def test(): i = click.get_binary_stream('stdin') o = click.get_binary_stream('stdout') while 1: chunk = if not chunk: break o.write(chunk) o.flush()
def build(recipe, python): click.echo('Building {} recipe...'.format(recipe)) cmd = conda['build', recipe, '--channel', 'conda-forge', '--python', python] cmd( stdout=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), stderr=click.get_binary_stream('stderr'), )
def build(recipe): click.echo('\nBuilding {} recipe...'.format(recipe)) python_version = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])) cmd = conda['build', recipe, '--channel', 'conda-forge', '--python', python_version] cmd(stdout=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), stderr=click.get_binary_stream('stderr'))
def clone(repo_uri, destination): if Path(destination).exists(): return cmd = git['clone', repo_uri, destination] cmd( stdout=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), stderr=click.get_binary_stream('stderr'), )
def build(recipe): click.echo('Building {} recipe...'.format(recipe)) python_version = '{}.{}'.format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor) cmd = conda['build', recipe, '--channel', 'conda-forge', '--python', python_version] cmd(stdout=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), stderr=click.get_binary_stream('stderr'))
def build(recipe, python): click.echo('Building {} recipe...'.format(recipe)) cmd = conda[ 'build', recipe, '--channel', 'conda-forge', '--python', python ] cmd( stdout=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), stderr=click.get_binary_stream('stderr'), )
def deploy(package_location, artifact_directory, architectures): artifact_dir = Path(artifact_directory) artifact_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) package_loc = Path(package_location) assert package_loc.exists(), 'Path {} does not exist'.format(package_loc) for architecture in architectures: arch_artifact_directory = str(artifact_dir / architecture) arch_package_directory = str(package_loc / architecture) shutil.copytree(arch_package_directory, arch_artifact_directory) cmd = conda['index', artifact_directory] cmd(stdout=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), stderr=click.get_binary_stream('stderr'))
def clone(repo_uri, destination, branch): if not Path(destination).exists(): cmd = git['clone', repo_uri, destination] cmd( stdout=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), stderr=click.get_binary_stream('stderr'), ) cmd = git['-C', destination, 'checkout', branch] cmd( stdout=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), stderr=click.get_binary_stream('stderr'), )
def trace_simulation(ctx): sim_id = ctx.obj["simulation"] click.echo('Tracing device {}, CTRL-C to exit trace'.format(sim_id)) trace_script = "{script_dir}/{rel_path}/".format( script_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), rel_path=DEFAULT_DEVICE_PATH)[trace_script, str(sim_id)], stdout=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), stdin=click.get_binary_stream('stdin'), stderr=click.get_binary_stream('stderr'))
def deploy(package_location, artifact_directory, architecture): artifact_dir = Path(artifact_directory) artifact_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) package_loc = Path(package_location) assert package_loc.exists(), 'Path {} does not exist'.format(package_loc) for architecture in (architecture, 'noarch'): arch_artifact_directory = str(artifact_dir / architecture) arch_package_directory = str(package_loc / architecture) shutil.copytree(arch_package_directory, arch_artifact_directory) cmd = conda['index', artifact_directory] cmd( stdout=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), stderr=click.get_binary_stream('stderr'), )
def uninstall(name: str) -> None: try: from plumbum.cmd import pip ((pip["uninstall", name, "-y"]) > click.get_binary_stream('stdout'))() except ImportError: raise PluginException(f'You do not have "pip" installed.')
