Exemple #1
    def _get_profiles(self, attribute_type, sub_index, sub):
        """Return an Azure monitor record.

            attribute_type (str): Attribute type name.
            sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
            sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.

            dict: An Azure monitor record.

        _log.info('Working on %s', util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub,
            monitor_client = \
            iterator = \
                _get_attribute_iterator(attribute_type, monitor_client,
                                        sub, sub_index, self._tenant)
            yield from _get_record(iterator, attribute_type, self._max_recs,
                                   sub_index, sub, self._tenant)
        except Exception as e:
            _log.error('Failed to fetch details for %s; %s; error: %s: %s',
                       util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant),
                       type(e).__name__, e)
Exemple #2
    def _get_web_app_configs(self, app_index, app, sub_index, sub):
        """Get web app records with config details.

            app_index (int): Web app index (for logging only).
            app (dict): Raw web app record.
            sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
            sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.

            dict: An Azure web app record with config details.

        app_name = app.get('name')
        _log.info('Working on web app #%d: %s; %s', app_index, app_name,
                  util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant))
            creds = self._credentials
            sub_id = sub.get('subscription_id')
            web_client = WebSiteManagementClient(creds, sub_id)
            app_id = app.get('id')
            rg_name = tools.parse_resource_id(app_id)['resource_group']
            app_config = web_client.web_apps.get_configuration(
                rg_name, app_name)
            app_config = app_config.as_dict()
            yield _process_app_config(app_index, app, app_config, sub_index,
                                      sub, self._tenant)
        except Exception as e:
                'Failed to fetch app_config for web app #%d: '
                '%s; %s; error: %s: %s', app_index, app_name,
                util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant),
                type(e).__name__, e)
Exemple #3
    def _get_disk_details(self, disk_index, disk_name, rg_name, sub_index,
        """Get details of disk.

            sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
            sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.
            rg_name (str): Resource group name.
            disk_index (int): Disk index (for logging only).
            disk_name (str): Name of the disk.

            dict: An Azure disk record.

        _log.info('Working on disk #%d: %s; %s', disk_index, disk_name,
                  util.outline_az_sub(disk_index, sub, self._tenant))
            sub_id = sub.get('subscription_id')
            creds = self._credentials
            compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(creds, sub_id)
            disk = compute_client.disks.get(rg_name, disk_name)
            disk = disk.as_dict()
            yield _process_disk_details(sub, disk)
        except Exception as e:
                'Failed to fetch disk details #%d: '
                '%s; %s; error: %s: %s', disk_index, disk_name,
                util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant),
                type(e).__name__, e)
Exemple #4
    def _get_vm_instance_views(self, vm_index, vm, sub_index, sub):
        """Get virtual machine records with instance view details.

            vm_index (int): Virtual machine index (for logging only).
            vm (dict): Raw virtual machine record.
            sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
            sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.

            dict: An Azure virtual machine record with instance view details.

        vm_name = vm.get('name')
        _log.info('Working on VM #%d: %s; %s', vm_index, vm_name,
                  util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant))
            creds = self._credentials
            sub_id = sub.get('subscription_id')
            compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(creds, sub_id)
            vm_id = vm.get('id')
            rg_name = tools.parse_resource_id(vm_id)['resource_group']
            vm_iv = compute_client.virtual_machines.instance_view(
                rg_name, vm_name)
            vm_iv = vm_iv.as_dict()
            yield _process_vm_instance_view(vm_index, vm, vm_iv, sub_index,
                                            sub, self._tenant)
        except Exception as e:
                'Failed to fetch vm_instance_view for VM #%d: '
                '%s; %s; error: %s: %s', vm_index, vm_name,
                util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant),
                type(e).__name__, e)
    def _get_subscription_storage_accounts(self, sub_index, sub):
        """Get storage accounts from a single subscrption.

            tuple: A tuple which when unpacked forms valid arguments for
                :meth:` _get_storage_account_properties`.

            tenant = self._tenant
            creds = self._credentials
            sub_id = sub.get('subscription_id')
            client = StorageManagementClient(creds, sub_id)
            storage_account_list = client.storage_accounts.list()

            for t in enumerate(storage_account_list):
                (storage_account_index, storage_account) = t
                storage_account = storage_account.as_dict()

