif format == -1:
                err_msg = err_msg + 'End timestamp is formatted incorrectly\n'
    if 'iso_code' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['iso_code'], '') != 0:
            iso_code = MySQLdb._mysql.escape_string(request.POST['iso_code'].strip())
            where_clause = "where bi.country regexp '%s' " % iso_code
        Format and execute query 
    query_name = 'report_country_impressions.sql'    
    sql_stmnt = Hlp.file_to_string(projSet.__sql_home__ + query_name)
    sql_stmnt = sql_stmnt % (start_time, end_time, start_time, end_time, start_time, end_time, where_clause)
    dl = DL.DataLoader()
    results = dl.execute_SQL(sql_stmnt)
    column_names = dl.get_column_names()

    imp_table = DR.DataReporting()._write_html_table(results, column_names)
    return render_to_response('live_results/impression_list.html', {'imp_table' : imp_table.decode("utf-8"), 'err_msg' : err_msg, 'start' : TP.timestamp_convert_format(start_time, 1, 2), 'end' : TP.timestamp_convert_format(end_time, 1, 2)},  context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Exemple #2
def format_query(query_name, sql_stmnt, args, **kwargs):
    country, min_donation, order_str = process_kwargs(kwargs)
    if cmp(query_name, 'report_campaign_ecomm') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % (start_time))

    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_campaign_logs') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % (start_time, start_time, start_time))

    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_campaign_ecomm_by_hr') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % ('%', '%', '%', '%', start_time))

    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_campaign_logs_by_hr') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % ('%', '%', '%', '%', start_time, '%', '%', '%', '%', \
        start_time, '%', '%', '%', '%', start_time, '%'))

    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_impressions_country') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % ('%', '%', '%', start_time))

