Exemple #1
def runExperiment(interval, url, logfile):
    import json

    from datetime import datetime
    from time import sleep

    descriptions = {}
    descriptions["errors"] = []

    while True:
        startTime = datetime.now()
        print("TICK! Checking potatoes...")
        token = postImage(url)

        attempt = 0
        description = None
        print("Fetching description. {} attempts in {}s intervals.".format(MAX_ATTEMPTS, TIMEOUT_FETCH))
        while not description and attempt < MAX_ATTEMPTS:
            print("{} attempt to fetch result...".format(attempt))
            attempt += 1
            description = getDescription(token)
            when = str(datetime.now())
            print("{} @ {}".format(description, when))

            " * Veryfing that data assigned to returned token is immutable in {}s intervals...".format(TIMEOUT_VERIFY)
        desc_unique = set([description])
        for i in range(4):
            print("{} fetch.".format(i))
            descu = getDescription(token)

        if len(desc_unique) > 1:
            print("!! Got different descriptions out of one token: {}".format(desc_unique))
            descriptions["errors"].append((description, str(desc_unique)))

        if description in descriptions:
            descriptions[description] = [when]

        with open(logfile, "w+") as fh:
            print("Updating file...")

        print("Sleeping... zzz.... hrrrr.... zzzz....")

        delta = (datetime.now() - startTime).seconds
        snooze = interval - delta

        if snooze > 0:
            print("Work took {}s. Sleeping for {}s... (interval is {}s)".format(delta, snooze, interval))
def runExperiment(url):
  import json

  from datetime import datetime
  from time import sleep

  descriptions = {}
  descriptions['errors'] = []

  print ("Submitting request for {}...".format(url))
  token = postImage(url)

  print ("Starting fetching results from the image (the total request remaining should be 1 less and not the number of pulls set to {}...".format(PULLS))    
  for i in range(PULLS):
    print ("Fetch: {}.".format(i))
    description = getDescription(token)
    print ("Recieved description: {}".format(description))

  print ("Finished the experiment.")