Exemple #1
    def decode_video(self, is_debug_mode=_GLOBAL_DEBUG_MODE):
        Receives a video stream from the given stream configuration and returns a process which is able to decode
        this stream

        :param is_debug_mode: True, will allow debug logging of the command, False will disallow this.
        :type is_debug_mode: bool

        :param is_debug_mode: True is debug logging is allowed, False otherwise
        :type is_debug_mode: bool

        command = Command(APP_PATH)

        -y: override without asking

        -i <INPUT>: defines the input stream
        command.set_as_posix_option('i', self._src_path)

        -c:v <CODEC_TYPE>: sets the video codec
        command.set_as_posix_option('c:v', 'rawvideo')

        <OUTPUT>: file where the decoded video should be stored in
        command.set_as_argument('DESTINATION', self._destination_path)

        set commands log output
        command.set_as_log_file(self._log_file) \

        if is_debug_mode:
            command.set_as_posix_option('loglevel', 'debug')

        # execute command
        return self._cmd(command)
    def __replay_stream(self):
        Replays the pre-specified packet source stream.
        tcpreplay: http://tcpreplay.synfin.net/wiki/tcpreplay

        -i <NETWORK_INTERFACE>: replay packets to the interface <NETWORK_INTERFACE>

        <INPUT>: input resource to replay the packets from

        tcpreplay_command = Command('tcpreplay')
        tcpreplay_command.set_as_posix_option('i', STREAM_NETWORK_INTERFACE) \
                         .set_as_argument('INPUT', self._src_file_path)

        if self._log_folder:
            from os import devnull
            tcpreplay_log_file_path = self._get_log_file_path('tcpreplay')
            tcpreplay_command.set_std_err_redirect_to_std_out() \
                             .tee(tcpreplay_log_file_path + ' > ' + devnull) \

Exemple #3
    def manipulate(self):
        Performs the manipulation based on existing traces.

        telchemy_command = Command(self._parent.MANIPULATOR_PROGRAM_PATH)
        trace_file_path = self._path \
                     + TRACES_FOLDER_NAME \
                     + PATH_SEPARATOR \
                     + self._settings[TelchemyReadTraceRes.DB_FIELD_NAME_TRACE_FILE_NAME]

        assert isfile(trace_file_path) and exists(trace_file_path), \
            "The specified trace file: `%s` is not a valid existing file!" % trace_file_path

        telchemy_command.set_as_posix_option('r', trace_file_path)

        # set loggings
        if self._log_folder and self._log_suffix:
            telchemy_log_file_path = self._get_log_file_path('telchemy')

Exemple #4
    def __get_base_telchemy_command(self):
        Returns a basic telchemy command, which can be used for further specifications.

        :return: A basic telchemy command, which can be used for further specifications
        :rtype: Command

        telchemy_command = Command(self._parent.MANIPULATOR_PROGRAM_PATH)

        # specify markov model | NOTE: the P.NAMS/P.BNAMS model is not specified in here!
        if self.__is_markov_2_state:
            telchemy_command.set_as_posix_option('m', 2)
        elif self.__is_markov_4_state:
            telchemy_command.set_as_posix_option('m', 4)

        # specify loss insertion start time
        telchemy_command.set_as_posix_option('s', self._settings[TelchemyMarkovRes.DB_FIELD_START_AFTER])

        # specify loss insertion end time
        telchemy_command.set_as_posix_option('e', self._settings[TelchemyMarkovRes.DB_FIELD_END_BEFORE])

        return telchemy_command
Exemple #5
    def __convert_to_mpeg2ts(self, input_path, codec_name):
        Converts an input file to a specific output format with MP4Box to MPEG2-TS

        :param input_path: the path to the file to convert
        :type input_path: basestring

        :param codec_name: the name of the codec to use for the conversion
        :type codec_name: basestring

