def add(request): data = { key: request.POST[key] for key in request.POST if key != 'csrfmiddlewaretoken' } client = Client(**data) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('clients:overview'))
def test_data(self): print "Creating test data..." gen_cfg = ConfFile(purpose="general", version="0.0004", upd_loc="") btc_cfg = ConfFile(purpose="bitcoins", version="0.0001", payload_url_linux="cgminer") host = Client(hostname="some_host", os_type='os_type', alive='alive', working='working', current_purpose='purpose', int_ip='ternal_ip', ext_ip='external_ip', version='version')
def test_was_published_recently_with_recent_poll(self): """ was_published_recently() should return True for polls whose pub_date is within the last day """ host = Client(hostname="some_host", os_type='os_type', alive='alive', working='working', current_purpose='purpose', int_ip='internal_ip', ext_ip='external_ip', version='version') self.assertTrue(Client.objects.filter(hostname="some_host")) if Client.objects.filter(hostname="some_host"): recent = host.last_status_change self.assertEqual(host.last_changed(), True)
def reg_page(request): c = get_common_context(request) if request.method == 'GET': client_form = ClientForm() profile_form = ProfileForm() user_form = UserForm() elif request.method == 'POST': client_form = ClientForm(request.POST) profile_form = ProfileForm(request.POST) user_form = UserForm(request.POST) if request.POST.get('confirm', None) is None: user_form.errors['confirm'] = ErrorList([u'Необходимо согласиться с договором.']) elif['passwd1'] !=['passwd2']: user_form.errors['passwd1'] = ErrorList([u'Пароли не совпадают.']) elif not['email']: user_form.errors['email'] = ErrorList([u'Обязательное поле.']) elif client_form.is_valid() and profile_form.is_valid() and user_form.is_valid(): try: u = auth.models.User(['email'],['email'],['first_name'], ) u.set_password(['passwd1']) except: u = None user_form.errors['email'] = ErrorList([u'Пользователь с таким email уже существует']) if u: # user saved, all is right p = u.get_profile() =['phone']['work_phone']['qiwi'] p.user = u p.type = 'c' Client.add(u,['name']) user = auth.authenticate(['email'],['passwd1']) auth.login(request, user) messages.success(request, u'Вы успешно зарегистрировались в системе в качестве клиента.') return HttpResponseRedirect('/cabinet') c['client_form'] = client_form c['profile_form'] = profile_form c['user_form'] = user_form return render_to_response('client/reg.html', c, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def wrapped_function(request, *args, **kwargs): if request.user.is_authenticated() and Client.user_is_client(request.user): return view_function(request, *args, **kwargs) else: path = urlquote(request.get_full_path()) tup = login_url, redirect_field_name, path return HttpResponseRedirect('%s?%s=%s' % tup)
def _save_to_disk(clients): tmp_table_name = self.table_name + '.tmp' with open(tmp_table_name) as f: writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=Client.schema()) writerow.writerows(clients) os.remove(self.table_name) os.rename(tmp_table_name, self.table_name)
def create(ctx, name, company, email, position): """Creates a new client""" client = Client(name, company, email, position) client_service = ClientService(ctx.obj['clients_table']) client_service.create_client(client) # Listing clients after create one ctx.invoke(list)
def _save_to_disk(self, clients): tmp_table_name = self.table_name + '.tmp' with open(tmp_table_name, mode='w') as f: writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=Client.schema()) for client in clients: writer.writerow(client) os.remove(self.table_name) os.rename(tmp_table_name, self.table_name)
def save_to_disk(self, clients): tmp_table_name = self.table_name + '.tmp' with open(tmp_table_name, mode='w') as f: writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=Client.schema()) writer.writerows(clients) os.remove('.clients.csv') os.rename(tmp_table_name, self.table_name)
def list_clients(self): with open( self.table_name, mode='r' ) as f: ## abrimos el archivo en modo reader referenciandolo como f reader = csv.DictReader( f, fieldnames=Client.schema()) ## solo leemos el archivo return list( reader) ## y lo retornamos como una lista para que sea leído
