Exemple #1
 def list(self):
     cloud = "local"
     db = CmDatabase()
     keys = db.find(collection=f"{cloud}-key")
     return keys
Exemple #2
    def create(self, **kwargs):

        arguments = dotdict(kwargs)
        name = arguments.name
        cloud = arguments.cloud

        if name is None:
            name_generator = Name()
            vms = [str(name_generator)]
            vms = self.expand(name)

        # Step 0, find the cloud
        variables = Variables()
        if cloud is None:
            arguments.cloud = cloud = variables['cloud']

        # Step 1. iterate through the names to see if they already exist in
        # the DB and fail if one of them already exists

        database = CmDatabase()
        defaults = Config()[f"cloudmesh.cloud.{cloud}.default"]

        duplicates = []
        for vm in vms:
            query = {"name": vm}
            duplicates += database.find(collection=f'{cloud}-node', query=query)

        if len(duplicates) > 0:
                                    order=['cm.name', 'cm.cloud'],
                                    header=['Name', 'Cloud'],
            raise Exception("these vms already exists")

        # Step 2. identify the image and flavor from kwargs and if they do
        # not exist read them for that cloud from the yaml file

        if arguments.image is None:
            arguments.image = self.find_attribute('image', [variables, defaults])

        if arguments.image is None:
            raise ValueError("image not specified")

        if arguments.group is None:
            arguments.group = self.find_attribute('group', [variables, defaults])

        if arguments.group is None:
            arguments.group = "default"

        if arguments.size is None:
            arguments.size = self.find_attribute('size', [variables, defaults])

        if arguments.size is None:
            raise ValueError("size not specified")

        # Step 3: use the create command to create the vms

        # created = self.loop(vms, self.p.create, **arguments)
        arguments['name'] = vms

        created = self.loop(self._create, **arguments)



        return created
Exemple #3

KEY = 'test-key'

user = Config()["cloudmesh.profile.user"]
variables = Variables()

cloud = variables.parameter('cloud')

print(f"Test run for {cloud}")

if cloud is None:
    raise ValueError("cloud is not not set")

cm = CmDatabase()
provider = Provider(name=cloud)

class Test_Key:
    def test_cleanup(self):
            r = provider.key_delete(KEY)

    def test_upload_key_to_database(self):
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     self.database = CmDatabase()
    def do_flavor(self, args, arguments):

                flavor list [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--refresh] [--output=OUTPUT]

               --output=OUTPUT  the output format [default: table]
               --cloud=CLOUD    the ycloud name
               --refresh        refreshes the data before displaying it


                This lists out the flavors present for a cloud

                cm flavor list --refresh
                cm flavor list
                cm flavor list --output=csv
                cm flavor list 58c9552c-8d93-42c0-9dea-5f48d90a3188 --refresh

                please remember that a uuid or the flavor name can be used to
                identify a flavor.


        variables = Variables()

        arguments.output = Parameter.find("output",

        arguments.refresh = Parameter.find_bool("refresh",

        if arguments.list and arguments.refresh:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names("list",

            for cloud in clouds:
                print(f"cloud {cloud}")
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                flavors = provider.flavors()

                provider.Print(flavors, output=arguments.output, kind="flavor")

            return ""

        elif arguments.list:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names("list",

            print(clouds, names)

                for cloud in clouds:
                    print(f"List {cloud}")
                    provider = Provider(cloud)

                    db = CmDatabase()
                    flavors = db.find(collection=f"{cloud}-flavor")

                    provider.Print(flavors, output=arguments.output, kind="flavor")

            except Exception as e:


            return ""
Exemple #6
    def do_vm(self, args, arguments):

                vm ping [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--count=N] [--processors=PROCESSORS]
                vm check [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--processors=PROCESSORS]
                vm status [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS]
                vm console [NAME] [--force]
                vm start [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--dryrun]
                vm stop [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--dryrun]
                vm terminate [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--dryrun]
                vm delete [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--dryrun]
                vm refresh [--cloud=CLOUDS]
                vm list [NAMES]
                vm boot [--name=VMNAMES]
                vm boot [--n=COUNT]
                vm run [--name=VMNAMES] [--username=USERNAME] [--dryrun] COMMAND
                vm script [--name=NAMES] [--username=USERNAME] [--dryrun] SCRIPT
                vm ip assign [NAMES]
                vm ip show [NAMES]
                vm ip inventory [NAMES]
                vm ssh [NAMES] [--username=USER]
                vm rename [OLDNAMES] [NEWNAMES] [--force] [--dryrun]
                vm wait [--cloud=CLOUD] [--interval=SECONDS]
                vm info [--cloud=CLOUD]
                vm username USERNAME [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD]
                vm resize [NAMES] [--size=SIZE]

                OUTPUT         the output format
                COMMAND        positional arguments, the commands you want to
                               execute on the server(e.g. ls -a) separated by ';',
                               you will get a return of executing result instead of login to
                               the server, note that type in -- is suggested before
                               you input the commands
                NAME           server name. By default it is set to the name of last vm from database.
                NAMES          server name. By default it is set to the name of last vm from database.
                KEYPAIR_NAME   Name of the vm keypair to be used to create VM. Note this is
                               not a path to key.
                NEWNAMES       New names of the VM while renaming.
                OLDNAMES       Old names of the VM while renaming.

                --output=OUTPUT   the output format [default: table]
                -H --modify-knownhosts  Do not modify ~/.ssh/known_hosts file
                                      when ssh'ing into a machine
                --username=USERNAME   the username to login into the vm. If not
                                      specified it will be guessed
                                      from the image name and the cloud
                --ip=IP          give the public ip of the server
                --cloud=CLOUD    give a cloud to work on, if not given, selected
                                 or default cloud will be used
                --count=COUNT    give the number of servers to start
                --detail         for table, a brief version
                                 is used as default, use this flag to print
                                 detailed table
                --flavor=FLAVOR  give the name or id of the flavor
                --group=GROUP          give the group name of server
                --secgroup=SECGROUP    security group name for the server
                --image=IMAGE    give the name or id of the image
                --key=KEY        specify a key to use, input a string which
                                 is the full path to the private key file
                --keypair_name=KEYPAIR_NAME   Name of the vm keypair to
                                              be used to create VM.
                                              Note this is not a path to key.
                --user=USER      give the user name of the server that you want
                                 to use to login
                --name=NAME      give the name of the virtual machine
                --force          rename/ delete vms without user's confirmation
                                 specify the commands to be executed

                commands used to boot, start or delete servers of a cloud

                vm default [options...]
                    Displays default parameters that are set for vm boot either
                    on the default cloud or the specified cloud.

                vm boot [options...]
                    Boots servers on a cloud, user may specify flavor, image
                    .etc, otherwise default values will be used, see how to set
                    default values of a cloud: cloud help

                vm start [options...]
                    Starts a suspended or stopped vm instance.

                vm stop [options...]
                    Stops a vm instance .

                vm delete [options...]

                    Delete servers of a cloud, user may delete a server by its
                    name or id, delete servers of a group or servers of a cloud,
                    give prefix and/or range to find servers by their names.
                    Or user may specify more options to narrow the search

                vm floating_ip_assign [options...]
                    assign a public ip to a VM of a cloud

                vm ip show [options...]
                    show the ips of VMs

                vm ssh [options...]
                    login to a server or execute commands on it

                vm list [options...]
                    same as command "list vm", please refer to it

                vm status [options...]
                    Retrieves status of last VM booted on cloud and displays it.

                vm refresh [--cloud=CLOUDS]
                    this command refreshes the data for virtual machines,
                    images and flavors for the specified clouds.

                vm ping [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--count=N] [--processors=PROCESSORS]
                     pings the specified virtual machines, while using at most N pings.
                     The ping is executed in parallel.
                     If names are specifies the ping is restricted to the given names in
                     parameter format. If clouds are specified, names that are not in
                     these clouds are ignored. If the name is set in the variables
                     this name is used.

                give the VM name, but in a hostlist style, which is very
                convenient when you need a range of VMs e.g. sample[1-3]
                => ['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3']
                sample[1-3,18] => ['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3', 'sample18']

            Quoting commands:
                cm vm login gvonlasz-004 --command=\"uname -a\"


                Azure: rename is not supported

        map_parameters(arguments, 'active', 'cloud', 'command', 'dryrun',
                       'flavor', 'force', 'output', 'group', 'image',
                       'interval', 'ip', 'key', 'modify-knownhosts', 'n',
                       'name', 'public', 'quiet', 'secgroup', 'size',


        variables = Variables()

        if arguments.refresh:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "refresh", arguments, variables)

            return ""

        elif arguments.ping:

            # TODO: IMPLEMENT
            names = []
            pings = int(arguments.N or 3)

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "ping", arguments, variables)

            for name in names:

                ping = Shell.live("ping -c {N} {name}".format(name=name,
                return True

            return ""

        elif arguments.check:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "check", arguments, variables)

            return ""

        elif arguments.status:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "status", arguments, variables)

            return ""

        elif arguments.start:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "start", arguments, variables)

            return ""

        elif arguments.stop:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "stop", arguments, variables)

            return ""

        elif arguments.terminate:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "terminate", arguments, variables)

            return ""

        elif arguments.delete:

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "delete", arguments, variables)

            return ""

        elif arguments.boot:

            print("boot the vm")

        elif arguments.list:
            # vm list [NAMES]
            #   [--cloud=CLOUDS]
            #   [--output=OUPTUT]
            #   [--refresh]

            # if no clouds find the clouds of all specified vms by name
            # find all vms of the clouds,
            # print only those vms specified by name, if no name is given print all for the cloud
            # print("list the vms")

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            # print("Clouds:", clouds)

            if arguments.NAMES is not None:
                names = Parameter.expand(arguments.NAMES)
                Console.error("NAMES, not yet implemented" + str(names))

                    if arguments["--refresh"]:
                        # find all clouds in db
                        # iterate over the clouds
                        # for each name in name queue, find it and add it to the cloud vm list
                        # for each cloud print the vms
                        # find all clouds in db
                        # iterate over all clouds
                        # find the vm with the name
                        # add it to the cloud list
                        # for each cloud print the vms
                except Exception as e:


                return ""
                    if arguments["--refresh"]:
                        for cloud in clouds:
                            Console.ok("refresh " + cloud)

                            p = Provider(cloud)
                            vms = p.list()

                            order = p.p.output['vm']['order']  # not pretty
                            header = p.p.output['vm']['header']  # not pretty


                        for cloud in clouds:
                            p = Provider(cloud)
                            kind = p.kind

                            # pprint(p.__dict__)
                            # pprint(p.p.__dict__) # not pretty

                            collection = "{cloud}-node".format(cloud=cloud,
                            db = CmDatabase()
                            vms = db.find(collection=collection)

                            # pprint(vms)
                            # print(arguments.output)
                            # print(p.p.output['vm'])

                            order = p.p.output['vm']['order']  # not pretty
                            header = p.p.output['vm']['header']  # not pretty


                except Exception as e:


            return ""

        elif arguments.info:
            vm info [--cloud=CLOUD] [--output=OUTPUT]
            print("info for the vm")

            cloud, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "info", arguments, variables)

        elif arguments.rename:

            print("rename the vm")

            v = Variables()
            cloud = v["cloud"]

            p = Provider(cloud)

                oldnames = Parameter.expand(arguments["OLDNAMES"])
                newnames = Parameter.expand(arguments["NEWNAMES"])
                force = arguments["--force"]

                if oldnames is None or newnames is None:
                    Console.error("Wrong VMs specified for rename",
                elif len(oldnames) != len(newnames):
                    Console.error("The number of VMs to be renamed is wrong",
                    for i in range(0, len(oldnames)):
                        oldname = oldnames[i]
                        newname = newnames[i]
                        if arguments["--dryrun"]:
                            Console.ok("Rename {} to {}".format(
                                oldname, newname))
                            print(f"rename {oldname} -> {newname}")

                            p.rename(source=oldname, destination=newname)

                    msg = "info. OK."
            except Exception as e:
                Console.error("Problem renameing instances", traceflag=True)

        elif arguments["ip"] and arguments["show"]:

            print("show the ips")
            vm ip show [NAMES]


        elif arguments["ip"] and arguments["assign"]:
            vm ip assign [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD]
            print("assign the public ip")

        elif arguments["ip"] and arguments["inventory"]:
            vm ip inventory [NAMES]

            print("list ips that could be assigned")

        elif arguments.username:
            vm username USERNAME [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD]
            print("sets the username for the vm")

        elif arguments.default:

            print("sets defaults for the vm")

        elif arguments.run:
            vm run [--name=NAMES] [--username=USERNAME] [--dryrun] COMMAND

        elif arguments.script:
            vm script [--name=NAMES] [--username=USERNAME] [--dryrun] SCRIPT

        elif arguments.resize:
            vm resize [NAMES] [--size=SIZE]

        elif arguments.ssh:
            vm ssh [NAMES] [--username=USER]
            print("ssh  the vm")

        elif arguments.console:
            # vm console [NAME] [--force]

            names = Arguments.get_names(arguments, variables)

            for name in names:
                # r = vm.console(name,force=argument.force)
                Console.msg("{label} {name}".format(label="console",

        elif arguments.wait:
            vm wait [--cloud=CLOUD] [--interval=SECONDS]
            print("waits for the vm till its ready and one can login")
Exemple #7
def get_aws_pricing(refresh=False):
    # connect to the db
    cm = CmDatabase()

    # check to see if AWS frugal entries already exist
    awsinfo = cm.collection('aws-frugal')

    if awsinfo.estimated_document_count() > 0 and not refresh:
        # frugal information alredy exists, so return it
        Console.msg(f"Using local db aws flavors...")
        return awsinfo

    # helper function to parse aws info
    def aws_parse(input):
        if ('location' not in x['attributes'] or 'vcpu' not in x[
            'attributes'] or 'price' not in x or x['attributes'][
            'memory'] == 'NA'):
        return np.array(['aws', x['sku'], x['attributes']['location'],
                         float(x['attributes']['memory'][:-4].replace(',', '')),

    # check to see if general flavor entries exist
    awsinfo = cm.collection('aws-flavor')
    aws_list = []

    if awsinfo.estimated_document_count() > 0 and not refresh:
        # can get info directly from db, just need to reshape
        Console.msg(f"Calculating with local db aws flavors...")
        for x in awsinfo.find():
            tempray = aws_parse(x)
            if tempray is not None:

        Console.msg(f"refreshing aws flavors in now ...")
            awsprovider = awsprv.Provider(
            Console.msg("No aws credentials")
        awsinfo = awsprovider.flavors()
        for x in awsinfo:
            tempray = aws_parse(x)
            if tempray is not None:

    awsinfo = np.stack(aws_list, axis=0)
    awsinfo = helpers.format_mat(awsinfo)

    # convert to list of dicts
    awsinfo = awsinfo.to_dict('records')

    # write back to cm db
    for entry in awsinfo:
        entry["cm"] = {
            "kind": 'frugal',
            "driver": 'aws',
            "cloud": 'aws',
            "name": str(entry['machine-name'] + '-' + entry['location']),
            "updated": str(datetime.utcnow()),