def tts_cli(text, file, output, slow, tld, lang, nocheck): """ Read <text> to mp3 format using Google Translate's Text-to-Speech API (set <text> or --file <file> to - for standard input) """ # stdin for <text> if text == '-': text = click.get_text_stream('stdin').read() # stdout (when no <output>) if not output: output = click.get_binary_stream('stdout') # <file> input (stdin on '-' is handled by click.File) if file: try: text = except UnicodeDecodeError as e: # pragma: no cover log.debug(str(e), exc_info=True) raise click.FileError(, "<file> must be encoded using '%s'." % sys_encoding()) # TTS try: tts = gTTS(text=text, lang=lang, slow=slow, tld=tld, lang_check=not nocheck) tts.write_to_fp(output) except (ValueError, AssertionError) as e: raise click.UsageError(str(e)) except gTTSError as e: raise click.ClickException(str(e))
def main(click_context, hashmes, s, v, c): """ If there is a file at hashme, read and omnihash that file. Elif hashme is a string, omnihash that. """ # Print version and quit if v: import pkg_resources version = pkg_resources.require("omnihash")[0].version click.echo(version) return _init_plugins() if not hashmes: # If no stdin, just help and quit. if not sys.stdin.isatty(): digesters = make_digesters(c) stdin = click.get_binary_stream('stdin') bytechunks = iter(lambda:, b'') click.echo("Hashing standard input..") produce_hashes(bytechunks, digesters) else: print(click_context.get_help()) return else: for hashme in hashmes: digesters = make_digesters(c) bytechunks = iterate_bytechunks(hashme, s) if bytechunks: produce_hashes(bytechunks, digesters)
def main(delivery_stream, region, print_record_id): """Redirects stdin to Amazon Kinesis Firehose. Records will be written to DELIVERY_STREAM. Data should be separated by a newline character. Each line will be sent as a separate record, so keep in mind that Kinesis Firehose will round up each record to the next 5 KB in size. The application submits each record one at a time, which limits the throughput to roughly ~15 records per second. The application submits each record one at a time, which limits the throughput. A future version might batch records together for performance, but until then beware of using high throughput streams (15 records per second or more). Running from within EC2 will allow higher throughput. """ client = _get_firehose_client(region_name=region) for line in click.get_binary_stream('stdin'): response = client.put_record( DeliveryStreamName=delivery_stream, Record={'Data': line}, ) if print_record_id: click.echo(message=response['RecordId'])
def run_cli(host, port, user, password, database, settings, query, format, format_stdin, multiline, stacktrace, version, files): """ A third-party client for the ClickHouse DBMS. """ if version: return show_version() if password: password = click.prompt("Password", hide_input=True, show_default=False, type=str) data_input = () # Read from STDIN if non-interactive mode stdin = click.get_binary_stream('stdin') if not stdin.isatty(): data_input += (stdin, ) # Read the given file if files: data_input += files # TODO: Rename the CLI's instance into something more feasible cli = CLI(host, port, user, password, database, settings, format, format_stdin, multiline, stacktrace), data_input)
def do_read( installer: typing.BinaryIO, path: str, *, output_file: typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike], unzip: bool, name_encoding: str, offset: typing.Optional[int], ) -> None: """Read the contents of a single file stored in an installer.""" parsed = parse_sfx(installer, offset=offset) encoded_path = path.encode(name_encoding) for file in parsed.files: if decrypt_path(file.path_encrypted) == encoded_path: if os.fspath(output_file) in {"-", b"-"}: timestamp = do_read_internal(file, path, click.get_binary_stream("stdout"), None, unzip=unzip) else: with open(output_file, "wb") as fout: timestamp = do_read_internal(file, path, fout, unzip=unzip) if timestamp is not None: os.utime(output_file, (timestamp, timestamp)) if timestamp is None: sys.exit(1) break else: print(f"Could not find a file with path {path!r}", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)
def path_writer(path: PathLike) -> Generator[BinaryIO, None, None]: """Open a file for writing binary content, or use stdout.""" if str(path) == "-": yield click.get_binary_stream("stdout") return with open(path, "wb") as fh: yield fh
