Exemple #1
def actionClean():
    Deletes output folders and files generated from idl
    result = NO_ERROR

    #Init cleanup logger

    for action in Settings.cleanupOptions['actions']:
        if action == 'cleanOutput':
            for target in Settings.cleanupOptions['targets']:
                for platform in Settings.cleanupOptions['platforms']:
                    for cpu in Settings.cleanupOptions['cpus']:
                        for configuration in Settings.cleanupOptions[
                            #Clean up output folders for specific target, platform, cpu and configuration
                            result = Cleanup.run(action, target, platform, cpu,
            #Perform other cleanup acrions that are not dependent of target ...
            result = Cleanup.run(action)
    if result == NO_ERROR:
        Logger.printEndActionMessage('Cleanup failed!', ColoredFormatter.RED)
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, options):
     self.no_errors = True
     self.cleanup_sample = Cleanup()
     self.options = options
     self.sample_json = json.load(open(options.json))
     # initialize the QC_Run object
     self.qc_run = QC_Run(self.sample_json, options.recalc_3x3_tables)
     self.__QCDirectory = "%s/QC" % self.sample_json['analysis'][
def main():
    Current board
        [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
    [0]  i   i   o   o   o   o   o   o
    [1]  o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o
    [2]  o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o
    [3]  o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o
    [4]  o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o
    [5]  o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o
    [6]  o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o
    [7]  o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o  <- [8, 7]
    [8]  o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o
    controller_settings = {'id': 'mk1', 'assignments': {}}
    controller = Controller(controller_settings)

    def all_on():

    def all_off():

    def print_assignments():

    controller.addAssignment('all_on_off', [0, 0], all_on, all_off)
    controller.addAssignment('print_assignments', [1, 0], print_assignments,

    cleanup_settings = {'object_to_clean': controller}
    cleanup = Cleanup(cleanup_settings)

    while True:
Exemple #4
	def __init__(self, options):
		self.__QCDirectory = "/rawdata/legos/scripts/QC"
		self.no_errors = True
		self.cleanup_sample = Cleanup()
		self.options = options
		self.sample_json = json.load(open(options.json))
		self.qc_run = QC_Run(self.sample_json)
Exemple #5
    def start(self):
        # Script statup steps
        logger.info('PolyEngine v1.0')
        config = Config('config.ini')

        project_name = config.check_setting('PolyEngine', 'Name')
        logger.info('Starting project {}', project_name)

        message = config.check_setting('PolyEngine', 'Message')

        # Source directory of project based on config file
        source_directory = config.check_setting('Compile', 'SourceDirectory')

        # Create the temporary code modification workspace
        workspace = Workspace(source_directory)

        # Process the files
        for f in workspace.source_files:
            if f is not None:
                processor = Processing(f)

        for f in workspace.header_files:
            if f is not None:
                processor = Processing(f)

        # Initialize the compiler once information has been loaded
        output_file = config.check_setting('Compile', 'Output')
        commands = config.check_setting('Compile', 'Commands')
        compiler_option = config.check_setting('Compile', 'Compiler')

        if compiler_option == 'gcc' or compiler_option == 'g++':
            compiler = Compile(compiler_option, workspace.source_files,
                               commands, output_file)
            logger.error('Invalid compiler option selected.')
            exit('Invalid compiler.')

        # Cleanup workspace and exit
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self,
     self.sourcedir = os.path.expanduser(sourcedir)
     self.masterdir = os.path.expanduser(masterdir)
     if serial and alfdir:
         self.cleanup = Cleanup(serial, alfdir)
         self.cleanup = None
     self.bibfile = os.path.expanduser(bibfile)
     self.orgfile = os.path.expanduser(orgfile)
     self.also_repeated = also_repeated
     self.doctype = doctype
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self, sourcedir, masterdir, bibfile, orgfile,
              serial=None, alfdir=None, also_repeated=False,
     self.sourcedir = os.path.expanduser(sourcedir)
     self.masterdir = os.path.expanduser(masterdir)
     if serial and alfdir:
         self.cleanup = Cleanup(serial, alfdir)
         self.cleanup = None
     self.bibfile = os.path.expanduser(bibfile)
     self.orgfile = os.path.expanduser(orgfile)
     self.also_repeated = also_repeated
     self.doctype = doctype
Exemple #8
def plot_data(log_q,
    """Walks directories, finds all csv data, then sorts into dataframes and plots"""

    # paths holds the filepaths for each type of data
    paths = get_filepaths.get_csv_paths(dirpath)
    # paths becomes a list of dicts, where each element of the list holds a dict with direct links to full filepath for each type of data
    paths = get_filepaths.filter_data(paths)
    print("plot_data q object {}".format(log_q))

    # for each "test" in paths create dataframes and plots (where a test is a particular setup ie 1085_fans_high_heaters_on_5G)
    for test in paths:

        # if test is an empty dictionary, skip that iteration
        if not test:

        logging.debug("Dataset is at {}".format(test))

        dirpath = os.path.dirname(test["smart"])

            # Check that thermal data is present
            thermal = ThermalData(test["thermal"], log_q)
            therm_df = thermal.get_therm_df()
            therm_exists = True
        except KeyError:
            # If not present, skip that iteration.
                "The data at {} has no thermal data or is mislabled.".format(
            therm_exists = False
            therm_df = None

        # Clean up the SMART data so it matches the expected dataframe
        cleaner = Cleanup(test["smart"])
        # Append Hour to SMART data if necessary, using thermal data's starting hour time. This should *almost* always work
        # Check that the thermal data actually exists first. NOTE: THIS MAY CAUSE ISSUES WITH POWER VS SMART DATA MATCHING IF THERMAL DATA DOESN'T EXIST
        if therm_exists:


        smart = SmartData(test["smart"], log_q)

            power = PowerData(test["3p3v"], test["12v"], log_q)
            power_df = power.get_total_power()
        except KeyError as e:
            log_q.put("No Power data for {}".format(dirpath))
            logging.info("No Power data for {}".format(dirpath))
            power_df = None

        # Now accounts for missing thermal data
        alldata = CombinedData(dirpath, log_q, smart.get_smart_df(), therm_df,

        # Set the mode based on SMART data
        if "read" in test["smart"].lower():
            alldata.mode = "Total Read Rate"
            alldata.mode = "Total Write Rate"

        if plot_throttle:
        if plot_temps and therm_exists:
        if plot_power:


        comb_data_path = os.path.join(dirpath, "Combined_Data.csv")
        log_q.put("Outputting combined data to {}".format(comb_data_path))
        logging.info("Outputting combined data to {}".format(comb_data_path))

Exemple #9
class ImportBooks(object):
    def __init__(self,
        self.sourcedir = os.path.expanduser(sourcedir)
        self.masterdir = os.path.expanduser(masterdir)
        if serial and alfdir:
            self.cleanup = Cleanup(serial, alfdir)
            self.cleanup = None
        self.bibfile = os.path.expanduser(bibfile)
        self.orgfile = os.path.expanduser(orgfile)
        self.also_repeated = also_repeated
        self.doctype = doctype

    def add_to_bib(self, bibstr, bibid):
        if os.path.exists(self.bibfile):
            bib = codecs.open(self.bibfile, encoding='utf-8').read()
            bib = ''
        if not bibid in bib:
            with codecs.open(self.bibfile, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                f.write(u'\n' + bibstr + u'\n')
            return True
        return False

    def clippings_to_org(self, bookfile, meta):
        kc = KindleBook(bookfile, text_path='text', meta=meta)
        kc.print_clippings(self.orgfile, self.doctype)

    def convert(self, book, bu_dir='imported'):
        if not os.path.exists(book):
            book = os.path.join(self.sourcedir, book)
        print book
        original_book = book
        ext = os.path.splitext(book)[1]
        if ext == '.azw':
            if self.cleanup:
                book = self.cleanup.decrypt(book)
                print("** Won't be able to clean up " + book +
                      ", need a kindle serial")

        bibstr, meta = docid.bibstr(book, self.doctype, add_isbn=True)
        bibid = meta['bibid']