    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_campaign_logs_by_min') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % ('%', '%', '%', '%', start_time, '%', '%', '%', '%', \
        start_time, '%', '%', '%', '%', start_time))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_non_US_clicks') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % ('%', '%', '%', start_time, '%', '%', '%', start_time))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_contribution_tracking') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % ('%', '%', '%', '%', '%',start_time))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_total_amounts_by_hr') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]            
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % ('%', '%', '%', ' %H', start_time, end_time))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_total_amounts_by_day') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % ('%', '%', '%', '', start_time, end_time))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_LP_metrics') == 0 or cmp(query_name, 'report_LP_metrics_1S') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]
        campaign = args[2]
        min_views = args[3]
        """ Format the condition for minimum views """
        if cmp(str(min_views), '-1') == 0:
            min_views = ' '
            min_views = 'where lp.views > ' + str(min_views) + ' '
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % (start_time, end_time, campaign, country, start_time, end_time, campaign, country, start_time, end_time, campaign, country, min_views))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_banner_metrics') == 0 or cmp(query_name, 'report_bannerLP_metrics') == 0 or cmp(query_name, 'report_total_metrics') == 0 or \
    cmp(query_name, 'report_banner_metrics_1S') == 0 or cmp(query_name, 'report_bannerLP_metrics_1S') == 0 or cmp(query_name, 'report_total_metrics_1S') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]
        campaign = args[2]
        min_views = args[3]
        """ Format the condition for minimum views """
        if cmp(str(min_views), '-1') == 0:
            min_views = ' '
            min_views = 'where lp.views > ' + str(min_views) + ' '
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % (start_time, end_time, country, start_time, end_time, campaign, country, start_time, end_time, country, \
                                     start_time, end_time, campaign, country, start_time, end_time, campaign, country, min_views))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_latest_campaign') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % (start_time))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_banner_impressions_by_hour') == 0:
        start = args[0]
        end = args[1]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % ('%','%','%','%', start, end))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_ecomm_by_amount') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % ('%', '%',  '%',  '%', start_time, end_time, end_time))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_ecomm_by_contact') == 0:
        where_str = args[0]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % ('%', '%', '%', '%', where_str))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_LP_metrics_minutely') == 0 or cmp(query_name, 'report_LP_metrics_minutely_1S') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]
        campaign = args[2]
        interval = args[3]
        """ The start time for the impression portion of the query should be one second less"""
        start_time_obj = TP.timestamp_to_obj(start_time,1)
        imp_start_time_obj = start_time_obj + datetime.timedelta(seconds=-1)
        imp_start_time_obj_str = TP.timestamp_from_obj(imp_start_time_obj, 1, 3)
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % ('%', '%',  '%',  '%', interval, interval, start_time, end_time, campaign, country, '%', '%',  '%',  '%', interval, interval, start_time, end_time, campaign, country, \
                                 start_time, end_time, campaign, country, campaign))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_banner_metrics_minutely') == 0 or cmp(query_name, 'report_bannerLP_metrics_minutely') == 0 or cmp(query_name, 'report_banner_metrics_minutely_1S') == 0 or cmp(query_name, 'report_bannerLP_metrics_minutely_1S') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]
        campaign = args[2]
        interval = args[3]
        """ The start time for the impression portion of the query should be one second less"""
        start_time_obj = TP.timestamp_to_obj(start_time,1)
        imp_start_time_obj = start_time_obj + datetime.timedelta(seconds=-1)
        imp_start_time_obj_str = TP.timestamp_from_obj(imp_start_time_obj, 1, 3)
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % ('%', '%', '%',  '%', interval, interval, imp_start_time_obj_str, end_time, \
                                     country, '%', '%',  '%',  '%', interval, interval, start_time, end_time, campaign, country, \
                                '%', '%',  '%',  '%', interval, interval, start_time, end_time, country, \
                                '%', '%',  '%',  '%', interval, interval, start_time, end_time, campaign, \
                                country, start_time, end_time, campaign, country, campaign, ))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_campaign_metrics_minutely') == 0 or cmp(query_name, 'report_campaign_metrics_minutely_1S') == 0 or cmp(query_name, 'report_campaign_metrics_minutely_total') == 0 \
    or cmp(query_name, 'report_campaign_metrics_minutely_total_1S') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]
        campaign = args[2]
        interval = args[3]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % (campaign, '%', '%', '%',  '%', interval, interval, start_time, end_time, campaign, country, '%', '%',  '%',  '%', interval, interval, start_time, end_time, campaign, country))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_campaign_totals') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % (start_time, end_time))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_campaign_banners') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]
        utm_campaign = args[2]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % (start_time, end_time, utm_campaign))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_campaign_lps') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]
        utm_campaign = args[2]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % (start_time, end_time, utm_campaign))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_campaign_bannerlps') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]
        utm_campaign = args[2]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % (start_time, end_time, utm_campaign))
    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_campaign_metrics_minutely_all') == 0 or cmp(query_name, 'report_banner_metrics_minutely_all') == 0 or cmp(query_name, 'report_lp_metrics_minutely_all') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]
        interval = args[3]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % ('%', '%', '%',  '%', interval, interval, start_time, end_time))

    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_donation_metrics') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]
        campaign = args[2]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % (start_time, end_time, campaign, country, start_time, end_time, campaign, country))

    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_total_donations') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]
        campaign = args[2]
        """ Recursively construct the sub-query """
        sub_query_name = 'report_donation_metrics'
        sub_query_sql = Hlp.file_to_string(projSet.__sql_home__ + sub_query_name + '.sql')
        sub_query_sql = format_query(sub_query_name, sub_query_sql, [start_time, end_time, campaign], country=country)        

        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % sub_query_sql)

    elif cmp(query_name, 'report_daily_totals_by_country') == 0:
        start_time = args[0]
        end_time = args[1]
        sql_stmnt = str(sql_stmnt % ('%', '%', '%', start_time, end_time, country, min_donation, order_str))

        return 'no such table\n'

    return sql_stmnt
    def execute_process(self, key, **kwargs):

        logging.info('Commencing caching of live results data at:  %s' %
        shelve_key = key
        """ Find the earliest and latest page views for a given campaign  """
        lptl = DL.LandingPageTableLoader(db='db1025')

        query_name = 'report_summary_results_country.sql'
        query_name_1S = 'report_summary_results_country_1S.sql'
        campaign_regexp_filter = '^C_|^C11_'