    Console.msg(f"Writing back to db ...")
    cm.update(awsinfo, progress=True)

    return cm.collection('aws-frugal')
Exemple #8
    def do_key(self, args, arguments):

             key  -h | --help
             key list --cloud=CLOUDS [--output=OUTPUT]
             key list --source=ssh [--dir=DIR] [--output=OUTPUT]
             key list --source=git [--output=OUTPUT] [--username=USERNAME]
             key list [--output=OUTPUT]
             key init
             key add NAME --filename=FILENAME [--output=OUTPUT]
             key add [NAME] [--source=FILENAME]
             key add [NAME] [--source=git]
             key add [NAME] [--source=ssh]
             key delete NAMES [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key upload [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key upload [NAMES] [VMS] [--dryrun]
             key group upload [NAMES] [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key group add [NAMES] [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key group delete [--group=GROUPNAMES] [NAMES] [--dryrun]
             key group list [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--output=OUTPUT]
             key group export --group=GROUNAMES --filename=FILENAME
             key gen (ssh | pem) [--filename=FILENAME] [--nopass] [--set_path] [--force]
             key reformat (ssh | pem) [--filename=FILENAME] [--format=FORMAT]
                                      [--nopass] [--pub]
             key verify (ssh | pem) [--filename=FILENAME] [--pub] [--check_pass]

             VMS        Parameterized list of virtual machines
             CLOUDS     The clouds
             NAME       The name of the key.
             SOURCE     db, ssh, all
             OUTPUT     The format of the output (table, json, yaml)
             FILENAME   The filename with full path in which the key is located
             FORMAT     Desired key format (SubjectInfo, SSH, OpenSSL, PKCS8)

              --dir=DIR             the directory with keys [default: ~/.ssh]
              --check_pass          Flag where program query user for password
              --filename=FILENAME   the name and full path to the file
              --nopass              Flag indicating if the key has no password
              --output=OUTPUT       the format of the output [default: table]
              --pub                 Indicates that the public key is passed in
              --set_path            Sets the cloudmesh encryption key path to
                                    the full path of the generated keys
              --source=SOURCE       the source for the keys
              --username=USERNAME   the source for the keys [default: none]


               Please note that some values are read from the cloudmesh.yaml
               file. One such value is cloudmesh.profile.user

               Management of public keys is an essential component of accessing
               virtual machines in the cloud. There are a number of sources
               where you can find public keys. This includes the ~/.ssh
               directory and for example github. If you do not already have a
               public-private key pair they can be generated using cloudmesh

               key gen ssh 
                   This will create the public-private keypair of ~/.ssh/id_rsa
                   and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub in OpenSSH format

               key gen pem 
                   This will create the public-private keypair of ~/.ssh/id_rsa
                   and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub in PEM format

               key gen (ssh | pem) --filename=~/.cloudmesh/foobar
                   This will generate the public-private key pair of 
                   ~/.cloudmesh/foobar and ~/.cloudmesh/foobar.pub

               key gen (ssh | pem) --filename=~/.cloudmesh/foobar --set_path
                   This will generate the keys as stated above, but it will
                   also set cloudmesh to use these keys for encryption.

               Keys can also be verified for their formatting and passwords.
               By default cloudmesh checks ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
               If the key is password protected the formatting can only be
               verified if the password is provided (--check_pass argument)

               key verify pem
                   Verifies that ~/.ssh/id_rsa has PEM format

               key verify ssh --pub
                   Verifies that ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub has OpenSSH format

               key verify pem --filename=~/.cloudmesh/foobar
                   Verifies if the private key located at ~/.cloudmesh/foobar
                   is password protected

               key verify pem --filenam=~/.cloudmesh/foobar --check_pass
                   Request the password to the file, then checks if the
                   key is in proper PEM format

               You may find the need to keep the values of your keys but
               different encodings or formats. These aspects of your key can
               also be changed using cloudmesh.

               key reformat pem
                   Will reformat the ~/.id_rsa.pub key from PEM to OpenSSH

               key reformat ssh
                   Will reformat the ~/.id_rsa.pub key from OpenSSH to PEM

               key reformat --filename=~/.id_rsa --format=PKCS8
                   Will reformat the private key to PKCS8 format

               Keys will be uploaded into cloudmesh database with the add
               command under the given NAME. If the name is not specified the name
               cloudmesh.profile.user is assumed.

                key add NAME  --source=ssh
                    adds the default key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
                key add NAME  --source=FILENAME
                    adds the key specified by the filename with the given name
                key add NAME --git --username=username
                    adds a named github key from a user with the given github

                key set
                    adds the ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub key with the name specified in
                    It also sets the variable key to that user.

               Once the keys are uploaded to github, they can be listed
               To list these keys the following list functions are provided.

                key list --source=git  [--username=USERNAME]
                    lists all keys in git for the specified user. If the
                    name is not specified it is read from cloudmesh.yaml
                key list --source=ssh  [--dir=DIR] [--output=OUTPUT]
                    lists all keys in the directory. If the directory is not
                    specified the default will be ~/.ssh

                key list NAMES
                    lists all keys in the named virtual machines.

                List command can use the [--output=OUTPUT] option

                    list the keys loaded to cloudmesh in the given format:
                    json, yaml, table. table is default. The NAME can be
                    specified and if omitted the name cloudmesh.profile.user
                    is assumed.

                To get keys from the cloudmesh database the following commands
                are available:

                key delete NAMES
                    deletes the Named keys. This may also have an impact on groups
                key rename NAME NEW
                    renames the key from NAME to NEW in the cloudmesh database.

               Group management of keys is an important concept in cloudmesh,
               allowing multiple users to be added to virtual machines while
               managing the keys associated with them. The keys must be uploaded
               to cloudmesh database with a name so they can be used in a
               group. The --dryrun option executes the command without
               uploading the information to the clouds. If no group name is
               specified the group name default is assumed. If no cloudnamesh
               are specified, all active clouds are assumed. active clouds
               can be set in the cloudmesh.yaml file.

                key group delete [GROUPNAMES] [NAMES] [--dryrun]
                    deletes the named keys from the named groups.

                key group list [GROUPNAMES] [--output=OUTPUT]
                    list the key names and details in the group.

                key group upload [GROUPNAMES] [CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
                    uploads the named groups to the specified clouds.

               In some cases you may want to store the public keys in files. For
               this reason we support the following commands.

                key group add --group=GROUPNAME --file=FILENAME
                    the command adds the keys to the given group. The keys are
                    written in the files in yaml format.

                key group export --group=GROUNAMES --filename=FILENAME
                    the command exports the keys to the given group. The keys are
                    written in the files in yaml format.

                The yaml format is as follows:

                      name: NAMEOFKEY
                      key: ssh-rsa AAAA..... comment
                      - GROUPNAME

                If a key is included in multiple groups they will be added
                to the grouplist of the key
        def print_keys(keys):
                    order=["name", "type", "fingerprint", "comment"],
                    header=["Name", "Type", "Fingerprint", "Comment"],

        map_parameters(arguments, 'check_pass', 'cloud', 'dir', 'dryrun',
                       'filename', 'force', 'format', 'name', 'nopass',
                       'output', 'pub', 'pwd', 'set_path', 'source')

        variables = Variables()

        if arguments.list and arguments.source == "git":

            config = Config()
            username = config["cloudmesh.profile.github"]
            keys = SSHkey().get_from_git(username)


            return ""

        elif arguments.list and arguments.source == "ssh":
            # this is much simpler

            sshkey = SSHkey()


            return ""

        elif arguments.list and arguments.cloud:

            clouds = Parameter.expand(arguments.cloud)

            if len(clouds) == 0:
                variables = Variables()
                cloudname = variables['cloud']
                clouds = [cloudname]
            keys = []

            for cloud in clouds:
                print(f"cloud {cloud}")
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                keys = provider.keys()

                provider.Print(keys, output=arguments.output, kind="key")

            return ""

        elif arguments.list:

            cloud = "local"
            db = CmDatabase()
            keys = db.find(collection=f"{cloud}-key")


            return ""

        elif arguments.add:
            key add [NAME] [--source=FILENAME] # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
            key add [NAME] [--source=git]
            key add [NAME] [--source=ssh]

            key = Key()

            if arguments["--source"] == "ssh":
                name = arguments.NAME or "ssh"
                key.add(name, "ssh")
            elif arguments["--source"] == "git":
                name = arguments.NAME or "git"
                key.add("git", "git")
                config = Config()
                name = config["cloudmesh.profile.user"]
                kind = "ssh"
                key.add(name, kind)

        elif arguments.init:
            key init 

            config = Config()
            username = config["cloudmesh.profile.user"]

            if username == "TBD":
                    "Please set cloudmesh.profile.user in ~/.cloudmesh.yaml")
                u = os.environ["USER"].lower().replace(" ", "")
                    f"To change it you can use the command. Define a NAME such as '{u}' e.g."
                Console.msg(f"  cms config set cloudmesh.profile.user={u}")
                return ""

            key = Key()

            key.add(username, "ssh")
            variables['key'] = username

        elif arguments.upload:
            key upload [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
            key upload [NAMES] [VMS] [--dryrun]

            names = Parameter.expand(arguments.NAMES)

            # this may have a bug if NAMES is ommitted

            # Step 0. Set keyname to variable

            if names is None or len(names) == 0:
                config = Config()
                username = config["cloudmesh.profile.user"]
                names = [username]

            if len(names) == 1:
                name = names[0]
                variables = Variables()
                if "key" in variables:
                    old = variables["key"]
                    if old != name:
                            f"Changing default key from {old} to {name}")
                        variables["key"] = name

            # Step 1. keys = find keys to upload

            cloud = "local"
            db = CmDatabase()
            db_keys = db.find(collection=f"{cloud}-key")

            keys = []
            for key in db_keys:
                if key["name"] in names:

            if len(keys) == 0:
                    f"No keys with the names {names} found in cloudmesh. \n"
                    "       Use the command 'key add' to add the key.")

            # Step 2. iterate over the clouds to upload

            clouds, vmnames = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            for cloud in clouds:
                print(f"cloud {cloud}")
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                for key in db_keys:
                    name = key['name']
                    if name in names:
                            r = provider.key_upload(key)
                            Console.ok(f"upload key '{name} successful'. ")
                        except ValueError as e:
                                f"key '{name} already exists in {cloud}.")

            return ""

        elif arguments.delete and arguments.cloud and arguments.NAMES:

            # key delete NAMES --cloud=CLOUDS [--dryrun]
            names = Parameter.expand(arguments.NAMES)
            clouds = Parameter.expand(arguments.cloud)

            for cloud in clouds:
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                for name in names:
                    if arguments.dryrun:
                        Console.ok(f"Dryrun: delete {name} in {cloud}")
                        images = provider.key_delete(name)

            return ""

        elif arguments.gen:
            key gen (ssh | pem) [--filename=FILENAME] [--nopass] [--set_path]
            Generate an RSA key pair with pem or ssh encoding for the public
            key. The private key is always encoded as a PEM file.
            config = Config()

            # Check if password will be requested
            ap = not arguments.nopass

            if not ap:
                Console.warning("Private key will NOT have a password")
                cnt = yn_choice(message="Continue, despite risk?", default="N")
                if not cnt:

            # Discern the name of the public and private keys
            rk_path = None
            uk_path = None
            if arguments.filename:
                fp = path_expand(arguments.filename)
                fname, fext = os.path.splitext(fp)
                if fext == ".pub" or fext == ".ssh":
                    rk_path = fname
                    uk_path = fp
                elif fext == ".priv" or fext == ".pem":
                    rk_path = fp
                    uk_path = fname + ".pub"
                    rk_path = fp
                    uk_path = rk_path + ".pub"
                rk_path = path_expand("~/.ssh/id_rsa")
                uk_path = rk_path + ".pub"

            # Check if the file exist, if so confirm overwrite
            def check_exists(path):
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    Console.info(f"{path} already exists")
                    ovwr_r = yn_choice(message=f"overwrite {path}?",
                    if not ovwr_r:
                        Console.info(f"Not overwriting {path}. Quitting")

            if not arguments.force:

            # Set the path if requested
            if arguments.set_path:
                config['cloudmesh.security.privatekey'] = rk_path
                config['cloudmesh.security.publickey'] = uk_path

            Console.msg(f"\nPrivate key: {rk_path}")
            Console.msg(f"Public  key: {uk_path}\n")

            # Generate the Private and Public keys
            kh = KeyHandler()
            r = kh.new_rsa_key()
            u = kh.get_pub_key(priv=r)

            # Serialize and write the private key to the path
            sr = kh.serialize_key(key=r,

            # Force write the key (since we check file existence above)
            kh.write_key(key=sr, path=rk_path, force=True)

            # Determine the public key format and encoding
            enc = None
            forma = None
            if arguments.ssh:
                enc = "SSH"
                forma = "SSH"
            elif arguments.pem:
                enc = "PEM"
                forma = "SubjectInfo"

            # Serialize and write the public key to the path
            su = kh.serialize_key(key=u,

            # Force write the key (since we check file existence above)
            kh.write_key(key=su, path=uk_path, force=True)


        elif arguments.verify:
            key verify (ssh | pem) [--filename=FILENAME] [--pub] [--check_pass]
            Verifies the encoding (pem or ssh) of the key (private or public)
            # Initialize variables
            kh = KeyHandler()

            # Determine filepath
            fp = None
            if arguments.filename is None:
                config = Config()
                kp = path_expand("~/.ssh/id_rsa")
                if arguments.pub:
                    fp = kp + ".pub"
                    fp = kp
                fp = arguments.filename

            # Discern key type
            kt = enc = None
            ap = True
            if arguments.pub:
                # Load the public key, if no error occurs formatting is correct
                kt, kta, ap = "public", "PUB", False
                # Discern public key encoding
                if arguments.ssh:
                    enc, e = "OpenSSH", "SSH"
                elif arguments.pem:  # PEM encoding
                    enc = e = "PEM"
                # Load the private key to verify the format and password of the
                # key file. If no error occurs the format and pwd are correct
                kt, kta = "private", "PRIV"
                enc = e = "PEM"
                ap = False
                if arguments.check_pass:
                    ap = True

                k = kh.load_key(path=fp, key_type=kta, encoding=e, ask_pass=ap)
                m = f"Success the {kt} key {fp} has proper {enc} format"
            except ValueError as e:
                # The formatting was incorrect
                m = f"Failure, {kt} key {fp} does not have proper {enc} format"
                raise e
            except TypeError as e:
                # Success, we didn't ask the user for the key password and
                # we received an error for not entering the password, thus
                # the key is password protectd
                if not arguments.check_pass:
                    Console.ok("The key is password protected")
                    # Error Message handled in kh.load_key()
                    raise e

        elif arguments.reformat:
            key reformat (ssh | pem) [--filename=FILENAME] [--format=FORMAT]
                                      [--nopass] [--pub]
            Restructures a key's format, encoding, and password

            # Initialize variables
            kh = KeyHandler()

            # Determine key type
            fname, fext = os.path.splitext(arguments.filename)
            kt = "PRIV"
            if arguments.pub or fext == ".pub":
                kt = "PUB"

            # Determine new encoding
            use_pem = True
            if arguments.ssh:
                use_pem = False

                            ask_pass=not arguments.nopass)

        elif arguments.delete and arguments.NAMES:
            # key delete NAMES [--dryrun]

            names = Parameter.expand(arguments.NAMES)

            cloud = "local"
            db = CmDatabase()
            db_keys = db.find(collection=f"{cloud}-key")

            error = []
            for key in db_keys:
                name = key['name']
                if name in names:
                    if arguments.dryrun:
                        Console.ok(f"Dryrun: delete {name}")
                        db.delete(collection="local-key", name=name)
                        Console.ok(f"delete {name}")
            return ""

        elif arguments.group:

            raise NotImplementedError

        return ""
Exemple #9
    def do_key(self, args, arguments):

             key  -h | --help
             key list --cloud=CLOUDS [--output=OUTPUT]
             key list --source=ssh [--dir=DIR] [--output=OUTPUT]
             key list --source=git [--output=OUTPUT] [--username=USERNAME]
             key list [--output=OUTPUT]
             key init
             key add NAME --filename=FILENAME [--output=OUTPUT]
             key add [NAME] [--source=FILENAME]
             key add [NAME] [--source=git]
             key add [NAME] [--source=ssh]
             key delete NAMES [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key upload [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key upload [NAMES] [VMS] [--dryrun]
             key group upload [NAMES] [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key group add [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key group add --file=FILENAME
             key group delete [--group=GROUPNAMES] [NAMES] [--dryrun]
             key group list [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--output=OUTPUT]
             key group export --group=GROUNAMES --filename=FILENAME
             key gen (rsa | ssh) [--filename=FILENAME] [--nopass] [--set_path]
             key verify (ssh | pem) --filename=FILENAME [--pub]

             VMS            Parameterized list of virtual machines
             CLOUDS         The clouds
             NAME           The name of the key.
             SOURCE         db, ssh, all
             KEYNAME        The desired full path name to the key file
             OUTPUT         The format of the output (table, json, yaml)
             FILENAME       The filename with full path in which the key is located

              --dir=DIR             the directory with keys [default: ~/.ssh]
              --filename=FILENAME   the name and full path to the file
              --nopass              Flag indicating if the key has no password
              --output=OUTPUT       the format of the output [default: table]
              --pub                 Indicates that the public key is passed in
              --set_path            Sets the security key paths to KEYNAME
              --source=SOURCE       the source for the keys
              --username=USERNAME   the source for the keys [default: none]


               Please note that some values are read from the cloudmesh.yaml
               file. One such value is cloudmesh.profile.user

               Manages public keys is an essential component of accessing
               virtual machine sin the cloud. There are a number of sources
               where you can find public keys. This includes teh ~/.ssh
               directory and for example github.