        new = self.add_to_bib(bibstr, bibid)
        newbook = os.path.join(self.masterdir, bibid)
        if new or self.also_repeated:
            if ext in ('.mobi', '.pdf'):
                newbook = newbook + ext
                os.rename(book, newbook)
                newbook = newbook + '.mobi'
                devnull = codecs.open(os.devnull, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
                if subprocess.call(['ebook-convert', book, newbook],
                    print("** Error converting to " + newbook +
                          " (maybe DRMed book?)")
                    return None
                    if not os.path.exists(bu_dir):
                    bu = os.path.join(bu_dir, bibid + ext)
                    print '  ...moving away', original_book, 'to', bu
                    shutil.move(original_book, bu)

        self.clippings_to_org(newbook, meta)
        print ' ->', newbook
        return newbook

    def convert_all(self):
        for book in os.listdir(self.sourcedir):
            ext = os.path.splitext(book)[1]
            if ext in ('.azw', '.epub', '.mobi', '.pdf'):
Exemple #10

from api.server import ApiServer
from cleanup import Cleanup
from camera.manager import CameraManager
from notifier import Notifier

if __name__ == "__main__":
        notifier = Notifier()

        camera_manager = CameraManager(notifier=notifier)

        cleanup = Cleanup()

        api_server = ApiServer(camera_manager=camera_manager)

        total_threads = threading.active_count()

        while True:
            if threading.active_count() < total_threads:
                log("[main] Some thread is dead")
                raise KeyboardInterrupt

    except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exception) as e:
        log("[main] Caught exception: {}".format(str(e)))
Exemple #11
class QC_Sample:
    def __init__(self, options):
        self.no_errors = True
        self.cleanup_sample = Cleanup()
        self.options = options
        self.sample_json = json.load(open(options.json))
        # initialize the QC_Run object
        self.qc_run = QC_Run(self.sample_json, options.recalc_3x3_tables)
        self.__QCDirectory = "%s/QC" % self.sample_json['analysis'][

    # will find all of the runs in a sample and QC them with each other
    def QC_merge_runs(self):
        # if this is a germline sample, QC all of the normal runs with each other.
        if self.sample_json['sample_type'] == 'germline':

        # if this is a tumor_normal sample, find the normal and tumor runs, and then QC them with each other.
        elif self.sample_json['sample_type'] == 'tumor_normal':

        # print the final status
        if self.no_errors == False or self.qc_run.no_errors == False:
                "%s finished with errors. See %s/sge.log for more details" %
            self.sample_json['sample_status'] == 'failed'
            write_json(self.sample_json['json_file'], self.sample_json)
            print "%s finished with no errors" % (

        # write the sample json file
        write_json(self.sample_json['json_file'], self.sample_json)

        # make the excel spreadsheet containing the data and copy it back to the proton

    # if this is a germline sample, QC all of the normal runs with each other.
    def QC_germline(self):
        # Use the sample_status here to not re-run the QC and to not overwrite run status. The 'sample_status' should be reset to 'pushed' when new runs are pushed..
        #if self.sample_json['sample_status'] != 'pending_merge' and self.sample_json['sample_status'] != 'pending_3x3_review' and self.sample_json['sample_status'] != 'merged':
        # if the user specified the '--pass_fail' option, then run this part still
        if self.sample_json[
                'sample_status'] == 'pushed' or self.options.pass_fail or self.options.qc_all:
            # QC the normal runs with each other

        # what if there is only one run that passes all of the metrics? It should be marked as the 'final_json' and have the 'pass_fail_merged' flag marked as pass.
        # make the merger
        merger = Merger(self.sample_json, self.options.recalc_3x3_tables)
        # Check to see if the normal runs are ready to be merged.
        self.sample_json, merge = merger.check_merge(self.sample_json['runs'])
        if merge != True:
            if 'final_json' in self.sample_json:
                # update the final run status
        elif merge == True:
            # merge the normal and/or tumor runs. Will only merge the passing runs with each other.
            self.sample_json = merger.merge_runs('germline')

            # update the merged run status

            if json.load(open(self.sample_json['merged_json'])
                         )['pass_fail_merged_status'] == 'pass':
                # Set the sample_status
                self.sample_json['sample_status'] = 'merged_pass'
                # cleanup the individual run bam files
                # Cleanup the merged dir
                self.sample_json['sample_status'] = 'awaiting_more_sequencing'

        # copy the final run's VCF file to the final_dir if it passes the "merged" coverage flag
        if 'final_json' in self.sample_json:
            final_json = json.load(open(self.sample_json['final_json']))
            if final_json['pass_fail_merged_status'] == 'pass':
                final_vcf = glob.glob("%s/*.vcf" % final_json['run_folder'])[0]
                final_project_dir = "/home/ionadmin/jeff/%s_Final_VCFs" % (
                print "copying %s to %s" % (final_vcf, final_project_dir)
                # check to make sure the final dir exists.
                if not os.path.isdir(final_project_dir):
                    final_vcf, "%s/%s.vcf" %
                    (final_project_dir, self.sample_json['sample_name']))
                # now push the sample to s3 storage
                if self.sample_json['project'] == 'Einstein':
                    print "pushing %s to amazon s3 storage" % self.sample_json[

    # if this is a tumor_normal sample, find the normal and tumor runs, and then QC them with each other.
    def QC_tumor_normal(self):
        # Separate the runs into tumor and normal lists
        normal_runs, tumor_runs = self.getTumor_Normal()

        if self.sample_json['analysis']['settings'][
                'type'] == 'all_tumor_normal':
            # Use the sample_status here to not re-run the QC and to not overwrite run status. The 'sample_status' should be reset to 'pushed' when new runs are pushed..
            #if self.sample_json['sample_status'] != 'pending_merge' and self.sample_json['sample_status'] != 'pending_3x3_review' and self.sample_json['sample_status'] != 'merged':
            # if the user specified the '--pass_fail' option, then run this part still
            if self.sample_json[
                    'sample_status'] == 'pushed' or self.options.pass_fail or self.options.qc_all:
                # QC the normal or tumor runs with each other
                self.QC_runs(normal_runs, 'normal_')
                self.QC_runs(tumor_runs, 'tumor_')
                # now QC the tumor and normal runs together.
                self.QC_normal_tumor_runs(normal_runs, tumor_runs)

            # make the merger
            merger = Merger(self.sample_json, self.options.recalc_3x3_tables)
            # Check to see if the normal runs are ready to be merged.
            self.sample_json, merge_normal = merger.check_merge(
                normal_runs, 'Normal/', 'normal_')
            if merge_normal == True:
                # merge the normal and/or tumor runs. Will only merge the passing runs with each other.
                self.sample_json = merger.merge_runs('normal', 'Normal_',

            # Check to see if the tumor runs are ready to be merged.
            self.sample_json, merge_tumor = merger.check_merge(
                tumor_runs, 'Tumor/', 'tumor_')
            if merge_tumor == True:
                self.sample_json = merger.merge_runs('tumor', 'Tumor_',

            # If any runs were merged, QC them. If there are only 1 normal and tumor run, they won't be QCd again.
            #if normal_merge_dir != '' or tumor_merge_dir != '' or (len(normal_passing_bams) == 1 and len(tumor_passing_bams) == 1):
            # now QC the tumor and normal merged bams together if both normal and tumor runs are ready.
            # To only QC all for the actual merged runs (PNET), change the 'final' part to 'merged'.
            # The 'final_normal_json' and 'final_tumor_json' flags are set by merger.py in the function check_merge, line 157
            #if (merge_normal or merge_tumor) and ('merged_normal_json' in self.sample_json and 'merged_tumor_json' in self.sample_json):
            if 'final_normal_json' in self.sample_json and 'final_tumor_json' in self.sample_json:
                self.sample_json, qc_json = self.qc_run.QC_2Runs(
                    self.sample_json, self.sample_json['final_normal_json'],
                    self.sample_json['final_tumor_json'], 'normal_', 'tumor_',
                self.sample_json, merged_perc_avail_bases = self.qc_run.update_3x3_runs_status(
                    self.sample_json, self.sample_json['final_normal_json'],
                    self.sample_json['final_tumor_json'], qc_json)
                # update the merged run status

                # cleanup the individual run bam files
                if merged_perc_avail_bases > .9:
                    final_qc_dir = "%s/all%svs%s" % (
                    # annotate the final somatic variants
                    command = "bash %s/Somatic_Variants/somatic_variants.sh %s %s %s" % (
                        final_qc_dir, self.sample_json['sample_name'],
                    if runCommandLine(command) != 0:
                        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: somatic annotation failed!\n")