def export_identified_glycans_from_glycopeptides(database_connection, analysis_identifier, output_path): database_connection = DatabaseBoundOperation(database_connection) session = database_connection.session() # pylint: disable=not-callable analysis = get_by_name_or_id(session, Analysis, analysis_identifier) if not analysis.analysis_type == AnalysisTypeEnum.glycopeptide_lc_msms: click.secho("Analysis %r is of type %r." % (str(, str(analysis.analysis_type)), fg='red', err=True) raise click.Abort() glycans = session.query(GlycanComposition).join( GlycanCombinationGlycanComposition).join(GlycanCombination).join( Glycopeptide, Glycopeptide.glycan_combination_id == IdentifiedGlycopeptide, IdentifiedGlycopeptide.structure_id == IdentifiedGlycopeptide.analysis_id == if output_path is None: output_stream = ctxstream(click.get_binary_stream('stdout')) else: output_stream = open(output_path, 'wb') with output_stream: job = ImportableGlycanHypothesisCSVSerializer(output_stream, glycans)
def mkexcel(output, input, sort_, row, type_): if output == sys.stdout and type_ == "xls": output = click.get_binary_stream('stdout') dumpexcel(input, output, type_, read_row=row, sort_type=sort_) input.close() output.close()
def do_read( archive: typing.BinaryIO, path: str, *, name_encoding: str, output_file: typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike], ) -> None: """Read the data of an archive member.""" # If the path doesn't contain any backslashes, # an empty string is returned for dir_path, # which happens to be the right value we need in that case. dir_path, _, file_name = path.rpartition("\\") encoded_dir_path = dir_path.encode(name_encoding) encoded_file_name = file_name.encode(name_encoding) parsed = InstallShield3Z.from_io(archive) for dir_index, dir in enumerate(parsed.toc_directories): if dir.path == encoded_dir_path: break else: if dir_path: print(f"Error: Directory {dir_path!r} not found in archive.", file=sys.stderr) else: print("Error: No top-level directory found in archive.", file=sys.stderr) print( "Note: To read a file from a subdirectory, use a full path including a directory name.", file=sys.stderr) if "/" in path: print("Note: Use \\ instead of / as the directory separator.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) for file in parsed.toc_files: if file.directory_index == dir_index and == encoded_file_name: if os.fspath(output_file) in {"-", b"-"}: extract_file_data(file, click.get_binary_stream("stdout")) else: with open(output_file, "wb") as fout: extract_file_data(file, fout) restore_file_metadata(file, output_file) break else: if dir_path: print( f"Error: File {file_name!r} not found in directory {dir_path!r}.", file=sys.stderr) else: print( f"Error: File {file_name!r} not found in top-level directory.", file=sys.stderr) print( "Note: To read a file from a subdirectory, use a full path including a directory name.", file=sys.stderr)
def clean(): if os.path.exists('.artifactdir'): with open('.artifactdir', mode='rt') as f: artifact_directory = build_artifacts = os.path.join(artifact_directory, 'build_artifacts') if glob.glob(os.path.join(build_artifacts, '*')): try: '-a', 'stdin', '-a', 'stdout', '-a', 'stderr', '-v', '{}:/build_artifacts'.format(build_artifacts), '-i', '--rm', '-e', 'HOST_USER_ID={:d}'.format(os.getuid()), 'condaforge/linux-anvil', 'bash', _in='rm -rf /build_artifacts/*', ) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: click.get_binary_stream('stderr').write(e.stderr) files = [path for path in os.listdir(path='.')] if files: with thread_pool(files) as executor: futures = [ executor.submit( functools.partial(shutil.rmtree, ignore_errors=True) if os.path.isdir(path) else os.remove, path) for path in files ] for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): try: future.result() except Exception as e: click.ClickException(str(e))
def public(ctx): """Generate an (RSA) GPG key and export the public key in ASCII. This command relies on pem2openpgp and gpg. """ gpg_key = _get_gpg_key(_get_pem(ctx().source), ctx().user, ctx().verbose) _run_gpg_with_key( gpg_key, ['--armor', '--export', ctx().user], None, click.get_binary_stream('stdin'), ctx().verbose)
def install(url: str) -> None: try: from plumbum.cmd import pip ((pip["install", url]) > click.get_binary_stream('stdout'))() except ImportError: raise PluginException(f'You do not have "pip" installed.') except ProcessExecutionError as e: raise PluginException(f'Unable to install plugin: "{e.stderr}".')
