Exemple #1
def submods(text, chan, conn, reply):
    """<subreddit> - prints the moderators of the specified subreddit."""
    sub = get_sub(text)
    url = subreddit_url + "about/moderators.json"
    r = requests.get(url.format(sub), headers=agent)

    except HTTPError as e:
        reply(statuscheck(e.response.status_code, 'r/' + sub))

    if r.status_code != 200:
        return statuscheck(r.status_code, 'r/' + sub)
    data = r.json()
    moderators = []
    for mod in data['data']['children']:
        username = mod['name']
        # Showing the modtime makes the message too long for larger subs
        # if you want to show this information add modtime.days to out below
        modtime = datetime.now() - datetime.fromtimestamp(mod['date'])
        modtime = time_format(modtime.days)
        moderators.append("{} ({}{})".format(username, modtime[0], modtime[1]))
    pager = paginated_list(moderators)
    search_pages[conn.name][chan.casefold()] = pager
    page = pager.next()
    if len(pager) > 1:
        page[-1] += " .moremod"

    out = colors.parse("/r/$(b){}$(b) mods: ".format(sub))
    page[0] = out + page[0]

    return page
Exemple #2
def moderates(text, chan, conn, reply):
    """<username> - This plugin prints the list of subreddits a user moderates listed in a reddit users profile. Private subreddits will not be listed."""
    user = get_user(text)
    r = requests.get(user_url.format(user) + "moderated_subreddits.json",
    except HTTPError as e:
        reply(statuscheck(e.response.status_code, user))

    if r.status_code != 200:
        return statuscheck(r.status_code, user)

    data = r.json()
    subs = data['data']
    out = colors.parse(
        "$(b){}$(b) moderates these public subreddits: ".format(user))
    pager = paginated_list([sub['sr'] for sub in subs])
    search_pages[conn.name][chan.casefold()] = pager
    page = pager.next()
    if len(pager) > 1:
        page[-1] += " .moremod"

    page[0] = out + page[0]
    return page
def page_scores(conn, chan, scores):
    pager = paginated_list(scores, delim=" | ", pager_cls=CommandPager)
    search_pages[conn.name][chan.casefold()] = pager
    page = pager.next()
    if len(pager) > 1:
        page[-1] += " .morescore"

    return page
Exemple #4
def profile(text, chan, notice, nick):
    """<nick> [category] - Returns a user's saved profile data from \"<category>\", or lists all available profile
    categories for the user if no category specified"""
    chan_cf = chan.casefold()
    nick_cf = nick.casefold()

    # Check if we are in a PM with the user
    if nick_cf == chan_cf:
        return "Profile data not available outside of channels"

    chan_profiles = profile_cache.get(chan_cf, {})

    # Split the text in to the nick and requested category
    unpck = text.split(None, 1)
    pnick = unpck.pop(0)
    pnick_cf = pnick.casefold()
    user_profile = chan_profiles.get(pnick_cf, {})
    if not user_profile:
            "User {} has no profile data saved in this channel".format(pnick))

    # Check if the caller specified a profile category, if not, send a NOTICE with the users registered categories
    if not unpck:
        cats = list(user_profile.keys())

        pager = paginated_list(cats, ', ', pager_cls=CommandPager)
        cat_pages[chan_cf][nick_cf] = pager
        page = pager.next()
        page[0] = "Categories: {}".format(page[0])
        if len(pager) > 1:
            page[-1] += " .moreprofile"

        for line in page:

        category = unpck.pop(0)
        cat_cf = category.casefold()
        if cat_cf not in user_profile:
                "User {} has no profile data for category {} in this channel".
                format(pnick, category))

            content = user_profile[cat_cf]
            return format_profile(pnick, category, content)
Exemple #5
def moderates(text, chan, conn):
    """This plugin prints the list of subreddits a user moderates listed in a reddit users profile. Private subreddits will not be listed."""
    user = text
    r = requests.get(user_url.format(user) + "moderated_subreddits.json",
    if r.status_code != 200:
        return statuscheck(r.status_code, user)

    data = r.json()
    subs = data['data']
    out = colors.parse(
        "$(b){}$(b) moderates these public subreddits: ".format(user))
    pager = paginated_list([sub['sr'] for sub in subs])
    search_pages[conn.name][chan.casefold()] = pager
    page = pager.next()
    if len(page) > 1:
        page[-1] += " .moremod"

    page[0] = out + page[0]
    return page
Exemple #6
def grabsearch(text, chan, conn):
    """[text] - matches "text" against nicks or grab strings in the database"""
    result = []
    lower_text = text.lower()
    with cache_lock:
            chan_grabs = grab_cache[chan]
        except LookupError:
            return "I couldn't find any grabs in {}.".format(chan)

            quotes = chan_grabs[lower_text]
        except KeyError:
            result.extend((text, quote) for quote in quotes)

        for name, quotes in chan_grabs.items():
            if name != lower_text:
                result.extend((name, quote) for quote in quotes
                              if lower_text in quote.lower())

    if not result:
        return "I couldn't find any matches for {}.".format(text)

    grabs = []
    for name, quote in result:
        if lower_text == name:
            name = text

        grabs.append(format_grab(name, quote))

    pager = paginated_list(grabs)
    search_pages[conn.name][chan] = pager
    page = pager.next()
    if len(pager) > 1:
        page[-1] += " .moregrab"

    return page
def submods(text, chan, conn, reply):
    """<subreddit> - prints the moderators of the specified subreddit."""
    sub = get_sub(text)
    url = subreddit_url + "about/moderators.json"
    data = get_sub_data(url, sub, reply)
    moderators = []
    for mod in data['data']['children']:
        username = mod['name']
        # Showing the modtime makes the message too long for larger subs
        # if you want to show this information add modtime.days to out below
        modtime = datetime.now() - datetime.fromtimestamp(mod['date'])
        modtime = time_format(modtime.days)
        moderators.append("{} ({}{})".format(username, modtime[0], modtime[1]))
    pager = paginated_list(moderators, pager_cls=CommandPager)
    search_pages[conn.name][chan.casefold()] = pager
    page = pager.next()
    if len(pager) > 1:
        page[-1] += " .moremod"

    out = colors.parse("/r/$(b){}$(b) mods: ".format(sub))
    page[0] = out + page[0]

    return page