                    # Cleanup the PTRIM.bam and chr bam files after all of the QC is done.
                    # are there any other files to clean up?
                    #self.cleanup_sample.delete_runs(runs, self.sample_json['analysis']['settings']['cleanup'], self.no_errors)

                    # Cleanup after the merging QC is done.
                    ], self.sample_json['analysis']['settings']['cleanup'],

                    # Set the sample_status
                    self.sample_json['sample_status'] = 'merged_pass'
                        'sample_status'] = 'awaiting_more_sequencing'

    # Separate the runs into tumor and normal lists
    def getTumor_Normal(self):
        normal_runs = []
        tumor_runs = []
        for run in self.sample_json['runs']:
            run_json = json.load(open(run))
            # temp fix for runs that have old JSON files (i.e. SEGA)
            if 'run_type' not in run_json or 'run_num' not in run_json:
                if re.search('N-', run):
                    run_json['run_type'] = 'normal'
                    run_json['run_type'] = 'tumor'
                run_json['pass_fail_status'] = 'pending'
                run_json['json_type'] = 'run'
                run_json['json_file'] = run
                run_json['run_name'] = run_json['name']
                run_json['run_num'] = run_json['run_name'][-1]
                run_json['sample_name'] = run_json['sample']
                if re.search('-', run):
                    run_json['run_folder'] = '/'.join(run.split('/')[:-1])
                    run_json['sample_folder'] = os.path.abspath(
                        '/'.join(run.split('/')[:-1]) + "/../..")
                write_json(run, run_json)
                # temp fix over
            if 'analysis' not in run_json:
                bam = glob.glob("%s/*.bam" %
                run_json['analysis'] = {'files': [bam]}
                write_json(run, run_json)
            if run_json['run_type'] == 'normal':
            elif run_json['run_type'] == 'tumor':
                print "ERROR run type is not normal or tumor."
        return normal_runs, tumor_runs

    # QC the normal runs with each other
    def QC_runs(self, runs, pref=''):
        # first run TVC_CV and get the Run info to prepare for QC2Runs
        for run in runs:
            run_json = json.load(open(run))
            # only run these if this run has a status of pending.
            # This way the pass_fail_status can be manually overwritten.
            if run_json[
                    'pass_fail_status'] == "pending" or self.options.pass_fail:
                self.qc_run.runTVC_COV(run, pref)
                self.qc_run.getRunInfo(run, pref)
                # Update the run status based on the metrics gathered by QC_getRunInfo.sh
                self.qc_run.update_run_status(run, len(runs))
        # if there is only one run for this sample, then set the status to 'pending_merge' so that the only run will be set as the 'final_json'
        pending_runs, passing_runs = self.qc_run.get_runs_status(runs)
        if len(passing_runs) == 1:
            self.sample_json['sample_status'] = 'pending_merge'
            for run1 in runs:
                run1_json = json.load(open(run1))
                for run2 in runs:
                    run2_json = json.load(open(run2))
                    # check to see if these two runs should be QC'd together. Only QC the runs that pass the single run QC metrics.
                    if int(run1_json['run_num']) < int(
                            run2_json['run_num']) and (
                                (run1_json['pass_fail_status'] == 'pass'
                                 and run2_json['pass_fail_status'] == 'pass')
                                or self.options.qc_all):
                        self.sample_json, qc_json = self.qc_run.QC_2Runs(
                            self.sample_json, run1, run2, pref, pref)
                        self.sample_json, perc_avail_bases = self.qc_run.update_3x3_runs_status(
                            self.sample_json, run1, run2, qc_json)

    # now QC the tumor and normal runs together.
    def QC_normal_tumor_runs(self, normal_runs, tumor_runs):
        for normal_run in normal_runs:
            for tumor_run in tumor_runs:
                normal_json = json.load(open(normal_run))
                tumor_json = json.load(open(tumor_run))
                # Only QC the runs that pass the single run QC metrics.
                if (normal_json['pass_fail_status'] == 'pass'
                        and tumor_json['pass_fail_status']
                        == 'pass') or self.options.qc_all:
                    self.sample_json, qc_json = self.qc_run.QC_2Runs(
                        self.sample_json, normal_run, tumor_run, 'normal_',
                    self.sample_json, perc_avail_bases = self.qc_run.update_3x3_runs_status(
                        self.sample_json, normal_run, tumor_run, qc_json)

    # make the xlsx file to be copied back to the proton
    def _make_xlsx(self):
        xlsx_file = '%s/%s_QC.xlsx' % (self.sample_json['qc_folder'],

        make_xlsx_command = "python2.7 %s/QC_generateSheets.py "%self.__QCDirectory + \
         "--sample_path %s "%self.sample_json['sample_folder'] + \
         "--sheet_per_sample " + \
         "--out %s "%xlsx_file + \
         "--ex_json %s "%(self.sample_json['json_file'])

        status = runCommandLine(make_xlsx_command)
        if status != 0:
            print "unable to generate the excel file"
            print "Generated the QC spreadsheet successfully!"
            # t would be really really cool if I could send them an email with the xlsx file!!
            if self.options.email and 'emails' in self.sample_json:
                # TEMP add my email automatically
                if '*****@*****.**' not in self.sample_json[
                for email in self.sample_json['emails']:
                    # this command will email the status of the sample, and attach the excel spreadsheet and somatic variants if it is found.
                    # TODO add germline project variants as well.
                    somatic_variants = "%s/%s_somatic.xlsx" % (
                    if os.path.isfile(somatic_variants):
                        email_command = '\tprintf "%s finished with a status of %s. \\n`grep sample_status *.json`\\n" | (cat -; uuencode %s %s; uuencode %s %s) | ssmtp -vvv %s >/dev/null 2>&1\n' % (
                            self.sample_json['sample_name'], "pass", xlsx_file,
                            xlsx_file.split('/')[-1], somatic_variants,
                            somatic_variants.split('/')[-1], email)
                        email_command = '\tprintf "%s finished with a status of %s. \\n`grep sample_status *.json`\\n" | (cat -; uuencode %s %s) | ssmtp -vvv %s >/dev/null 2>&1\n' % (
                            self.sample_json['sample_name'], "pass", xlsx_file,
                            xlsx_file.split('/')[-1], email)
            # just send the email for now.
#			# I will copy the .xlsx file to every run of the sample
#			for run in self.sample_json['runs']:
#				run_json = json.load(open(run))
#				if 'server_ip' in run_json and 'orig_filepath_plugin_dir' in run_json:
#					copy_command = "scp %s ionadmin@%s:%s "%(xlsx_file, run_json['server_ip'], run_json['orig_filepath_plugin_dir'])
#					status = runCommandLine(copy_command)
#					if status == 0:
#						print "Copied the QC.xlsx file back to %s successfully!  %s"%(run_json['proton'], copy_command)
#					else:
#						print "Failed to copy the QC.xlsx file back to %s...  %s"%(run_json['proton'], copy_command)
#					# try to copy the log file back as well.
#					copy_command = "scp %s/sge.log ionadmin@%s:%s/QC.log "%(self.sample_json['sample_folder'], run_json['server_ip'], run_json['orig_filepath_plugin_dir'])
#					status = runCommandLine(copy_command)
#					# try to add the log file to the plugin's log file.
#					# this didn't work...
#					#copy_command = "ssh ionadmin@%s:%s/QC.log 'cat %s/QC.log >> %s/drmaa_stdout.txt"%(run_json['server_ip'], run_json['orig_filepath_plugin_dir'], run_json['orig_filepath_plugin_dir'], run_json['orig_filepath_plugin_dir'])
#					#status = runCommandLine(copy_command)

# send an email with the specified attachments
# TODO finish this function

    def _send_email(self, emails, attachments, status):
        for email in emails:
            # this command will email the status of the sample, and attach the excel spreadsheet and somatic variants if it is found.
            email_command = '\tprintf "%s finished with a status of %s. \\n`grep sample_status *.json`\\n" | ssmtp -vvv %s >/dev/null 2>&1\n' % (
                self.sample_json['sample_name'], status, email)