def download(base_url, directory, name): directory = Path(directory) if not directory.exists(): directory.mkdir() data_url = '{}/{}'.format(base_url, name) path = directory / name if not path.exists(): download = curl[data_url, '-o', path, '-L'] download(stdout=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), stderr=click.get_binary_stream('stderr')) else:'Skipping download: %s already exists', name)'Extracting archive to %s', directory) if path.suffix in ('.tar', '.gz', '.bz2', '.xz'): with, mode='r|gz') as f: f.extractall(path=str(directory))
def stop(ctx): """Will stop the dockerized device """ if (ctx.obj["port"]): raise click.ClickException( "Only possible for dockerized simulated device (--simulation)") sim_id = ctx.obj["simulation"] click.echo('Try to stop dockerized device with id "{}"'.format(sim_id)) stop_script = "{script_dir}/{rel_path}/".format( script_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), rel_path=DEFAULT_DEVICE_PATH)[stop_script, str(sim_id)], stdout=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), stdin=click.get_binary_stream('stdin'), stderr=click.get_binary_stream('stderr'))
def cli(ctx): if not sys.stdin.isatty(): stdin = click.get_binary_stream('stdin') bytechunks = iter(lambda:, b'') while True: try: ctx.subjects.append(next(bytechunks)) except StopIteration: break
def extract_file_blob(database_connection, blob_identifier, output_path=None): if output_path is None: output_path = click.get_binary_stream('stdout') session = database_connection.session blob = get_by_name_or_id(session, FileBlob, blob_identifier) with as fh: chunk_size = 2**16 chunk = while chunk: output_path.write(chunk) chunk =
def start(ctx, dockerimage=DEFAULT_IMAGE): """ Will start a dockerized device. The --simulation arg represents the Openthread ID / communication ID in simulated network """ if (ctx.obj["port"]): raise click.ClickException( "Only possible for dockerized simulated device (--simulation)") sim_id = ctx.obj["simulation"] click.echo('Starting device with id "{}" and docker image "{}"'.format( sim_id, dockerimage)) start_script = "{script_dir}/{rel_path}/".format( script_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), rel_path=DEFAULT_DEVICE_PATH)[start_script, str(sim_id), dockerimage], stdout=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), stdin=click.get_binary_stream('stdin'))
def download(base_url, data, directory): if not data: data = 'ibis-testing-data.tar.gz', if not os.path.exists(directory): os.mkdir(directory) for piece in data: data_url = '{}/{}'.format(base_url, piece) path = os.path.join(directory, piece) curl( data_url, o=path, L=True, _out=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), _err=click.get_binary_stream('stderr'), ) if piece.endswith(('.tar', '.gz', '.bz2', '.xz')): with, mode='r|gz') as f: f.extractall(path=directory)
def extract_file_blob(database_connection, blob_identifier, output_path=None): if output_path is None: output_path = click.get_binary_stream('stdout') session = database_connection.session blob = get_by_name_or_id(session, FileBlob, blob_identifier) with as fh: chunk_size = 2 ** 16 chunk = while chunk: output_path.write(chunk) chunk =
def spinner(self): def noop(y=0): return noop self._progress_line_length = 0 size = get_terminal_size((20, 20)).columns - 2 stream = click.get_binary_stream("stdout") isatty = stream.isatty() or os.environ.get("_TEST_HORST_", False) yield noop(0) if not isatty else self.signal_progress(0, size) # print("max len", size) self._clear_current_line(size) if isatty else noop()
def download(base_url, directory, name): if not os.path.exists(directory): os.mkdir(directory) data_url = '{}/{}'.format(base_url, name) path = os.path.join(directory, name) if not os.path.exists(path): curl(data_url, o=path, L=True, _out=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), _err=click.get_binary_stream('stderr')) else: click.echo('Skipping download due to {} already exists.'.format(name)) click.echo('Extracting archive to {} ...'.format(directory)) if path.endswith(('.tar', '.gz', '.bz2', '.xz')): with, mode='r|gz') as f: f.extractall(path=directory)
def mkexcel(output, input, sort_, row, type_): if output == sys.stdout: output = click.get_binary_stream('stdout') klass = dumptool.DumpCSV if type_ == "xls": klass = dumptool.DumpXLS dump_excel(input, output, klass, read_row=row, sort_type=sort_) input.close() output.close()
