Exemple #1
def install_gatk(env):
    """GATK-lite: library for writing efficient analysis tools using next-generation sequencing data
    # Install main gatk executable
    version = "2.3-9-gdcdccbb"
    ext = ".tar.bz2"
    url = "ftp://ftp.broadinstitute.org/pub/gsa/GenomeAnalysisTK/"\
          "GenomeAnalysisTKLite-%s%s" % (version, ext)
    _java_install("gatk", version, url, env)
    # Install R gsalib for report and pdf generation
    # XXX Currently have issues with gsalib R installation.
    # Need to make this into a proper R package and re-enable
    if False:
        with quiet():
            have_gsalib = env.safe_run("Rscript -e '\"gsalib\" %in% installed.packages()'")
        if have_gsalib and "FALSE" in have_gsalib:
            # install dependencies for gsalib
            rlib_config = get_config_file(env, "r-libs.yaml").base
            with open(rlib_config) as in_handle:
                config = yaml.load(in_handle)
            config["bioc"] = []
            config["update_packages"] = False
            config["cran"] = ["ggplot2", "gplots"]
            # install gsalib
            git_repo = "git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/broadgsa/gatk.git"
            def install_gsalib(env):
                env.safe_sudo("ant gsalib")
            _get_install(git_repo, env, install_gsalib)
def install_gatk(env):
    """GATK-lite: library for writing efficient analysis tools using next-generation sequencing data
    # Install main gatk executable
    version = "2.3-9-gdcdccbb"
    ext = ".tar.bz2"
    url = "ftp://ftp.broadinstitute.org/pub/gsa/GenomeAnalysisTK/"\
          "GenomeAnalysisTKLite-%s%s" % (version, ext)
    _java_install("gatk", version, url, env)
    # Install R gsalib for report and pdf generation
    # XXX Currently have issues with gsalib R installation.
    # Need to make this into a proper R package and re-enable
    if False:
        with quiet():
            have_gsalib = run(
                "Rscript -e '\"gsalib\" %in% installed.packages()'")
        if have_gsalib and "FALSE" in have_gsalib:
            # install dependencies for gsalib
            rlib_config = get_config_file(env, "r-libs.yaml").base
            with open(rlib_config) as in_handle:
                config = yaml.load(in_handle)
            config["bioc"] = []
            config["update_packages"] = False
            config["cran"] = ["ggplot2", "gplots"]
            # install gsalib
            git_repo = "git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/broadgsa/gatk.git"

            def install_gsalib(env):
                env.safe_sudo("ant gsalib")

            _get_install(git_repo, env, install_gsalib)