    # pushes the final run or merged files to amazon s3 storage.
    def push_sample_to_s3(self, final_json):
        # first get all of the files to push
        final_vcf = glob.glob("%s/*.vcf" % final_json['run_folder'])[0]
        target_vcf = "Einstein/%s/%s.vcf" % (self.sample_json['sample_name'],
        final_cov = glob.glob("%s/*.amplicon.cov.xls" %
        target_cov = "Einstein/%s/%s" % (self.sample_json['sample_name'],
        final_bam = "%s/%s" % (final_json['run_folder'],
        target_bam = "Einstein/%s/%s" % (self.sample_json['sample_name'],
        final_bai = final_bam + ".bai"
        target_bai = target_bam + ".bai"
        final_json_file = final_json['json_file']
        target_json_file = "Einstein/%s/%s" % (self.sample_json['sample_name'],

        # call the push_files script to push each file to s3 storage
        status = runCommandLine("bash /rawdata/scripts/TRI_Dev/push_files_s3.sh " + \
          "%s %s "%(final_vcf, target_vcf) + "%s %s "%(final_cov, target_cov) + \
          "%s %s "%(final_bam, target_bam) + "%s %s "%(final_bai, target_bai) + \
          "%s %s "%(final_json_file, target_json_file))
        if status != 0:
            self.no_errors = False
            print "ERROR: unable to push the sample to s3 storage"

    # if the update_json flag is specified, then update the cutoffs found in the normal json file.
    def update_cutoffs(self):
        # load the json file
        update_json = json.load(open(self.options.update_cutoffs))
        # set the cutoff settings to the example json's cutoff settings
        self.sample_json['analysis']['settings']['cutoffs'] = update_json[
        # write the updated sample's json file.
        write_json(self.options.json, self.sample_json)

    # move the old 3x3 tables to the flag "old_GTs"
    def recalc_3x3_tables(self):
        self.sample_json['sample_status'] = 'pushed'
        # load the output QC json. will be used to check if this combination has already been made.
        qc_json_data = {}
        if os.path.isfile(self.sample_json['results_qc_json']):
            qc_json_data = json.load(open(self.sample_json['results_qc_json']))
        # if the user specified to recalculate the 3x3 tables, do that here.
        if self.options.recalc_3x3_tables and 'QC_comparisons' in qc_json_data:
            # rearrange the old 3x3 tables to calculate the new 3x3 tables usingn the updated GT cutoffs
            qc_json_data['old_GTs'] = qc_json_data['QC_comparisons']
            del qc_json_data['QC_comparisons']
            write_json(self.sample_json['results_qc_json'], qc_json_data)

    # get the alignment statistics for each run or merged bam file.
    def get_alignment_stats(self):
        # TEMP fix the runs.
        runs = []
        for run in glob.glob("%s/Normal/N-[0-9]/*.json" %
        for run in glob.glob("%s/Tumor/T-[0-9]/*.json" %
        self.sample_json['runs'] = runs
        write_json(self.sample_json['json_file'], self.sample_json)
        ## now get the alignment statistics
        for run in self.sample_json['runs']:
            print "getting alignment_status for: %s" % run
#		if 'merged_normal_json' in self.sample_json:
#			normal_merged_path = json.load(open(self.sample_json['merged_normal_json']))['run_folder']
#			if not os.path.isfile('%s/Analysis_Files/ionstats_alignment.json'%json.load(open(self.sample_json['merged_normal_json']))['run_folder']):
#				# first fix the header of the merged.bam file
#				normal_merged_bam = "%s/%s"%(normal_merged_path, json.load(open(self.sample_json['merged_normal_json']))['analysis']['files'][0])
#				print "fixing header for %s"%normal_merged_bam
#				correct_header_command = "samtools view -H %s > %s/merged.header.sam "%(normal_merged_bam, normal_merged_path)
#				if runCommandLine(correct_header_command) != 0:
#					print "ERROR: samtools view -H failed!"
#					sys.exit(1)
#				# move the old bam
#				old_normal_merged_bam = "%s/bad_header.bam"%normal_merged_path
#				shutil.move(normal_merged_bam, old_normal_merged_bam)
#				# this command deletes the KS: tag!! not good! I don't know why but some headers are tab delimited, and some are not it seems.
#				sed_command = 'sed -E "s/SM:[^:]*:/SM:%s\tKS:/" %s/merged.header.sam > %s/merged.headerCorrected.sam'%(self.sample_json['sample_name'], normal_merged_path, normal_merged_path)
#				if runCommandLine(sed_command) != 0:
#					print "ERROR: sed command failed!"
#					sys.exit(1)
#				# write the new header to merged.bam
#				reheader_command = "samtools reheader %s/merged.headerCorrected.sam %s > %s "%(normal_merged_path, old_normal_merged_bam, normal_merged_bam)
#				if runCommandLine(reheader_command) != 0:
#					print "ERROR: sed command failed!"
#					sys.exit(1)
#				# make a new index file
#				runCommandLine("samtools index %s"%normal_merged_bam)
#				#remove the old bam
#				os.remove(old_normal_merged_bam)
#				os.remove("%s/merged.headerCorrected.sam"%normal_merged_path)
#				os.remove("%s/merged.header.sam"%normal_merged_path)
#				# then get the ionstats
#				Align_Stats(self.sample_json['merged_normal_json'])
#		if 'merged_tumor_json' in self.sample_json:
#			tumor_merged_path = json.load(open(self.sample_json['merged_tumor_json']))['run_folder']
#			if not os.path.isfile('%s/Analysis_Files/ionstats_alignment.json'%json.load(open(self.sample_json['merged_tumor_json']))['run_folder']):
#				# first fix the header of the merged.bam file
#				tumor_merged_bam = "%s/%s"%(tumor_merged_path, json.load(open(self.sample_json['merged_tumor_json']))['analysis']['files'][0])
#				print "fixing header for %s"%tumor_merged_bam
#				correct_header_command = "samtools view -H %s > %s/merged.header.sam "%(tumor_merged_bam, tumor_merged_path)
#				if runCommandLine(correct_header_command) != 0:
#					print "ERROR: samtools view -H failed!"
#					sys.exit(1)
#				# move the old bam
#				old_tumor_merged_bam = "%s/bad_header.bam"%tumor_merged_path
#				shutil.move(tumor_merged_bam, old_tumor_merged_bam)
#				# this command deletes the KS: tag!! not good! I don't know why but some headers are tab delimited, and some are not it seems.
#				sed_command = 'sed -E "s/SM:[^:]*:/SM:%s\tKS:/" %s/merged.header.sam > %s/merged.headerCorrected.sam'%(self.sample_json['sample_name'], tumor_merged_path, tumor_merged_path)
#				if runCommandLine(sed_command) != 0:
#					print "ERROR: sed command failed!"
#					sys.exit(1)
#				# write the new header to merged.bam
#				reheader_command = "samtools reheader %s/merged.headerCorrected.sam %s > %s "%(tumor_merged_path, old_tumor_merged_bam, tumor_merged_bam)
#				if runCommandLine(reheader_command) != 0:
#					print "ERROR: sed command failed!"
#					sys.exit(1)
#				# make a new index file
#				runCommandLine("samtools index %s"%tumor_merged_bam)
#				#remove the old bam
#				os.remove(old_tumor_merged_bam)
#				os.remove("%s/merged.headerCorrected.sam"%tumor_merged_path)
#				os.remove("%s/merged.header.sam"%tumor_merged_path)
#				# then get the ionstats
#				Align_Stats(self.sample_json['merged_tumor_json'])

# copy the xlsx file here because it didn't get copied for a lot of samples

# subset out the 718 gene set from the final merged PNET 3x3 tables

    def get_718_subset(self):
        # add the path to the 718 subset:
            'subset_bed'] = '/rawdata/support_files/BED/PNET/AmpliSeqExome_PNET_subset.bed'
            'chromosomes_to_analyze_merged'] = ['all', '718']
        if 'results_qc_json' not in self.sample_json and 'results_QC_json' in self.sample_json:
            self.sample_json['results_qc_json'] = self.sample_json[
        self.sample_json['emails'] = ['*****@*****.**']