def main(fileobj, fname, ftype): pretty = pprint.PrettyPrinter() if fileobj: fileobj = open(fileobj, 'rb') filesize = os.path.getsize(os.path.abspath( if not fname: fname = stdin = False else: fileobj = click.get_binary_stream('stdin') if not fname: fname = '' stdin = True if not ftype: ftype, enc = guess_type(fname) if not ftype: ftype = 'application/octet-stream' offset = 0 trans_id = '' while True: read_size = 1 * 1024 * 1024 raw_data = raw_data_size = len(raw_data) payload = base64.b64encode(raw_data) if stdin: if raw_data_size < read_size: filesize = offset + raw_data_size else: filesize = offset + raw_data_size + 1 headers = { 'content-range': ('bytes %d-%d/%d' % (offset, offset+raw_data_size-1, filesize)), 'content-type': ftype, 'content-filename': fname, } headers['Content-Length'] = filesize if not trans_id == '': headers['Transaction-ID'] = trans_id response ='http://localhost:5000/api/v1/items', data=payload, headers=headers, auth=('user','foo')) offset = offset + raw_data_size if response.headers['Transaction-ID']: trans_id = response.headers['Transaction-ID'] if raw_data_size < read_size: break
def _process_outgoing(ctx): account_manager = get_account_manager(ctx) Parser = getattr(email.parser, "BytesParser", email.parser.Parser) msg = Parser().parse(click.get_binary_stream("stdin")) addr = mime.parse_email_addr(msg["From"]) account = account_manager.get_account_from_emailadr(addr) if account is None: raise click.ClickException( "No Account associated for 'From: {}'".format(addr)) else: r = account.process_outgoing(msg) dump_info_outgoing_result(r) return r.msg
def download(repo_url, directory): from shutil import rmtree from plumbum.cmd import curl directory = Path(directory) # download the master branch url = repo_url + '/archive/' # download the zip next to the target directory with the same name path = directory.with_suffix('.zip') if not path.exists():'Downloading {url} to {path}...') path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) download = curl[url, '-o', path, '-L'] download( stdout=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), stderr=click.get_binary_stream('stderr'), ) else:'Skipping download: {path} already exists')'Extracting archive to {directory}') # extract all files extract_to = directory.with_name( + '_extracted') with zipfile.ZipFile(str(path), 'r') as f: f.extractall(str(extract_to)) # remove existent folder if directory.exists(): rmtree(str(directory)) # rename to the target directory (extract_to / 'testing-data-master').rename(directory) # remove temporary extraction folder extract_to.rmdir()
def get(id): "Fetch a file's contents by id." from sentry.models import File try: file = File.objects.get(id=id) except File.DoesNotExist: raise click.ClickException('File %d does not exist.' % id) stdout = click.get_binary_stream('stdout') with file.getfile() as fp: for chunk in fp.chunks(): stdout.write(chunk)
def get(id): """Fetch a file's contents by id.""" from sentry.models import File try: file = File.objects.get(id=id) except File.DoesNotExist: raise click.ClickException("File %d does not exist." % id) stdout = click.get_binary_stream("stdout") with file.getfile() as fp: for chunk in fp.chunks(): stdout.write(chunk)
def decode(): """Given a Geobuf byte string on stdin, write a GeoJSON feature collection to stdout.""" logger = logging.getLogger('geobuf') stdin = click.get_binary_stream('stdin') sink = click.get_text_stream('stdout') try: pbf = data = geobuf.decode(pbf) json.dump(data, sink) sys.exit(0) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed. Exception caught") sys.exit(1)
def download(repo_url, directory): from plumbum.cmd import curl from shutil import rmtree directory = Path(directory) # download the master branch url = repo_url + '/archive/' # download the zip next to the target directory with the same name path = directory.with_suffix('.zip') if not path.exists():'Downloading {} to {}...'.format(url, path)) path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) download = curl[url, '-o', path, '-L'] download( stdout=click.get_binary_stream('stdout'), stderr=click.get_binary_stream('stderr'), ) else:'Skipping download: {} already exists'.format(path))'Extracting archive to {}'.format(directory)) # extract all files extract_to = directory.with_name( + '_extracted') with zipfile.ZipFile(str(path), 'r') as f: f.extractall(str(extract_to)) # remove existent folder if directory.exists(): rmtree(str(directory)) # rename to the target directory (extract_to / 'testing-data-master').rename(directory) # remove temporary extraction folder extract_to.rmdir()