               Keys will be uploaded into cloudmesh database with the add
               command under the given NAME. If the name is not specified the name
               cloudmesh.profile.user is assumed.

                key add NAME  --source=ssh
                    adds the default key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
                key add NAME  --source=FILENAME
                    adds the key specified by the filename with the given name
                key add NAME --git --username=username
                    adds a named github key from a user with the given github

                key set
                    adds the ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub key with the name specified in
                    It also sets the variable key to that user.

               Once the keys are uploaded to github, they can be listed
               To list these keys the following list functions are provided.

                key list --source=git  [--username=USERNAME]
                    lists all keys in git for the specified user. If the
                    name is not specified it is read from cloudmesh.yaml
                key list --source=ssh  [--dir=DIR] [--output=OUTPUT]
                    lists all keys in the directory. If the directory is not
                    specified the default will be ~/.ssh

                key list NAMES
                    lists all keys in the named virtual machines.

                List command can use the [--output=OUTPUT] option

                    list the keys loaded to cloudmesh in the given format:
                    json, yaml, table. table is default. The NAME can be
                    specified and if omitted the name cloudmesh.profile.user
                    is assumed.

                To get keys from the cloudmesh database the following commands
                are available:

                key delete NAMES
                    deletes the Named keys. This may also have an impact on groups
                key rename NAME NEW
                    renames the key from NAME to NEW in the cloudmesh database.

               Group management of keys is an important concept in cloudmesh,
               allowing multiple users to be added to virtual machines while
               managing the keys associated with them. The keys must be uploaded
               to cloudmesh database with a name so they can be used in a
               group. The --dryrun option executes the command without
               uploading the information to the clouds. If no group name is
               specified the group name default is assumed. If no cloudnamesh
               are specified, all active clouds are assumed. active clouds
               can be set in the cloudmesh.yaml file.

                key group delete [GROUPNAMES] [NAMES] [--dryrun]
                    deletes the named keys from the named groups.

                key group list [GROUPNAMES] [--output=OUTPUT]
                    list the key names and details in the group.

                key group upload [GROUPNAMES] [CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
                    uploads the named groups to the specified clouds.

               In some cases you may want to store the public keys in files. For
               this reason we support the following commands.

                key group add --group=GROUPNAME --file=FILENAME
                    the command adds the keys to the given group. The keys are
                    written in the files in yaml format.

                key group export --group=GROUNAMES --filename=FILENAME
                    the command exports the keys to the given group. The keys are
                    written in the files in yaml format.

                The yaml format is as follows:

                      name: NAMEOFKEY
                      key: ssh-rsa AAAA..... comment
                      - GROUPNAME

                If a key is included in multiple groups they will be added
                to the grouplist of the key
        def print_keys(keys):
                    order=["name", "type", "fingerprint", "comment"],
                    header=["Name", "Type", "Fingerprint", "Comment"],

        map_parameters(arguments, 'cloud', 'dir', 'dryrun', 'filename', 'name',
                       'nopass', 'output', 'pub', 'pwd', 'set_path', 'source')

        variables = Variables()

        if arguments.list and arguments.source == "git":

            config = Config()
            username = config["cloudmesh.profile.github"]
            keys = SSHkey().get_from_git(username)


            return ""

        elif arguments.list and arguments.source == "ssh":
            # this is much simpler

            sshkey = SSHkey()


            return ""

        elif arguments.list and arguments.cloud:

            clouds = Parameter.expand(arguments.cloud)

            if len(clouds) == 0:
                variables = Variables()
                cloudname = variables['cloud']
                clouds = [cloudname]
            keys = []

            for cloud in clouds:
                print(f"cloud {cloud}")
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                keys = provider.keys()

                provider.Print(keys, output=arguments.output, kind="key")

            return ""

        elif arguments.list:

            cloud = "local"
            db = CmDatabase()
            keys = db.find(collection=f"{cloud}-key")


            return ""

        elif arguments.add:
             key add [NAME] [--source=FILENAME] # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
             key add [NAME] [--source=git]
             key add [NAME] [--source=ssh]
            key = Key()

            if arguments["--source"] == "ssh":
                name = arguments.NAME or "ssh"
                key.add(name, "ssh")
            elif arguments["--source"] == "git":
                name = arguments.NAME or "git"
                key.add("git", "git")
                config = Config()
                name = config["cloudmesh.profile.user"]
                kind = "ssh"
                key.add(name, kind)

        elif arguments.init:
            key init 

            config = Config()
            username = config["cloudmesh.profile.user"]

            if username == "TBD":
                    "Please set cloudmesh.profile.user in ~/.cloudmesh.yaml")
                u = os.environ["USER"].lower().replace(" ", "")
                    f"To change it you can use the command. Define a NAME such as '{u}' e.g."
                Console.msg(f"  cms config set cloudmesh.profile.user={u}")
                return ""

            key = Key()

            key.add(username, "ssh")
            variables['key'] = username

        elif arguments.upload:
            key upload [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
            key upload [NAMES] [VMS] [--dryrun]

            names = Parameter.expand(arguments.NAMES)

            # this may have a bug if NAMES is ommitted

            # Step 0. Set keyname to variable

            if names is None or len(names) == 0:
                config = Config()
                username = config["cloudmesh.profile.user"]
                names = [username]

            if len(names) == 1:
                name = names[0]
                variables = Variables()
                if "key" in variables:
                    old = variables["key"]
                    if old != name:
                            f"Changing defualt key from {old} to {name}")
                        variables["key"] = name

            # Step 1. keys = find keys to upload

            cloud = "local"
            db = CmDatabase()
            db_keys = db.find(collection=f"{cloud}-key")

            keys = []
            for key in db_keys:
                if key["name"] in names:

            if len(keys) == 0:
                    f"No keys with the names {names} found in cloudmesh. \n"
                    "       Use the command 'key add' to add the key.")

            # Step 2. iterate over the clouds to upload

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            for cloud in clouds:
                print(f"cloud {cloud}")
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                for key in db_keys:
                    name = key['name']
                    if name in names:
                            r = provider.key_upload(key)
                            Console.ok(f"upload key '{name} successful'. ")
                        except ValueError as e:
                                f"key '{name} already exists in {cloud}.")

            return ""

        elif arguments.delete and arguments.cloud and arguments.NAMES:

            # key delete NAMES --cloud=CLOUDS [--dryrun]
            names = Parameter.expand(arguments.NAMES)
            clouds = Parameter.expand(arguments.cloud)

            for cloud in clouds:
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                for name in names:
                    if arguments.dryrun:
                        Console.ok(f"Dryrun: delete {name} in {cloud}")
                        images = provider.key_delete(name)

            return ""

        elif arguments.gen:
            key gen (rsa | ssh) [--filename=FILENAME] [--nopass] [--set_path]
            Generate an RSA key pair with pem or ssh encoding for the public
            key. The private key is always encoded as a PEM file.
            config = Config()

            # Check if password will be requested
            ap = not arguments.nopass

            if not ap:
                Console.warning("Private key will NOT have a password")
                cnt = yn_choice(message="Continue, despite risk?", default="N")
                if not cnt:

            # Discern the name of the public and private keys
            rk_path = None
            uk_path = None
            if arguments.filename:
                if arguments.filename[-4:] == ".pub":
                    rk_path = path_expand(arguments.name[-4:])
                    uk_path = path_expand(arguments.name)
                elif arguments.filename[-5:] == ".priv":
                    rk_path = path_expand(arguments.name)
                    uk_path = path_expand(arguments.name[-5:])
                    rk_path = path_expand(arguments.filename)
                    uk_path = rk_path + ".pub"
                rk_path = path_expand(config['cloudmesh.security.privatekey'])
                uk_path = path_expand(config['cloudmesh.security.publickey'])

            # Set the path if requested
            if arguments.set_path and arguments.filename:
                config['cloudmesh.security.privatekey'] = rk_path
                config['cloudmesh.security.publickey'] = uk_path

            Console.msg(f"\nPrivate key: {rk_path}")
            Console.msg(f"Public  key: {uk_path}\n")

            # Generate the Private and Public keys
            kh = KeyHandler()
            r = kh.new_rsa_key()
            u = kh.get_pub_key(priv=r)

            # Serialize and write the private key to the path
            sr = kh.serialize_key(key=r,
            kh.write_key(key=sr, path=rk_path)

            # Determine the public key format and encoding
            enc = None
            forma = None
            if arguments.ssh:
                enc = "SSH"
                forma = "SSH"
            elif arguments.rsa:
                enc = "PEM"
                forma = "SubjectInfo"

            # Serialize and write the public key to the path
            su = kh.serialize_key(key=u,
            kh.write_key(key=su, path=uk_path)


        elif arguments.verify:
            key verify (ssh | pem) --filename=FILENAME --pub
            Verifies the encoding (pem or ssh) of the key (private or public)
            kh = KeyHandler()
            fp = arguments.filename
            kt = None
            enc = None

            # Discern key type
            if arguments.pub:
                kt = "public"
                # Discern public key encoding
                if arguments.ssh:
                    enc, e = "OpenSSH", "SSH"
                elif arguments.pem:  #PEM encoding
                    enc = e = "PEM"

                # Load the public key, if no error occurs formatting is correct
                u = kh.load_key(path=fp,

                kt, enc = "private", "PEM"

                # Load the private key to verify the formatting and password of
                # the key file. If no error occurs the format and pwd are correct
                r = kh.load_key(path=fp,

            m = f"Success the {kt} key {fp} has proper {enc} format"

        elif arguments.delete and arguments.NAMES:
            # key delete NAMES [--dryrun]

            names = Parameter.expand(arguments.NAMES)

            cloud = "local"
            db = CmDatabase()
            db_keys = db.find(collection=f"{cloud}-key")

            error = []
            for key in db_keys:
                name = key['name']
                if name in names:
                    if arguments.dryrun:
                        Console.ok(f"Dryrun: delete {name}")
                        db.delete(collection="local-key", name=name)
                        Console.ok(f"delete {name}")
            return ""

        elif arguments.group:

            raise NotImplementedError

        return ""
 def test_remove_collection(self):
     cm = CmDatabase()
     collection = cm.clear(collection="debug-file")  # noqa: F841
Exemple #11
 def __init__(self, collection="cloudmesh", replace=False):
     self.database = CmDatabase()
     self.replace = replace
     self.collection = collection
     self.name = Name()
    def benchmark(self):
        #get current cloud and create provider
        var_list = Variables(filename="~/.cloudmesh/var-data")
        cloud = var_list['cloud']
        name = var_list['vm']
        newProvider = Provider(name=cloud)

        #get vm
        cm = CmDatabase()
            vm = cm.find_name(name, "vm")[0]
        except IndexError:
            Console.error(f"could not find vm {name}")

        # get file path of the benchmark
        filepath = path.dirname(path.dirname(
            path.abspath(__file__))) + '/api/benchmark.py'
        filepath = filepath.replace('\\', '/')

        # prepare command to run the file
        vmcom = VmCommand()
            Console.msg('waiting for vm to be reachable...')
            Console.msg('could not reach vm for benchmark')
            Console.msg(f'moving benchmark file to vm...')
            Console.msg(f'put ' + filepath + ' /home/ubuntu')
            vmcom.do_vm('put ' + filepath + ' /home/ubuntu')
                f'could not ssh into vm, make sure one is running and reachable'
            Console.msg(f'executing the benchmark...')
                'ssh --command=\"chmod +x benchmark.py;./benchmark.py;rm benchmark.py;exit\"'
            benchtime = newProvider.ssh(
                "chmod +x benchmark.py;./benchmark.py;rm benchmark.py;exit")
                f'could not ssh into vm, make sure one is running and reachable'
        print("successfully benchmarked")
        benchtime = float(benchtime.strip())

        #add the benchmark, cloud, vm, and time to db
        benchdict = {}
        benchdict['cloud'] = cloud
        benchdict['name'] = name
        benchdict['ImageId'] = vm['ImageId']
        benchdict['flavor'] = vm['InstanceType']
        benchdict['region'] = vm['Placement']['AvailabilityZone']
        benchdict['BenchmarkTime'] = benchtime
        benchdict['updated'] = str(datetime.utcnow())
        benchdict["cm"] = {
            "kind": 'frugal-benchmark',
            "driver": cloud,
            "cloud": cloud,
            "name": name,
            "updated": str(datetime.utcnow()),

        cm.update(benchdict, progress=True)
        return ""
    def list(self,

        clouds = ['aws', 'azure', 'gcp']
        if cloud in clouds:
            clouds = [cloud]

        if benchmark:
            # get benchmarks
            cm = CmDatabase()
            benchmarks = []
            for cloud in clouds:
                print("searching " + cloud)
                benchmarktemp = list(
                    cm.collection(cloud + '-frugal-benchmark').find())
                benchmarks = benchmarks + benchmarktemp

                                  'cloud', 'name', 'region', 'ImageId',
                                  'flavor', 'updated', 'BenchmarkTime'
            #check to make sure that order is either price, cores, or memory
            if order not in ['price', 'cores', 'memory']:
                    f'order argument must be price, cores, or memory')

            printlist = []

            if 'aws' in clouds:
                # get aws pricing info
                printlist = printlist + list(

            if 'gcp' in clouds:
                # get gcp pricing info
                printlist = printlist + list(

            if 'azure' in clouds:
                # get azure pricing info
                printlist = printlist + list(

