def complete_machine( self, running=None, active=None, term_or_reset=None) -> List[cmd2.argparse_custom.CompletionItem]: """ Return a list of CompletionItems for machines """ result = [] for m in self.cnxn.machines: # Match active if active is not None and m.expired == active: continue # Match running if running is not None and m.spawned != running: continue # Match terminating or resetting if term_or_reset is not None and not m.terminating and not m.resetting: continue if m.resetting: state = "resetting" elif m.terminating: state = "terminating" elif m.spawned: state = m.expires else: state = "stopped" os = f"{HackTheBox.OS_ICONS.get(m.os.lower(), HackTheBox.OS_ICONS['other'])} {m.os}" result.append( cmd2.CompletionItem(, f"{os:<13}{m.ip:<13}{state}")) return result
def extras_choices_method(self): """Method that returns all possible values for the 'extras' command, used for tab-completion.""" completions_with_desc = [] extras_keys = self._current_node.extras_keys() for key in extras_keys: completions_with_desc.append( cmd2.CompletionItem( key, "({})".format( type(self._current_node.get_extra(key)).__name__))) # Mark that we already sorted the matches # self.matches_sorted = True return completions_with_desc
def attrs_choices_method(self): """Method that returns all possible values for the 'attrs' command, used for tab-completion.""" completions_with_desc = [] attributes_keys = self._current_node.attributes_keys() for key in attributes_keys: #if key.startswith(text): completions_with_desc.append( cmd2.CompletionItem( key, "({})".format( type(self._current_node.get_attribute(key)).__name__))) # Mark that we already sorted the matches # self.matches_sorted = True return completions_with_desc