Exemple #1
    def _make_args(self, X, Z, imp_weight=None):
        batch_size = getattr(self, 'batch_size', None)
        if batch_size is None:
            X, Z = cast_array_to_local_type(X), cast_array_to_local_type(Z)
            if imp_weight is not None:
                imp_weight = cast_array_to_local_type(imp_weight)
                data = itertools.repeat([X, Z, imp_weight])
                data = itertools.repeat([X, Z])
        elif batch_size < 1:
            raise ValueError('need strictly positive batch size')
            if imp_weight is not None:
                data = iter_minibatches([X, Z, imp_weight], self.batch_size,
                                        list(self.sample_dim) + [self.sample_dim[0]])
                data = ((cast_array_to_local_type(x),
                         cast_array_to_local_type(w)) for x, z, w in data)
                data = iter_minibatches([X, Z], self.batch_size,

                data = ((cast_array_to_local_type(x),
                         cast_array_to_local_type(z)) for x, z in data)

        args = ((i, {}) for i in data)
        return args
Exemple #2
    def _make_args(self, X, Z, imp_weight=None):
        batch_size = getattr(self, 'batch_size', None)
        if batch_size is None:
            X, Z = cast_array_to_local_type(X), cast_array_to_local_type(Z)
            if imp_weight is not None:
                imp_weight = cast_array_to_local_type(imp_weight)
                data = itertools.repeat([X, Z, imp_weight])
                data = itertools.repeat([X, Z])
        elif batch_size < 1:
            raise ValueError('need strictly positive batch size')
            if imp_weight is not None:
                data = iter_minibatches([X, Z, imp_weight], self.batch_size,
                                        list(self.sample_dim) +
                data = ((cast_array_to_local_type(x),
                         cast_array_to_local_type(w)) for x, z, w in data)
                data = iter_minibatches([X, Z], self.batch_size,

                data = ((cast_array_to_local_type(x),
                         cast_array_to_local_type(z)) for x, z in data)

        args = ((i, {}) for i in data)
        return args
Exemple #3
    def _make_args(self, X, W=None):
        batch_size = getattr(self, 'batch_size', None)
        use_imp_weight = W is not None
        if self.use_imp_weight != use_imp_weight:
            raise ValueError('need to give ``W`` in accordinace to '
        item = [X, W] if use_imp_weight else [X]

        # If importance weights are used, we need to append the sample
        # dimensionality of it, which will be the same as for that data.
        sample_dim = list(self.sample_dim)
        if use_imp_weight:

        if batch_size is None:
            data = itertools.repeat(item)
        elif batch_size < 1:
            raise ValueError('need strictly positive batch size')
            data = iter_minibatches(item, self.batch_size, sample_dim)
        if use_imp_weight:
            data = ((cast_array_to_local_type(x), cast_array_to_local_type(w))
                    for x, w in data)
            data = ((cast_array_to_local_type(x),)
                    for x, in data)
        args = ((i, {}) for i in data)
        return args
Exemple #4
    def _make_args(self, X, W=None):
        batch_size = getattr(self, 'batch_size', None)
        use_imp_weight = W is not None
        if self.use_imp_weight != use_imp_weight:
            raise ValueError('need to give ``W`` in accordinace to '
        item = [X, W] if use_imp_weight else [X]

        # If importance weights are used, we need to append the sample
        # dimensionality of it, which will be the same as for that data.
        sample_dim = list(self.sample_dim)
        if use_imp_weight:

        if batch_size is None:
            data = itertools.repeat(item)
        elif batch_size < 1:
            raise ValueError('need strictly positive batch size')
            data = iter_minibatches(item, self.batch_size, sample_dim)
        if use_imp_weight:
            data = ((cast_array_to_local_type(x), cast_array_to_local_type(w))
                    for x, w in data)
            data = ((cast_array_to_local_type(x), ) for x, in data)
        args = ((i, {}) for i in data)
        return args
Exemple #5
 def _make_args(self, X):
     batch_size = getattr(self, 'batch_size', None)
     if batch_size is None:
         data = itertools.repeat([X])
     elif batch_size < 1:
         raise ValueError('need strictly positive batch size')
         data = iter_minibatches([X], self.batch_size, self.sample_dim)
     args = ((i, {}) for i in data)
     return args
Exemple #6
 def __call__(self, f_score, *data):
     """"Return the score of the data."""
     batches = iter_minibatches(data, self.max_samples, self.sample_dims, 1)
     score = 0.
     seen_samples = 0.
     for batch in batches:
         this_samples = int(batch[0].shape[self.sample_dims[0]])
         score += f_score(*batch) * this_samples
         seen_samples += this_samples
     return ma.scalar(score / seen_samples)
Exemple #7
 def _make_args(self, X):
     batch_size = getattr(self, 'batch_size', None)
     if batch_size is None:
         data = itertools.repeat([X])
     elif batch_size < 1:
         raise ValueError('need strictly positive batch size')
         data = iter_minibatches([X], self.batch_size, self.sample_dim)
     args = ((i, {}) for i in data)
     return args
Exemple #8
 def __call__(self, f_score, *data):
     """"Return the score of the data."""
     batches = iter_minibatches(data, self.max_samples, self.sample_dims, 1)
     score = 0.
     seen_samples = 0.
     for batch in batches:
         this_samples = batch[0].shape[self.sample_dims[0]]
         score += f_score(*batch) * this_samples
         seen_samples += this_samples
     return ma.scalar(score / seen_samples)
 def __call__(self, f_score, *data):
     batches = iter_minibatches(data, self.max_samples, self.sample_dims, 1)
     score = 0.
     seen_samples = 0.
     for batch in batches:
         x = batch[0]
         z = batch[1]
         this_samples = int(x.shape[0])
         score += f_score(x, z) * this_samples
         seen_samples += this_samples
     return ma.scalar(score / seen_samples)
 def __call__(self, f_score, *data):
     batches = iter_minibatches(data, self.max_samples, self.sample_dims, 1)
     score = 0.
     seen_samples = 0.
     for batch in batches:
         x = batch[0]
         z = batch[1]
         this_samples = int(x.shape[0])
         score += f_score(x, z) * this_samples
         seen_samples += this_samples
     return ma.scalar(score / seen_samples)
    def __call__(self, predict_f, *data):
        batches = iter_minibatches(data, self.max_samples, self.sample_dims, 1)
        seen_samples = 0.
        score = 0.
        for batch in batches:
            x, z = batch
            y = predict_f(x)
            this_samples = int(y.shape[1])
            errs = (y.argmax(axis=2) != z.argmax(axis=2)).sum()
            score += errs
            seen_samples += this_samples

        return ma.scalar(score / seen_samples)
    def __call__(self, predict_f, *data):
        batches = iter_minibatches(data, self.max_samples, self.sample_dims, 1)
        seen_samples = 0.
        score = 0.
        for batch in batches:
            x, z = batch
            y = predict_f(x)
            this_samples = int(y.shape[1])
            errs = (y.argmax(axis=2) != z.argmax(axis=2)).sum()
            score += errs
            seen_samples += this_samples

        return ma.scalar(score / seen_samples)
Exemple #13
    def _make_args(self, X, Z):
        batch_size = getattr(self, 'batch_size', None)
        if batch_size is None:
            X, Z = cast_array_to_local_type(X), cast_array_to_local_type(Z)
            data = itertools.repeat([X, Z])
        elif batch_size < 1:
            raise ValueError('need strictly positive batch size')
            data = iter_minibatches([X, Z], self.batch_size, self.sample_dim)
            data = ((cast_array_to_local_type(x), cast_array_to_local_type(z))
                    for x, z in data)

        args = ((i, {}) for i in data)
        return args
Exemple #14
    def _make_args(self, X, Z):
        batch_size = getattr(self, 'batch_size', None)
        if batch_size is None:
            X, Z = cast_array_to_local_type(X), cast_array_to_local_type(Z)
            data = itertools.repeat([X, Z])
        elif batch_size < 1:
            raise ValueError('need strictly positive batch size')
            data = iter_minibatches([X, Z], self.batch_size, self.sample_dim)
            data = ((cast_array_to_local_type(x), cast_array_to_local_type(z))
                    for x, z in data)

        args = ((i, {}) for i in data)
        return args
Exemple #15
 def __init__(self, X, y, inputs, cov, batch_size, hermgauss_deg=100):
     :param X: data points (possibly a batch for some methods)
     :param y: target values
     :param inputs: inducing inputs (positions)
     :param cov: covariance function
     :param batch_size: size of the mini batch on which the ELBO is computed
     :param hermgauss_deg: degree of Gauss-Hermite approximation
     ELBO.__init__(self, X, y, 'svi')
     self.cov = cov
     self.inputs = inputs
     m = inputs.shape[0]
     self.mu = np.zeros((m, 1))
     self.SigmaL = np.eye(m)
     self.batches = (i
                     for i in iter_minibatches([X, y], batch_size, [0, 0]))
     self.gauss_hermite = hermgauss(hermgauss_deg)
def climin_wrapper(oracle, w0, train_points, train_targets, options, method='AdaDelta'):
    default_options = {'maxiter': 1000, 'print_freq':1, 'verbose': False, 'g_tol': 1e-5,
                       'batch_size': 10, 'step_rate': 0.1}
    if not options is None:
        if 'print_freq' in options.keys():
            default_options['verbose'] = True
    options = default_options