        #self.sample_json['sample_status'] = 'pending_merge'
        write_json(self.sample_json['json_file'], self.sample_json)
        qc_comp_dir = ''
        if os.path.isdir("%s/allNMerged1vsTMerged1" %
            qc_comp_dir = "%s/allNMerged1vsTMerged1" % self.sample_json[
            qc_comp = "NMerged1vsTMerged1"
        elif os.path.isdir("%s/allNormal_Merged1vsTumor_Merged1" %
            qc_comp_dir = "%s/allNormal_Merged1vsTumor_Merged1" % self.sample_json[
            qc_comp = "Normal_Merged1vsTumor_Merged1"
        if qc_comp_dir != '':
            results_qc_json = json.load(
            # fix the name of the folder and the name in the results_qc_json
            normal_merged_name = json.load(
            tumor_merged_name = json.load(
            new_qc_comp = "%svs%s" % (normal_merged_name, tumor_merged_name)
            print "moving %s to %s" % (
                qc_comp_dir, "%s/all%s" %
                (self.sample_json['qc_folder'], new_qc_comp))
                "%s/all%s" % (self.sample_json['qc_folder'], new_qc_comp))

            results_qc_json = json.load(
            new_qc_comp_dict = results_qc_json['QC_comparisons']['all'][
            del results_qc_json['QC_comparisons']['all']['normal_tumor'][

                new_qc_comp] = new_qc_comp_dict
            results_qc_json['sample_name'] = self.sample_json['sample_name']
            results_qc_json['sample'] = self.sample_json['sample_name']
            write_json(self.sample_json['results_qc_json'], results_qc_json)

        if 'merged_normal_json' in self.sample_json and 'merged_tumor_json' in self.sample_json:
            print "Running QC_2Runs"
            self.sample_json, qc_json = self.qc_run.QC_2Runs(
                self.sample_json, self.sample_json['merged_normal_json'],
                self.sample_json['merged_tumor_json'], 'normal_', 'tumor_',
            print 'done'
            # done for now

    def overlap(self):
        # add the merged_perc_avail_bases
        # fix the name of the folder and the name in the results_qc_json
        if 'merged_normal_json' in self.sample_json and 'merged_tumor_json' in self.sample_json:
            results_qc_json = json.load(
            normal_merged_json = json.load(
            tumor_merged_json = json.load(
            qc_comp = "%svs%s" % (normal_merged_json['run_name'],
            perc_avail_bases = results_qc_json['QC_comparisons']['all'][
                'merged_perc_avail_bases'] = perc_avail_bases
                'merged_perc_avail_bases'] = perc_avail_bases

    def A_227(self):
        # compare the Normal merged file to all of the other tumor combinations
        # Separate the runs into tumor and normal lists
        #normal_runs, tumor_runs = self.getTumor_Normal()
        #for tumor_run in tumor_runs:
        #	# generate the 3x3 tables for only chr1.
        #	self.sample_json, qc_json = self.qc_run.QC_2Runs(self.sample_json, self.sample_json['merged_normal_json'], tumor_run, 'normal_', 'tumor_', '_merged')
        self.sample_json, qc_json = self.qc_run.QC_2Runs(
            self.sample_json, self.sample_json['merged_normal_json'],
            self.sample_json['merged_tumor_json'], 'normal_', 'tumor_',
        # merge tumor runs 1-3, 4-5, and 7-8.
        #tumor_1_2_3 = ["/mnt/Despina/projects/PNET/A_227/Tumor/T-1/A_227_T-1.json", "/mnt/Despina/projects/PNET/A_227/Tumor/T-2/A_227_T-2.json", "/mnt/Despina/projects/PNET/A_227/Tumor/T-3/A_227_T-3.json"]
        #tumor_7_8 = ["/mnt/Despina/projects/PNET/A_227/Tumor/T-7/A_227_T-7.json", "/mnt/Despina/projects/PNET/A_227/Tumor/T-8/A_227_T-8.json"]

        # done for now

    def somatic_variants(self):
        # get the somatic variants from samples that pass the final overlapping coverage cutoff
        if 'final_normal_json' in self.sample_json and 'final_tumor_json' in self.sample_json:
            final_normal_json = json.load(
            final_tumor_json = json.load(
            if "pass_fail_merged_status" in final_normal_json and final_normal_json[
                    "pass_fail_merged_status"] == 'pass':
                # get the path to the final QC comparison dir
                qc_comp_dir = "%s/QC/all%svs%s" % (
                # get the somatic variants using the somatic_variants.sh script which utilizes Ozlem's scripts.
                #TODO "import" Ozlem's scripts into this pipeline
                command = "bash %s/Somatic_Variants/somatic_variants.sh %s %s %s" % (
                    qc_comp_dir, self.sample_json['sample_name'],
                result = runCommandLine(command)
                if result != 0:
                    self.no_errors = False

    def change_stringency(self):
            'normal_tvc_json'] = "/rawdata/support_files/parameter_sets/Parameter_Tests/ampliseq_germline_lowstringency_pgm_parameters_jingwei_edits.json"
            'tumor_tvc_json'] = "/rawdata/support_files/parameter_sets/Parameter_Tests/ch1_somatic_lowstringency_pgm_parameters_jingwei_edits.json"
        # initialize the QC_Run object
        qc_run_diff_settings = QC_Run(self.sample_json,
        # change the stringency of the somatic analysis to see if we can find more somatic variants
        if 'final_normal_json' in self.sample_json and 'final_tumor_json' in self.sample_json:
            final_normal_json = json.load(
            final_tumor_json = json.load(
            # check to see if the final runs passed the merged cutoff
            if "pass_fail_merged_status" in final_normal_json and final_normal_json[
                    "pass_fail_merged_status"] == 'pass':
                for final_json in [final_normal_json, final_tumor_json]:
                    # re-run TVC on the individual bam files
                    vcfs = glob.glob("%s/*.vcf" % final_json['run_folder'])
                    #					if len(vcfs) > 0:
                    #						shutil.move(vcfs[0], "%s/Analysis_Files/4.2_TSVC_variants_High_String_Jingwei_edits.vcf"%final_json['run_folder'])
                        "%s_" % final_json['run_type'])

                # now fix the results_qc_json
                # move the results_qc_json analysis to a different "chromosome"

#				results_qc_json = json.load(open(self.sample_json['results_qc_json']))
#				qc_comp = "%svs%s"%(final_normal_json['run_name'], final_tumor_json['run_name'])
#				old_qc_comp_dict = results_qc_json['QC_comparisons']['all']['normal_tumor'][qc_comp]
#				del results_qc_json['QC_comparisons']['all']['normal_tumor'][qc_comp]
#				results_qc_json['QC_comparisons']['High_String_Jingwei_Edits'] = {'normal_tumor': {qc_comp: old_qc_comp_dict}}
#				write_json(self.sample_json['results_qc_json'], results_qc_json)

# get the path to the final QC comparison dir
                qc_comp_dir = "%s/QC/all%svs%s" % (
                #				high_string_qc_comp_dir = "%s/QC/High_String_Jingwei_Edits_all%svs%s"%(self.sample_json['sample_folder'], final_normal_json['run_name'], final_tumor_json['run_name'])
                #				shutil.move(qc_comp_dir, high_string_qc_comp_dir)

                # QC the 2 final runs
                self.sample_json, qc_json = qc_run_diff_settings.QC_2Runs(
                    self.sample_json, self.sample_json['final_normal_json'],
                    self.sample_json['final_tumor_json'], 'normal_', 'tumor_',

                # get the somatic variants using the somatic_variants.sh script which utilizes Ozlem's scripts.
                #TODO "import" Ozlem's scripts into this pipeline
                command = "bash %s/Somatic_Variants/somatic_variants.sh %s %s" % (
                    qc_comp_dir, self.sample_json['sample_name'])
                result = runCommandLine(command)
                if result != 0:
                    self.no_errors = False

    def samtools_gatk(self):
        # 7 gene panel for PNET analysis
        Seven_Gene_Bed = "/rawdata/support_files/BED/PNET/7PNET_Genes_amplicons.bed"
        # run samtools and GATK on the SEGA dataset
        if 'final_normal_json' in self.sample_json and 'final_tumor_json' in self.sample_json:
            final_normal_json = json.load(
            final_tumor_json = json.load(
            for final_json in [final_normal_json, final_tumor_json]:
                # if the analysis has not already been done, do it
                #if not os.path.isfile("%s/Analysis_Files/gatk_filtered_snps.vcf"%(final_json['run_folder'])) or not os.path.isfile("%s/Analysis_Files/7Genes_TSVC_variants.vcf"%(final_json['run_folder'])):
                bam = "%s/%s" % (final_json['run_folder'],