            # turn numpy array into a pandas dataframe, assign column names, and remove na values
            flavor_frame = pd.DataFrame(printlist)[[
                'provider', 'machine-name', 'location', 'cores', 'core/price',
                'memory', 'memory/price', 'price'
            flavor_frame = flavor_frame.replace([np.inf, -np.inf],

            # sort the dataframe by order
            if order == 'cores':
                flavor_frame = flavor_frame.sort_values(by=['core/price'],
            elif order == 'memory':
                flavor_frame = flavor_frame.sort_values(by=['memory/price'],
                flavor_frame = flavor_frame.sort_values(by=['price'],

            # print out the dataframe if printit, print results limited by resultssize
            if printit:
                            'provider', 'machine-name', 'location', 'cores',
                            'core/price', 'memory', 'memory/price', 'price'
            # return the final sorted data frame
            return flavor_frame
Exemple #14
    def do_ip(self, args, arguments):

                ip list  [--cloud=CLOUD] [--output=OUTPUT]
                ip create [N] [--cloud=CLOUD]
                ip delete [IP] [--cloud=CLOUD]
                ip attach [NAME] [IP]
                ip detach [NAME] [IP]

                -h                          help message
                --cloud=CLOUD               Name of the cloud
                --output=OUTPUT             The output format [default: table]

                N         Number of IPS to create
                IP        IP Address
                NAME      Name of the service

                ip list floating [--cloud=CLOUD] [--output=OUTPUT]
                    returns a list of all the floating IPS in the cloud

                ip add floating [--cloud=CLOUD]
                    adds a floating ip to the pool of available floating ips

                ip delete floating [IP] [--cloud=CLOUD]
                    deletes a floating ip to the pool of available
                    floating ips

                ip add NAME [IP]
                    add the ip to the named vm

                ip delete NAME [IP]
                    deletes the ip from the vm

        def get_ip(ip):

            if ip is None:
                # find a free one
                    ip = provider.find_available_public_ip()
                    return ip
                except Exception as e:
                    Console.error("No free floating ip found")
                    return ""

        map_parameters(arguments, "cloud", "output")
        arguments.vm = arguments.NAME

        variables = Variables()

        if arguments.list:

            cloud = Parameter.find("cloud", arguments, variables)

            print(f"cloud {cloud}")
            provider = Provider(name=cloud)
            ips = provider.list_public_ips()

            provider.Print(ips, output=arguments.output, kind="ip")

        elif arguments.create:

            cloud = Parameter.find("cloud", arguments, variables)

            n = arguments.N or 1

            print(f"cloud {cloud}")
            provider = Provider(name=cloud)

            for i in range(0, int(n)):
                ips = provider.create_public_ip()
            ips = provider.list_public_ips()

            provider.Print(ips, output=arguments.output, kind="ip")

        elif arguments.delete:

            cloud = Parameter.find("cloud", arguments, variables)

            print(f"cloud {cloud}")
            provider = Provider(name=cloud)

            ip = arguments.IP

            ip = get_ip(arguments.IP)

            ips = provider.delete_public_ip(ip)
            ips = provider.list_public_ips()

            provider.Print(ips, output=arguments.output, kind="ip")

        elif arguments.attach:

            name = Parameter.find("vm", arguments, variables)
            cm = CmDatabase()
            vm = cm.find_name(name, kind="vm")[0]
            cloud = vm["cm"]["cloud"]

            print(f"cloud {cloud}")
            provider = Provider(name=cloud)

            ip = get_ip(arguments.IP)
                ips = provider.attach_public_ip(name=name, ip=ip)
            except Exception as e:
                Console.error("Could not assign public ip.")

        elif arguments.detach:
            name = Parameter.find("vm", arguments, variables)
            cm = CmDatabase()
            vm = cm.find_name(name, kind="vm")[0]
            cloud = vm["cm"]["cloud"]

            print(f"cloud {cloud}")
            provider = Provider(name=cloud)
            ip = provider.get_public_ip(name=name)

            print(name, ip)

                ips = provider.detach_public_ip(name=name, ip=ip)
            except Exception as e:
                Console.error("can not detach ip")
 def __init__(self):
     print("init {name}".format(name=self.__class__.__name__))
     self.cm = CmDatabase()
     self.col = self.cm.db['local-vdir']
     self.directory = 'vdir'
 def clean(self):
     cm = CmDatabase()
Exemple #17
    def do_flavor(self, args, arguments):

                flavor list [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--refresh] [--output=OUTPUT] [--query=QUERY]

               --output=OUTPUT  the output format [default: table]
               --cloud=CLOUD    the ycloud name
               --refresh        refreshes the data before displaying it


                This lists out the flavors present for a cloud

                cm flavor list --refresh
                cm flavor list
                cm flavor list --output=csv
                cm flavor list 58c9552c-8d93-42c0-9dea-5f48d90a3188 --refresh

                please remember that a uuid or the flavor name can be used to
                identify a flavor.

                cms flavor list --refresh --query=\'{\"a\": \"b\"}\'

            OpenStack Query Example:

                cms flavor list --refresh --query=\'{\"minDisk\": \"80\"}\'
                cms flavor list --refresh --query=\'{\"name\": \"m1.large\"}\'

                supported query parameters for OpenStack:



        map_parameters(arguments, "query", "refresh", "cloud", "output")

        variables = Variables()

        arguments.output = Parameter.find("output", arguments, variables,

        arguments.refresh = Parameter.find_bool("refresh", arguments,

        if arguments.list and arguments.refresh:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            for cloud in clouds:
                print(f"cloud {cloud} query={arguments.query}")
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                if arguments.query is not None:
                    query = eval(arguments.query)
                    flavors = provider.flavors(**query)
                    flavors = provider.flavors()

                provider.Print(flavors, output=arguments.output, kind="flavor")

            return ""

        elif arguments.list:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)


                for cloud in clouds:
                    if arguments.output in ["table"]:
                        print(f"List {cloud}")
                    provider = Provider(name=cloud)

                    db = CmDatabase()
                    flavors = db.find(collection=f"{cloud}-flavor")

            except Exception as e:


            return ""
    def do_keys(self, args, arguments):

             keys  -h | --help
             keys list --cloud=CLOUDS [--format=FORMAT]
             keys list --source=ssh [--dir=DIR] [--format=FORMAT]
             keys list --source=git [--format=FORMAT] [--username=USERNAME]
             keys list [NAMES] [--format=FORMAT] [--source =db]
             keys load --filename=FILENAME [--format=FORMAT]
             keys add [NAME] [--source=FILENAME]
             keys add [NAME] [--source=git]
             keys add [NAME] [--source=ssh]
             keys get NAME [--format=FORMAT]
             keys default --select
             keys delete (NAMES | --select | --all) [--dryrun]
             keys delete NAMES --cloud=CLOUDS [--dryrun]
             keys upload [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             keys upload [NAMES] [VMS] [--dryrun]
             keys group upload [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             keys group add [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             keys group add --file=FILENAME
             keys group delete [--group=GROUPNAMES] [NAMES] [--dryrun]
             keys group list [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--format=FORMAT]
             keys group export --group=GROUNAMES --filename=FILENAME

             VMS            Para,eterized list of virtual machines
             CLOUDS         The clouds
             NAME           The name of the key.
             SOURCE         db, ssh, all
             KEYNAME        The name of a key. For key upload it defaults to the default key name.
             FORMAT         The format of the output (table, json, yaml)
             FILENAME       The filename with full path in which the key
                            is located

              --dir=DIR                     the directory with keys [default: ~/.ssh]
              --format=FORMAT               the format of the output [default: table]
              --source=SOURCE               the source for the keys [default: cm]
              --username=USERNAME           the source for the keys [default: none]
              --name=KEYNAME                The name of a key


               Please note that some values are read from the cloudmesh.yaml
               file. One such value is cloudmesh.profile.user

               Manages public keys is an essential component of accessing
               virtual machine sin the cloud. There are a number of sources
               where you can find public keys. This includes teh ~/.ssh
               directory and for example github. To list these keys the
               following list functions are provided.

                keys list --source=git  [--username=USERNAME]
                    lists all keys in git for the specified user. If the
                    name is not specified it is read from cloudmesh.yaml
                keys list --source=ssh  [--dir=DIR] [--format=FORMAT]
                    lists all keys in the directory. If the directory is not
                    specified the default will be ~/.ssh
                keys list NAMES
                    lists all keys in the named virtual machines.

               The keys will be uploaded into cloudmesh with the add command
               under the given name. If the name is not specified the name
               cloudmesh.profile.user is assumed.

                keys add --ssh
                    adds the default key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
                keys add NAME  --source=FILENAME
                    adds the key specifid by the filename with the given name
                keys add NAME --git --username=username
                    adds a named github key from a user with the given github

                Once the keys are uploaded to github, they can be listed

                keys list [NAME] [--format=FORMAT]
                    list the keys loaded to cloudmesh in the giiven format:
                    json, yaml, table. table is default. The NAME cabn be
                    specified and if ommitted the name cloudmesh.profile.user
                    is assumed.

                keys get NAME
                    Retrieves the key indicated by the NAME parameter from
                    cloudmesh and prints its details.
                keys default --select
                    Select the default key interactively
                keys delete NAMES
                    deletes the keys. This may also have an impact on groups
                keys rename NAME NEW
                    renames the key from NAME to NEW.

               Group management of keys is an important concept in cloudmesh,
               allowing multiple users to be added to virtual machines.
               The keys must be uploaded to cloudmesh with a name so they can
               be used in a group. The --dryrun option executes the command
               without uploading the information to the clouds. If no groupname
               is specified the groupname default is assumed. If no cloudnames
               are specified, all active clouds are assumed. active clouds can be
               set in the cloudmesh.yaml file.

                keys group delete [GROUPNAMES] [NAMES] [--dryrun]
                    deletes the named keys from the named groups.

                keys group list [GROUPNAMES] [--format=FORMAT]
                    list the key names and details in the group.

                keys group upload [GROUPNAMES] [CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
                    uploads the named groups to the specified clouds.

               In some cases you may want to store the public keys in files. For
               this reason we support the following commands.

                keys group add --group=GROUPNAME --file=FILENAME
                    the command adds the keys to the given group. The keys are
                    written in the files in yaml format.

                keys group export --group=GROUNAMES --filename=FILENAME
                    the command exports the keys to the given group. The keys are
                    written in the files in yaml format.

                The yaml format is as follows:

                      name: NAMEOFKEY
                      key: ssh-rsa AAAA..... comment
                      - GROUPNAME

                If a key is included in multiple groups they will be added
                to the grouplist of the key

        arguments.cloud = arguments['--cloud']
        arguments.format = arguments['--format']
        arguments.source = arguments['--source']
        arguments.dir = arguments['--dir']
        arguments.NAMES = arguments['NAMES']


        invalid_names = ['tbd', 'none', "", 'id_rsa']
        m = Manager()

        if arguments.list and arguments.source == "git":
            # this is much simpler
            config = Config()
            username = config["cloudmesh.profile.github"]
                    order=["id", "name", "fingerprint", "source"],
                    header=["Id", "Name", "Fingerprint", "Source"]))

            return ""

        elif arguments.list and arguments.source == "ssh":
            # this is much simpler

            sshkey = SSHkey()
                    order=["name", "type", "fingerprint", "comment"],
                    header=["Name", "Type", "Fingerprint", "Comment"]))
            return ""

        elif arguments.list and arguments.cloud:

            clouds = Parameter.expand(arguments.cloud)

            if len(clouds) == 0:
                variables = Variables()
                cloudname = variables['cloud']
                clouds = [cloudname]
            cloudkey = []
            for cloud in clouds:
                provider = Provider(clouds)

                    order=["name", "type", "fingerprint", "comment"],
                    header=["Name", "Type", "Fingerprint", "Comment"]))

            return ""

        elif arguments.list and arguments.source == "db":

            if arguments.NAMES:
                names = Parameter.expand(arguments.NAMES)
                records = []
                for name in names:
                    kwrags = {"name": name}
                    database = CmDatabase()
                    col = database.db["cloudmesh"]
                    entries = col.find(kwrags, {"_id": 0})
                    for entry in entries:

                        order=["name", "type", "fingerprint", "comment"],
                        header=["Name", "Type", "Fingerprint", "Comment"]))

                print("find the keys of the following vms", names)
                print("the keys will be read from mongo")

            return ""

        return ""
 def __init__(self, cloud="local", kind="keygroup"):
     self.kind = kind
     self.cloud = cloud
     self.cm = CmDatabase()
     self.collection = f"{self.cloud}-{kind}"
Exemple #20
    def ssh(self, vm=None, command=None):
        # TODO: fix user name issue, should be stored in db

        # VERBOSE(vm)

        ip = vm['ip_public']
        key_name = vm['key_name']
        image = vm['metadata']['image']
        user = Image.guess_username(image)

        cm = CmDatabase()

        keys = cm.find_all_by_name(name=key_name, kind="key")
        for k in keys:
            if 'location' in k.keys():
                if 'private' in k['location'].keys():
                    key = k['location']['private']


        if command is None:
            command = ""

        if user is None:
            location = ip
            location = user + '@' + ip
        cmd = "ssh " \
              "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " \
              "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null " \
              f"-i {key} {location} {command}"
        cmd = cmd.strip()
        # VERBOSE(cmd)

        if command == "":
            if platform.lower() == 'win32':

                class disable_file_system_redirection:
                    _disable = ctypes.windll.kernel32.Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection
                    _revert = ctypes.windll.kernel32.Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection

                    def __enter__(self):
                        self.old_value = ctypes.c_long()
                        self.success = self._disable(

                    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
                        if self.success:

                with disable_file_system_redirection():
            if platform.lower() == 'win32':

                class disable_file_system_redirection:
                    _disable = ctypes.windll.kernel32.Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection
                    _revert = ctypes.windll.kernel32.Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection

                    def __enter__(self):
                        self.old_value = ctypes.c_long()
                        self.success = self._disable(

                    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
                        if self.success:

                with disable_file_system_redirection():
                    ssh = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
                ssh = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
            result = ssh.stdout.read().decode("utf-8")
            if not result:
                error = ssh.stderr.readlines()
                print("ERROR: %s" % error)
                return result
Exemple #21
# from cloudmesh.mongo import DatabaseUpdate
from pprint import pprint

import pytest
from cloudmesh.common.Printer import Printer
from cloudmesh.common.util import HEADING
from cloudmesh.configuration.Config import Config
from cloudmesh.management.configuration.name import Name
from cloudmesh.mongo.CmDatabase import CmDatabase
from cloudmesh.common.Benchmark import Benchmark
from cloudmesh.mongo.DataBaseDecorator import DatabaseUpdate


database = CmDatabase()

user = Config()["cloudmesh.profile.user"]

name_generator = Name(schema=f"{user}-vm", counter=1)