        dl = DL.DataLoader(db='db1025')
        end_time, start_time = TP.timestamps_for_interval(
            datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 1, hours=-self.DURATION_HRS)
        """ Should a one-step query be used? """
        use_one_step = lptl.is_one_step(
            start_time, end_time, 'C11'
        )  # Assume it is a one step test if there are no impressions for this campaign in the landing page table
            Retrieve the latest time for which impressions have been loaded

        sql_stmnt = 'select max(end_time) as latest_ts from squid_log_record where log_completion_pct = 100.00'

        results = dl.execute_SQL(sql_stmnt)
        latest_timestamp = results[0][0]
        latest_timestamp = TP.timestamp_from_obj(latest_timestamp, 2, 3)
        latest_timestamp_flat = TP.timestamp_convert_format(
            latest_timestamp, 2, 1)

        ret = DR.ConfidenceReporting(query_type='', hyp_test='',
        measured_metrics_counts = ret[1]
        """ Prepare Summary results """

        sql_stmnt = Hlp.file_to_string(projSet.__sql_home__ + query_name)
        sql_stmnt = sql_stmnt % (start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, \
                                 start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, \
                                 start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter)

        logging.info('Executing report_summary_results ...')

        results = dl.execute_SQL(sql_stmnt)
        column_names = dl.get_column_names()

        if use_one_step:

            logging.info('... including one step artifacts ...')

            sql_stmnt_1S = Hlp.file_to_string(projSet.__sql_home__ +
            sql_stmnt_1S = sql_stmnt_1S % (start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, \
                                     start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, \
                                     start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter)

            results = list(results)
            results_1S = dl.execute_SQL(sql_stmnt_1S)
            """ Ensure that the results are unique """
            one_step_keys = list()
            for row in results_1S:
                one_step_keys.append(str(row[0]) + str(row[1]) + str(row[2]))

            new_results = list()
            for row in results:
                key = str(row[0]) + str(row[1]) + str(row[2])
                if not (key in one_step_keys):
            results = new_results


        metric_legend_table = DR.DataReporting().get_standard_metrics_legend()
        conf_legend_table = DR.ConfidenceReporting(
        """ Create a interval loader objects """

        sampling_interval = 5  # 5 minute sampling interval for donation plots

        ir_cmpgn = DR.IntervalReporting(query_type=FDH._QTYPE_CAMPAIGN_ +
        ir_banner = DR.IntervalReporting(query_type=FDH._QTYPE_BANNER_ +
        ir_lp = DR.IntervalReporting(query_type=FDH._QTYPE_LP_ +
        """ Execute queries """
        ir_cmpgn.run(start_time, end_time, sampling_interval, 'donations', '',
        ir_banner.run(start_time, end_time, sampling_interval, 'donations', '',
        ir_lp.run(start_time, end_time, sampling_interval, 'donations', '', {})
        """ Prepare serialized objects """

        dict_param = dict()

        dict_param['metric_legend_table'] = metric_legend_table
        dict_param['conf_legend_table'] = conf_legend_table

        dict_param['measured_metrics_counts'] = measured_metrics_counts
        dict_param['results'] = results
        dict_param['column_names'] = column_names

        dict_param['interval'] = sampling_interval
        dict_param['duration'] = self.DURATION_HRS

        dict_param['start_time'] = TP.timestamp_convert_format(
            start_time, 1, 2)
        dict_param['end_time'] = TP.timestamp_convert_format(end_time, 1, 2)

        dict_param['ir_cmpgn_counts'] = ir_cmpgn._counts_
        dict_param['ir_banner_counts'] = ir_banner._counts_
        dict_param['ir_lp_counts'] = ir_lp._counts_

        dict_param['ir_cmpgn_times'] = ir_cmpgn._times_
        dict_param['ir_banner_times'] = ir_banner._times_
        dict_param['ir_lp_times'] = ir_lp._times_

        self.cache_data(dict_param, shelve_key)

        logging.info('Caching complete.')
Exemple #4
def daily_totals(request):

    err_msg = ''

    start_day_ts = TP.timestamp_from_obj(
        datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=-1), 1, 0)
    end_day_ts = TP.timestamp_from_obj(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 1, 0)
    country = '.{2}'
    min_donation = 0
    order_str = 'order by 1 desc,3 desc'