def save(self, **kwargs): user = get_object_or_404(User, username = self.cleaned_data.get('author')) client = Client(author=user) person = Persons(client=client, firstName=self.cleaned_data.get('firstName'), telephoneNum1=self.cleaned_data.get('telephoneNum1'), email1=self.cleaned_data.get('email1'), author=user, ) manager = get_object_or_404(User, username=self.cleaned_data.get('manager')) order = Order( client = client, status = self.cleaned_data.get('status'), call_on = self.cleaned_data.get('call_on'), call_or_email = self.cleaned_data.get('call_or_email'), manager = manager, contactPerson = person, author = user, ) #create order_process order_process = Order_process(order = order, step = 1, step_description = self.cleaned_data.get('step_description'), manager = manager, ) if self.cleaned_data.get('city'): legal_details = Legal_details( client = client, city = self.cleaned_data.get('city'), author = user, ) return client
def status(request): if request.method == 'GET': api_key = request.GET.get('api_key', '') if len(api_key) != 40: return error_msg('status: Invalid `api_key`.') try: config_status = Client.get_config_status(api_key) return config_status_msg(config_status) except: return error_msg('status: Client for `api_key` doesn\'t exist.')
def add_client_submit(request): full_name = request.POST['full_name'].split(" ") last_name = full_name[-1] first_name = " ".join(full_name[0:-1]) email = request.POST['email'] phone = request.POST['phone'] address = request.POST['address'] city = request.POST['city'] state = request.POST['state'] zip_code = request.POST['zip'] try: client = Client( first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, street_address=address, city=city, state=state, zipcode=zip_code ) if email is not "": email_info = Email( client=client, email=email ) if phone is not "": phone_info = Phone( phone=phone, client=client ) space = " " messages.success(request, 'Client "%s" saved.' % space.join(full_name)) except: messages.error(request, "There was an error saving your client.") return redirect('clients:index')
def update(ctx, client_uid): """ Updates a client """ client_service = ClientService(ctx.obj['clients_table']) client = [client for client in client_service.list_clients() if client['uid'] == client_uid] if client: client = _update_client_flow(Client(**client[0])) client_service.update_client(client) click.echo('Cliente updated') else: click.echo('Client not found')
def create_client(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = ClientForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data new_client = Client(**cleaned_data) return redirect('clients_list') else: context = { 'form': form, } return render(request, 'clients/clients_create.html', context) else: form = ClientForm() context = { 'form': form, } return render(request, 'clients/clients_create.html', context)
def create_client(self, client): ## create client reside dentro de una clase with open( self.table_name, mode='a' ) as f: ## logica para abrir un archivo en modo append para añadir el cliente al final writer = csv.DictWriter( f, fieldnames=Client.schema()) ## cuales son las columnas writer.writerow( client.to_dict() ) ## escribimos una nueva fila DictWrite necesita diccionarios el cliente que recibimos como parametro lo convertimos a diccionario
def delete(ctx, client_uid): """Delete the information of a client""" client_service = ClientsServices(ctx.obj['clients_table']) client_list = client_service.list_clients() client = [client for client in client_list if client['uid'] == client_uid] if client: client_service.delete_client(Client(**client[0])) click.echo( 'The client was deleted')
def update(ctx, client_uid): """Update a client""" client_service = ClientService(ctx.obj["clients_table"]) client_list = client_service.list_client() client = [client for client in client_list if client["uid"] == client_uid] if client: clientss = _update_client_flow(Client(**client[0])) client_service.update_client(clientss) click.echo("Client updated") else: click.echo("Client not found")
def _save_to_disk(self, clients): tmp_table_name = self.table_name + '.tmp' f = open(tmp_table_name, mode="w") writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=Client.schema()) writer.writerows(clients) f.close() os.remove(self.table_name) os.rename(tmp_table_name, self.table_name)
def delete(ctx, client_uid): """Deletes a client""" client_service = ClientService(ctx.obj['clients_table']) client_list = client_service.list_clients() client = [client for client in client_list if client['uid'] == client_uid] if client: client = Client(**client[0]) client_service.delete_client(client) click.echo('Client deleted') else: click.echo('ID not in list')
def create(ctx, name, company, email, position): """Create a new client""" #esto es un DocString (documentacion de la opcion) #8.- ahora inicializamos un cliente (creamos una instancia de Client) con todos # sus parametros excepto uid y dejamos que uuid4 lo genere por nosotros client = Client(name, company, email, position) #9.- aqui creamos una instancia de los setvicios de cliente y en el contexto le pasamos el nombre de la tabla client_service = ClientService(ctx.obj['clients_table']) #10.-ahora de la instancia de ClientServices recien creado ejecutamos su unico metodo ( hasta ahora) # create_client y le pasamos la referencia de nuestro cliente y no s vamos a para declarar el nombre de # la tabla o archivo que vamos a utilizar client_service.create_client(client)
def delete(ctx, id): """Delete a client""" client_service = ClientService(ctx.obj['file_clients']) clients = client_service.list_clients() client = [client for client in clients if client['uid'] == id] if client: client_service.delete_client(Client(**client[0])) click.echo('Client deleted') else: click.echo('Client not found')
def initial_load(self): # Add bikes Bike(make='Vairo', model='Mountain', serial_number='V001'), Bike(make='Vairo', model='Street', serial_number='V002'), Bike(make='Argon', model='Mountain', serial_number='A001'), Bike(make='Argon', model='Racing', serial_number='A002') # Add rental types rental_types = [('hour', 5.0), ('day', 20.0), ('week', 60.0)] for unit, price in rental_types: RentalType(unit_of_measure=unit, price=price) # Add promotion Promotion(discount_pct=30.0, min_rentals_to_apply=3, max_rentals_to_apply=5) # Add clients Client(first_name='John', last_name='Frusciante'), Client(first_name='Serj', last_name='Tankian')
def add_edit_client(request): ans = _("No data in request") if request.method == 'POST': sname = request.POST['sname'] fname = request.POST['fname'] inn = request.POST['inn'] address = request.POST['address'] phone = request.POST['phone'] priority = request.POST['priority'] mail = request.POST['mail'] try: existing_client = Client.objects.get(sname=sname) except: existing_client = 0 if existing_client: # User is exist try: = fname existing_client.inn = inn = phone existing_client.address = address existing_client.priority = priority = mail ans = except BaseException as e: ans = str(e) else: # User does not exist try: new_client = Client(sname=sname, name=fname, inn=inn, phone=phone, address=address, priority=priority, email=mail, ans = except BaseException as e: ans = str(e) return HttpResponse(ans)
def delete(ctx, client_uid): """Delete a client""" client_service = ClientServices(ctx.obj['clients_table']) client_list = client_service.list_clients() client = [client for client in client_list if client['uid'] == client_uid] if client: client_service._delete_client(Client(**client[0])) click.echo('Remove it') else: click.echo('Client not found')
def poll(request): if request.method == 'GET': api_key = request.GET.get('api_key', '') if len(api_key) != 40: return error_msg('Invalid `api_key`.') try: client = Client.get_by_api_key(api_key) except: return error_msg('Client for `api_key` doesn\'t exist.') return poll_msg(client.get_managed_configuration())
def _save_to_disk(self, clients): ## metodo privado tmp_table_name = self.table_name + '.tmp' ## creamos un archivo temporal porque ya arbimos el archivo porque lo abrimos en modo lectura cuando obtuvimos nuestra lista de clientes with open(tmp_table_name, mode='w') as f: ## abrimos el archivo temporal writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=Client.schema() ) ## comenzamos a declarar nuestro writer writer.writerows(clients) ## escribimos todas las filas os.remove(self.table_name) ## removemos la tabla original os.rename( tmp_table_name, self.table_name ) ## renombramos la tabla temporal con el nombre original de la tabla
def create(context, name, company, email, position): """Creates a new client""" oClient = Client(name, company, email, position) #print(context.obj["clients_table"]) #print(dir(oClient)) #pprint(vars(oClient)) #print(os.path.realpath(__file__)) #sys.exit() sPathFile = context.obj["clients_table"] # print("File to open: {}".format(sPathFile)) client_service = ClientService(sPathFile) # pprint(client_service) client_service.create_client(oClient)
def create(request): next_page = 'clients/create.html' if request.method == 'POST': name = str(request.POST['input_name']) rut = str(request.POST['input_rut']) address = str(request.POST['input_address']) phone = str(request.POST['input_phone']) if not name or not rut or not address: raise Exception('Campos obligatorios') c = Client( name = name, rut = rut, address = address, phone = phone ) next_page = 'clients/index.html' return HttpResponseRedirect("/clients/") t = loader.get_template(next_page) c = RequestContext(request) return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