# we need to set a cm = { kind, cloud, name } to use teh new DatabaseUpdate()

class TestMongo:
    def test_find_in_collection(self):
        r = database.find_name("CC-CentOS7")
Exemple #22
    def ssh(self, vm=None, command=None):
        def key_selector(keys):
           This is a helper method for ssh key selection
            :param keys:
            tmp_keys = keys[:]
            # indices = range(1,len(tmp_keys)+1)
            for key_idx, key in enumerate(keys):
                key['idx'] = key_idx + 1
                    order=['idx', 'KeyName', 'KeyFingerprint'],
                    header=['Index', 'Key Name', "Key Fingerprint"],
            # Console.msg("Please select one of the AWS key indices from the table above: ")
            picked = 0
            while picked < 1 or picked > len(keys):
                    picked = int(
                            "Please select one of the AWS key indices from the table above: "
                except ValueError:
            return keys[picked - 1]

        cm = CmDatabase()
        ip = vm['public_ips']

            key_name = vm['KeyName']
            keys = cm.find_all_by_name(name=key_name, kind="key")
            for k in keys:
                if 'location' in k.keys():
                    if 'private' in k['location'].keys():
                        key = k['location']['private']

        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            aws_keys = cm.find(kind='key', cloud='aws')
            if len(aws_keys) == 0:
                    f"Could not find a key for the AWS instance '{vm['name']}'"
                    f"Use `cms help key` to learn how to add and upload a key for AWS"
            aws_key = key_selector(aws_keys)
            for sshkey in cm.find_all_by_name(name=aws_key['KeyName'],
                if "location" in sshkey.keys():
                    key = sshkey['location']['private']
        user = "******"  # needs to be set on creation.

        if command is None:
            command = ""

        if user is None:
            location = ip
            location = user + '@' + ip
        cmd = "ssh " \
              "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " \
              "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null " \
              f"-i {key} {location} {command}"
        cmd = cmd.strip()
        # VERBOSE(cmd)

        if command == "":
            if platform.lower() == 'win32':

                class disable_file_system_redirection:
                    _disable = ctypes.windll.kernel32.Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection
                    _revert = ctypes.windll.kernel32.Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection

                    def __enter__(self):
                        self.old_value = ctypes.c_long()
                        self.success = self._disable(

                    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
                        if self.success:

                with disable_file_system_redirection():

            if platform.lower() == 'win32':

                class disable_file_system_redirection:
                    _disable = ctypes.windll.kernel32.Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection
                    _revert = ctypes.windll.kernel32.Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection

                    def __enter__(self):
                        self.old_value = ctypes.c_long()
                        self.success = self._disable(

                    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
                        if self.success:

                with disable_file_system_redirection():
                    ssh = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
                ssh = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
            result = ssh.stdout.read().decode("utf-8")
            if not result:
                error = ssh.stderr.readlines()
                print("ERROR: %s" % error)
                return result
    def do_key(self, args, arguments):

             key  -h | --help
             key list --cloud=CLOUDS [--output=OUTPUT]
             key list --source=ssh [--dir=DIR] [--output=OUTPUT]
             key list --source=git [--output=OUTPUT] [--username=USERNAME]
             key list [--output=OUTPUT]
             key add NAME --filename=FILENAME [--output=OUTPUT]
             key add [NAME] [--source=FILENAME]
             key add [NAME] [--source=git]
             key add [NAME] [--source=ssh]
             key delete NAMES [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key upload [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key upload [NAMES] [VMS] [--dryrun]
             key group upload [NAMES] [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key group add [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key group add --file=FILENAME
             key group delete [--group=GROUPNAMES] [NAMES] [--dryrun]
             key group list [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--output=OUTPUT]
             key group export --group=GROUNAMES --filename=FILENAME

             VMS            Parameterized list of virtual machines
             CLOUDS         The clouds
             NAME           The name of the key.
             SOURCE         db, ssh, all
             KEYNAME        The name of a key. For key upload it defaults to the default key name.
             OUTPUT         The format of the output (table, json, yaml)
             FILENAME       The filename with full path in which the key
                            is located

              --dir=DIR                     the directory with keys [default: ~/.ssh]
              --output=OUTPUT               the format of the output [default: table]
              --source=SOURCE               the source for the keys
              --username=USERNAME           the source for the keys [default: none]
              --name=KEYNAME                The name of a key


               Please note that some values are read from the cloudmesh.yaml
               file. One such value is cloudmesh.profile.user

               Manages public keys is an essential component of accessing
               virtual machine sin the cloud. There are a number of sources
               where you can find public keys. This includes teh ~/.ssh
               directory and for example github.

               Keys will be uploaded into cloudmesh database with the add
               command under the given NAME. If the name is not specified the name
               cloudmesh.profile.user is assumed.

                key add NAME  --source=ssh
                    adds the default key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
                key add NAME  --source=FILENAME
                    adds the key specified by the filename with the given name
                key add NAME --git --username=username
                    adds a named github key from a user with the given github

               Once the keys are uploaded to github, they can be listed
               To list these keys the following list functions are provided.

                key list --source=git  [--username=USERNAME]
                    lists all keys in git for the specified user. If the
                    name is not specified it is read from cloudmesh.yaml
                key list --source=ssh  [--dir=DIR] [--output=OUTPUT]
                    lists all keys in the directory. If the directory is not
                    specified the default will be ~/.ssh

                key list NAMES
                    lists all keys in the named virtual machines.

                List command can use the [--output=OUTPUT] option

                    list the keys loaded to cloudmesh in the given format:
                    json, yaml, table. table is default. The NAME can be
                    specified and if omitted the name cloudmesh.profile.user
                    is assumed.

                To get keys from the cloudmesh database the following commands
                are available:

                key delete NAMES
                    deletes the Named keys. This may also have an impact on groups
                key rename NAME NEW
                    renames the key from NAME to NEW in the cloudmesh database.

               Group management of keys is an important concept in cloudmesh,
               allowing multiple users to be added to virtual machines while
               managing the keys associated with them. The keys must be uploaded
               to cloudmesh database with a name so they can be used in a
               group. The --dryrun option executes the command without
               uploading the information to the clouds. If no group name is
               specified the group name default is assumed. If no cloudnamesh
               are specified, all active clouds are assumed. active clouds
               can be set in the cloudmesh.yaml file.

                key group delete [GROUPNAMES] [NAMES] [--dryrun]
                    deletes the named keys from the named groups.

                key group list [GROUPNAMES] [--output=OUTPUT]
                    list the key names and details in the group.

                key group upload [GROUPNAMES] [CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
                    uploads the named groups to the specified clouds.

               In some cases you may want to store the public keys in files. For
               this reason we support the following commands.

                key group add --group=GROUPNAME --file=FILENAME
                    the command adds the keys to the given group. The keys are
                    written in the files in yaml format.

                key group export --group=GROUNAMES --filename=FILENAME
                    the command exports the keys to the given group. The keys are
                    written in the files in yaml format.

                The yaml format is as follows:

                      name: NAMEOFKEY
                      key: ssh-rsa AAAA..... comment
                      - GROUPNAME

                If a key is included in multiple groups they will be added
                to the grouplist of the key
        def print_keys(keys):
                    order=["name", "type", "fingerprint", "comment"],
                    header=["Name", "Type", "Fingerprint", "Comment"],

        map_parameters(arguments, 'cloud', 'output', 'source', 'dir', 'output',
                       'source', 'dryrun')

        variables = Variables()

        if arguments.list and arguments.source == "git":

            config = Config()
            username = config["cloudmesh.profile.github"]
            keys = SSHkey().get_from_git(username)


            return ""

        elif arguments.list and arguments.source == "ssh":
            # this is much simpler

            sshkey = SSHkey()


            return ""

        elif arguments.list and arguments.cloud:

            clouds = Parameter.expand(arguments.cloud)

            if len(clouds) == 0:
                variables = Variables()
                cloudname = variables['cloud']
                clouds = [cloudname]
            keys = []

            for cloud in clouds:
                print(f"cloud {cloud}")
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                keys = provider.keys()

                provider.Print(keys, output=arguments.output, kind="key")

            return ""

        elif arguments.list:

            cloud = "local"
            db = CmDatabase()
            keys = db.find(collection=f"{cloud}-key")


            return ""

        elif arguments.add:
             key add [NAME] [--source=FILENAME]
             key add [NAME] [--source=git]
             key add [NAME] [--source=ssh]
            key = Key()

            source = arguments["--source"]
            if source == "ssh":
                name = arguments.NAME or "ssh"
                key.add(name, "ssh")
            elif source == "git":
                name = arguments.NAME or "git"
                key.add("git", "git")
            elif source is not None:
                name = arguments.NAME or source
                key.add(name, "input")
                config = Config()
                name = config["cloudmesh.profile.github"]
                kind = "ssh"
                key.add(name, kind)

        elif arguments.upload:
            key upload [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
            key upload [NAMES] [VMS] [--dryrun]

            names = Parameter.expand(arguments.NAMES)

            # this may have a bug if NAMES is ommitted

            # Step 0. Set keyname to variable

            if names is None or len(names) == 0:

                config = Config()
                username = config["cloudmesh.profile.user"]
                names = [username]

            if len(names) == 1:
                name = names[0]
                variables = Variables()
                if "key" in variables:
                    old = variables["key"]
                    if old != name:
                            f"Changing defualt key from {old} to {name}")
                        variables["key"] = name

            # Step 1. keys = find keys to upload

            cloud = "local"
            db = CmDatabase()
            db_keys = db.find(collection=f"{cloud}-key")

            keys = []
            for key in db_keys:
                if key["name"] in names:

            if len(keys) == 0:
                    f"No keys with the names {names} found in cloudmesh. \n"
                    "       Use the command 'key add' to add the key.")

            # Step 2. iterate over the clouds to upload

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            for cloud in clouds:
                print(f"cloud {cloud}")
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                for key in db_keys:
                    name = key['name']
                    if name in names:
                            r = provider.key_upload(key)
                            Console.ok(f"upload key '{name} successful'. ")
                        except ValueError as e:
                                f"key '{name} already exists in {cloud}.")

            return ""

        elif arguments.delete and arguments.cloud and arguments.NAMES:

            # key delete NAMES --cloud=CLOUDS [--dryrun]
            names = Parameter.expand(arguments.NAMES)
            clouds = Parameter.expand(arguments.cloud)

            for cloud in clouds:
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                for name in names:
                    if arguments.dryrun:
                        Console.ok(f"Dryrun: delete {name} in {cloud}")
                        images = provider.key_delete(name)

            return ""

        elif arguments.delete and arguments.NAMES:
            # key delete NAMES [--dryrun]

            names = Parameter.expand(arguments.NAMES)

            cloud = "local"
            db = CmDatabase()
            db_keys = db.find(collection=f"{cloud}-key")

            error = []
            for key in db_keys:
                name = key['name']
                if name in names:
                    if arguments.dryrun:
                        Console.ok(f"Dryrun: delete {name}")
                        db.delete(collection="local-key", name=name)
                        Console.ok(f"delete {name}")
            return ""

        elif arguments.group:

            raise NotImplementedError

        return ""
Exemple #24
    def do_image(self, args, arguments):

                image list [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--refresh] [--output=OUTPUT]

               --output=OUTPUT  the output format [default: table]
               --cloud=CLOUD    the cloud name
               --refresh        live data taken from the cloud

                cm image list
                cm image list --output=csv
                cm image list 58c9552c-8d93-42c0-9dea-5f48d90a3188 --refresh

        map_parameters(arguments, "refresh", "cloud", "output")

        VERBOSE.print(arguments, verbose=9)

        variables = Variables()

        if arguments.list and arguments.refresh:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            print("AAA", clouds, names)

            for cloud in clouds:
                print(f"cloud {cloud}")
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                images = provider.images()

                order = provider.p.output['vm']['order']  # not pretty
                header = provider.p.output['vm']['header']  # not pretty

            return ""

        elif arguments.list:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            print(clouds, names)

                for cloud in clouds:
                    print(f"List {cloud}")
                    p = Provider(cloud)
                    kind = p.kind

                    collection = "{cloud}-image".format(cloud=cloud,
                    db = CmDatabase()
                    vms = db.find(collection=collection)

                    order = p.p.output['vm']['order']  # not pretty
                    header = p.p.output['vm']['header']  # not pretty


            except Exception as e:

                VERBOSE.print(e, verbose=9)

            return ""
import pandas as pd
import mongo
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, chi2
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from cloudmesh.mongo.CmDatabase import CmDatabase

cmdb = CmDatabase()
db = cmdb.client["cloudmesh_ai"]
data = db["files"]

def fit(body):
    # Put input file in dataframe

    f = col.find(predict.csv)
    x = mongo.db.data.send_file(filename=trainfile)
    y = mongo.db.data.send_file(filename=testfile)

    train = pd.read_csv(x, index_col=0)
    test = pd.read_csv(y, index_col=0)

    ytrain = train['labels']
    ytest = test['labels']
    xtrain = train.drop(
    xtest = test.drop(['labels'], axis=1)

    #    fe = SelectKBest(chi2, k=15)
Exemple #26
    def do_image(self, args, arguments):

                image list [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--refresh] [--output=OUTPUT] [--query=QUERY]

               --output=OUTPUT  the output format [default: table]
               --cloud=CLOUD    the cloud name
               --refresh        live data taken from the cloud

                image list
                image list --cloud=aws --refresh
                image list --output=csv
                image list 58c9552c-8d93-42c0-9dea-5f48d90a3188 --refresh

        map_parameters(arguments, "query", "refresh", "cloud", "output")

        variables = Variables()

        arguments.output = Parameter.find("output", arguments, variables,

        arguments.refresh = Parameter.find_bool("refresh", arguments,
        if arguments.list and arguments["--query"]:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            for cloud in clouds:
                print(f"cloud {cloud} query={arguments.query}")
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                if arguments.query is not None:
                    query = eval(arguments.query)
                    images = provider.images(**query)
                    images = provider.images()

                provider.Print(images, output=arguments.output, kind="image")

            return ""

        if arguments.list and arguments.refresh:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            for cloud in clouds:
                print(f"cloud {cloud}")
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                images = provider.images()

                provider.Print(images, output=arguments.output, kind="image")

            return ""

        elif arguments.list:

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            print("find images")


                for cloud in clouds:
                    print(f"List {cloud} images")
                    provider = Provider(name=cloud)

                    db = CmDatabase()

                    images = db.find(collection=f"{cloud}-image")


            except Exception as e:


            return ""
Exemple #27
    def do_vm(self, args, arguments):

                vm ping [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--count=N]
                vm check [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--username=USERNAME]
                vm status [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--output=OUTPUT]
                vm console [NAME] [--force]
                vm log [NAME] [--force]
                vm stop [NAMES]  [--dryrun]
                vm start [NAMES] [--dryrun]
                vm terminate [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--dryrun]
                vm delete [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--dryrun]
                vm refresh [--cloud=CLOUDS]
                vm list [NAMES]
                vm boot [--n=COUNT]
                vm meta list [NAME]
                vm meta set [NAME] KEY=VALUE...
                vm meta delete [NAME] KEY...
                vm script [--name=NAMES]
                vm ip assign [NAMES]
                vm ip show [NAMES]
                vm ip inventory [NAMES]
                vm ssh [NAMES]
                vm put SOURCE DESTINATION [NAMES]
                vm get SOURCE DESTINATION [NAMES]
                vm rename [OLDNAMES] [NEWNAMES] [--force] [--dryrun]
                vm wait [--cloud=CLOUD] [--interval=INTERVAL] [--timeout=TIMEOUT]
                vm info [--cloud=CLOUD]
                vm username USERNAME [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD]
                vm resize [NAMES] [--size=SIZE]

                OUTPUT         the output format
                COMMAND        positional arguments, the commands you want to
                               execute on the server(e.g. ls -a) separated by ';',
                               you will get a return of executing result instead of login to
                               the server, note that type in -- is suggested before
                               you input the commands
                NAME           server name. By default it is set to the name of last vm from database.
                NAMES          server name. By default it is set to the name of last vm from database.
                KEYPAIR_NAME   Name of the vm keypair to be used to create VM. Note this is
                               not a path to key.
                NEWNAMES       New names of the VM while renaming.
                OLDNAMES       Old names of the VM while renaming.

