def test_fpzip():
    for N in range(0, 100):
        flts = np.array(range(N), dtype=np.float32).reshape((N, 1, 1, 1))
        compressed = encode(flts, 'fpzip')
        assert compressed != flts
        decompressed = decode(compressed, 'fpzip')
        assert np.all(decompressed == flts)

    for N in range(0, 200, 2):
        flts = np.array(range(N), dtype=np.float32).reshape((N // 2, 2, 1, 1))
        compressed = encode(flts, 'fpzip')
        assert compressed != flts
        decompressed = decode(compressed, 'fpzip')
        assert np.all(decompressed == flts)
Exemple #2
def encode_decode(data, format, num_chan=1):
    encoded = encode(data, format)
    result = decode(encoded,
                    shape=(64, 64, 64, num_chan),

    assert np.all(result.shape == data.shape)
    assert np.all(data == result)
def test_kempression():
    data = np.random.random_sample(size=1024 * 3).reshape(
        (64, 4, 4, 3)).astype(np.float32)
    encoded = encode(data, 'kempressed')
    result = decode(encoded,
                    shape=(64, 4, 4, 3),
    assert np.all(result.shape == data.shape)
    assert np.all(np.abs(data - result) <= np.finfo(np.float32).eps)
def test_http_read_brotli_image():
    fn = "2_2_50/4096-4608_4096-4608_112-128"
    bbox = Bbox.from_filename(
        fn)  # possible off by one error w/ exclusive bounds

    with Storage(""
                 ) as stor:
        img_bytes = stor.get_file(fn)

    img = chunks.decode(img_bytes, 'raw', shape=bbox.size3(), dtype="uint8")

    assert img.shape == (512, 512, 16)
def test_jpeg():
    data = np.zeros(shape=(64, 64, 64, 1), dtype=np.uint8)
    encode_decode(data, 'jpeg')
    encode_decode(data + 255, 'jpeg')

    # Random jpeg won't decompress to exactly the same image
    # but it should have nearly the same average power
    random_data = np.random.randint(255, size=(64, 64, 64, 1), dtype=np.uint8)
    pre_avg = random_data.copy().flatten().mean()
    encoded = encode(random_data, 'jpeg')
    decoded = decode(encoded, 'jpeg', shape=(64, 64, 64, 1), dtype=np.uint8)
    post_avg = decoded.copy().flatten().mean()

    assert abs(pre_avg - post_avg) < 1
Exemple #6
def test_jpeg(shape, num_channels):
  import simplejpeg

  xshape = list(shape) + [ num_channels ]
  data = np.zeros(shape=xshape, dtype=np.uint8)
  encode_decode(data, 'jpeg', shape, num_channels)
  encode_decode(data + 255, 'jpeg', shape, num_channels)

  jpg = simplejpeg.decode_jpeg(
    encode(data, 'jpeg'), 
  assert jpg.shape[0] == shape[1] * shape[2]
  assert jpg.shape[1] == shape[0]

  # Random jpeg won't decompress to exactly the same image
  # but it should have nearly the same average power
  random_data = np.random.randint(255, size=xshape, dtype=np.uint8)
  pre_avg = random_data.copy().flatten().mean()
  encoded = encode(random_data, 'jpeg')
  decoded = decode(encoded, 'jpeg', shape=xshape, dtype=np.uint8)
  post_avg = decoded.copy().flatten().mean()

  assert abs(pre_avg - post_avg) < 1
Exemple #7
def test_caching():
    image = np.zeros(shape=(128, 128, 128, 1), dtype=np.uint8)
    image[0:64, 0:64, 0:64] = 1
    image[64:128, 0:64, 0:64] = 2
    image[0:64, 64:128, 0:64] = 3
    image[0:64, 0:64, 64:128] = 4
    image[64:128, 64:128, 0:64] = 5
    image[64:128, 0:64, 64:128] = 6
    image[0:64, 64:128, 64:128] = 7
    image[64:128, 64:128, 64:128] = 8

    dirpath = '/tmp/cloudvolume/caching-volume-' + str(TEST_NUMBER)
    layer_path = 'file://' + dirpath

    vol = CloudVolume.from_numpy(
        voxel_offset=(0, 0, 0),
        resolution=(1, 1, 1),
        chunk_size=(64, 64, 64),

    vol.cache.enabled = True

    # Test that reading populates the cache
    read1 = vol[:, :, :]
    assert np.all(read1 == image)

    read2 = vol[:, :, :]
    assert np.all(read2 == image)

    assert len(vol.cache.list()) > 0

    files = vol.cache.list()
    validation_set = [
        '0-64_0-64_0-64', '64-128_0-64_0-64', '0-64_64-128_0-64',
        '0-64_0-64_64-128', '64-128_64-128_0-64', '64-128_0-64_64-128',
        '0-64_64-128_64-128', '64-128_64-128_64-128'
    assert set([os.path.splitext(fname)[0]
                for fname in files]) == set(validation_set)

    for i in range(8):
        fname = os.path.join(vol.cache.path, vol.key,
                             validation_set[i]) + '.gz'
        with gzip.GzipFile(fname, mode='rb') as gfile:
            chunk =
        img3d = chunks.decode(chunk, 'raw', (64, 64, 64, 1), np.uint8)
        assert np.all(img3d == (i + 1))

    assert not os.path.exists(vol.cache.path)

    # Test that writing populates the cache
    vol[:, :, :] = image

    assert os.path.exists(vol.cache.path)
    assert np.all(vol[:, :, :] == image)


    # Test that partial reads work too
    result = vol[0:64, 0:64, :]
    assert np.all(result == image[0:64, 0:64, :])
    files = vol.cache.list()
    assert len(files) == 2
    result = vol[:, :, :]
    assert np.all(result == image)
    files = vol.cache.list()
    assert len(files) == 8


    # Test Non-standard Cache Destination
    dirpath = '/tmp/cloudvolume/caching-cache-' + str(TEST_NUMBER)
    vol.cache.enabled = True
    vol.cache.path = dirpath
    vol[:, :, :] = image

    assert len(os.listdir(os.path.join(dirpath, vol.key))) == 8


    # Test that caching doesn't occur when cache is not set
    vol.cache.enabled = False
    result = vol[:, :, :]
    if os.path.exists(vol.cache.path):
        files = vol.cache.list()
        assert len(files) == 0

    vol[:, :, :] = image
    if os.path.exists(vol.cache.path):
        files = vol.cache.list()
        assert len(files) == 0


    # Test that deletion works too
    vol.cache.enabled = True
    vol[:, :, :] = image
    files = vol.cache.list()
    assert len(files) == 8
    vol.delete(np.s_[:, :, :])
    files = vol.cache.list()
    assert len(files) == 0


    vol[:, :, :] = image
    files = vol.cache.list()
    assert len(files) == 8
    vol.cache.flush(preserve=np.s_[:, :, :])
    files = vol.cache.list()
    assert len(files) == 8
    vol.cache.flush(preserve=np.s_[:64, :64, :])
    files = vol.cache.list()
    assert len(files) == 2


    vol[:, :, :] = image
    files = vol.cache.list()
    assert len(files) == 8
    vol.cache.flush_region(Bbox((50, 50, 0), (100, 100, 10)))
    files = vol.cache.list()
    assert len(files) == 4


    vol[:, :, :] = image
    files = vol.cache.list()
    assert len(files) == 8
    vol.cache.flush_region(np.s_[50:100, 50:100, 0:10])
    files = vol.cache.list()
    assert len(files) == 4