                # subset the 7 genes from the VCF file
                #vcf = glob.glob("%s/*.vcf"%(final_json['run_folder']))[0]
                #command = "bedtools intersect -header -a %s -b %s > %s/Analysis_Files/7Genes_TSVC_variants.vcf"%(vcf, Seven_Gene_Bed, final_json['run_folder'])
                #tvc_result = runCommandLine(command)

                # subset the 7 genes from the bam file to be uploaded to IR.
                #command = "samtools view -L /rawdata/support_files/BED/PNET/7PNET_Genes_amplicons.bed %s -b > %s/Analysis_Files/%s_%s_7genes_06032015.bam"%(bam, final_json['run_folder'], self.sample_json['sample_name'], final_json['run_type'])
                #subset_result = runCommandLine(command)

                # run samtools
                #command = "bash /home/ionadmin/TRI_Scripts/Variants/Samtools/run_samtools.sh %s %s %s/Analysis_Files"%(bam, Seven_Gene_Bed, final_json['run_folder'])
                #samtools_result = runCommandLine(command)

                # run GATK
                command = "bash /home/ionadmin/TRI_Scripts/Variants/GATK/run_gatk.sh %s %s %s/Analysis_Files" % (
                    bam, Seven_Gene_Bed, final_json['run_folder'])
                gatk_result = runCommandLine(command)

                # I would push the bam file to IR now, but that would require a password...
                # Lastly, generate the Venn Diagrams. I need to copy the R code here and figure out how to copy the IR TVC results back to here as well.
            #	if samtools_result != 0 or gatk_result != 0 or tvc_result != 0 or subset_result != 0:
            #		sys.stderr.write("Error: samtools or gatk failed!\n")
            #		self.no_errors = False
            # done for now

    def variant_call(self):
        # re-run TVC to see which variants were filtered out
        #final_normal_dir = json.load(open(self.sample_json['final_normal_json']))['run_folder']
        final_tumor_dir = json.load(open(
        #runCommandLine("mv %s/4.2_TSVC_variants.vcf %s/Analysis_Folder"%(final_normal_dir, final_normal_dir))
        #runCommandLine("mv %s/4.2_TSVC_variants.vcf %s/Analysis_Folder"%(final_tumor_dir, final_tumor_dir))
        #self.qc_run.runTVC_COV(self.sample_json['final_normal_json'], "normal_")
        self.qc_run.runTVC_COV(self.sample_json['final_tumor_json'], "tumor_")

    def einstein_merged(self):
        # first find the merged dir
        merged_dir = "%s/Merged" % self.sample_json['sample_folder']
        if os.path.isdir(merged_dir):
            # if the merged file has >= 30x coverage, copy the VCF file
            merged_amp = glob.glob("%s/*.amplicon.cov.xls" % merged_dir)[0]
            command = "tail -n +2 %s | awk -v cutoff=30 '{ if ($10 >= cutoff) printf \".\"}' | wc -c" % merged_amp
            amp_cov = runCommandLine(command, get_output=True)
            command = "tail -n +2 %s | wc -l" % merged_amp
            num_amps = runCommandLine(command, get_output=True)
            if (float(amp_cov) / float(num_amps)) >= 0.9:
                # copy the VCF file
                var_file = glob.glob("%s/*.vcf" % merged_dir)[0]
                command = "cp %s /home/ionadmin/jeff/Einstein_passVCF/%s.vcf" % (
                    var_file, self.sample_json['sample_name'])
Exemple #12
class ImportBooks(object):
    def __init__(self, sourcedir, masterdir, bibfile, orgfile,
                 serial=None, alfdir=None, also_repeated=False,
        self.sourcedir = os.path.expanduser(sourcedir)
        self.masterdir = os.path.expanduser(masterdir)
        if serial and alfdir:
            self.cleanup = Cleanup(serial, alfdir)
            self.cleanup = None
        self.bibfile = os.path.expanduser(bibfile)
        self.orgfile = os.path.expanduser(orgfile)
        self.also_repeated = also_repeated
        self.doctype = doctype

    def add_to_bib(self, bibstr, bibid):
        if os.path.exists(self.bibfile):
            bib = codecs.open(self.bibfile, encoding='utf-8').read()
            bib = ''
        if not bibid in bib:
            with codecs.open(self.bibfile, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                f.write(u'\n' + bibstr + u'\n')
            return True
        return False

    def clippings_to_org(self, bookfile, meta):
        kc = KindleBook(bookfile, text_path='text', meta=meta)
        kc.print_clippings(self.orgfile, self.doctype)

    def convert(self, book, bu_dir='imported'):
        if not os.path.exists(book):
            book = os.path.join(self.sourcedir, book)
        print book
        original_book = book
        ext = os.path.splitext(book)[1]
        if ext == '.azw':
            if self.cleanup:
                book = self.cleanup.decrypt(book)
                print ("** Won't be able to clean up " + book +
                       ", need a kindle serial")

        bibstr, meta = docid.bibstr(book, self.doctype, add_isbn=True)
        bibid = meta['bibid']

        new = self.add_to_bib(bibstr, bibid)
        newbook = os.path.join(self.masterdir, bibid)
        if new or self.also_repeated:
            if ext in ('.mobi', '.pdf'):
                newbook = newbook + ext
                os.rename(book, newbook)
                newbook = newbook + '.mobi'
                devnull = codecs.open(os.devnull, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
                if subprocess.call(['ebook-convert', book,
                                    stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull):
                    print ("** Error converting to " + newbook +
                           " (maybe DRMed book?)")
                    return None
                    if not os.path.exists(bu_dir):
                    bu = os.path.join(bu_dir, bibid + ext)
                    print '  ...moving away', original_book, 'to', bu
                    shutil.move(original_book, bu)

        self.clippings_to_org(newbook, meta)
        print ' ->', newbook
        return newbook

    def convert_all(self):
        for book in os.listdir(self.sourcedir):
            ext = os.path.splitext(book)[1]
            if ext in ('.azw', '.epub', '.mobi', '.pdf'):
Exemple #13
class QC_Sample:
	def __init__(self, options):
		self.__QCDirectory = "/rawdata/legos/scripts/QC"
		self.no_errors = True
		self.cleanup_sample = Cleanup()
		self.options = options
		self.sample_json = json.load(open(options.json))
		self.qc_run = QC_Run(self.sample_json)
	# will find all of the runs in a sample and QC them with each other
	def QC_merge_runs(self):
		# if this is a germline sample, QC all of the normal runs with each other.
		if self.sample_json['sample_type'] == 'germline':
			# Use the sample_status here to not re-run the QC and to not overwrite run status. The 'sample_status' should be reset to 'pushed' when new runs are pushed..
			#if self.sample_json['sample_status'] != 'pending_merge' and self.sample_json['sample_status'] != 'pending_3x3_review' and self.sample_json['sample_status'] != 'merged':
			# if the user specified the '--pass_fail' option, then run this part still
			if self.sample_json['sample_status'] == 'pushed' or self.options.pass_fail or self.options.qc_all:
				# QC the normal runs with each other
				# write the sample json file
				write_json(self.sample_json['json_file'], self.sample_json)
			# what if there is only one run that passes all of the metrics? It should be marked as the 'final_json' and have the 'pass_fail_merged' flag marked as pass.
			# make the merger
			merger = Merger(self.sample_json['json_file'])
			# Check to see if the normal runs are ready to be merged.
			merge = merger.check_merge(self.sample_json['runs'])
			if merge == True:
				# merge the normal and/or tumor runs. Will only merge the passing runs with each other.