                -v             verbose, prints the dict at the end
                --output=OUTPUT   the output format
                -H --modify-knownhosts  Do not modify ~/.ssh/known_hosts file
                                      when ssh'ing into a machine
                --username=USERNAME   the username to login into the vm. If not
                                      specified it will be guessed
                                      from the image name and the cloud
                --ip=IP          give the public ip of the server
                --cloud=CLOUD    give a cloud to work on, if not given, selected
                                 or default cloud will be used
                --count=COUNT    give the number of servers to start
                --detail         for table, a brief version
                                 is used as default, use this flag to print
                                 detailed table
                --flavor=FLAVOR  give the name or id of the flavor
                --group=GROUP          give the group name of server
                --secgroup=SECGROUP    security group name for the server
                --image=IMAGE    give the name or id of the image
                --key=KEY        specify a key to use, input a string which
                                 is the full path to the private key file
                --keypair_name=KEYPAIR_NAME   Name of the vm keypair to
                                              be used to create VM.
                                              Note this is not a path to key.
                --user=USER      give the user name of the server that you want
                                 to use to login
                --name=NAME      give the name of the virtual machine
                --force          rename/ delete vms without user's confirmation
                                 specify the commands to be executed

                commands used to boot, start or delete servers of a cloud

                vm default [options...]
                    Displays default parameters that are set for vm boot either
                    on the default cloud or the specified cloud.

                vm boot [options...]
                    Boots servers on a cloud, user may specify flavor, image
                    .etc, otherwise default values will be used, see how to set
                    default values of a cloud: cloud help

                vm start [options...]
                    Starts a suspended or stopped vm instance.

                vm stop [options...]
                    Stops a vm instance .

                vm delete [options...]

                    Delete servers of a cloud, user may delete a server by its
                    name or id, delete servers of a group or servers of a cloud,
                    give prefix and/or range to find servers by their names.
                    Or user may specify more options to narrow the search

                vm floating_ip_assign [options...]
                    assign a public ip to a VM of a cloud

                vm ip show [options...]
                    show the ips of VMs

                vm ssh [options...]
                    login to a server or execute commands on it

                vm list [options...]
                    same as command "list vm", please refer to it

                vm status [options...]
                    Retrieves status of last VM booted on cloud and displays it.

                vm refresh [--cloud=CLOUDS]
                    this command refreshes the data for virtual machines,
                    images and flavors for the specified clouds.

                vm ping [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--count=N] [--processors=PROCESSORS]
                     pings the specified virtual machines, while using at most N pings.
                     The ping is executed in parallel.
                     If names are specifies the ping is restricted to the given names in
                     parameter format. If clouds are specified, names that are not in
                     these clouds are ignored. If the name is set in the variables
                     this name is used.

                cms vm ssh --command=\"uname -a\"

                      executes the uname command on the last booted vm

                vm script [--name=NAMES]

                   The script command copies a shell script to the specified vms
                   into the DESTINATION directory and than execute it. With
                   SHELL you can set the shell for executing the command,
                   this coudl even be a python interpreter. Examples for
                   SHELL are /bin/sh, /usr/bin/env python

                vm put SOURCE DESTINATION [NAMES]

                    puts the file defined by SOURCE into the DESINATION folder
                    on the specified machines. If the file exists it is
                    overwritten, so be careful.

                vm get SOURCE DESTINATION [NAMES]

                    gets  the file defined by SOURCE into the DESINATION folder
                    on the specified machines. The SOURCE is on the remote
                    machine. If one machine is specified, the SOURCE is the same
                    name as on the remote machine. If multiple machines are
                    specified, the name of the machine will be a prefix to the
                    filename. If the filenames exists, they will be overwritten,
                    so be careful.

                give the VM name, but in a hostlist style, which is very
                convenient when you need a range of VMs e.g. sample[1-3]
                => ['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3']
                sample[1-3,18] => ['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3', 'sample18']

            Quoting commands:
                cm vm login gregor-004 --command=\"uname -a\"


                Azure: rename is not supported

        map_parameters(arguments, 'active', 'cloud', 'command', 'dryrun',
                       'flavor', 'force', 'group'
                       'output', 'group', 'image', 'interval', 'timeout', 'ip',
                       'key', 'modify-knownhosts', 'n', 'name', 'public',
                       'quiet', 'secgroup', 'size', 'username', 'output',
                       'count', 'network', 'refresh')

        variables = Variables()
        database = CmDatabase()

        arguments.output = Parameter.find("output", arguments, variables,

        arguments.refresh = Parameter.find_bool("refresh", arguments,

        if (arguments.meta and arguments.list):

            name = arguments.NAME
            if arguments.NAME is None:
                name = variables['vm']
                if name is None:
                    Console.error("No vm specified")

            cloud = "chameleon"
            # cloud = Parameter.find(arguments, variables)
            print(f"vm metadata for {name} on {cloud}")

            provider = Provider(name=cloud)
            r = provider.get_server_metadata(name)

        elif arguments.meta and arguments.set:

            metadata = {}
            pairs = arguments['KEY=VALUE']
            for pair in pairs:
                key, value = pair.split("=", 1)
                metadata[key] = value

            name = arguments.NAME
            if arguments.NAME is None:
                name = variables['vm']
                if name is None:
                    Console.error("No vm specified")

            cloud = "chameleon"
            # cloud = Parameter.find(arguments, variables)
            print(f"cloud {cloud} {name}")

            provider = Provider(name=cloud)
            provider.set_server_metadata(name, **metadata)
            r = provider.get_server_metadata(name)


        elif arguments.meta and arguments.delete:

            metadata = {}
            keys = arguments['KEY']

            name = arguments.NAME
            if arguments.NAME is None:
                name = variables['vm']
                if name is None:
                    Console.error("No vm specified")

            cloud = "chameleon"
            # cloud = Parameter.find(arguments, variables)
            print(f"cloud {cloud} {name}")

            provider = Provider(name=cloud)

            for key in keys:
                provider.delete_server_metadata(name, key)

            r = provider.get_server_metadata(name)


        elif arguments.list and arguments.refresh:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            for cloud in clouds:
                print(f"cloud {cloud}")
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                vms = provider.list()

                provider.Print(vms, output=arguments.output, kind="vm")

                return ""

        elif arguments.list:

            names = []

            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)


                for cloud in clouds:
                    print(f"List {cloud}")
                    p = Provider(cloud)
                    kind = p.kind

                    collection = "{cloud}-vm".format(cloud=cloud, kind=p.kind)
                    db = CmDatabase()
                    vms = db.find(collection=collection)

                    p.Print(vms, output=arguments.output, kind="vm")

            except Exception as e:
                Console.error("Error in listing ", traceflag=True)

            return ""

        elif arguments.ping:
            vm ping [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--count=N]
            if arguments.NAMES:
                variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES
            if arguments['--cloud']:
                variables['cloud'] = arguments['--cloud']
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "status", arguments, variables)

            count = arguments.count
            if arguments.count:
                count = int(count)
                count = 1

            def get_ips():
                ips = []
                for cloud in clouds:
                    params = {}
                    # gets public ips from database
                    cursor = database.db[f'{cloud}-vm']
                    for name in names:
                        for node in cursor.find({'name': name}):
                    ips = list(set(ips))
                return ips

            ips = get_ips()
            if len(ips) == 0:
                Console.warning("no public ip found.")
                for cloud in clouds:
                    print(f"refresh for cloud {cloud}")
                    provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                    vms = provider.list()
                ips = get_ips()

            if len(ips) == 0:
                Console.error("No vms with public IPS found.")
                Console.error("  Make sure to use cms vm list --refresh")

            for ip in ips:
                result = Shell.ping(host=ip, count=count)

        elif arguments.check:

            raise NotImplementedError
            vm check [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--username=USERNAME]
            if arguments.NAMES:
                variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES
            if arguments['--cloud']:
                variables['cloud'] = arguments['--cloud']
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names("status", arguments, variables)

            for cloud in clouds:
                provider = Provider(cloud)
                params = {}

                params['key'] = \
                    provider.p.spec["credentials"]['EC2_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH'] + \

                params['username'] = arguments['--username']  # or get from db

                processors = arguments['--processors']
                if processors:
                    params['processors'] = int(processors[0])

                # gets public ips from database
                public_ips = []
                cursor = database.db['{cloud}-vm']
                for name in names:
                    for node in cursor.find({'name': name}):
                public_ips = [y for x in public_ips for y in x]

                Host.check(hosts=public_ips, **params)

        elif arguments.status:
            if arguments.NAMES:
                variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES
            if arguments['--cloud']:
                variables['cloud'] = arguments['--cloud']
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "status", arguments, variables)

            # gets status from database
            for cloud in clouds:
                provider = Provider(cloud)
                status = []
                cursor = database.db[f'{cloud}-vm']
                for name in names:
                    for node in cursor.find({'name': name}):

                provider.Print(status, output=arguments.output, kind="status")
                return ""

        elif arguments.start:
            # TODO: not tested
            if arguments.NAMES:
                names = variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES

            if arguments['--cloud']:
                variables['cloud'] = arguments['--cloud']
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "stop", arguments, variables)

            cloud = clouds[0]

            for name in names:

                provider = Provider(cloud)

                if arguments['--dryrun']:
                    print(f"start node {name}")
                    vms = provider.start(name=name, cloud=cloud)

                    provider.Print(vms, output=arguments.output, kind="vm")

            return ""

        elif arguments.stop:
            # TODO: not tested

            if arguments.NAMES:
                variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES
            if arguments['--cloud']:
                variables['cloud'] = arguments['--cloud']
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "stop", arguments, variables)

            for cloud in clouds:
                params = {}
                provider = Provider(cloud)

                if arguments['--dryrun']:
                    Console.ok(f"Dryrun stop: "
                               f"        {cloud}\n"
                               f"        {names}"
                               f"        {provider}")
                    for name in names:
                        vms = provider.stop(name)

                    provider.Print(vms, output=arguments.output, kind="vm")

        elif arguments.terminate:
            # TODO: not tested

            if arguments.NAMES:
                variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES
            if arguments['--cloud']:
                variables['cloud'] = arguments['--cloud']
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "stop", arguments, variables)

            for cloud in clouds:
                params = {}
                provider = Provider(cloud)

                if arguments['--dryrun']:
                    Console.ok(f"Dryrun terminate: "
                               f"        {cloud}\n"
                               f"        {names}"
                               f"        {provider}")
                    for name in names:
                        vms = provider.destroy(name)

                    provider.Print(vms, output=arguments.output, kind="vm")

        elif arguments.delete:

            if arguments.NAMES:
                variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES
            if arguments['--cloud']:
                variables['cloud'] = arguments['--cloud']
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "stop", arguments, variables)

            if names is not None:
            elif clouds is not None:
                for cloud in clouds:
                    provider = Provider(cloud)
                    vms = provider.list()
                    for vm in vms:
                        r = provider.destroy(name=vm)
                return ""
                return ""

            for cloud in clouds:
                provider = Provider(cloud)
                vms = provider.list()
                for vm in vms:
                    name = vm["cm"]["name"]
                    if name in names:
                        r = provider.destroy(name=name)

        # TODO: username, secgroup
        elif arguments.boot:
            # not everything works
                vm boot 
            # for name in names:
            #    node = p.create(name=name, size=flavor, image=image)

            # VERBOSE(arguments)
            parameters = dotdict()

            names = Parameter.expand(arguments.name)

            cloud = Parameter.find("cloud", arguments, variables.dict())
            defaults = Config()[f"cloudmesh.cloud.{cloud}.default"]
            groups = Parameter.find("group", arguments, variables.dict(),
                                    {"group": "default"})

            parameters = dotdict()

            # parameters.names = arguments.name

            parameters.group = groups
            for attribute in [
                    "image", "username", "flavor", "key", "network", "secgroup"
                parameters[attribute] = Parameter.find(attribute, arguments,

            if arguments.username is None:
                parameters.user = Image.guess_username(parameters.image)

            provider = Provider(name=cloud)

            parameters.secgroup = arguments.secgroup or "default"

            # determine names

            if names and arguments.n and len(names) > 1:
                    f"When using --n={arguments.n}, you can only specify one name"
                return ""
            # cases

            # only name --name = "a[1,2]"
            # name and count # --name="a" --n=3, names must be of length 1
            # only count --n=2 names are read form var
            # nothing, just use one vm

            # determin names
            _names = []
            if not names:

                if not arguments.n:
                    count = 1
                    count = int(arguments.n)

                for i in range(0, count):
                    if names is None:
                        n = Name()
                        name = str(n)
                        n = names[i]
                        name = str(n)
                names = _names

            elif len(names) == 1 and arguments.n:

                name = names[0]
                for i in range(0, int(arguments.n)):
                names = _names

            # pprint(parameters)

            for name in names:

                parameters.name = name
                if arguments['--dryrun']:


                    Console.ok(f"Dryrun boot {name}: \n"
                               f"        cloud={cloud}\n"
                               f"        names={names}\n"
                               f"        provider={provider}")
                    for attribute in parameters:
                        value = parameters[attribute]
                        Console.ok(f"        {attribute}={value}")


                    # parameters.progress = len(parameters.names) < 2

                        vms = provider.create(**parameters)
                    except TimeoutError:
                            f"Timeout during vm creation. There may be a problem with the cloud {cloud}"

                    except Exception as e:
                        Console.error("create problem", traceflag=True)
                        return ""

                    variables['vm'] = str(n)
                    if arguments["-v"]:

            # provider.Print(arguments.output, "vm", vms)

        elif arguments.info:
            vm info [--cloud=CLOUD] [--output=OUTPUT]
            print("info for the vm")

            cloud, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "info", arguments, variables)

            raise NotImplementedError

        elif arguments.rename:
            raise NotImplementedError
            # Not tested
            print("rename the vm")

            v = Variables()
            cloud = v["cloud"]

            p = Provider(cloud)

                oldnames = Parameter.expand(arguments["OLDNAMES"])
                newnames = Parameter.expand(arguments["NEWNAMES"])
                force = arguments["--force"]

                if oldnames is None or newnames is None:
                    Console.error("Wrong VMs specified for rename",
                elif len(oldnames) != len(newnames):
                    Console.error("The number of VMs to be renamed is wrong",
                    for i in range(0, len(oldnames)):
                        oldname = oldnames[i]
                        newname = newnames[i]
                        if arguments["--dryrun"]:
                            Console.ok("Rename {} to {}".format(
                                oldname, newname))
                            print(f"rename {oldname} -> {newname}")