                _log.info('Found storage account #%d: %s; %s',
                          storage_account_index, storage_account.get('name'),
                          util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))
                yield (storage_account_index, storage_account, sub_index, sub)

                if storage_account_index + 1 == self._max_recs:
                        'Stopping storage accounts fetch due '
                        'to _max_recs: %d; %s', self._max_recs,
                        util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))
        except Exception as e:
            _log.error('Failed to fetch storage accounts; %s; error: %s: %s',
                       util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant),
                       type(e).__name__, e)
Exemple #6
    def _process_key_vault(self, key_vault_index, key_vault_name, rg_name,
                           sub_index, sub):
        """Get details of Key Vault in management and data plane.

            sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
            sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.
            rg_name (str): Resource group name.
            key_vault_index (int): Key Vault index (for logging only).
            key_vault_name (str): Name of the Key Vault.

            dict: An Azure Key Vault server record.

        def _auth_callback(server, resource, scope):
            credentials = self._key_vault_credentials
            token = credentials.token
            return token['token_type'], token['access_token']

        _log.info('Working on key_vault #%d: %s; %s', key_vault_index,
                  util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant))
        subscription_id = sub.get('subscription_id')
        creds = self._credentials
        key_vault_mgmt_client = KeyVaultManagementClient(
            creds, subscription_id)
        key_vault_details = key_vault_mgmt_client.vaults.get(
            rg_name, key_vault_name)
        yield from _get_normalized_key_vault_record(key_vault_details, sub)
            kv_client = \

            secrets = \

            keys = \

            # Retrieve data using each iterator.
            for record in itertools.chain(
                    _get_data_record(secrets, 'key_vault_secret', sub_index,
                                     sub, self._tenant),
                    _get_data_record(keys, 'key_vault_key', sub_index, sub,
                yield record

        except CloudError as e:
            _log.error('Failed to fetch key vault details; %s; error: %s: %s',
                       util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant),
                       type(e).__name__, e)
Exemple #7
def _get_data_record(iterator, azure_record_type, sub_index, sub, tenant):
    """Normalize the Key Vault data plane record.

        iterator: An iterator like instance of
            :class:`msrest.serialization.Model` objects.
        azure_record_type (str): Record type name.
        sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
        sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.
        tenant (str): Azure tenant ID (for logging only).

        dict: Normalized Key Vault data plane record.

        for i, v in enumerate(iterator):
            raw_record = v.as_dict()
            reference = raw_record.get('id')
            if azure_record_type == 'key_vault_key':
                reference = raw_record.get('kid')
            expiry_set = raw_record['attributes'].get('expires') is not None
            enabled = raw_record['attributes'].get('enabled')
            record = {
                'raw': raw_record,
                'ext': {
                    'cloud_type': 'azure',
                    'expiry_set': expiry_set,
                    'enabled': enabled,
                    'record_type': azure_record_type,
                    'reference': reference,
                    'subscription_id': sub.get('subscription_id'),
                    'subscription_name': sub.get('display_name'),
                    'subscription_state': sub.get('state'),
                'com': {
                    'cloud_type': 'azure',
                    'record_type': azure_record_type,
                    'reference': reference,

            _log.info('Found %s #%d: %s; %s', azure_record_type, i, reference,
                      util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))
            yield record

    except KeyVaultErrorException as e:
        _log.error('Failed to fetch details for %s; %s; error: %s: %s',
                   util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant),
                   type(e).__name__, e)
Exemple #8
    def _get_subscriptions(self):
        """Generate tuples of record types and subscriptions.

        The yielded tuples when unpacked would become arguments for
        :meth:`_get_resources`. Each such tuple represents a single unit
        of work that :meth:`_get_resources` can work on independently in
        its own worker thread.

            tuple: A tuple which when unpacked forms valid arguments for

            sub_client = SubscriptionClient(self._credentials)
            sub_list = sub_client.subscriptions.list()

            monitor_attributes = ('log_profile',)

            tenant = self._tenant
            for sub_index, sub in enumerate(sub_list):
                sub = sub.as_dict()
                _log.info('Found %s', util.outline_az_sub(sub_index,
                                                          sub, tenant))
                # Each record type for each subscription is a unit of
                # work that would be fed to _get_resources().
                for attribute_type in monitor_attributes:
                    if attribute_type == 'log_profile':
                        sub['locations'] = []
                        locations = sub_client.subscriptions. \
                        for location in locations:
                    yield (attribute_type, sub_index, sub)