        :return: the path where the converted file can be found after the operation succeeded
        :rtype: basestring

        assert isinstance(input_path, basestring)
        assert isinstance(codec_name, basestring)
        assert isfile(input_path)
        assert exists(input_path)

        ffmpeg: http://ffmpeg.org/
        from coder.ffmpegCoder import APP_PATH as FFMPEG_PATH
        ffmpeg_command = Command(FFMPEG_PATH)

        i: input file
        ffmpeg_command.set_as_posix_option('i', input_path)

        c: codec used
        ffmpeg_command.set_as_posix_option('c:v', codec_name)

        set output file
        output_path = self._switch_file_extension(input_path, 'ts')
        ffmpeg_command.set_as_argument('OUTPUT', output_path)

        set log output
        if self._log_folder:
            from os.path import splitext, basename, extsep
            mp42ts_log_file_path = self._log_folder \
                                 + PATH_SEPARATOR \
                                 + 'mp42ts_' \
                                 + splitext(basename(input_path))[0] \
                                 + extsep \
                                 + 'log'

            ffmpeg_command.set_as_log_file(mp42ts_log_file_path) \

        ffmpeg_process = self._cmd(ffmpeg_command)

        if isinstance(ffmpeg_process, Process):

        return output_path
Exemple #6
    def send_stream(self, server, port, stream_mode, codec, is_debug_mode=_GLOBAL_DEBUG_MODE):
        Streams the ffmpeg video to a given server:port by a given protocol.

        :param server: the server to stream to
        :type port: int

        :param port: the port to stream to
        :type server: basestring

        :param stream_mode: the mode how to stream the video
        :type stream_mode: basestring

        :param codec: the codec used for the encoding of the video (required to set bit stream filters)
        :type codec: AbstractCodec

        :param is_debug_mode: True is debug logging is allowed, False otherwise
        :type is_debug_mode: bool

        assert isinstance(server, basestring)
        assert isinstance(port, int)
        assert isinstance(stream_mode, basestring)

        assert stream_mode in HrcTable.VALID_STREAM_MODES

        # build streaming command
        command = Command(APP_PATH)

        -re: play back in real-time

        -i <INPUT_FILE>: defines the input file
        command.set_as_posix_option('i', self._src_path)

        -c:v sets the video codec
        if stream_mode == HrcTable.DB_STREAM_MODE_FIELD_VALUE_MPEGTS_RTP:
            command.set_as_posix_option('c:v', codec.get_library_name()) # for MPEGTS_RTP required!
            command.set_as_posix_option('c:v', 'copy')

        -an (<OUTPUT>): disable audio output

        -f <FMT> (<INPUT/OUTPUT>): force the input/output file format to <FMT>. In general the output format is
        automatically detected by the given input files, so this option is usually not needed.
        command.set_as_posix_option('f', self.__get_io_file_format(stream_mode))

        -bsf:v <FILTER>: sets a filter operation on the stream
        if stream_mode in (
            bsf_name = codec.get_bit_stream_filter()
            if bsf_name:
                command.set_as_posix_option('bsf:v', bsf_name)

        if stream_mode == HrcTable.DB_STREAM_MODE_FIELD_VALUE_RAW_RTP:
            -sdp_file <SDP_FILE_PATH>: path where to dump the sdp file content

            # noinspection PyPep8Naming
            from os.path import splitext, extsep as FILE_EXTENSION_SEPARATOR
            (base_path, extension) = splitext(self._src_path)
            command.set_as_posix_option('sdp_file', base_path + FILE_EXTENSION_SEPARATOR + 'sdp')

        address where to send the stream to
        command.set_as_argument('DESTINATION', '%s://%s:%d' % (self.__get_stream_protocol(stream_mode), server, port))

        # TODO only for debug
        # command.set_as_argument('DEST2', 'test.ts');
        # TODO /only for debug

        set the commands log output
        command.set_as_log_file(self._log_file) \

        if is_debug_mode:
            command.set_as_posix_option('loglevel', 'debug')

        # execute command