                            p.rename(source=oldname, destination=newname)

                    msg = "info. OK."
            except Exception as e:
                Console.error("Problem renaming instances", traceflag=True)

        elif arguments["ip"] and arguments["show"]:
            raise NotImplementedError

            print("show the ips")
            vm ip show [NAMES]


        elif arguments["ip"] and arguments["assign"]:
            raise NotImplementedError
            vm ip assign [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD]
            print("assign the public ip")

        elif arguments["ip"] and arguments["inventory"]:
            raise NotImplementedError
            vm ip inventory [NAMES]

            print("list ips that could be assigned")

        elif arguments.default:
            raise NotImplementedError

            print("sets defaults for the vm")

        elif arguments.script:
            raise NotImplementedError
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "run", arguments, variables)
            username = arguments['--username']
            script = arguments.SCRIPT

            for cloud in clouds:
                provider = Provider(cloud)

                name_ips = {}
                cursor = database.db['{}-node'.format(cloud)]
                for name in names:
                    for node in cursor.find({'name': name}):
                        name_ips[name] = node['public_ips']

                if arguments['--dryrun']:
                    print("run script {} on vms: {}".format(script, names))
                    provider.ssh(name_ips, username=username, script=script)

        elif arguments.username:
            raise NotImplementedError
            vm username USERNAME [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD]
            print("sets the username for the vm")

        elif arguments.resize:
            raise NotImplementedError
            vm resize [NAMES] [--size=SIZE]

        elif arguments.ssh:
            vm ssh [NAMES] [--username=USER]

            # VERBOSE(arguments)
            clouds, names, command = Arguments.get_commands(
                "ssh", arguments, variables)

            # print (clouds)
            # print(names)
            # print (command)

            if arguments.command is None and len(names) > 1:
                Console.error("Interactive shell can only be done on one vm")
                return ""
            elif arguments.command is None and len(names) == 1:
                name = names[0]
                cloud = clouds[0]
                cm = CmDatabase()
                    vm = cm.find_name(name, "vm")[0]
                except IndexError:
                    Console.error(f"could not find vm {name}")
                    return ""
                # VERBOSE(vm)
                cloud = vm["cm"]["cloud"]
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                except KeyError:
                    vms = provider.list()

                    provider.Print(vms, output=arguments.output, kind="vm")

                return ""
                # command on all vms

                if clouds is None or names is None or command is None:
                    return ""
                    for cloud in clouds:
                        p = Provider(cloud)
                        for name in names:
                            cm = CmDatabase()
                                vm = cm.find_name(name, "vm")[0]
                            except IndexError:
                                Console.error(f"could not find vm {name}")
                            r = p.ssh(vm=vm, command=command)
            return ""

        elif arguments.console:

            # why is this not vm
            clouds, names, command = Arguments.get_commands(
                "ssh", arguments, variables)


            for cloud in clouds:
                p = Provider(cloud)
                for name in names:
                    cm = CmDatabase()
                        vm = cm.find_name(name, "vm")[0]
                    except IndexError:
                        Console.error(f"could not find vm {name}")
                    r = p.console(vm=vm)

            return ""

        elif arguments.log:

            # why is this not vm
            clouds, names, command = Arguments.get_commands(
                "ssh", arguments, variables)


            for cloud in clouds:
                p = Provider(cloud)
                for name in names:
                    cm = CmDatabase()
                        vm = cm.find_name(name, "vm")[0]
                    except IndexError:
                        Console.error(f"could not find vm {name}")
                    r = p.log(vm=vm)

            return ""

        elif arguments.wait:
            vm wait [--cloud=CLOUD] [--interval=INTERVAL] [--timeout=TIMEOUT]

            # why is this not vm
            clouds, names, command = Arguments.get_commands(
                "ssh", arguments, variables)

            # print (clouds)
            # print (names)
            # print (command)

            for cloud in clouds:
                p = Provider(cloud)
                for name in names:
                    cm = CmDatabase()
                        vm = cm.find_name(name, "vm")[0]
                    except IndexError:
                        Console.error(f"could not find vm {name}")
                    r = p.wait(vm=vm,
                    if r:
                        Console.ok("Instance available for SSH")
                            f"Instance unavailable after timeout of {arguments.timeout}"
                    # print(r)

            return ""

        elif arguments.put:
            vm put SOURCE DESTINATION
            clouds, names, command = Arguments.get_commands(
                "ssh", arguments, variables)

            key = variables['key']

            source = arguments['SOURCE']
            destination = arguments['DESTINATION']
            for cloud in clouds:
                p = Provider(name=cloud)
                cm = CmDatabase()
                for name in names:
                        vms = cm.find_name(name, "vm")
                    except IndexError:
                        Console.error(f"could not find vm {name}")
                        return ""
                    # VERBOSE(vm)
                    for vm in vms:
                            ip = vm['public_ips']
                                ip = p.get_public_ip(name=name)
                                    f"could not find a public ip for vm {name}",
                                f"could not find a public ip for vm {name}",

                        # get the username
                            # username not in vm...guessing
                            imagename = list(
                                cm.collection(cloud + '-image').find(
                                    {'ImageId': vm['ImageId']}))[0]['name']
                            user = Image.guess_username(image=imagename,
                                user = vm['os_profile']['admin_username']
                                    f"could not find a valid username for "
                                    f"{name}, try refreshing the image list",
                                f"could not find a valid username for {name}, try refreshing the image list"

                        cmd = f'scp -i {key} {source} {user}@{ip}:{destination}'
            return ""
    def do_key(self, args, arguments):

             key  -h | --help
             key list --cloud=CLOUDS [--output=OUTPUT]
             key list --source=ssh [--dir=DIR] [--output=OUTPUT]
             key list --source=git [--output=OUTPUT] [--username=USERNAME]
             key list [--output=OUTPUT]
             key init
             key add NAME --filename=FILENAME [--output=OUTPUT]
             key add [NAME] [--source=FILENAME]
             key add [NAME] [--source=git]
             key add [NAME] [--source=ssh]
             key delete NAMES [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key upload [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key upload [NAMES] [VMS] [--dryrun]
             key group upload [NAMES] [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key group add [NAMES] [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
             key group delete [--group=GROUPNAMES] [NAMES] [--dryrun]
             key group list [--group=GROUPNAMES] [--output=OUTPUT]
             key group export --group=GROUNAMES --filename=FILENAME
             key gen (ssh | pem) [--filename=FILENAME] [--nopass] [--set_path] [--force]
             key reformat (ssh | pem) [--filename=FILENAME] [--format=FORMAT]
                                      [--nopass] [--pub]
             key verify (ssh | pem) [--filename=FILENAME] [--pub] [--check_pass]

             VMS        Parameterized list of virtual machines
             CLOUDS     The clouds
             NAME       The name of the key.
             SOURCE     db, ssh, all
             OUTPUT     The format of the output (table, json, yaml)
             FILENAME   The filename with full path in which the key is located
             FORMAT     Desired key format (SubjectInfo, SSH, OpenSSL, PKCS8)

              --dir=DIR             the directory with keys [default: ~/.ssh]
              --check_pass          Flag where program query user for password
              --filename=FILENAME   the name and full path to the file
              --nopass              Flag indicating if the key has no password
              --output=OUTPUT       the format of the output [default: table]
              --pub                 Indicates that the public key is passed in
              --set_path            Sets the cloudmesh encryption key path to
                                    the full path of the generated keys
              --source=SOURCE       the source for the keys
              --username=USERNAME   the source for the keys [default: none]


               Please note that some values are read from the cloudmesh.yaml
               file. One such value is cloudmesh.profile.user

               Management of public keys is an essential component of accessing
               virtual machines in the cloud. There are a number of sources
               where you can find public keys. This includes the ~/.ssh
               directory and for example github. If you do not already have a
               public-private key pair they can be generated using cloudmesh

               key gen ssh 
                   This will create the public-private keypair of ~/.ssh/id_rsa
                   and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub in OpenSSH format

               key gen pem 
                   This will create the public-private keypair of ~/.ssh/id_rsa
                   and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub in PEM format

               key gen (ssh | pem) --filename=~/.cloudmesh/foobar
                   This will generate the public-private key pair of 
                   ~/.cloudmesh/foobar and ~/.cloudmesh/foobar.pub

               key gen (ssh | pem) --filename=~/.cloudmesh/foobar --set_path
                   This will generate the keys as stated above, but it will
                   also set cloudmesh to use these keys for encryption.

               Keys can also be verified for their formatting and passwords.
               By default cloudmesh checks ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
               If the key is password protected the formatting can only be
               verified if the password is provided (--check_pass argument)

               key verify pem
                   Verifies that ~/.ssh/id_rsa has PEM format

               key verify ssh --pub
                   Verifies that ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub has OpenSSH format

               key verify pem --filename=~/.cloudmesh/foobar
                   Verifies if the private key located at ~/.cloudmesh/foobar
                   is password protected

               key verify pem --filenam=~/.cloudmesh/foobar --check_pass
                   Request the password to the file, then checks if the
                   key is in proper PEM format

               You may find the need to keep the values of your keys but
               different encodings or formats. These aspects of your key can
               also be changed using cloudmesh.

               key reformat pem
                   Will reformat the ~/.id_rsa.pub key from PEM to OpenSSH

               key reformat ssh
                   Will reformat the ~/.id_rsa.pub key from OpenSSH to PEM

               key reformat --filename=~/.id_rsa --format=PKCS8
                   Will reformat the private key to PKCS8 format

               Keys will be uploaded into cloudmesh database with the add
               command under the given NAME. If the name is not specified the name
               cloudmesh.profile.user is assumed.

                key add NAME  --source=ssh
                    adds the default key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
                key add NAME  --source=FILENAME
                    adds the key specified by the filename with the given name
                key add NAME --git --username=username
                    adds a named github key from a user with the given github

                key set
                    adds the ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub key with the name specified in
                    It also sets the variable key to that user.

               Once the keys are uploaded to github, they can be listed
               To list these keys the following list functions are provided.

                key list --source=git  [--username=USERNAME]
                    lists all keys in git for the specified user. If the
                    name is not specified it is read from cloudmesh.yaml
                key list --source=ssh  [--dir=DIR] [--output=OUTPUT]
                    lists all keys in the directory. If the directory is not
                    specified the default will be ~/.ssh

                key list NAMES
                    lists all keys in the named virtual machines.

                List command can use the [--output=OUTPUT] option

                    list the keys loaded to cloudmesh in the given format:
                    json, yaml, table. table is default. The NAME can be
                    specified and if omitted the name cloudmesh.profile.user
                    is assumed.

                To get keys from the cloudmesh database the following commands
                are available:

                key delete NAMES
                    deletes the Named keys. This may also have an impact on groups
                key rename NAME NEW
                    renames the key from NAME to NEW in the cloudmesh database.

               Group management of keys is an important concept in cloudmesh,
               allowing multiple users to be added to virtual machines while
               managing the keys associated with them. The keys must be uploaded
               to cloudmesh database with a name so they can be used in a
               group. The --dryrun option executes the command without
               uploading the information to the clouds. If no group name is
               specified the group name default is assumed. If no cloudnamesh
               are specified, all active clouds are assumed. active clouds
               can be set in the cloudmesh.yaml file.

                key group delete [GROUPNAMES] [NAMES] [--dryrun]
                    deletes the named keys from the named groups.

                key group list [GROUPNAMES] [--output=OUTPUT]
                    list the key names and details in the group.

                key group upload [GROUPNAMES] [CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
                    uploads the named groups to the specified clouds.

               In some cases you may want to store the public keys in files. For
               this reason we support the following commands.

                key group add --group=GROUPNAME --file=FILENAME
                    the command adds the keys to the given group. The keys are
                    written in the files in yaml format.

                key group export --group=GROUNAMES --filename=FILENAME
                    the command exports the keys to the given group. The keys are
                    written in the files in yaml format.

                The yaml format is as follows:

                      name: NAMEOFKEY
                      key: ssh-rsa AAAA..... comment
                      - GROUPNAME

                If a key is included in multiple groups they will be added
                to the grouplist of the key

        def print_keys(keys):
                order=["name", "type", "fingerprint", "comment"],
                header=["Name", "Type", "Fingerprint", "Comment"],


        variables = Variables()

        if arguments.list and arguments.source == "git":

            config = Config()
            username = config["cloudmesh.profile.github"]
            keys = SSHkey().get_from_git(username)


            return ""

        elif arguments.list and arguments.source == "ssh":
            # this is much simpler

            sshkey = SSHkey()


            return ""

        elif arguments.list and arguments.cloud:

            clouds = Parameter.expand(arguments.cloud)

            if len(clouds) == 0:
                variables = Variables()
                cloudname = variables['cloud']
                clouds = [cloudname]
            keys = []

            for cloud in clouds:
                print(f"cloud {cloud}")
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                keys = provider.keys()

                provider.Print(keys, output=arguments.output, kind="key")

            return ""

        elif arguments.list:

            cloud = "local"
            db = CmDatabase()
            keys = db.find(collection=f"{cloud}-key")


            return ""

        elif arguments.add:

            key add [NAME] [--source=FILENAME] # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
            key add [NAME] [--source=git]
            key add [NAME] [--source=ssh]

            key = Key()

            if arguments["--source"] == "ssh":
                name = arguments.NAME or "ssh"
                key.add(name, "ssh")
            elif arguments["--source"] == "git":
                name = arguments.NAME or "git"
                key.add("git", "git")
                config = Config()
                name = config["cloudmesh.profile.user"]
                kind = "ssh"
                key.add(name, kind)

        elif arguments.init:

            key init 

            config = Config()
            username = config["cloudmesh.profile.user"]

            if username == "TBD":
                    "Please set cloudmesh.profile.user in ~/.cloudmesh.yaml")
                u = os.environ["USER"].lower().replace(" ", "")
                    f"To change it you can use the command. Define a NAME such as '{u}' e.g.")
                Console.msg(f"  cms config set cloudmesh.profile.user={u}")
                return ""

            key = Key()

            key.add(username, "ssh")
            variables['key'] = username

        elif arguments.upload:

            key upload [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--dryrun]
            key upload [NAMES] [VMS] [--dryrun]

            names = Parameter.expand(arguments.NAMES)

            # this may have a bug if NAMES is ommitted

            # Step 0. Set keyname to variable

            if names is None or len(names) == 0:
                config = Config()
                username = config["cloudmesh.profile.user"]
                names = [username]

            if len(names) == 1:
                name = names[0]
                variables = Variables()
                if "key" in variables:
                    old = variables["key"]
                    if old != name:
                            f"Changing default key from {old} to {name}")
                        variables["key"] = name

            # Step 1. keys = find keys to upload

            cloud = "local"
            db = CmDatabase()
            db_keys = db.find(collection=f"{cloud}-key")

            keys = []
            for key in db_keys:
                if key["name"] in names:

            if len(keys) == 0:
                    f"No keys with the names {names} found in cloudmesh. \n"
                    "       Use the command 'key add' to add the key.")