                # Break after pulling data for self._max_subs number of
                # subscriptions. Note that if self._max_subs is 0 or less,
                # then the following condition never evaluates to True.
                if sub_index + 1 == self._max_subs:
                    _log.info('Stopping subscriptions fetch due to '
                              '_max_subs: %d; tenant: %s', self._max_subs,

        except Exception as e:
            _log.error('Failed to fetch subscriptions; %s; error: %s: %s',
                       util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant),
                       type(e).__name__, e)
Exemple #9
def _get_attribute_iterator(attribute_type, monitor_client,
                            sub, sub_index, tenant):
    """Return an appropriate iterator for ``attribute_type``.

        attribute_type (str): Attribute type.
        monitor_client(MonitorManagementClient): Monitor client.
        credentials (ServicePrincipalCredentials): Credentials.
        sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
        sub (Subscription): Subscription object.
        tenant (str): Tenant ID (for logging only).

        msrest.paging.Paged: An Azure paging container for iterating
            over a list of Azure resource objects.

    if attribute_type == 'log_profile':
        return monitor_client.log_profiles.list()

    # If control reaches here, there is a bug in this plugin. It means
    # there is a value in attributes variable in _get_subscriptions
    # that is not handled in the above if-statements.
    _log.warning('Unrecognized profile_type: %s; %s', attribute_type,
                 util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))
    return None
Exemple #10
def _process_app_config(app_index, app, app_config, sub_index, sub, tenant):
    """Process web app record and yield them.

        app_index (int): Web app index (for logging only).
        app (dict): Raw web app record.
        app_config (dict): Raw web app config record.
        sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
        sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.
        tenant (str): Azure tenant ID.

        dict: An Azure record of type ``web_app_config``.

    app['config'] = app_config
    record = {
        'raw': app,
        'ext': {
            'cloud_type': 'azure',
            'record_type': 'web_app_config',
            'min_tls_version': app_config.get('min_tls_version'),
            'subscription_id': sub.get('subscription_id'),
            'subscription_name': sub.get('display_name'),
            'subscription_state': sub.get('state'),
        'com': {
            'cloud_type': 'azure',
            'reference': app.get('id')
    _log.info('Found web_app_config #%d: %s; %s', app_index, app.get('name'),
              util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))
    return record
Exemple #11
    def _get_postgres_server_details(self, server_index, server_name, rg_name,
                                     sub_index, sub):
        """Get details Postgres server.

            sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
            sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.
            rg_name (str): Resource group name.
            server_index (int): Server index (for logging only).
            server_name (str): Name of the Postgres server.

            dict: An Azure Postgres server record with configuration.

        _log.info('Working on Postgres server #%d: %s; %s',
                  server_index, server_name,
                  util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant))
        sub_id = sub.get('subscription_id')
        creds = self._credentials
        postgres_client = PostgreSQLManagementClient(creds, sub_id)
        server_details = postgres_client.servers.get(rg_name, server_name)
        server_details = server_details.as_dict()
        server_configuration_list = \
            postgres_client.configurations.list_by_server(rg_name, server_name)
        configurations, derived_configs = \
        yield from self._process_postgres_server_details(
            sub, server_details, configurations, derived_configs)
Exemple #12
    def _get_resources(self, record_type, sub_index, sub):
        """Return an Azure cloud infrastructure configuration record.

            record_type (str): Record type name.
            sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
            sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.

            dict: An Azure cloud infrastructure configuration record.

        _log.info('Working on %s list; %s', record_type,
                  util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant))

        if record_type == 'subscription':
            record = {
                'raw': sub,
                'ext': {
                    'cloud_type': 'azure',
                    'record_type': record_type,
                    'subscription_id': sub.get('subscription_id'),
                    'tenant_id': self._tenant,
                    'subscription_name': sub.get('display_name'),
                    'subscription_state': sub.get('state'),
                'com': {
                    'cloud_type': 'azure',
                    'record_type': 'subscription'

            yield record

            iterator = \
                _get_resource_iterator(record_type, self._credentials,
                                       sub_index, sub, self._tenant)

            yield from _get_record(iterator, record_type, self._max_recs,
                                   sub_index, sub, self._tenant)
        except Exception as e:
            _log.error('Failed to fetch details for %s; %s; error: %s: %s',
                       util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant),
                       type(e).__name__, e)
Exemple #13
    def _get_subscription_kvs(self, sub_index, sub):
        """Get Key Vaults from a single subscrption.

            sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
            sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.

            tuple: A tuple which when unpacked forms valid arguments for

            tenant = self._tenant
            creds = self._credentials
            subscription_id = sub.get('subscription_id')
            key_vault_mgmt_client = KeyVaultManagementClient(
                creds, subscription_id)
            key_vault_list = key_vault_mgmt_client.vaults.list()

            for key_vault_index, key_vault in enumerate(key_vault_list):
                key_vault = key_vault.as_dict()
                key_vault_name = key_vault.get('name')
                key_vault_id = key_vault.get('id')
                _log.info('Found key_vault #%d: %s; %s', key_vault_index,
                          util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))
                rg_name = \

                yield (key_vault_index, key_vault_name, rg_name, sub_index,

                # Break after pulling data for self._max_recs number
                # of Key Vault for a subscriber. Note that if
                # self._max_recs is 0 or less, then the following
                # condition never evaluates to True.
                if key_vault_index + 1 == self._max_recs:
                        'Stopping Key Vault fetch due '
                        'to _max_recs: %d; %s', self._max_recs,
                        util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant))
        except CloudError as e:
            _log.error('Failed to fetch Key Vault; %s; error: %s: %s',
                       util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant),
                       type(e).__name__, e)
Exemple #14
    def _get_subscriptions(self):
        """Generate tuples of record types and subscriptions.

        The yielded tuples when unpacked would become arguments for
        :meth:`_get_resources`. Each such tuple represents a single unit
        of work that :meth:`_get_resources` can work on independently in
        its own worker thread.

            tuple: A tuple which when unpacked forms valid arguments for

            sub_client = SubscriptionClient(self._credentials)
            sub_list = sub_client.subscriptions.list()

            record_types = ('virtual_machine', 'app_gateway', 'lb', 'nic',
                            'nsg', 'public_ip', 'storage_account',
                            'resource_group', 'mysql_server',
                            'web_apps', 'subscription')

            tenant = self._tenant
            for sub_index, sub in enumerate(sub_list):
                sub = sub.as_dict()
                _log.info('Found %s', util.outline_az_sub(sub_index,
                                                          sub, tenant))
                # Each record type for each subscription is a unit of
                # work that would be fed to _get_resources().

                for record_type in record_types:
                    yield (record_type, sub_index, sub)

                # Break after pulling data for self._max_subs number of
                # subscriptions. Note that if self._max_subs is 0 or less,
                # then the following condition never evaluates to True.
                if sub_index + 1 == self._max_subs:
                    _log.info('Stopping subscriptions fetch due to '
                              '_max_subs: %d; tenant: %s', self._max_subs,

        except Exception as e:
            _log.error('Failed to fetch subscriptions; %s; error: %s: %s',
                       util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant),
                       type(e).__name__, e)
Exemple #15
def _process_storage_account_properties(storage_account_index, storage_account,
                                        storage_account_properties, sub_index,
                                        sub, tenant):
    """Get storage account records with property details.

        storage_account_index (int): Storage account index (logging only).
        storage_account (dict): Raw storage account record.
        storage_account_properties (dict): Storage account properties record.
        sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
        sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.
        tenant (str): Azure tenant ID.

        dict: An Azure record of type ``storage_account_properties``.

    storage_account['properties'] = storage_account_properties
    default_network_access_allowed = True
    if storage_account['network_rule_set'].get('default_action') != 'Allow':
        default_network_access_allowed = False
    # Azure services is an umbrella term for trusted Microsoft Azure services
    # including Azure Backup, Azure Site Recovery, Azure DevTest Labs,
    # Azure Event Grid, Azure Event Hubs, Azure Networking, Azure Monitor and
    # Azure SQL Data Warehouse
    bypass_trusted_services = True
    if storage_account['network_rule_set'].get('bypass') != 'AzureServices':
        bypass_trusted_services = False
    record = {
        'raw': storage_account,
        'ext': {
        'com': {
            'cloud_type': 'azure',
            'reference': storage_account.get('id')
    _log.info('Found storage_account_properties #%d: %s; %s',
              storage_account_index, storage_account.get('name'),
              util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))

    return record
Exemple #16
    def _get_subscription_postgres_servers(self, sub_index, sub):
        """Get Postgres servers from a single subscrption.

            sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
            sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.

            tuple: A tuple which when unpacked forms valid arguments for

            tenant = self._tenant
            creds = self._credentials
            sub_id = sub.get('subscription_id')
            postgres_client = PostgreSQLManagementClient(creds, sub_id)
            db_server_list = postgres_client.servers.list()

            for server_index, postgres_server in enumerate(db_server_list):
                postgres_server = postgres_server.as_dict()
                server_id = postgres_server.get('id')
                server_name = postgres_server.get('name')
                _log.info('Found Postgres Server #%d: %s; %s', server_index,
                          util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))
                rg_name = \
                yield (server_index, server_name, rg_name, sub_index, sub)

                # Break after pulling data for self._max_recs number
                # of Postgres servers for a subscriber. Note that if
                # self._max_recs is 0 or less, then the following
                # condition never evaluates to True.
                if server_index + 1 == self._max_recs:
                        'Stopping Postgres server fetch due '
                        'to _max_recs: %d; %s', self._max_recs,
                        util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant))
        except CloudError as e:
            _log.error('Failed to fetch Postgres servers; %s; error: %s: %s',
                       util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant),
                       type(e).__name__, e)
Exemple #17
    def _get_subscription_disks(self, sub_index, sub):
        """Get disks from a single subscrption.

            sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
            sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.

            tuple: A tuple which when unpacked forms valid arguments for

            tenant = self._tenant
            creds = self._credentials
            sub_id = sub.get('subscription_id')
            compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(creds, sub_id)
            disk_list = compute_client.disks.list()

            for disk_index, disk in enumerate(disk_list):
                disk = disk.as_dict()
                disk_id = disk.get('id')
                disk_name = disk.get('name')
                _log.info('Found disk #%d: %s; %s', disk_index, disk_name,
                          util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))
                rg_name = \
                yield (disk_index, disk_name, rg_name, sub_index, sub)

                # Break after pulling data for self._max_recs number
                # of disks for a subscriber. Note that if
                # self._max_recs is 0 or less, then the following
                # condition never evaluates to True.
                if disk_index + 1 == self._max_recs:
                        'Stopping disk fetch due '
                        'to _max_recs: %d; %s', self._max_recs,
                        util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant))
        except Exception as e:
            _log.error('Failed to fetch disks; %s; error: %s: %s',
                       util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant),
                       type(e).__name__, e)
Exemple #18
    def _get_subscription_apps(self, sub_index, sub):
        """Get web apps from a single subscrption.

            tuple: A tuple which when unpacked forms valid arguments for
                :meth:` _get_web_app_configs`.

            tenant = self._tenant
            creds = self._credentials
            sub_id = sub.get('subscription_id')

            web_client = WebSiteManagementClient(creds, sub_id)
            web_list = web_client.web_apps.list()

            for app_index, app in enumerate(web_list):
                app = app.as_dict()

                _log.info('Found web app #%d: %s; %s', app_index,
                          util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))

                # Each app is a unit of work.
                yield (app_index, app, sub_index, sub)

                # Break after pulling data for self._max_recs number
                # of web apps for a subscriber. Note that if
                # self._max_recs is 0 or less, then the following
                # condition never evaluates to True.
                if app_index + 1 == self._max_recs:
                        'Stopping web app fetch due '
                        'to _max_recs: %d; %s', self._max_recs,
                        util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))
        except Exception as e:
            _log.error('Failed to fetch web apps; %s; error: %s: %s',
                       util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant),
                       type(e).__name__, e)
Exemple #19
    def _get_subscription_vms(self, sub_index, sub):
        """Get VMs from a single subscrption.

            tuple: A tuple which when unpacked forms valid arguments for

            tenant = self._tenant
            creds = self._credentials
            sub_id = sub.get('subscription_id')

            compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(creds, sub_id)
            vm_list = compute_client.virtual_machines.list_all()

            for vm_index, vm in enumerate(vm_list):
                vm = vm.as_dict()

                _log.info('Found VM #%d: %s; %s', vm_index, vm.get('name'),
                          util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))

