Exemple #1
def do_double_diff_setup_and_run(opdict):
    Do double difference (outer routine). Takes options from a
    WavelocOptions.opdict dictionary.

    :param opdict: Dictionary of parameters and options

    base_path = opdict['base_path']
    verbose = opdict['verbose']
    dd_loc = opdict['dd_loc']

    # Station
    stations_filename = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib', opdict['stations'])
    stations = read_stations_file(stations_filename)

    # Location file
    locdir = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', opdict['outdir'], 'loc')
    loc_filename = os.path.join(locdir, 'locations.dat')
    locs = read_locs_from_file(loc_filename)
    opdict = read_header_from_file(loc_filename, opdict)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # search grid
    search_grid_filename = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib',
    # traveltimes grid
    grid_info = read_hdr_file(search_grid_filename)
    time_grids = get_interpolated_time_grids(opdict)

    # Extract the UTM coordinates of the area of study
    xstart = grid_info['x_orig']
    xend = xstart+grid_info['nx']*grid_info['dx']
    ystart = grid_info['y_orig']
    yend = ystart+grid_info['ny']*grid_info['dy']
    zend = -grid_info['z_orig']
    zstart = -(-zend+grid_info['nz']*grid_info['dz'])
    area = [xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zstart, zend]

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    nbmin = int(opdict['nbsta'])
    threshold = float(opdict['clus'])

    # Correlation,  time delay and cluster files
    corr_file = os.path.join(locdir, opdict['xcorr_corr'])
    cfile = BinaryFile(corr_file)
    coeff = cfile.read_binary_file()

    delay_file = os.path.join(locdir, opdict['xcorr_delay'])
    dfile = BinaryFile(delay_file)
    delay = dfile.read_binary_file()

    cluster_file = os.path.join(locdir, 'cluster-%s-%s' % (str(threshold),
    clfile = BinaryFile(cluster_file)
    cluster = clfile.read_binary_file()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Input parameters
    len_cluster_min = 2

    if dd_loc:
        new_loc_filename = os.path.join(locdir, 'relocations.dat')
        new_loc_file = open(new_loc_filename, 'w')
        write_header_options(new_loc_file, opdict)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Iterate over clusters
    for i in cluster.keys():
        print "CLUSTER %d:" % i, cluster[i], len(cluster[i])
        N = len(cluster[i])

        # Hypocentral parameters to be changed
        x, y, z, z_ph, to = coord_cluster(cluster[i], locs)

        # Replace bad locations by the centroid coordinates
        centroid_x = np.mean(x)
        centroid_y = np.mean(y)
        centroid_z = np.mean(z)

        for ii in range(len(cluster[i])):
            if np.abs(x[ii]-centroid_x) > .75:
                x[ii] = centroid_x
            if np.abs(y[ii]-centroid_y) > .75:
                y[ii] = centroid_y
            if np.abs(z[ii]-centroid_z) > .75:
                z[ii] = centroid_z

        if N > len_cluster_min:
            # Theroretical traveltimes and arrival times
            t_th, arr_times = traveltimes(x, y, z, to, stations, time_grids)
            # do double difference location
            x, y, z, to = do_double_diff(x, y, z, to, stations, coeff, delay,
                                         cluster[i], threshold, t_th,

        if verbose:
            from clustering import compute_nbsta
            nbsta = compute_nbsta(len(locs), coeff, threshold)
            plot_events(cluster, locs, stations, x, y, z, i, threshold, nbmin,
                        area, nbsta)

        if dd_loc:
            ind = 0
        for j in cluster[i]:
            locs[j-1]['x_mean'] = x[ind]
            locs[j-1]['y_mean'] = y[ind]
            locs[j-1]['z_mean'] = z[ind]
            locs[j-1]['o_time'] = to[ind]
            locs[j-1]['x_sigma'] = 0
            locs[j-1]['y_sigma'] = 0
            locs[j-1]['z_sigma'] = 0
            locs[j-1]['o_err_right'] = 0
            locs[j-1]['o_err_left'] = 0
            ind += 1
            new_loc_file.write("Max = %.2f, %s - %.2f s + %.2f s, x= %.4f pm\
                %.4f km, y= %.4f pm %.4f km, z= %.4f pm %.4f km\n" %
                (locs[j-1]['max_trig'], locs[j-1]['o_time'].isoformat(),
                locs[j-1]['o_err_left'], locs[j-1]['o_err_right'],
                locs[j-1]['x_mean'], locs[j-1]['x_sigma'],
                locs[j-1]['y_mean'], locs[j-1]['y_sigma'],
                locs[j-1]['z_mean'], locs[j-1]['z_sigma']))

    if dd_loc:
 def test_nbsta(self):
     exp_nbsta = compute_nbsta(self.event, self.coeff, self.threshold)
     self.assertEqual(exp_nbsta.all(), self.nbsta.all())
Exemple #3
def do_double_diff_setup_and_run(opdict):
    Do double difference (outer routine). Takes options from a
    WavelocOptions.opdict dictionary.