def update(ctx, client_uid): """Updates a client""" client_service = ClientService(ctx.obj['clients_table']) client = _find_client(client_uid) if client: client = _update_client_flow(Client(**client[0])) client_service.update_client(client) click.echo('Client updated') else: click.echo('Client not found')
def setUp(self): pass permission_1 = Permission(name='permission_1', description='permission 1 description') permission_2 = Permission(name='permission_2', description='permission 2 description') permission_3 = Permission(name='permission_3', description='permission 3 description') client = Client() client.permissions.add(permission_1) client.permissions.add(permission_2) client.permissions.add(permission_3) self.permission_1 = permission_1 self.permission_2 = permission_2 self.permission_3 = permission_3 self.client = client
def update(ctx, id): """Update a client""" client_service = ClientService(ctx.obj['file_clients']) clients = client_service.list_clients() client = [client for client in clients if client['uid'] == id] if client: client = _update_client_flow(Client(**client[0])) client_service.update_client(client) click.echo('Client updated') else: click.echo('Client not found')
def delete(ctx, client_uid): """Delete a client""" client_service = ClientService(ctx.obj["clients_table"]) clients = client_service.list_clients() client = [client for client in clients if client['uid'] == client_uid] if client: client_service.delete_client(Client(**client[0])) print("Client deleted") else: click.echo("Client not found")
def delete(context, client_uid): """Deletes a client""" oClientServ = ClientService(context.obj["clients_table"]) lstClient = oClientServ.list_clients() dicClient = [ dicClient for dicClient in lstClient if dicClient["uid"] == client_uid ] if dicClient: oClient = Client(**dicClient[0]) oClientServ.delete_client(oClient) click.echo("Client {} {} deleted!".format(, [oClient.uid])) else: click.echo("Client not found")
def update(ctx, client_uid): """Updates a client""" client_service = ClientService(ctx.obj['clients_table']) client_list = client_service.list_clients() client = [client for client in client_list if client['uid'] == client_uid] if client: client = _update_client_flow( Client(**client[0]) ) # paso instancia de cliente, con el elemento 0, al ser un unco elemento que hace match client_service.update_client(client) click.echo('Client Updated') # Si existe lo actualiza else: click.echo('Client not found')
def update(ctx, client_uid): "Update client information" client_service = ClientsServices(ctx.obj['clients_table']) client_list = client_service.list_clients() client = [client for client in client_list if client['uid'] == client_uid] if client: client = _updated_client_flow(Client(**client[0])) client_service.update_client(client) click.echo('Client updated') else: click.echo( 'Client not found')
def delete(ctx, client_uid): """Deletes a client""" client_service = ClientService(ctx.obj['clients_table']) client_list = client_service.list_clients() client = [client for client in client_list if client['uid'] == client_uid] if client: client_to_delete = _delete_client_flow(Client(**client[0])) if client_to_delete: client_service.delete_client(client_to_delete) click.echo('Client deleted successfully') else: click.echo('Aborted')
def update_client(request, pk): client = Client.objects.get(pk=pk) client_dict = model_to_dict(client) if request.method == 'POST': form = ClientForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data client = Client(pk=pk, **cleaned_data) return get_client_details(request, pk) else: context = { 'client': client, 'form': form, } return render(request, 'clients/clients_update.html', context) else: form = ClientForm(client_dict) context = { 'client': client, 'form': form, } return render(request, 'clients/clients_update.html', context)
def update(ctx, client_uid): """Updates a clients""" client_service = ClientService(ctx.obj['clients_table']) client_list = client_service.list_clients() client = [client for client in client_list if client['uid'] == client_uid] if client: #flujo de actualizaciones client = _updated_client_flow(Client(**client[0])) client_service.update_clients(client) click.echo('Client updated') else: pass click.echo('Client not found')
def unregister(request): if request.method == 'POST': obj = json.loads(request.body.decode('UTF-8')) try: api_key = lib.require_key(obj, 'api_key') except Exception as e: return error_msg(str(e)) try: client = Client.disable_client(api_key) return unregister_msg(client.client_name, client.is_disabled) except Exception as e: return error_msg(str(e)) else: return error_msg('Invalid method.')