def img2txt21(server, file_name): """ Call the img to text api hosted on the micropayments server""" ## If a file isn't specified, read image from stdin if file_name: upload ='http://' + server + '/upload', files={'file': open(file_name, 'rb')}) else: file = click.get_binary_stream('stdin') file_name = 'test.jpg' upload ='http://' + server + '/upload', files={'file': (file_name, file)}) # convert image to text # print('Converting image file %s to text...' % file_name) ocr_url = 'http://' + server + '/ocr?image={0}&payout_address={1}' answer =, wallet.get_payout_address())) print(answer.text)
def encode(precision, with_z): """Given GeoJSON on stdin, writes a geobuf file to stdout.""" logger = logging.getLogger('geobuf') stdin = click.get_text_stream('stdin') sink = click.get_binary_stream('stdout') try: data = json.load(stdin) pbf = geobuf.encode( data, precision if precision >= 0 else 6, 3 if with_z else 2) sink.write(pbf) sys.exit(0) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed. Exception caught") sys.exit(1)
def translate(ctx, varformat, pipeline, strings, path): """ Translate a single string or .po file of strings. If you want to pull the string from stdin, use "-". Note: Translating files is done in-place replacing the original file. """ if not (path and path[0] == '-'): # We don't want to print this if they're piping to stdin out('dennis version {version}'.format(version=__version__)) if not path: raise click.UsageError('nothing to work on. Use --help for help.') try: translator = Translator(varformat.split(','), pipeline.split(',')) except InvalidPipeline as ipe: raise click.UsageError(ipe.args[0]) if strings: # Args are strings to be translated for arg in path: data = translator.translate_string(arg) out(data) elif path[0] == '-': # Read everything from stdin, then translate it data = click.get_binary_stream('stdin').read() data = translator.translate_string(data) out(data) else: # Check all the paths first for arg in path: if not os.path.exists(arg): raise click.UsageError('File {fn} does not exist.'.format( fn=click.format_filename(arg))) for arg in path: click.echo(translator.translate_file(arg)) ctx.exit(0)
def upload(token, filename, fname, url, ftype, insecure, lifetime): """ determine mime-type and upload to bepasty """ read_size = 1 * 1024 * 1024 if filename: fileobj = open(filename, 'rb') filesize = os.path.getsize(filename) if not fname: fname = os.path.basename(filename) stdin = False else: fileobj = click.get_binary_stream('stdin') if not fname: fname = '' stdin = True # we use the first chunk to determine the filetype if not set first_chunk = if not ftype: mime = magic.Magic(mime=True) ftype = mime.from_buffer(first_chunk).decode() if not ftype: ftype = 'text/plain' print('falling back to {}'.format(ftype)) else: print('guessed filetype: {}'.format(ftype)) else: print('using given filetype {}'.format(ftype)) offset = 0 trans_id = '' while True: if not offset: raw_data = first_chunk else: raw_data = raw_data_size = len(raw_data) if not raw_data: break # EOF if stdin: if raw_data_size < read_size: filesize = offset + raw_data_size else: filesize = offset + raw_data_size + 1 payload = base64.b64encode(raw_data) headers = { 'Content-Range': 'bytes %d-%d/%d' % (offset, offset + raw_data_size - 1, filesize), 'Content-Type': ftype, 'Content-Filename': fname, 'Content-Length': str(len(payload)), # rfc 2616 14.16 'Maxlife-Unit': lifetime[1], 'Maxlife-Value': str(lifetime[0]), } if trans_id != '': headers['Transaction-ID'] = trans_id response = _make_request( 'post', '{}/apis/rest/items'.format(url), data=payload, headers=headers, auth=('user', token), verify=not insecure ) offset += raw_data_size if response.status_code in (200, 201): sys.stdout.write( '\r%dB (%d%%) uploaded of %dB total.' % (offset, offset * 100 / filesize, filesize)) if response.status_code == 200: pass elif response.status_code == 201: loc = response.headers['Content-Location'] print('\nFile was successfully uploaded and can be found here:') print('{}{}'.format(url, loc)) print('{}/{}'.format(url, loc.split('/')[-1])) else: print('An error occurred: %d %s' % (response.status_code, response.text)) return if response.headers['Transaction-ID']: trans_id = response.headers['Transaction-ID']