				# load the sample json file because merger edited it.
				self.sample_json = json.load(open(self.sample_json['json_file']))

				# update the merged run status
				if json.load(open(self.sample_json['merged_json']))['pass_fail_merged_status'] == 'pass':
					# Set the sample_status
					self.sample_json['sample_status'] = 'merged'
					# cleanup the individual run bam files
					self.cleanup_sample.cleanup_runs(self.sample_json['runs'], self.sample_json['analysis']['settings']['cleanup'], self.no_errors)
					# Cleanup the merged dir 
					self.cleanup_sample.cleanup_runs([self.sample_json['merged_json']], self.sample_json['analysis']['settings']['cleanup'], self.no_errors)
					self.sample_json['sample_status'] = 'awaiting_more_sequencing'

		# if this is a tumor_normal sample, find the normal and tumor runs, and then QC them with each other.
		elif self.sample_json['sample_type'] == 'tumor_normal':
			# Separate the runs into tumor and normal lists
			normal_runs, tumor_runs = self.getTumor_Normal()
			if self.sample_json['analysis']['settings']['type'] == 'all_tumor_normal':
				# Use the sample_status here to not re-run the QC and to not overwrite run status. The 'sample_status' should be reset to 'pushed' when new runs are pushed..
				#if self.sample_json['sample_status'] != 'pending_merge' and self.sample_json['sample_status'] != 'pending_3x3_review' and self.sample_json['sample_status'] != 'merged':
				# if the user specified the '--pass_fail' option, then run this part still
				if self.sample_json['sample_status'] == 'pushed' or self.options.pass_fail or self.options.qc_all:
					# QC the normal or tumor runs with each other
					self.QC_runs(normal_runs, 'normal_')
					self.QC_runs(tumor_runs, 'tumor_')
					# now QC the tumor and normal runs together.
					self.QC_normal_tumor_runs(normal_runs, tumor_runs)
					# make the excel spreadsheet containing the data and copy it back to the proton
					# write the sample json file
					write_json(self.sample_json['json_file'], self.sample_json)
				# make the merger
				merger = Merger(self.sample_json['json_file'])
				# Check to see if the normal runs are ready to be merged.
				merge_normal = merger.check_merge(normal_runs, 'Normal/', 'normal_')
				if merge_normal == True:
					# merge the normal and/or tumor runs. Will only merge the passing runs with each other.
					merger.merge_runs('normal', 'Normal_', 'normal_')
				# Check to see if the tumor runs are ready to be merged.
				merge_tumor = merger.check_merge(tumor_runs, 'Tumor/', 'tumor_')
				if merge_tumor == True:
					merger.merge_runs('tumor', 'Tumor_', 'tumor_')

				# load the sample json file because merger edited it.
				self.sample_json = json.load(open(self.sample_json['json_file']))
				# If any runs were merged, QC them. If there are only 1 normal and tumor run, they won't be QCd again. 
				#if normal_merge_dir != '' or tumor_merge_dir != '' or (len(normal_passing_bams) == 1 and len(tumor_passing_bams) == 1):	
				# only QC all for the actual merged runs for now (PNET).
				# now QC the tumor and normal merged bams together if both normal and tumor runs are ready.
				if merge_normal or merge_tumor and ('merged_normal_json' in self.sample_json and 'merged_tumor_json' in self.sample_json):
					self.sample_json, qc_json = self.qc_run.QC_2Runs(self.sample_json, self.sample_json['merged_normal_json'], self.sample_json['merged_tumor_json'], 'normal_', 'tumor_', '_merged')
					self.sample_json, merged_perc_avail_bases = self.qc_run.update_3x3_runs_status(self.sample_json, self.sample_json['merged_normal_json'], self.sample_json['merged_tumor_json'], qc_json)
					# update the merged run status 
					merger.update_merged_run_status(self.sample_json['merged_normal_json'], merged_perc_avail_bases)
					merger.update_merged_run_status(self.sample_json['merged_tumor_json'], merged_perc_avail_bases)

					# cleanup the individual run bam files
					if merged_perc_avail_bases > .9:
						# Cleanup the PTRIM.bam and chr bam files after all of the QC is done.
						# are there any other files to clean up?
						self.cleanup_sample.cleanup_runs(self.sample_json['runs'], self.sample_json['analysis']['settings']['cleanup'], self.no_errors)
						#self.cleanup_sample.delete_runs(runs, self.sample_json['analysis']['settings']['cleanup'], self.no_errors)

						# Cleanup after the merging QC is done.
						self.cleanup_sample.cleanup_runs([self.sample_json['final_normal_json'], self.sample_json['final_tumor_json']], self.sample_json['analysis']['settings']['cleanup'], self.no_errors)

						# Set the sample_status
						self.sample_json['sample_status'] = 'merged_pass'
						self.sample_json['sample_status'] = 'awaiting_more_sequencing'

		# print the final status
		if self.no_errors == False or self.qc_run.no_errors == False:
			sys.stderr.write("%s finished with errors. See %s/sge.log for more details"%(self.sample_json['sample_name'], self.sample_json['output_folder']))
			self.sample_json['sample_status'] == 'failed'
			write_json(self.sample_json['json_file'], self.sample_json)
			print "%s finished with no errors!"%(self.sample_json['sample_name'])

		# write the sample json file
		write_json(self.sample_json['json_file'], self.sample_json)

		# make the excel spreadsheet containing the data and copy it back to the proton

	# Separate the runs into tumor and normal lists
	def getTumor_Normal(self):
		normal_runs = []  
		tumor_runs = []
		for run in self.sample_json['runs']:
			run_json = json.load(open(run))
			# temp fix for runs that have old JSON files (i.e. SEGA)
			if 'run_type' not in run_json or 'run_num' not in run_json:
				if re.search('N-', run):
					run_json['run_type'] = 'normal'
					run_json['run_type'] = 'tumor'
				run_json['pass_fail_status'] = 'pending'
				run_json['json_type'] = 'run'
				run_json['json_file'] = run
				run_json['run_name'] = run_json['name']
				run_json['run_num'] = run_json['run_name'][-1]
				run_json['sample_name'] = run_json['sample']
				if re.search('-', run):
					run_json['run_folder'] = '/'.join(run.split('/')[:-1])
					run_json['sample_folder'] = os.path.abspath('/'.join(run.split('/')[:-1]) + "/../..")
				write_json(run, run_json)
				# temp fix over
			if 'analysis' not in run_json:
				bam = glob.glob("%s/*.bam"%run_json['run_folder'])[0].split('/')[-1]
				run_json['analysis'] = {'files': [bam]}
				write_json(run, run_json)
			if run_json['run_type'] == 'normal':
			elif run_json['run_type'] == 'tumor':
				print "ERROR run type is not normal or tumor."
		return normal_runs, tumor_runs

	# QC the normal runs with each other 
	def QC_runs(self, runs, pref=''):
		# first run TVC_CV and get the Run info to prepare for QC2Runs
		for run in runs:
			run_json = json.load(open(run))
			# only run these if this run has a status of pending.
			# This way the pass_fail_status can be manually overwritten.
			if run_json['pass_fail_status'] == "pending" or self.options.pass_fail:
				self.qc_run.runTVC_COV(run, pref)
				self.qc_run.getRunInfo(run, pref)
				# Update the run status based on the metrics gathered by QC_getRunInfo.sh
				self.qc_run.update_run_status(run, len(runs))
		# if there is only one run for this sample, then set the status to 'pending_merge' so that the only run will be set as the 'final_json'
		passing_runs = self.qc_run.get_runs_status(runs)[0]
		if len(passing_runs) == 1:
			self.sample_json['sample_stats'] == 'pending_merge'
			for run1 in runs:
				run1_json = json.load(open(run1))
				for run2 in runs:
					run2_json = json.load(open(run2))
					# check to see if these two runs should be QC'd together. Only QC the runs that pass the single run QC metrics.
					if int(run1_json['run_num']) < int(run2_json['run_num']) and ((run1_json['pass_fail_status'] == 'pass' and run2_json['pass_fail_status'] == 'pass') or self.options.qc_all): 
						self.sample_json, qc_json = self.qc_run.QC_2Runs(self.sample_json, run1, run2, pref, pref)
						self.sample_json, perc_avail_bases = self.qc_run.update_3x3_runs_status(self.sample_json, run1, run2, qc_json)