            # Step 2. iterate over the clouds to upload

            clouds, vmnames = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names("list",

            for cloud in clouds:
                print(f"cloud {cloud}")
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                for key in db_keys:
                    name = key['name']
                    if name in names:
                            r = provider.key_upload(key)
                            Console.ok(f"upload key '{name} successful'. ")
                        except ValueError as e:
                                f"key '{name} already exists in {cloud}.")

            return ""

        elif arguments.delete and arguments.cloud and arguments.NAMES:

            # key delete NAMES --cloud=CLOUDS [--dryrun]
            names = Parameter.expand(arguments.NAMES)
            clouds = Parameter.expand(arguments.cloud)

            for cloud in clouds:
                provider = Provider(name=cloud)
                for name in names:
                    if arguments.dryrun:
                        Console.ok(f"Dryrun: delete {name} in {cloud}")
                        images = provider.key_delete(name)

            return ""

        elif arguments.group:

            raise NotImplementedError

        return ""
Exemple #29
    def do_aws(self, args, arguments):

                vm ping [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--count=N] [--processors=PROCESSORS]
                vm check [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--username=USERNAME] [--processors=PROCESSORS]
                vm status [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS]
                vm console [NAME] [--force]
                vm start [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--parallel] [--processors=PROCESSORS] [--dryrun]
                vm stop [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--parallel] [--processors=PROCESSORS] [--dryrun]
                vm terminate [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--parallel] [--processors=PROCESSORS] [--dryrun]
                vm delete [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--parallel] [--processors=PROCESSORS] [--dryrun]
                vm refresh [--cloud=CLOUDS]
                vm list [NAMES]
                vm boot [--name=VMNAMES]
                vm boot [--n=COUNT]
                vm run [--name=VMNAMES] [--username=USERNAME] [--dryrun] COMMAND
                vm script [--name=NAMES] [--username=USERNAME] [--dryrun] SCRIPT
                vm ip assign [NAMES]
                vm ip show [NAMES]
                vm ip inventory [NAMES]
                vm ssh [NAMES] [--username=USER]
                vm rename [OLDNAMES] [NEWNAMES] [--force] [--dryrun]
                vm wait [--cloud=CLOUD] [--interval=SECONDS]
                vm info [--cloud=CLOUD]
                vm username USERNAME [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD]
                vm resize [NAMES] [--size=SIZE]
                vm debug [NAMES]

                OUTPUT         the output format
                COMMAND        positional arguments, the commands you want to
                               execute on the server(e.g. ls -a) separated by ';',
                               you will get a return of executing result instead of login to
                               the server, note that type in -- is suggested before
                               you input the commands
                NAME           server name. By default it is set to the name of last vm from database.
                NAMES          server name. By default it is set to the name of last vm from database.
                KEYPAIR_NAME   Name of the vm keypair to be used to create VM. Note this is
                               not a path to key.
                NEWNAMES       New names of the VM while renaming.
                OLDNAMES       Old names of the VM while renaming.

                --output=OUTPUT   the output format [default: table]
                -H --modify-knownhosts  Do not modify ~/.ssh/known_hosts file
                                      when ssh'ing into a machine
                --username=USERNAME   the username to login into the vm. If not
                                      specified it will be guessed
                                      from the image name and the cloud
                --ip=IP          give the public ip of the server
                --cloud=CLOUD    give a cloud to work on, if not given, selected
                                 or default cloud will be used
                --count=COUNT    give the number of servers to start
                --detail         for table, a brief version
                                 is used as default, use this flag to print
                                 detailed table
                --flavor=FLAVOR  give the name or id of the flavor
                --group=GROUP          give the group name of server
                --secgroup=SECGROUP    security group name for the server
                --image=IMAGE    give the name or id of the image
                --key=KEY        specify a key to use, input a string which
                                 is the full path to the private key file
                --keypair_name=KEYPAIR_NAME   Name of the vm keypair to
                                              be used to create VM.
                                              Note this is not a path to key.
                --user=USER      give the user name of the server that you want
                                 to use to login
                --name=NAME      give the name of the virtual machine
                --force          rename/ delete vms without user's confirmation
                                 specify the commands to be executed
                --parallel       execute commands in parallel

                commands used to boot, start or delete servers of a cloud

                vm default [options...]
                    Displays default parameters that are set for vm boot either
                    on the default cloud or the specified cloud.

                vm boot [options...]
                    Boots servers on a cloud, user may specify flavor, image
                    .etc, otherwise default values will be used, see how to set
                    default values of a cloud: cloud help

                vm start [options...]
                    Starts a suspended or stopped vm instance.

                vm stop [options...]
                    Stops a vm instance .

                vm delete [options...]

                    Delete servers of a cloud, user may delete a server by its
                    name or id, delete servers of a group or servers of a cloud,
                    give prefix and/or range to find servers by their names.
                    Or user may specify more options to narrow the search

                vm floating_ip_assign [options...]
                    assign a public ip to a VM of a cloud

                vm ip show [options...]
                    show the ips of VMs

                vm ssh [options...]
                    login to a server or execute commands on it

                vm list [options...]
                    same as command "list vm", please refer to it

                vm status [options...]
                    Retrieves status of last VM booted on cloud and displays it.

                vm refresh [--cloud=CLOUDS]
                    this command refreshes the data for virtual machines,
                    images and flavors for the specified clouds.

                vm ping [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--count=N] [--processors=PROCESSORS]
                     pings the specified virtual machines, while using at most N pings.
                     The ping is executed in parallel.
                     If names are specifies the ping is restricted to the given names in
                     parameter format. If clouds are specified, names that are not in
                     these clouds are ignored. If the name is set in the variables
                     this name is used.

                give the VM name, but in a hostlist style, which is very
                convenient when you need a range of VMs e.g. sample[1-3]
                => ['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3']
                sample[1-3,18] => ['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3', 'sample18']

            Quoting commands:
                cm vm login gvonlasz-004 --command=\"uname -a\"



        map_parameters(arguments, 'active', 'cloud', 'command', 'dryrun',
                       'flavor', 'force', 'output', 'group', 'image',
                       'interval', 'ip', 'key', 'modify-knownhosts', 'n',
                       'name', 'public', 'quiet', 'secgroup', 'size',

        # VERBOSE.print(arguments, verbose=9)

        variables = Variables()

        # pprint(arguments)
        # pprint(variables)

        provider = Provider()
        database = CmDatabase()

        # ok, but not tested
        if arguments.refresh:
            """vm refresh [--cloud=CLOUDS]"""

        # ok
        elif arguments.ping:
            """vm ping [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--count=N] [--processors=PROCESSORS]"""
            # cms aws ping t --cloud=aws --count=3 --processors=3
            if arguments.NAMES:
                variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "ping", arguments, variables)

            params = {}

            count = arguments['--count']
            if count:
                params['count'] = int(count)

            processors = arguments['--processors']
            if processors:
                params['processors'] = int(processors[0])

            # gets public ips from database
            public_ips = []
            cursor = database.db['aws-node']
            for name in names:
                for node in cursor.find({'name': name}):
            public_ips = [y for x in public_ips for y in x]
            # print(public_ips)

            Shell3.pings(ips=public_ips, **params)

        # ok
        elif arguments.check:
            """vm check [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS] [--username=USERNAME] [--processors=PROCESSORS]"""
            # cms aws check t --cloud=aws --username=ubuntu --processors=3
            if arguments.NAMES:
                variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "ping", arguments, variables)

            params = {}

            params['key'] = provider.p.spec["credentials"][
                'EC2_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH'] + provider.p.spec["credentials"][

            params['username'] = arguments['--username']  # or get from db

            processors = arguments['--processors']
            if processors:
                params['processors'] = int(processors[0])

            # gets public ips from database
            public_ips = []
            cursor = database.db['aws-node']
            for name in names:
                for node in cursor.find({'name': name}):
            public_ips = [y for x in public_ips for y in x]

            Shell3.checks(hosts=public_ips, **params)

        # ok
        elif arguments.status:
            """vm status [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS]"""
            # cms aws status t --cloud=aws
            if arguments.NAMES:
                variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "status", arguments, variables)

            # gets status from database
            status = {}
            cursor = database.db['aws-node']
            for name in names:
                for node in cursor.find({'name': name}):
                    status[name] = node['state']


        elif arguments.start:
            """vm start [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--parallel] [--processors=PROCESSORS] [--dryrun]"""
            # cms aws start t --parallel --processors=3
            if arguments.NAMES:
                variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "start", arguments, variables)

            params = {}

            processors = arguments['--processors']

            if arguments['--parallel']:
                params['option'] = 'pool'
                if processors:
                    params['processors'] = int(processors[0])
                params['option'] = 'iter'

            if arguments['--dryrun']:
                print("start nodes {}\noption - {}\nprocessors - {}".format(
                    names, params['option'], processors))
                pprint(provider.start(names, **params))

        elif arguments.stop:
            """vm stop [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--parallel] [--processors=PROCESSORS] [--dryrun]"""
            # cms aws stop t --parallel --processors=2
            if arguments.NAMES:
                variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "stop", arguments, variables)

            params = {}

            processors = arguments['--processors']

            if arguments['--parallel']:
                params['option'] = 'pool'
                if processors:
                    params['processors'] = int(processors[0])
                params['option'] = 'iter'

            if arguments['--dryrun']:
                print("stop nodes {}\noption - {}\nprocessors - {}".format(
                    names, params['option'], processors))
                vms = provider.stop(names, **params)
                order = provider.p.output['vm']['order']
                header = provider.p.output['vm']['header']

        elif arguments.terminate:
            """vm terminate [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--parallel] [--processors=PROCESSORS] [--dryrun]"""
            # cms aws terminate t --parallel --processors=2
            if arguments.NAMES:
                variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "terminate", arguments, variables)

            params = {}

            processors = arguments['--processors']

            if arguments['--parallel']:
                params['option'] = 'pool'
                if processors:
                    params['processors'] = int(processors[0])
                params['option'] = 'iter'

            if arguments['--dryrun']:
                    "terminate nodes {}\noption - {}\nprocessors - {}".format(
                        names, params['option'], processors))
                pprint(provider.destroy(names, **params))

        elif arguments.delete:
            """vm delete [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--parallel] [--processors=PROCESSORS] [--dryrun]"""
            if arguments.NAMES:
                variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "terminate", arguments, variables)

            params = {}

            processors = arguments['--processors']

            if arguments['--parallel']:
                params['option'] = 'pool'
                if processors:
                    params['processors'] = int(processors[0])
                params['option'] = 'iter'

            if arguments['--dryrun']:
                print("delete nodes {}\noption - {}\nprocessors - {}".format(
                    names, params['option'], processors))
                pprint(provider.destroy(names, **params))

        # TODO: username, secgroup
        elif arguments.boot:
                            vm boot [--name=VMNAMES]
                            vm boot [--n=COUNT]
            if arguments['--name']:
                # cms aws boot --name=t --cloud=aws --username=root --image=ami-08692d171e3cf02d6  --flavor=t2.micro --public --secgroup=group1 --key=aws_cert
                # cms aws boot --name=t --image=ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-20190212  --flavor=t2.micro --key=aws_cert
                names = Parameter.expand(arguments['--name'])

            elif arguments['n']:
                # cms aws boot --n=2 --cloud=aws --username=root --image=ami-08692d171e3cf02d6  --flavor=t2.micro --public --secgroup=group1 --key=aws_cert
                n = int(arguments['n'])
                names = []
                for i in range(n):  # generate random names
                    m = hashlib.blake2b(digest_size=8)

                print("please provide name or count to boot vm")

            # username = arguments['--username']
            image = arguments['--image']
            flavor = arguments['--flavor']

            params = {}

            public = arguments['--public']
            if public:
                params['ex_assign_public_ip'] = public

            secgroup = Parameter.expand(arguments['--secgroup'])
            if secgroup:
                params['ex_security_groups'] = secgroup

            key = arguments['--key']
            if key:
                params['ex_keyname'] = key

            if arguments['--dryrun']:
                print("""create nodes {}
image - {}
flavor - {}
assign public ip - {}
security groups - {}
keypair name - {}""".format(names, image, flavor, public, secgroup, key))
                order = provider.p.output['vm']['order']
                header = provider.p.output['vm']['header']
                vm = provider.create(names=names,

        elif arguments.list:
            vm list [NAMES]
            if arguments.NAMES:
                variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            params = {}

            params['order'] = provider.p.output['vm']['order']
            params['header'] = provider.p.output['vm']['header']
            params['output'] = 'table'

            if arguments['--refresh']:

            if arguments.NAMES:
                vms = []
                for name in names:
                    vms += database.find(collection='aws-node', name=name)
                vms = database.find(collection='aws-node')

            print(Printer.flatwrite(vms, **params))

        # TODO
        elif arguments.info:
            vm info [--cloud=CLOUD]
            print("functionality not implemented")

        # TODO
        elif arguments.rename:
            """vm rename [OLDNAMES] [NEWNAMES] [--force] [--dryrun]"""
            print("functionality not implemented")

        # TODO
        elif arguments.ip and arguments.show:
            """vm ip show [NAMES]
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "ip", arguments, variables)

        # TODO
        elif arguments.ip and arguments.assign:
            vm ip assign [NAMES]
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "ip", arguments, variables)


        # TODO
        elif arguments.ip and arguments.inventory:
            """vm ip inventory [NAMES]"""
            print("list ips that could be assigned")

        # TODO
        elif arguments.default:
            """vm default [options...]"""
            print("functionality not implemented")

        # ok
        elif arguments.run:
            """vm run [--name=VMNAMES] [--username=USERNAME] [--dryrun] [COMMAND ...]"""
            # cms aws run --name=t --username=ubuntu uname
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "run", arguments, variables)
            username = arguments['--username']
            command = arguments.COMMAND

            name_ips = {}
            cursor = database.db['aws-node']
            for name in names:
                for node in cursor.find({'name': name}):
                    name_ips[name] = node['public_ips']

            if arguments['--dryrun']:
                print("run command {} on vms: {}".format(command, names))
                provider.ssh(name_ips, username=username, command=command)

        # BUG in call command
        elif arguments.script:
            """vm script [--name=NAMES] [--username=USERNAME] [--dryrun] SCRIPT"""
            # cms aws script --name=t --username=ubuntu tests/test_aws.sh
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "run", arguments, variables)
            username = arguments['--username']
            script = arguments.SCRIPT

            name_ips = {}
            cursor = database.db['aws-node']
            for name in names:
                for node in cursor.find({'name': name}):
                    name_ips[name] = node['public_ips']

            if arguments['--dryrun']:
                print("run script {} on vms: {}".format(script, names))
                provider.ssh(name_ips, username=username, script=script)

        # TODO
        elif arguments.resize:
            """vm resize [NAMES] [--size=SIZE]"""

        # TODO
        # shh run command in implemented as aws run
        # not sure what to do with this command
        # since ssh into multiple vms at the same time doesn't make a lot of sense
        elif arguments.ssh:
            vm ssh [NAMES] [--username=USER]
            if arguments.NAMES:
                variables['vm'] = arguments.NAMES
            clouds, names = Arguments.get_cloud_and_names(
                "list", arguments, variables)

            ips = {}
            cursor = database.db['aws-node']
            for name in names:
                for node in cursor.find({'name': name}):

            username = arguments['--username']
            ip = arguments['--ip']

            params = {}

            quiet = arguments['--quiet']
            if quiet:
                params['quiet'] = quiet

            command = arguments['--command']
            if command:
                params['command'] = command

            modify_host = arguments['--modify-knownhosts']
            if modify_host:
                params['modify_host'] = modify_host

            provider.ssh(username=username, ip=ip, **params)

        # TODO
        elif arguments.wait:
            """vm wait [--cloud=CLOUD] [--interval=SECONDS]"""
            print("waits for the vm till its ready and one can login")

        # TODO
        elif arguments.username:
            """vm username USERNAME [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD]"""
            print("sets the username for the vm")

        elif arguments.debug:
            # print(provider.p.cloudman.ex_list_floating_ips())
            # print(provider.loop(names, abs, option='iter',processors=3))

Exemple #30
 def __init__(self, name="workflow"):
     self.database = CmDatabase()
     self.workflow_name = name
     self.collection = self.database.collection(f"{name}-flow")