    if 'start_day_ts' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['start_day_ts'], '') != 0:
            start_day_ts = MySQLdb._mysql.escape_string(
            format = TP.getTimestampFormat(start_day_ts)

            if format == 2:
                start_day_ts = TP.timestamp_convert_format(start_day_ts, 2, 1)
                # start_day_ts = start_day_ts[:8] + '000000'
            elif format == -1:
                err_msg = err_msg + 'Start timestamp is formatted incorrectly\n'

    if 'end_day_ts' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['end_day_ts'], '') != 0:
            end_day_ts = MySQLdb._mysql.escape_string(
            format = TP.getTimestampFormat(start_day_ts)

            if format == 2:
                end_day_ts = TP.timestamp_convert_format(end_day_ts, 2, 1)
                # end_day_ts = end_day_ts[:8] + '000000'
            elif format == -1:
                err_msg = err_msg + 'End timestamp is formatted incorrectly\n'

    if 'country' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['country'], '') != 0:
            country = MySQLdb._mysql.escape_string(request.POST['country'])

    if 'min_donation' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['min_donation'], '') != 0:
                min_donation = int(
                    'live_results/daily_totals -- Could not process minimum donation for "%s" '
                    % request.POST['min_donation'].strip())
                min_donation = 0

    if 'order_metric' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['order_metric'], 'Date') == 0:
            order_str = 'order by 1 desc,3 desc'
        elif cmp(request.POST['order_metric'], 'Country') == 0:
            order_str = 'order by 2 asc,1 desc'
        === END POST ===

    query_name = 'report_daily_totals_by_country'
    filename = projSet.__sql_home__ + query_name + '.sql'
    sql_stmnt = Hlp.file_to_string(filename)
    sql_stmnt = QD.format_query(query_name,
                                sql_stmnt, [start_day_ts, end_day_ts],

    dl = DL.DataLoader()
    results = dl.execute_SQL(sql_stmnt)
    html_table = DR.DataReporting()._write_html_table(
        results, dl.get_column_names(), use_standard_metric_names=True)

    return render_to_response('live_results/daily_totals.html', \
                              {'html_table' : html_table, 'start_time' : TP.timestamp_convert_format(start_day_ts, 1, 2), 'end_time' : TP.timestamp_convert_format(end_day_ts, 1, 2)}, \
Exemple #5
def impression_list(request):

    err_msg = ''
    where_clause = ''
        Process times and POST
    duration_hrs = 2
    end_time, start_time = TP.timestamps_for_interval(
        datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 1, hours=-duration_hrs)

    if 'earliest_utc_ts' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['earliest_utc_ts'], '') != 0:
            earliest_utc_ts = MySQLdb._mysql.escape_string(
            format = TP.getTimestampFormat(earliest_utc_ts)

            if format == 1:
                start_time = earliest_utc_ts
            if format == 2:
                start_time = TP.timestamp_convert_format(earliest_utc_ts, 2, 1)
            elif format == -1:
                err_msg = err_msg + 'Start timestamp is formatted incorrectly\n'

    if 'latest_utc_ts' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['latest_utc_ts'], '') != 0:
            latest_utc_ts = MySQLdb._mysql.escape_string(
            format = TP.getTimestampFormat(latest_utc_ts)

            if format == 1:
                end_time = latest_utc_ts
            if format == 2:
                end_time = TP.timestamp_convert_format(latest_utc_ts, 2, 1)
            elif format == -1:
                err_msg = err_msg + 'End timestamp is formatted incorrectly\n'

    if 'iso_code' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['iso_code'], '') != 0:
            iso_code = MySQLdb._mysql.escape_string(
            where_clause = "where bi.country regexp '%s' " % iso_code
        Format and execute query 

    query_name = 'report_country_impressions.sql'

    sql_stmnt = Hlp.file_to_string(projSet.__sql_home__ + query_name)
    sql_stmnt = sql_stmnt % (start_time, end_time, start_time, end_time,
                             start_time, end_time, where_clause)