def sieve_cli(ctx, output_format, directory, input_file, compress_command, table, exclude_table, defer_indexes, defer_foreign_keys, write_binlog, table_schema, table_data, routines, events, triggers, master_data, to_stdout): """Filter and transform mysqldump output. sieve can extract single tables from a mysqldump file and perform useful transformations, such as adding indexes after the table data is loaded for InnoDB tables, where such indexes can be created much more efficiently than the default incremental rebuild that mysqldump performs. Example: $ dbsake sieve --no-table-data < sakila.sql.gz > sakila_schema.sql $ dbsake sieve --format=directory -i sakila.sql.gz -C extracted_sql/ """ from dbsake.core.mysql import sieve if hasattr(input_file, 'detach'): input_file = input_file.detach() if output_format == 'stream' and sys.stdout.isatty() and not to_stdout:"stdout appears to be a terminal and --format=stream. " "Use -O/--to-stdout to force output or redirect to a file. " "Aborting.") if defer_indexes and not table_data: click.echo("Disabling index deferment since --no-data requested", file=sys.stderr) defer_indexes = False defer_foreign_keys = False options = sieve.Options(output_format=output_format, table_schema=table_schema, table_data=table_data, routines=routines, events=events, triggers=triggers, master_data=master_data, defer_indexes=defer_indexes, defer_foreign_keys=defer_foreign_keys, table=table, exclude_table=exclude_table, write_binlog=write_binlog, directory=directory, compress_command=compress_command, input_stream=input_file, output_stream=click.get_binary_stream('stdout')) try: stats = sieve.sieve(options) except IOError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.EPIPE: raise # generate a traceback, in case this is a bug else: # note broken pipe in debug mode if ctx.obj['debug']: click.echo("Broken pipe (errno: %d)" % exc.errno, file=sys.stderr) # exit with SIGPIPE to indicate only partial output sys.exit(128 + signal.SIGPIPE) except sieve.Error as exc: click.echo(exc, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) else: click.echo(("Processed %s. " "Output: %d database(s) %d table(s) and %d view(s)") % (, stats['createdatabase'] or 1, stats['tablestructure'], stats['view']), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(0)
return template.format( maindb=identifier(maindb), datastoredb=identifier(datastoredb), mainuser=identifier(mainuser), writeuser=identifier(writeuser), readuser=identifier(readuser)) @datastore_group.command( u'dump', help=u'Dump a datastore resource in one of the supported formats.') @click.argument(u'resource-id', nargs=1) @click.argument( u'output-file', type=click.File(u'wb'), default=click.get_binary_stream(u'stdout')) @click.help_option(u'-h', u'--help') @click_config_option @click.option(u'--format', default=u'csv', type=click.Choice(DUMP_FORMATS)) @click.option(u'--offset', type=click.IntRange(0, None), default=0) @click.option(u'--limit', type=click.IntRange(0)) @click.option(u'--bom', is_flag=True) # FIXME: options based on format @click.pass_context def dump(ctx, resource_id, output_file, config, format, offset, limit, bom): load_config(config or ctx.obj['config']) dump_to( resource_id, output_file, fmt=format, offset=offset,
def main(): # fetch path parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('src') args = parser.parse_args() # extract xml in zip archive with, 'rb') as fp: xml = ElementTree(file=fp) # render PDF dest = BytesIO() c = canvas.Canvas(dest, bottomup=0) warnings = [] pdf_background_filename = None pdf_background_pages = {} for pageno, page in enumerate(xml.getroot().iter('page')): # set page size c.setPageSize((float(page.attrib['width']), float( page.attrib['height']))) # fill with background color background = page.find('background') if background.attrib['type'] == 'solid': background_color = background.attrib['color'] if background.attrib['style'] == 'plain': c.setFillColor(background_color) c.rect( 0, 0, float(page.attrib['width']), float(page.attrib['height']), stroke=0, fill=1) else: warnings.append( "Do not know how to handle background style '%s'" % background.attrib['style']) elif background.attrib['type'] == 'pdf': if 'domain' in background.attrib: # determine filename according to Xournal rules domain = background.attrib['domain'] if domain == 'absolute': pdf_background_filename = background.attrib['filename'] elif domain == 'attach': pdf_background_filename = "%s.