def drawDendrogram(cluster, file="dendrogram.jpg"): """ Given a cluster, outputs a dendrogram depiction of that cluster as a jpg image. The lengths of the lines depicting a pair of children are proportional to the degree of dissimilarity between the pair. """ imageHeight = getWidth(cluster) * 20 imageWidth = 1200 clusterDepth = getDepth(cluster) scaling = float(imageWidth-150)/clusterDepth # Create a new image with a white background img ='RGB',(imageWidth,imageHeight), (255,255,255)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) # Draw the dendrogram draw.line((0,imageHeight/2,10,imageHeight/2), fill=(0,0,0)) drawNode(draw, cluster, 10, imageHeight/2, scaling) # Save the image,'JPEG')
def drawNode(draw, cluster, x, y, scaling): """ Given a DrawImage 'draw', and cluster 'cluster', draw the dendrogram representing the cluster with its root located at x,y. """ if cluster.left == None and cluster.right == None: # Draw a leaf node (i.e. just print the label) draw.text((x+5,y-7),,(0,0,0)) else: # Draw a branch node h1 = getWidth(cluster.left) * 20 h2 = getWidth(cluster.right) * 20 branchLength = cluster.error * scaling y0 = y - h2/2 y1 = y + h1/2 draw.line((x,y0,x,y1), fill=(0,0,0)) draw.line((x,y0,x+branchLength,y0), fill=(0,0,0)) draw.line((x,y1,x+branchLength,y1), fill=(0,0,0)) drawNode(draw, cluster.left, x+branchLength, y0, scaling) drawNode(draw, cluster.right, x+branchLength, y1, scaling)