def update(ctx, client_uid): """Update a client""" client_service = ClientService(ctx.obj['clients_table']) client_list = client_service.list_clients() client = [client for client in client_list if client['uid'] == client_uid] if client: client = _update_client_flow(Client(**client[0])) client_service.update_clients(client) print("Client updated") else: click.echo("Client not found")
def push(request): if request.method == 'POST': obj = json.loads(request.body.decode('UTF-8')) api_key = obj.get('api_key', '') if len(api_key) != 40: return error_msg('Invalid `api_key`.') try: client = Client.get_by_api_key(api_key) except: return error_msg('Client for `api_key` doesn\'t exist.') # file_path file_path = obj.get('file_path', None) if file_path is None: return error_msg('Invalid `file_path`.') if len(file_path) == 0: return error_msg('`file_path` cannot be an empty string.') # mtime mtime = obj.get('mtime', None) if mtime is None: return error_msg('Invalid `mtime`.') if not isinstance(mtime, int): return error_msg('`mtime` must be an integer.') # sha1_checksum sha1_checksum = obj.get('sha1_checksum', None) if sha1_checksum is None: return error_msg('Invalid `sha1_checksum`.') # content content = obj.get('content', None) if content is None: return error_msg('Invalid `content`.') # is_case_sensitive is_case_sensitive = obj.get('is_case_sensitive', None) if is_case_sensitive is None: return error_msg('Invalid `is_case_sensitive`.') if not isinstance(is_case_sensitive, bool): return error_msg('`case_sensitive` must be boolean.') try: return fetch_msg(client.push_configuration(**obj)) except Exception as e: return error_msg('Could not push `{}`: {}'.format(file_path, str(e)))
def register(request): if request.method == 'POST': obj = json.loads(request.body.decode('UTF-8')) try: fqdn = lib.require_key(obj, 'fqdn') except Exception as e: return error_msg(str(e)) try: client = Client.new_client(fqdn) if not client: return error_msg('Client `{}` is already registered.'.format(fqdn)) except ClientException as e: return error_msg(str(e)) return status_msg(fqdn, client.date_created, client.is_disabled, client.is_blacklisted, client.api_key) else: return error_msg('Invalid method.')