                # Each VM is a unit of work.
                yield (vm_index, vm, sub_index, sub)

                # Break after pulling data for self._max_recs number
                # of VMs for a subscriber. Note that if
                # self._max_recs is 0 or less, then the following
                # condition never evaluates to True.
                if vm_index + 1 == self._max_recs:
                        'Stopping vm_instance_view fetch due '
                        'to _max_recs: %d; %s', self._max_recs,
                        util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))
        except Exception as e:
            _log.error('Failed to fetch VMs; %s; error: %s: %s',
                       util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant),
                       type(e).__name__, e)
Exemple #20
    def _get_tenant_postgres(self):
        """Get Postgres details from all subscriptions in a tenant.

        The yielded tuples when unpacked would become arguments for
        :meth:`_get_postgres_server_details`. Each such tuple represents
        a single unit of work that :meth:`_get_postgres_details` can
        work on independently in its own worker thread.

            tuple: A tuple which when unpacked forms valid arguments for

            tenant = self._tenant
            creds = self._credentials
            sub_client = SubscriptionClient(creds)
            sub_list = sub_client.subscriptions.list()

            for sub_index, sub in enumerate(sub_list):
                sub = sub.as_dict()
                _log.info('Found %s',
                          util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))

                yield from self._get_subscription_postgres_servers(
                    sub_index, sub)
                # Break after pulling data for self._max_subs number of
                # subscriptions. Note that if self._max_subs is 0 or less,
                # then the following condition never evaluates to True.
                if sub_index + 1 == self._max_subs:
                        'Stopping subscriptions fetch due to '
                        '_max_subs: %d; tenant: %s', self._max_subs, tenant)

        except CloudError as e:
            _log.error('Failed to fetch subscriptions; %s; error: %s: %s',
                       util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant),
                       type(e).__name__, e)
    def _get_storage_account_properties(self, storage_account_index,
                                        storage_account, sub_index, sub):
        """Get storage account records with property details.

            storage_account_index (int): Storage account index (logging only).
            storage_account (dict): Raw storage account record.
            sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
            sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.

            dict: An Azure storage account record with property details.

        act_name = storage_account.get('name')
        _log.info('Working on storage account #%d: %s; %s',
                  storage_account_index, act_name,
                  util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant))
            creds = self._credentials
            sub_id = sub.get('subscription_id')
            client = StorageManagementClient(creds, sub_id)
            account_id = storage_account.get('id')
            rg_name = tools.parse_resource_id(account_id)['resource_group']

            properties = client.storage_accounts.get_properties(
                rg_name, act_name)
            properties = properties.as_dict()
            yield _process_storage_account_properties(storage_account_index,
                                                      properties, sub_index,
                                                      sub, self._tenant)
        except Exception as e:
                'Failed to fetch properties for storage accounts'
                '#%d:%s; %s; error: %s: %s', storage_account_index, act_name,
                util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, self._tenant),
                type(e).__name__, e)
def _process_storage_account_properties(storage_account_index, storage_account,
                                        storage_account_properties, sub_index,
                                        sub, tenant):
    """Get storage account records with property details.

        storage_account_index (int): Storage account index (logging only).
        storage_account (dict): Raw storage account record.
        storage_account_properties (dict): Storage account properties record.
        sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
        sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.
        tenant (str): Azure tenant ID.

        dict: An Azure record of type ``storage_account_properties``.

    storage_account['properties'] = storage_account_properties
    record = {
        'raw': storage_account,
        'ext': {
        'com': {
            'cloud_type': 'azure',
            'reference': storage_account.get('id')
    _log.info('Found storage_account_properties #%d: %s; %s',
              storage_account_index, storage_account.get('name'),
              util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))

    return record
Exemple #23
def _process_vm_instance_view(vm_index, vm, vm_iv, sub_index, sub, tenant):
    """Process virtual machine record and yeild them.

        vm_index (int): Virtual machine index (for logging only).
        vm (dict): Raw virtual machine record.
        vm_iv (dict): Raw virtual machine instance view record.
        sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
        sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object.
        tenant (str): Azure tenant ID.

        dict: An Azure record of type ``vm_instance_view``.