    dl = DL.DataLoader()
    results = dl.execute_SQL(sql_stmnt)
    column_names = dl.get_column_names()

    imp_table = DR.DataReporting()._write_html_table(results, column_names)

    return render_to_response(
        'live_results/impression_list.html', {
            'imp_table': imp_table.decode("utf-8"),
            'err_msg': err_msg,
            'start': TP.timestamp_convert_format(start_time, 1, 2),
            'end': TP.timestamp_convert_format(end_time, 1, 2)
    def execute_process(self, key, **kwargs):
        logging.info('Commencing caching of live results data at:  %s' % self.CACHING_HOME)
        shelve_key = key
        """ Find the earliest and latest page views for a given campaign  """
        lptl = DL.LandingPageTableLoader(db='db1025')
        query_name = 'report_summary_results_country.sql'
        query_name_1S = 'report_summary_results_country_1S.sql'                    
        campaign_regexp_filter = '^C_|^C11_'
        dl = DL.DataLoader(db='db1025')
        end_time, start_time = TP.timestamps_for_interval(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 1, hours=-self.DURATION_HRS)
        """ Should a one-step query be used? """        
        use_one_step = lptl.is_one_step(start_time, end_time, 'C11')  # Assume it is a one step test if there are no impressions for this campaign in the landing page table
            Retrieve the latest time for which impressions have been loaded
        sql_stmnt = 'select max(end_time) as latest_ts from squid_log_record where log_completion_pct = 100.00'
        results = dl.execute_SQL(sql_stmnt)
        latest_timestamp = results[0][0]
        latest_timestamp = TP.timestamp_from_obj(latest_timestamp, 2, 3)
        latest_timestamp_flat = TP.timestamp_convert_format(latest_timestamp, 2, 1)
        ret = DR.ConfidenceReporting(query_type='', hyp_test='', db='db1025').get_confidence_on_time_range(start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, one_step=use_one_step)
        measured_metrics_counts = ret[1]
        """ Prepare Summary results """
        sql_stmnt = Hlp.file_to_string(projSet.__sql_home__ + query_name)
        sql_stmnt = sql_stmnt % (start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, \
                                 start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, \
                                 start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter)        
        logging.info('Executing report_summary_results ...')
        results = dl.execute_SQL(sql_stmnt)
        column_names = dl.get_column_names()
        if use_one_step:
            logging.info('... including one step artifacts ...')
            sql_stmnt_1S = Hlp.file_to_string(projSet.__sql_home__ + query_name_1S)
            sql_stmnt_1S = sql_stmnt_1S % (start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, \
                                     start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, end_time, campaign_regexp_filter, \
                                     start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter, start_time, latest_timestamp_flat, campaign_regexp_filter)
            results = list(results)        
            results_1S = dl.execute_SQL(sql_stmnt_1S)
            """ Ensure that the results are unique """
            one_step_keys = list()
            for row in results_1S:
                one_step_keys.append(str(row[0]) + str(row[1]) + str(row[2]))
            new_results = list()
            for row in results:
                key = str(row[0]) + str(row[1]) + str(row[2])
                if not(key in one_step_keys):
            results = new_results
        metric_legend_table = DR.DataReporting().get_standard_metrics_legend()
        conf_legend_table = DR.ConfidenceReporting(query_type='bannerlp', hyp_test='TTest').get_confidence_legend_table()

        """ Create a interval loader objects """
        sampling_interval = 5 # 5 minute sampling interval for donation plots
        ir_cmpgn = DR.IntervalReporting(query_type=FDH._QTYPE_CAMPAIGN_ + FDH._QTYPE_TIME_, generate_plot=False, db='db1025')
        ir_banner = DR.IntervalReporting(query_type=FDH._QTYPE_BANNER_ + FDH._QTYPE_TIME_, generate_plot=False, db='db1025')
        ir_lp = DR.IntervalReporting(query_type=FDH._QTYPE_LP_ + FDH._QTYPE_TIME_, generate_plot=False, db='db1025')
        """ Execute queries """        
        ir_cmpgn.run(start_time, end_time, sampling_interval, 'donations', '',{})
        ir_banner.run(start_time, end_time, sampling_interval, 'donations', '',{})
        ir_lp.run(start_time, end_time, sampling_interval, 'donations', '',{})
        """ Prepare serialized objects """
        dict_param = dict()