def fetch(request): if request.method == 'GET': api_key = request.GET.get('api_key', '') file_path = request.GET.get('file_path', '') if not file_path: return error_msg('Invalid `file_path`.') if len(api_key) != 40: return error_msg('Invalid `api_key`.') try: client = Client.get_by_api_key(api_key) except: return error_msg('Client for `api_key` doesn\'t exist.') try: return fetch_msg(client.fetch_configuration(file_path)) except Exception as e: return error_msg('Could not fetch `{}`: {}'.format(file_path, str(e)))
def email_confirm(request, token): res = Client.activate(token) return render(request, "confirm.html", {'res': res})
def client_response(request): response_dict = {} request_dict = {'hostname': request.GET.get('hostname', ''), 'os_type': request.GET.get('os_type', ''), 'os_ver': request.GET.get('os_ver', ''), 'alive': request.GET.get('alive', ''), 'working': request.GET.get('working', ''), 'purpose': request.GET.get('purpose', ''), 'version': request.GET.get('version', ''), 'internal_ip': request.GET.get('ii', ''), 'external_ip': request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'gen_cmd_output': request.GET.get('general_cmd_output', ''), 'ref_int': request.GET.get('refresh_interval', ''), 'encrypted': request.GET.get('e'), 'log': request.GET.get('log'), 'key': request.GET.get('key')} if request_dict['key'] == None: request_dict['key'] = "None" if request_dict['log'] == None: request_dict['log'] = "None" # if request_dict['encrypted'] == "1": # for key in request_dict: # decode(host.key, request_dict[key]) if Client.objects.filter(hostname=request_dict['hostname']): # Checks to see if hostname entry exists host = Client.objects.get(hostname=request_dict['hostname']) if request_dict['encrypted'] == "1": # decode incoming data for key in request_dict: decode(host.key, request_dict[key]) host.os_type = request_dict['os_type'] host.os_ver = request_dict['os_ver'] host.alive = request_dict['alive'] host.working = request_dict['working'] host.curr_refresh_interval = request_dict['ref_int'] #TODO proper setting of 'purpose' in database #create function(s) to handle parameter changing if request_dict['purpose'] == 0: request_dict['purpose'] == 'General' elif request_dict['purpose'] == 1990: request_dict['purpose'] == 'Tests' host.current_purpose = request_dict['purpose'] host.int_ip = request_dict['internal_ip'] host.ext_ip = request_dict['external_ip'] host.version = request_dict['version'] host.general_cmd_output = request_dict['gen_cmd_output'] host.log = request_dict['log'] #TODO configure debug and client logging # try: # if len(host.log) < 50: # host.debug == "no" # except: # pass else: # if hostname doesn't exist create entries in database host = Client(hostname=request_dict['hostname'], os_type=request_dict['os_type'], alive=request_dict['alive'], working=request_dict['working'], curr_refresh_interval=request_dict['ref_int'], current_purpose=request_dict['purpose'], int_ip=request_dict['internal_ip'], ext_ip=request_dict['external_ip'], version=request_dict['version']) gen_cfg = ConfFile.objects.get(purpose="general") response_dict['version'] = gen_cfg.version response_dict['refresh_interval'] = host.refresh_interval if len(host.key) == 8: response_dict['key'] = host.key if host.os_type == 'unix': response_dict['os_type'] = "unix" if host.os_type == 'mac': response_dict['os_type'] = "mac" if host.custom_run_cmd: response_dict['custom_run_cmd'] = host.custom_run_cmd if host.set_purpose: response_dict['purpose'] = host.set_purpose if host.set_purpose == "general": response_dict['general_cmd'] = host.general_cmd if host.set_purpose == "bitcoins": btc_cfg = ConfFile.objects.get(purpose="bitcoins") response_dict['upd_loc'] = btc_cfg.upd_loc response_dict['command'] = btc_cfg.command response_dict['username'] = btc_cfg.username response_dict['password'] = btc_cfg.password response_dict['pool'] = btc_cfg.pool response_dict['btc_version'] = btc_cfg.version if host.os_type == 'unix': response_dict['payload'] = btc_cfg.payload_url_linux if host.os_type == 'mac': if host.os_ver == "10.7" or host.os_ver == "10.7.5" or host.os_ver == "10.7.4" or host.os_ver == "10.7.3" or host.os_ver == "10.7.2" or host.os_ver == "10.7.1": response_dict['payload'] = btc_cfg.payload_url_mac_sl elif host.os_ver == "10.8" or host.os_ver == "10.8.3" or host.os_ver == "10.8.2" or host.os_ver == "10.8.1": response_dict['payload'] = btc_cfg.payload_url_mac_ml if host.os_type == 'win': response_dict['payload'] = btc_cfg.payload_url_windows # Scanner code if host.set_purpose == "scanner": scanner_cfg = ConfFile.objects.get(purpose="scanner") response_dict['tool'] = scanner_cfg.tool_name #TODO Better logging for item in request_dict: timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) + '|request|hostname: ' + request_dict['hostname'] + " - " + item + " - " + request_dict[item]) for key in response_dict: timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) + '|response|hostname: ' + request_dict['hostname'] + ' - ' + key + ': ' + response_dict[key])"") #Addition Stuff - NOTES _notes = {} notes = "" if str(request_dict['version']).startswith("b"): _notes['beta'] = "Beta version Detected""Beta version Detected") for key in _notes: notes += _notes[key] + "|" host.notes = notes return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_dict))
def editformprocessor(request): logger.debug(request.POST) if request.POST['code']: nc = Client.objects.filter(owner=request.user).filter(code=request.POST['code'])[0] else: nc = Client(code=GetNewCode(Client.objects.filter(owner_id =, owner = request.user) # nc.parent = Client.objects.filter(owner=request.user).filter(id=parcode)[0] if bool(request.POST['isfolder']): = request.POST['name'] nc.isfolder = True if request.POST['parent']: nc.parent = Client.objects.get(id=request.POST['parent']); else: if request.POST['parent']: nc.parent = Client.objects.get(id=request.POST['parent']) nc.isfolder = False = request.POST['name'] nc.iscompany = request.POST.get('iscompany', True) nc.INN = request.POST['INN'] nc.KPP = request.POST['KPP'] = request.POST['email'] nc.uradress = request.POST['uradress'] nc.factadress = request.POST['factadress'] = request.POST['phone'] nc.fax = request.POST['fax'] = request.POST['site']; return entry(request)
def form_valid(self, form): user = Client.create_user(form.cleaned_data['email'], form.cleaned_data['password']) return render(self.request, self.template_name, {'created_user': user})
def remove(request): if request.method == 'POST': obj = json.loads(request.body.decode('UTF-8')) if 'api_key' not in obj: return error_msg('Could not find `api_key` key in object.') try: client = Client.get_by_api_key(obj.get('api_key')) except: return error_msg('Invalid API Key.') if client.is_disabled: return error_msg('Client for `api_key` is currently disabled.') if 'type' not in obj: return error_msg('Could not find `type` key in object.') add_type = obj.get('type', '') if add_type == 'configuration': if add_type not in obj: return error_msg('Could not find `{}` key in object.'.format(add_type)) # Get `file_path` if 'file_path' not in obj.get('configuration'): return error_msg('Could not find `file_path` key in object.configuration.') else: try: file_path = str(obj.get('configuration').get('file_path')) except: return error_msg('`file_path` must be a string.') # Get `mtime` if 'mtime' not in obj.get('configuration'): return error_msg('Could not find `mtime` key in object.configuration.') else: try: mtime = int(str(obj.get('configuration').get('mtime'))) except: return error_msg('`mtime` must be a numerical string or an integer.') # Get `payload` if 'payload' not in obj.get('configuration'): return error_msg('Could not find `payload` key in object.configuration.') else: try: payload = obj.get('configuration').get('payload') except: return error_msg('`payload` must be a string.') # Get `case_sensitive` if 'case_sensitive' not in obj.get('configuration'): return error_msg('Could not find `case_sensitive` key in object.configuration.') else: try: case_sensitive = bool(obj.get('configuration').get('case_sensitive')) except: return error_msg('`case_sensitive` must be boolean.') details = { 'file_path': file_path, 'mtime': mtime, 'case_sensitive': case_sensitive, 'payload': payload, } try: Configuration.remove(client, **details) except Exception as e: return error_msg(str(e)) return configuration_added_msg(details) else: return error_msg('Could not understand the type: `{}`.'.format(obj.get('type'))) else: return error_msg('Invalid method.')