    vm['instance_view'] = vm_iv
    record = {
        'raw': vm,
        'ext': {
            'cloud_type': 'azure',
            'record_type': 'vm_instance_view',
            'subscription_id': sub.get('subscription_id'),
            'subscription_name': sub.get('display_name'),
            'subscription_state': sub.get('state'),
        'com': {
            'cloud_type': 'azure',
            'record_type': 'compute',
            'reference': vm.get('id')
    record['ext'] = util.merge_dicts(
        record['ext'], _get_normalized_vm_statuses(vm_iv),
        _get_normalized_vm_disk_encryption_status(vm, vm_iv),
    _log.info('Found vm_instance_view #%d: %s; %s', vm_index, vm.get('name'),
              util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))
    return record
Exemple #24
def _get_record(iterator, attribute_type, max_recs,
                sub_index, sub, tenant):
    """Process a list of :class:`msrest.serialization.Model` objects.

        iterator: An iterator like instance of
            :class:`msrest.serialization.Model` objects.
        attribute_type (str): Type of record as per Azure vocabulary.
        max_recs (int): Maximum number of records to fetch.
        sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
        sub (Subscription): Azure subscription model object.
        tenant (str): Azure tenant ID (for logging only).

        dict: An Azure record of type ``attribute_type``.

    base_record = {
        'ext': {
            'cloud_type': 'azure',
            'record_type': attribute_type,
            'subscription_id': sub.get('subscription_id'),
            'subscription_name': sub.get('display_name'),
            'subscription_state': sub.get('state'),
        'com': {
            'cloud_type': 'azure',
            'record_type': attribute_type,

    records_missing = True

    for i, v in enumerate(iterator):
        raw_record = v.as_dict()
        _log.info('Found %s #%d: %s; %s', attribute_type, i,
                  util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))
        retention_policy = raw_record.get('retention_policy')
        record = util.merge_dicts(base_record, {
            'raw': raw_record,
            'ext': {
                'cloud_type': 'azure',
                'record_type': attribute_type,
                'subscription_id': sub.get('subscription_id'),
                'subscription_name': sub.get('display_name'),
                'subscription_state': sub.get('state'),
                'retention_enabled': retention_policy.get('enabled'),
                'retention_days': retention_policy.get('days'),
            'com': {
                'reference': raw_record.get('id'),
        if 'locations' in sub:
            # Record the locations in which the subscription exists.
            record['ext']['subscription_locations'] = sub.get('locations')
        if attribute_type == 'log_profile':
            # Record the locations in which the log profile is enabled.
            record['ext']['locations'] = raw_record.get('locations')

        # We have found at least one record, so we set this flag to False.
        records_missing = False

        yield record

        if i + 1 == max_recs:
            _log.info('Stopping %s fetch due to _max_recs: %d; %s',
                      attribute_type, max_recs,
                      util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))

    if records_missing:
        _log.info('Missing %s; %s', attribute_type,
                  util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))

        record = util.merge_dicts(base_record, {
            'raw': None,
            'ext': {
                'record_type': attribute_type + '_missing',
            'com': {
                'record_type': attribute_type + '_missing',
                'reference': sub.get('id'),
        yield record
Exemple #25
def _get_resource_iterator(record_type, credentials,
                           sub_index, sub, tenant):
    """Return an appropriate iterator for ``record_type``.

        record_type (str): Record type.
        credentials (ServicePrincipalCredentials): Credentials.
        sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
        sub (Subscription): Subscription object.
        tenant (str): Tenant ID (for logging only).

        msrest.paging.Paged: An Azure paging container for iterating
            over a list of Azure resource objects.

    sub_id = sub.get('subscription_id')

    if record_type == 'virtual_machine':
        client = ComputeManagementClient(credentials, sub_id)
        return client.virtual_machines.list_all()

    if record_type == 'app_gateway':
        client = NetworkManagementClient(credentials, sub_id)
        return client.application_gateways.list_all()

    if record_type == 'lb':
        client = NetworkManagementClient(credentials, sub_id)
        return client.load_balancers.list_all()

    if record_type == 'nic':
        client = NetworkManagementClient(credentials, sub_id)
        return client.network_interfaces.list_all()

    if record_type == 'nsg':
        client = NetworkManagementClient(credentials, sub_id)
        return client.network_security_groups.list_all()

    if record_type == 'public_ip':
        client = NetworkManagementClient(credentials, sub_id)
        return client.public_ip_addresses.list_all()

    if record_type == 'storage_account':
        client = StorageManagementClient(credentials, sub_id)
        return client.storage_accounts.list()

    if record_type == 'resource_group':
        client = ResourceManagementClient(credentials, sub_id)
        return client.resource_groups.list()

    if record_type == 'mysql_server':
        client = MySQLManagementClient(credentials, sub_id)
        return client.servers.list()

    if record_type == 'web_apps':
        client = WebSiteManagementClient(credentials, sub_id)
        return client.web_apps.list()