        dict_param['metric_legend_table'] = metric_legend_table
        dict_param['conf_legend_table'] = conf_legend_table
        dict_param['measured_metrics_counts'] = measured_metrics_counts
        dict_param['results'] = results
        dict_param['column_names'] = column_names

        dict_param['interval'] = sampling_interval
        dict_param['duration'] = self.DURATION_HRS    
        dict_param['start_time'] = TP.timestamp_convert_format(start_time,1,2)
        dict_param['end_time'] = TP.timestamp_convert_format(end_time,1,2)
        dict_param['ir_cmpgn_counts'] = ir_cmpgn._counts_
        dict_param['ir_banner_counts'] = ir_banner._counts_
        dict_param['ir_lp_counts'] = ir_lp._counts_
        dict_param['ir_cmpgn_times'] = ir_cmpgn._times_
        dict_param['ir_banner_times'] = ir_banner._times_
        dict_param['ir_lp_times'] = ir_lp._times_
        self.cache_data(dict_param, shelve_key)
        logging.info('Caching complete.')
Exemple #7
def daily_totals(request):    

    err_msg = ''
    start_day_ts = TP.timestamp_from_obj(datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=-1), 1, 0)
    end_day_ts = TP.timestamp_from_obj(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 1, 0)
    country = '.{2}'
    min_donation = 0
    order_str = 'order by 1 desc,3 desc'
    if 'start_day_ts' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['start_day_ts'], '') != 0:
            start_day_ts = MySQLdb._mysql.escape_string(request.POST['start_day_ts'].strip())
            format = TP.getTimestampFormat(start_day_ts)
            if format == 2:
                start_day_ts = TP.timestamp_convert_format(start_day_ts, 2, 1)
                # start_day_ts = start_day_ts[:8] + '000000'
            elif format == -1:
                err_msg = err_msg + 'Start timestamp is formatted incorrectly\n'

    if 'end_day_ts' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['end_day_ts'], '') != 0:
            end_day_ts = MySQLdb._mysql.escape_string(request.POST['end_day_ts'].strip())
            format = TP.getTimestampFormat(start_day_ts)
            if format == 2:
                end_day_ts = TP.timestamp_convert_format(end_day_ts, 2, 1)
                # end_day_ts = end_day_ts[:8] + '000000'
            elif format == -1:
                err_msg = err_msg + 'End timestamp is formatted incorrectly\n'
    if 'country' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['country'], '') != 0:
            country = MySQLdb._mysql.escape_string(request.POST['country'])

    if 'min_donation' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['min_donation'], '') != 0:
                min_donation = int(MySQLdb._mysql.escape_string(request.POST['min_donation'].strip()))
                logging.error('live_results/daily_totals -- Could not process minimum donation for "%s" ' % request.POST['min_donation'].strip())
                min_donation = 0
    if 'order_metric' in request.POST:
        if cmp(request.POST['order_metric'], 'Date') == 0:
            order_str = 'order by 1 desc,3 desc'
        elif cmp(request.POST['order_metric'], 'Country') == 0:
            order_str = 'order by 2 asc,1 desc'
        === END POST ===
    query_name = 'report_daily_totals_by_country'
    filename = projSet.__sql_home__+ query_name + '.sql'
    sql_stmnt = Hlp.file_to_string(filename)
    sql_stmnt = QD.format_query(query_name, sql_stmnt, [start_day_ts, end_day_ts], country=country, min_donation=min_donation, order_str=order_str)
    dl = DL.DataLoader()    
    results = dl.execute_SQL(sql_stmnt)
    html_table = DR.DataReporting()._write_html_table(results, dl.get_column_names(), use_standard_metric_names=True)
    return render_to_response('live_results/daily_totals.html', \
                              {'html_table' : html_table, 'start_time' : TP.timestamp_convert_format(start_day_ts, 1, 2), 'end_time' : TP.timestamp_convert_format(end_day_ts, 1, 2)}, \