	# now QC the tumor and normal runs together.
	def QC_normal_tumor_runs(self, normal_runs, tumor_runs):
		for normal_run in normal_runs:
			for tumor_run in tumor_runs:
				normal_json = json.load(open(normal_run))
				tumor_json = json.load(open(tumor_run))
				# Only QC the runs that pass the single run QC metrics.
				if (normal_json['pass_fail_status'] == 'pass' and tumor_json['pass_fail_status'] == 'pass') or self.options.qc_all: 
					self.sample_json, qc_json = self.qc_run.QC_2Runs(self.sample_json, normal_run, tumor_run, 'normal_', 'tumor_')
					self.sample_json, perc_avail_bases = self.qc_run.update_3x3_runs_status(self.sample_json, normal_run, tumor_run, qc_json)

	# make the xlsx file to be copied back to the proton
	def _make_xlsx(self):
		xlsx_file = '%s/%s_QC.xlsx'%(self.sample_json['qc_folder'], self.sample_json['sample_name'])
		make_xlsx_command = "python2.7 %s/QC_generateSheets.py "%self.__QCDirectory + \
			"--sample_path %s "%self.sample_json['sample_folder'] + \
			"--sheet_per_sample " + \
			"--out %s "%xlsx_file + \
			"--ex_json %s "%(self.sample_json['json_file'])
		status  = runCommandLine(make_xlsx_command)
		if status != 0:
			print "unable to generate the excel file"
			print "Generated the QC spreadsheet successfully!"
			# t would be really really cool if I could send them an email with the xlsx file!!
			if self.options.email and 'emails' in self.sample_json:
				# TEMP add my email automatically
				if '*****@*****.**' not in self.sample_json['emails']:
				for email in self.sample_json['emails']:
					# this command will email the status of the sample, and attach the excel spreadsheet
					email_command = '\tprintf "%s finished with a status of %s. \\n`grep sample_status *.json`\\n" | (cat - && uuencode %s %s) | ssmtp -vvv %s >/dev/null 2>&1\n' % (self.sample_json['sample_name'], "pass", xlsx_file, xlsx_file.split('/')[-1], email)
			# I will copy the .xlsx file to every run of the sample
			for run in self.sample_json['runs']:
				run_json = json.load(open(run))
				if 'server_ip' in run_json and 'orig_filepath_plugin_dir' in run_json:
					copy_command = "scp %s ionadmin@%s:%s "%(xlsx_file, run_json['server_ip'], run_json['orig_filepath_plugin_dir'])
					status = runCommandLine(copy_command)
					if status == 0:
						print "Copied the QC.xlsx file back to %s successfully!  %s"%(run_json['proton'], copy_command)
						print "Failed to copy the QC.xlsx file back to %s...  %s"%(run_json['proton'], copy_command)
					# try to copy the log file back as well.
					copy_command = "scp %s/sge.log ionadmin@%s:%s/QC.log "%(self.sample_json['sample_folder'], run_json['server_ip'], run_json['orig_filepath_plugin_dir'])
					status = runCommandLine(copy_command)
					# try to add the log file to the plugin's log file.
					# this didn't work... 
					#copy_command = "ssh ionadmin@%s:%s/QC.log 'cat %s/QC.log >> %s/drmaa_stdout.txt"%(run_json['server_ip'], run_json['orig_filepath_plugin_dir'], run_json['orig_filepath_plugin_dir'], run_json['orig_filepath_plugin_dir'])
					#status = runCommandLine(copy_command)

	# if the update_json flag is specified, then update the cutoffs found in the normal json file.
	def update_cutoffs(self):
		# load the json file
		update_json = json.load(open(self.options.update_cutoffs))
		# set the cutoff settings to the example json's cutoff settings
		self.sample_json['analysis']['settings']['cutoffs'] = update_json['analysis']['settings']['cutoffs']
		# write the updated sample's json file.
		write_json(self.options.json, self.sample_json)

	# move the old 3x3 tables to the flag "old_GTs" 
	def recalc_3x3_tables(self):
		# load the output QC json. will be used to check if this combination has already been made.
		qc_json_data = {}
		if os.path.isfile(qc_json):
			qc_json_data = json.load(open(qc_json))
		# if the user specified to recalculate the 3x3 tables, do that here.
		if self.options.recalc_3x3_tables and 'QC_comparisons' in qc_json_data:
			# rearrange the old 3x3 tables to calculate the new 3x3 tables usingn the updated GT cutoffs
			qc_json_data['old_GTs'] = qc_json_data['QC_comparisons']
			del qc_json_data['QC_comparisons']
			write_json(qc_json, qc_json_data)

	# get the alignment statistics for each run or merged bam file.
	def get_alignment_stats(self):
		# TEMP fix the runs.
		runs = []
		for run in glob.glob("%s/Normal/N-[0-9]/*.json"%self.sample_json['sample_folder']):
		for run in glob.glob("%s/Tumor/T-[0-9]/*.json"%self.sample_json['sample_folder']):
		self.sample_json['runs'] = runs
		write_json(self.sample_json['json_file'], self.sample_json)
		# now get the alignment statistics
		for run in self.sample_json['runs']:
		#if 'merged_normal_json' in self.sample_json:
		#	Align_Stats(self.sample_json['merged_normal_json'])
		#if 'merged_tumor_json' in self.sample_json:
		#	Align_Stats(self.sample_json['merged_tumor_json'])
		# copy the xlsx file here because it didn't get copied for a lot of samples
	# subset out the 718 gene set from the final merged PNET 3x3 tables
	def get_718_subset(self):
		# add the path to the 718 subset:
		self.sample_json['analysis']['settings']['subset_bed'] = '/rawdata/support_files/BED/PNET/AmpliSeqExome_PNET_subset.bed'
		self.sample_json['analysis']['settings']['chromosomes_to_analyze_merged'] = ['all', '718']
		if 'results_qc_json' not in self.sample_json and 'results_QC_json' in self.sample_json:
			self.sample_json['results_qc_json']	= self.sample_json['results_QC_json']
		self.sample_json['emails'] = ['*****@*****.**']

		#self.sample_json['sample_status'] = 'pending_merge'
		write_json(self.sample_json['json_file'], self.sample_json)
		qc_comp_dir = ''
		if os.path.isdir("%s/allNMerged1vsTMerged1"%self.sample_json['qc_folder']):
			qc_comp_dir = "%s/allNMerged1vsTMerged1"%self.sample_json['qc_folder']
			qc_comp = "NMerged1vsTMerged1"
		elif os.path.isdir("%s/allNormal_Merged1vsTumor_Merged1"%self.sample_json['qc_folder']):
			qc_comp_dir = "%s/allNormal_Merged1vsTumor_Merged1"%self.sample_json['qc_folder']
			qc_comp = "Normal_Merged1vsTumor_Merged1"
		if qc_comp_dir != '':
			results_qc_json = json.load(open(self.sample_json['results_qc_json']))
			# fix the name of the folder and the name in the results_qc_json
			normal_merged_name = json.load(open(self.sample_json['merged_normal_json']))['run_name']
			tumor_merged_name = json.load(open(self.sample_json['merged_tumor_json']))['run_name']
			new_qc_comp = "%svs%s"%(normal_merged_name, tumor_merged_name)
			print "moving %s to %s"%(qc_comp_dir, "%s/all%s"%(self.sample_json['qc_folder'], new_qc_comp))
			shutil.move(qc_comp_dir, "%s/all%s"%(self.sample_json['qc_folder'], new_qc_comp))
			results_qc_json = json.load(open(self.sample_json['results_qc_json']))
			new_qc_comp_dict = results_qc_json['QC_comparisons']['all']['normal_tumor'][qc_comp]
			del results_qc_json['QC_comparisons']['all']['normal_tumor'][qc_comp]
			results_qc_json['QC_comparisons']['all']['normal_tumor'][new_qc_comp] = new_qc_comp_dict
			results_qc_json['sample_name'] = self.sample_json['sample_name']
			results_qc_json['sample'] = self.sample_json['sample_name']
			write_json(self.sample_json['results_qc_json'], results_qc_json)
		if 'merged_normal_json' in self.sample_json and 'merged_tumor_json' in self.sample_json:
			print "Running QC_2Runs"
			self.sample_json, qc_json = self.qc_run.QC_2Runs(self.sample_json, self.sample_json['merged_normal_json'], self.sample_json['merged_tumor_json'], 'normal_', 'tumor_', '_merged')
			print 'done'
			# done for now