target_id = name = clone.id_to_name(target_id)["name"] with open(os.path.join(save_dir,user_list),"w") as f: f.write("{},{}\n".format(target_id,name)) sys.exit() rand_list=[i.rsplit() for i in open(user_list,"wb")] exchange_list=[i[8:] for i in os.listdir("TimeLine") if not i[0]=="."] all_list=set(rand_list+exchange_list) all_list.remove( all_list=list(all_list) random.shuffle(all_list) pick=[] for i in all_list[:10]: i = clone.user_info(i) if not i is None: ids,name = i["id"],i["name"] print (name) pick+=clone.follow_exchanger(ids) pick=[i for i in pick if not i in all_list] random.shuffle(pick) count=0 start_time=-1 for i in pick[:30]: ids=i print ("get ",ids ,"'s tweet") if start_time == -1: count=0 start_time =time.time() words,num=textTools.create_train(ids,path="random_TimeLine/")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """指定ユーザーの相互フォロワーのツイートを取得 基本リプライとリツイートは含まない 簡単にbotは除く """ import clone import pickle import time import textTools his_list = clone.follow_exchanger(ids) new_list=[[ids,clone.user_info(ids)["name"]]] start_time=-1 count=0 print (len(his_list)) while his_list: infos=clone.users_info(his_list[:100]) if start_time == -1: count=0 start_time =time.time() count+=1 for i in infos: if not "bot" in i["description"] and not i["protected"]: new_list.append([i["id_str"],i["name"]]) his_list=his_list[100:] print "get ",count*100," follower"