def create_keys(args): if args.key is None: keys = [x.crypto.KeyPair()] if args.insp is not None: keys.append(x.crypto.KeyPair()) printv("No key file was provided, random key is generated", args.verbose) else: with open(args.key, mode='rb') as file: raw = keys = [x.crypto.KeyPair(raw_key=raw)] if args.insp is not None: raw2 = keys.append(x.crypto.KeyPair(raw_key=raw2)) printv("Key file ", args.key, " was used to generate the key(s)", args.verbose) return keys
def load_src(args): if args.src is None: src_path = default.DEFAULT_SERVICE msg = noexplicit("Service") printv(msg, args.verbose) else: src_path = args.src try: src = x.load_src(src_path) src.AUTH = x.load_auth(auth_path(args)) return src, src_path except x.SrcLoadError: print("Error when trying to load Src file") print("Service path: ", src_path) raise except x.AuthLoadError: print("Error when trying to load Auth file") print("Auth path: ", auth_path(args)) raise
def load_insp(args): if args.insp is None: insp_path = default.DEFAULT_INSPECTOR msg = noexplicit("Inspector") printv(msg, args.verbose) else: insp_path = args.insp try: insp = x.load_insp(insp_path) insp.AUTH = x.load_auth(auth_path(args)) return insp, insp_path except x.InspLoadError: print("Error when trying to load Inspector file") print("Inspector path: ", insp_path) raise except x.AuthLoadError: print("Error when trying to load Auth file") print("Auth path: ", auth_path(args)) raise
def load_usr(args): if args.usr is None: usr_path = default.DEFAULT_USER msg = noexplicit("User") printv(msg, args.verbose) else: usr_path = args.usr try: usr = x.load_usr(usr_path) usr.AUTH = x.load_auth(auth_path(args)) return usr, usr_path except x.UsrLoadError: print("Error when trying to load User file") print("User path: ", usr_path) raise except x.AuthLoadError: print("Error when trying to load Auth file") print("Auth path: ", auth_path(args)) raise
def create_service(args, AUTH): printv("Generating Service file...",args.verbose) keys = create_keys(args) src = x.Service(keys=keys[0]) AUTH.reg_service(src) if args.output is not None: out_file = args.output else: out_file = default.DEFAULT_SERVICE printv("No output path was provided.",args.verbose) printv("The following file for output is used: ", out_file, args.verbose) x.to_file(out_file, src) printv("Service file was successfully created.",args.verbose)
def create_user(args, AUTH): printv("Generating User file...", args.verbose) keys = create_keys(args) usr = x.AgentUser(keys=keys[0]) AUTH.reg_user(usr) if args.output is not None: out_file = args.output else: out_file = default.DEFAULT_USER printv("No output path was provided.",args.verbose) printv("The following file for output is used: ", out_file, args.verbose) x.to_file(out_file, usr) printv("User file was successfully created.", args.verbose)
def create_inspector(args, AUTH): printv("Generating Inspector file...", args.verbose) keys = create_keys(args) insp = x.Inspector(args.scope, keys_sign=keys[0], keys_vko=keys[1]) AUTH.reg_inspector(insp) if args.output is not None: out_file = args.output else: out_file = default.DEFAULT_INSPECTOR printv("No output path was provided.", args.verbose) printv("The following file for output is used: ", out_file, args.verbose) x.to_file(out_file, insp) printv("Inspector file was successfully created.", args.verbose)
def run_create(args): if args.output is not None: out_file = args.output else: out_file = default.DEFAULT_AUTH printv("No output path was provided.", args.verbose) if args.verbose: print("The following file for output is used: ", out_file) printv("Creating auth center file.", args.verbose) AUTH = x.AuthCenter() x.to_file(out_file, AUTH) printv("Auth Center file was succesfully generated.", args.verbose)