    :param opdict: Dictionary of parameters and options

    base_path = opdict['base_path']
    verbose = opdict['verbose']
    dd_loc = opdict['dd_loc']

    # Station
    stations_filename = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib', opdict['stations'])
    stations = read_stations_file(stations_filename)

    # Location file
    locdir = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', opdict['outdir'], 'loc')
    loc_filename = os.path.join(locdir, 'locations.dat')
    locs = read_locs_from_file(loc_filename)
    opdict = read_header_from_file(loc_filename, opdict)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # search grid
    search_grid_filename = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib',
    # traveltimes grid
    grid_info = read_hdr_file(search_grid_filename)
    time_grids = get_interpolated_time_grids(opdict)

    # Extract the UTM coordinates of the area of study
    xstart = grid_info['x_orig']
    xend = xstart + grid_info['nx'] * grid_info['dx']
    ystart = grid_info['y_orig']
    yend = ystart + grid_info['ny'] * grid_info['dy']
    zend = -grid_info['z_orig']
    zstart = -(-zend + grid_info['nz'] * grid_info['dz'])
    area = [xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zstart, zend]

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    nbmin = int(opdict['nbsta'])
    threshold = float(opdict['clus'])

    # Correlation,  time delay and cluster files
    corr_file = os.path.join(locdir, opdict['xcorr_corr'])
    cfile = BinaryFile(corr_file)
    coeff = cfile.read_binary_file()

    delay_file = os.path.join(locdir, opdict['xcorr_delay'])
    dfile = BinaryFile(delay_file)
    delay = dfile.read_binary_file()

    cluster_file = os.path.join(locdir,
                                'cluster-%s-%s' % (str(threshold), str(nbmin)))
    clfile = BinaryFile(cluster_file)
    cluster = clfile.read_binary_file()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Input parameters
    len_cluster_min = 2

    if dd_loc:
        new_loc_filename = os.path.join(locdir, 'relocations.dat')
        new_loc_file = open(new_loc_filename, 'w')
        write_header_options(new_loc_file, opdict)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Iterate over clusters
    for i in cluster.keys():
        print "CLUSTER %d:" % i, cluster[i], len(cluster[i])
        N = len(cluster[i])

        # Hypocentral parameters to be changed
        x, y, z, z_ph, to = coord_cluster(cluster[i], locs)

        # Replace bad locations by the centroid coordinates
        centroid_x = np.mean(x)
        centroid_y = np.mean(y)
        centroid_z = np.mean(z)

        for ii in range(len(cluster[i])):
            if np.abs(x[ii] - centroid_x) > .75:
                x[ii] = centroid_x
            if np.abs(y[ii] - centroid_y) > .75:
                y[ii] = centroid_y
            if np.abs(z[ii] - centroid_z) > .75:
                z[ii] = centroid_z

        if N > len_cluster_min:
            # Theroretical traveltimes and arrival times
            t_th, arr_times = traveltimes(x, y, z, to, stations, time_grids)
            # do double difference location
            x, y, z, to = do_double_diff(x, y, z, to, stations, coeff, delay,
                                         cluster[i], threshold, t_th,

        if verbose:
            from clustering import compute_nbsta
            nbsta = compute_nbsta(len(locs), coeff, threshold)
            plot_events(cluster, locs, stations, x, y, z, i, threshold, nbmin,
                        area, nbsta)

        if dd_loc:
            ind = 0
        for j in cluster[i]:
            locs[j - 1]['x_mean'] = x[ind]
            locs[j - 1]['y_mean'] = y[ind]
            locs[j - 1]['z_mean'] = z[ind]
            locs[j - 1]['o_time'] = to[ind]
            locs[j - 1]['x_sigma'] = 0
            locs[j - 1]['y_sigma'] = 0
            locs[j - 1]['z_sigma'] = 0
            locs[j - 1]['o_err_right'] = 0
            locs[j - 1]['o_err_left'] = 0
            ind += 1
                "Max = %.2f, %s - %.2f s + %.2f s, x= %.4f pm\
                %.4f km, y= %.4f pm %.4f km, z= %.4f pm %.4f km\n" %
                (locs[j - 1]['max_trig'], locs[j - 1]['o_time'].isoformat(),
                 locs[j - 1]['o_err_left'], locs[j - 1]['o_err_right'],
                 locs[j - 1]['x_mean'], locs[j - 1]['x_sigma'],
                 locs[j - 1]['y_mean'], locs[j - 1]['y_sigma'],
                 locs[j - 1]['z_mean'], locs[j - 1]['z_sigma']))

    if dd_loc: