def test_script_tag_list_good_script(capsys):
    script_tag.script_tag("nixconfig", ["list", "script1"])
    _out, _err = capsys.readouterr()

    assert "tag1" in _out, "'tag1' should be in output"
    assert "tag2" in _out, "'tag2' should be in output"
    assert "tag3" not in _out, "'tag3' should not be in output"
    assert len(_err) is 0, "StdErr should be empty, contains: {}".format(_err)
Exemple #2
def test_script_tag_no_command(capsys):
    with pytest.raises(NixError) as _excinfo:
        script_tag.script_tag("nixconfig", [])

    _out, _err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "Missing script-tag command" in str(
        _excinfo.value), "exception doesn't contain expected string"
    assert "usage: nixconfig script-tag" in _out, "StdOut doesn't contain expected string"
    assert len(_err) is 0, "StdErr should be empty, contains: {}".format(_err)
Exemple #3
def test_script_tag_remove_no_script(capsys):
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as _excinfo:
        script_tag.script_tag("nixconfig", ["remove"])

    _out, _err = capsys.readouterr()

    assert "2" in str(_excinfo.value), "Exception doesn't contain expected string"
    assert len(_out) == 0, "StdOut should be empty, contains: {}".format(_out)
    assert "the following arguments are required: script, tags" in _err, "StdErr doesn't contain expected string"
Exemple #4
def test_script_tag_list_good_script_unattached_tag(capsys):
    with pytest.raises(NixError) as _excinfo:
        script_tag.script_tag("nixconfig", ["remove", "script1", "tag3"])

    _out, _err = capsys.readouterr()

    assert "Tags not attached to script: tag3" in str(_excinfo.value)
    assert len(_out) is 0, "StdOut should be empty, contains: {}".format(_out)
    assert len(_err) is 0, "StdErr should be empty, contains: {}".format(_err)
Exemple #5
def test_script_tag_list_good_script_bad_tag(capsys):
    with pytest.raises(NixError) as _excinfo:
        script_tag.script_tag("nixconfig", ["remove", "script1", "badtag"])

    _out, _err = capsys.readouterr()

    assert "Unknown tags: badtag" in str(_excinfo.value)
    assert len(_out) is 0, "StdOut should be empty, contains: {}".format(_out)
    assert len(_err) is 0, "StdErr should be empty, contains: {}".format(_err)
Exemple #6
def test_script_tag_remove_bad_script(capsys):
    with pytest.raises(NixError) as _excinfo:
        script_tag.script_tag("nixconfig", ["remove", "badscript", "tag1"])

    _out, _err = capsys.readouterr()

    assert "Unable to find script: badscript" in str(_excinfo.value)
    assert len(_out) is 0, "StdOut should be empty, contains: {}".format(_out)
    assert len(_err) is 0, "StdErr should be empty, contains: {}".format(_err)
Exemple #7
def test_script_tag_bad_command(capsys):
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as _excinfo:
        script_tag.script_tag("nixconfig", ["badcommand"])

    _out, _err = capsys.readouterr()

    assert "2" in str(
        _excinfo.value), "Exception doesn't contain expected string"
    assert len(_out) == 0, "StdOut should be empty, contains: {}".format(_out)
    assert "invalid choice" in _err, "StdErr doesn't contain expected string"
Exemple #8
def make_parser(sys_argv):
    Command line argument parser for the Nixconfig program.

    LOG.debug("Call parser")

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Configure Nix',
        usage='''nixconfig {script,script-tag,tag} [<args>]

    script              create, delete, update... scripts
    script-tag          add, remove, list... tags from scripts
    tag                 create, delete, list... tags

                        help='Subcommand to run')

    args = parser.parse_args(sys_argv[1:2])

    _prog = sys.argv[0].rsplit("/", 1)[-1]

    if args.command == "script":
        script.script(_prog, sys_argv[2:])
    elif args.command == "script-tag":
        script_tag.script_tag(_prog, sys_argv[2:])
    elif args.command == "tag":
        tag.tag(_prog, sys_argv[2:])
        print('Unrecognized command')