%s" % ( args.src, background.attrib['filename']) else: warnings.append( "Do not know how to handle PDF background domain '%s'" % domain) # add page number mapping pdf_background_pages[pageno] = int(background.attrib['pageno']) - 1 else: warnings.append("Do not know how to handle background type '%s'" % background.attrib['type']) # render layers for layer in page.iter('layer'): for item in layer: # render stroke? if item.tag == 'stroke': # configure pen if item.attrib["tool"] not in ["pen", "highlighter"]: warnings.append( "Do not know how to handle stroke tool '%s'" % item.attrib['tool']) color = toColor(item.attrib["color"]) if item.attrib["tool"] == "highlighter": color.alpha = 0.5 c.setStrokeColor(color) c.setLineWidth(float(item.attrib["width"])) c.setLineCap(1) # round cap # draw path coords = item.text.split() p = c.beginPath() p.moveTo(float(coords[0]), float(coords[1])) for i in range(0, len(coords), 2): fn = p.moveTo if i == 0 else p.lineTo fn(float(coords[i]), float(coords[i + 1])) c.drawPath(p) # render text? elif item.tag == 'text': font = item.attrib["font"] if font not in standardFonts: warnings.append( "Unknown font '%s', falling back to Helvetica." % font) font = "Helvetica" font_size = float(item.attrib["size"]) c.setFont(font, font_size) c.setFillColor(item.attrib["color"]) dy = 0 for line in item.text.split("\n"): c.drawString(item.attrib["x"], dy + float(item.attrib["y"]) + font_size, line) dy += float(item.attrib["size"]) # render image? elif item.tag == 'image': # png image base 64 encoded png_data = b64decode(item.text) #png = png = ImageReader(BytesIO(png_data)) x = float(item.attrib["left"]) y = float(item.attrib["top"]) width = float(item.attrib["right"]) - float( item.attrib["left"]) height = float(item.attrib["bottom"]) - float( item.attrib["top"]) c.saveState() c.translate(x, y + height / 2) c.scale(1, -1) c.drawImage( png, 0, -height / 2, width, height, anchor='nw') c.restoreState() # !? else: warnings.append("Unknown item '%s'" % item.tag) c.showPage() # save PDF in the BytesIO object (`dest`) # PDF file not found? Attempt to guess better if Xournal filename is of the form 'filename.pdf.xoj'. if pdf_background_filename and not os.path.exists(pdf_background_filename): if args.src.endswith('.pdf.xoj'): warnings.append( "File not found '%s', attempting to use '%s' instead." % (pdf_background_filename, args.src[:-4])) pdf_background_filename = args.src[:-4] pdf_writer = None if pdf_background_filename: if not os.path.exists(pdf_background_filename): warnings.append("File not found '%s'." % pdf_background_filename) else: # open PDF background pdf_journal = PdfFileReader(dest) pdf_background = PdfFileReader(open(pdf_background_filename, 'rb')) # merge journal and background pdf_writer = PdfFileWriter() for pageno, _ in enumerate(xml.getroot().iter('page')): # page has PDF background? if pageno in pdf_background_pages: pdf_pageno = pdf_background_pages[pageno] page = pdf_background.getPage(pdf_pageno) page.mergePage(pdf_journal.getPage(pageno)) else: page = pdf_journal.getPage(pageno) pdf_writer.addPage(page) # print warnings if warnings: sys.stderr.write("WARNINGS:\n") for line in warnings: sys.stderr.write(" -" + line + "\n") # print PDF stdout = click.get_binary_stream('stdout') if pdf_writer: pdf_writer.write(stdout) else: stdout.write(dest.getvalue())
def create_stdin_reader(self): # type: () -> PipeReader stream = click.get_binary_stream('stdin') reader = PipeReader(stream) return reader
def main(token, filename, fname, url, ftype): """ determine mime-type and upload to bepasty """ if filename: fileobj = open(filename, 'rb') filesize = os.path.getsize(filename) if not fname: fname = filename else: data = click.get_binary_stream('stdin').read() # XXX evil for big stuff fileobj = BytesIO(data) filesize = len(data) if not fname: fname = '' if not ftype: mime = magic.Magic(mime=True) ftype = mime.from_buffer( if not ftype: print('falling back to {}'.format(ftype)) ftype = 'text/plain' else: print('guessed filetype: {}'.format(ftype)) else: print('using given filetype {}'.format(ftype)) offset = 0 trans_id = '' while True: read_size = 1 * 1024 * 1024 raw_data = if not raw_data: break # EOF raw_data_size = len(raw_data) payload = base64.b64encode(raw_data) headers = { 'Content-Range': ('bytes %d-%d/%d' % (offset, offset + raw_data_size - 1, filesize)), 'Content-Type': ftype, 'Content-Filename': fname, 'Content-Length': len(payload), # rfc 2616 14.16 } if trans_id != '': headers['Transaction-ID'] = trans_id response = '{}/apis/rest/items'.format(url), data=payload, headers=headers, auth=('user', token)) offset += raw_data_size if response.status_code in (200, 201): sys.stdout.write( '\r%dB (%d%%) uploaded of %dB total.' % (offset, offset * 100 / filesize, filesize)) if response.status_code == 200: pass elif response.status_code == 201: loc = response.headers['Content-Location'] print('\nFile was successfully uploaded and can be found here:') print('{}{}'.format(url, loc)) print('{}/{}'.format(url, loc.split('/')[-1])) else: print('An error occurred: %d %s' % (response.status_code, response.text)) return if response.headers['Transaction-ID']: trans_id = response.headers['Transaction-ID']