    w = w0.copy()
    data = ((i, {}) for i in iter_minibatches([train_points, train_targets], options['batch_size'], [1, 0]))

    if method == 'AdaDelta':
        opt = climin.Adadelta(wrt=w, fprime=oracle, args=data, step_rate=options['step_rate'])
    elif method == 'SG':
        opt = climin.GradientDescent(wrt=w, fprime=oracle, args=data, step_rate=options['step_rate'])
        raise ValueError('Unknown optimizer')

    w_lst = [w.copy()]
    time_lst = [0.]
    start = time.time()
    n_epochs = options['maxiter']
    n_iterations = int(n_epochs * train_targets.size / options['batch_size'])
    print_freq = int(options['print_freq'] * train_targets.size / options['batch_size'])

    if options['verbose']:
        print('Using ' + method + ' optimizer')
    for info in opt:
        i = info['n_iter']
        if i > n_iterations:
        if not (i % print_freq) and options['verbose']:
            grad = info['gradient']
            print("Iteration ", int(i * options['batch_size'] / train_targets.size), ":")
            print("\tGradient norm", np.linalg.norm(grad))
        if not i % int(train_targets.size / options['batch_size']):
            time_lst.append(time.time() - start)

    return w.copy(), w_lst, time_lst
Exemple #17
    def _climin_setup(self, train_x, train_y):
        The functions sets up the climin minibatches protocol given the data to train on.

        :param train_x: the data to train on
        :param train_y: the labels for the data
        :return: params: a flat placeholder for the model parameters
                 args: a list of arguments passed to the climin optimizer at each training step
        # initialize a flat parameters placeholder for climin
        # randomize the parameters, but keep variance small enough (0.01) to promote faster learning
        params = np.zeros(
            self.feature_dim * self.output_dim + self.output_dim)  # 0.01 * random.randn(self.feature_dim * self.output_dim + self.output_dim)

        # pass self during the training to update the parameters of the linear regression model object itself
        # and reuse the theano definitions from the constructor
        minibatches = cli_util.iter_minibatches([train_x, train_y], self.batch_size, [0, 0])

        # as climin arguments, pass the mini_batch_x, mini_batch_y and the model itself
        args = (([minibatch[0], minibatch[1], self], {}) for minibatch in minibatches)

        return params, args
Exemple #18
    def _climin_setup(self, train_x, train_y):
        The functions sets up the climin minibatches protocol given the data to train on.

        :param train_x: the data to train on
        :param train_y: the labels for the data
        :return: params: a flat placeholder for the model parameters
                 args: a list of arguments passed to the climin optimizer at each training step
        # initialize a flat parameters placeholder for climin
        # randomize the parameters, but keep variance small enough (0.01) to promote faster learning
        size = 0
        for layer in self.layers:
            size = size + layer.in_dim * layer.out_dim + layer.out_dim
        params = 0.01 * random.randn(size)

        # define the additional arguments for each train iteration
        minibatches = cli_util.iter_minibatches([train_x, train_y], self.batch_size, [0, 0])
        # as climin arguments, pass the mini_batch_x, mini_batch_y and the model itself
        args = (([minibatch[0], minibatch[1], self], {}) for minibatch in minibatches)

        return params, args
Exemple #19
def climin_wrapper(oracle,
    default_options = {
        'maxiter': 1000,
        'print_freq': 1,
        'verbose': False,
        'g_tol': 1e-5,
        'batch_size': 10,
        'step_rate': 0.1
    if not options is None:
        if 'print_freq' in options.keys():
            default_options['verbose'] = True
    options = default_options

    w = w0.copy()
    data = ((i, {}) for i in iter_minibatches([train_points, train_targets],
                                              options['batch_size'], [1, 0]))

    if method == 'AdaDelta':
        opt = climin.Adadelta(wrt=w,
    elif method == 'SG':
        opt = climin.GradientDescent(wrt=w,
        raise ValueError('Unknown optimizer')

    w_lst = [w.copy()]
    time_lst = [0.]
    start = time.time()
    n_epochs = options['maxiter']
    n_iterations = int(n_epochs * train_targets.size / options['batch_size'])
    print_freq = int(options['print_freq'] * train_targets.size /

    if options['verbose']:
        print('Using ' + method + ' optimizer')
    for info in opt:
        i = info['n_iter']
        if i > n_iterations:
        if not (i % print_freq) and options['verbose']:
            grad = info['gradient']
            print("Iteration ",
                  int(i * options['batch_size'] / train_targets.size), ":")
            print("\tGradient norm", np.linalg.norm(grad))
        if not i % int(train_targets.size / options['batch_size']):
            time_lst.append(time.time() - start)

    return w.copy(), w_lst, time_lst