    # If control reaches here, there is a bug in this plugin. It means
    # there is a value in record_types variable in _get_subscriptions
    # that is not handled in the above if-statements.
    _log.warning('Unrecognized record_type: %s; %s', record_type,
                 util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))
    return None
Exemple #26
def _get_record(iterator, azure_record_type, max_recs,
                sub_index, sub, tenant):
    """Process a list of :class:`msrest.serialization.Model` objects.

        iterator: An iterator like instance of
            :class:`msrest.serialization.Model` objects.
        azure_record_type (str): Type of record as per Azure vocabulary.
        max_recs (int): Maximum number of records to fetch.
        sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only).
        sub (Subscription): Azure subscription model object.
        tenant (str): Azure tenant ID (for logging only).

        dict: An Azure record of type ``record_type``.

    # Dictionary to map Azure record types to common record types.
    record_type_map = {
        'virtual_machine': 'compute',
        'mysql_server': 'rdbms',

    for i, v in enumerate(iterator):
        raw_record = v.as_dict()
        record = {
            'raw': raw_record,
            'ext': {
                'cloud_type': 'azure',
                'record_type': azure_record_type,
                'subscription_id': sub.get('subscription_id'),
                'tenant_id': tenant,
                'subscription_name': sub.get('display_name'),
                'subscription_state': sub.get('state'),
            'com': {
                'cloud_type': 'azure',
                'record_type': record_type_map.get(azure_record_type)

        _log.info('Found %s #%d: %s; %s', azure_record_type, i,
                  util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))

        # For every security rule found in an NSG, generate a
        # separate security rule (firewall rule) record to maintain
        # parity with separate records for separate firewall rules
        # in GCP.
        if azure_record_type == 'nsg':
            yield from _get_normalized_firewall_rules(
                record, sub_index, sub, tenant)

        if azure_record_type in ['mysql_server']:
            yield from _get_normalized_rdbms_record(record)

        yield record

        if i + 1 == max_recs:
            _log.info('Stopping %s fetch due to _max_recs: %d; %s',
                      azure_record_type, max_recs,
                      util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))
Exemple #27
def _get_normalized_firewall_rules(nsg_record, sub_index, sub, tenant):
    """Split a network security group (NSG) into multiple firewall rules.

    An Azure NSG record contains a top-level key named
    ``security_rules`` whose value is a list of security rules.
    In order to make it easier to write event plugins to detect security
    issues in an NSG, we generate a new firewall rule record for each
    security rule found in the NSG.

        nsg_record (dict): NSG record generated by this plugin.
        sub_index (int): Subscription index (for logging only)
        sub (Subscription): Azure subscription object (for logging only)
        tenant (str): Azure tenant ID (for logging only)

        dict: A normalized firewall rule record with ``com`` bucket
            populated with firewall rule properties in common notation.

    security_rules = nsg_record.get('raw', {}).get('security_rules')
    nsg_name = nsg_record.get('raw', {}).get('name')

    if security_rules is None:
        _log.warning('Found NSG without security_rules; name: %s; %s',
                     nsg_name, util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))

    for i, security_rule in enumerate(security_rules):
        record = {
            'raw': security_rule,

            # Preserve the extended properties from NSG record.
            'ext': util.merge_dicts(nsg_record.get('ext'), {

                # Set extended properties specific to a security rule.
                'record_type': 'security_rule',
                'nsg_id': nsg_record.get('raw', {}).get('id'),
                'security_rule_id': security_rule.get('id'),

            'com': {
                'cloud_type': 'azure',
                'record_type': 'firewall_rule',
                'reference': security_rule.get('id'),







        _log.info('Found security_rule #%d: %s; %s',
                  i, security_rule.get('name'),
                  util.outline_az_sub(sub_index, sub, tenant))
        yield record