Exemple #1
def agent_section(
    name: str,
    parse_function: Optional[AgentParseFunction] = None,
    parsed_section_name: Optional[str] = None,
    host_label_function: Optional[HostLabelFunction] = None,
    supersedes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> None:
    """Register an agent section to checkmk

    The section marked by '<<<name>>>' in the raw agent output will be processed
    according to the functions and options given to this function:


      name:                The unique name of the section to be registered.
                           It must match the section header of the agent output ('<<<name>>>').

      parse_function:      The function responsible for parsing the raw agent data.
                           It must accept exactly one argument by the name 'string_table'.
                           It may return an arbitrary object. Note that if the return value is
                           `None`, no forther processing will take place (just as if the agent had
                           not sent any data).

      parsed_section_name: The name under which the parsed section will be available to the plugins.
                           Defaults to the original name.

      host_label_function: The function responsible for extracting host labels from the parsed data.
                           It must accept exactly one argument by the name 'section'.
                           When the function is called, it will be passed the parsed data as
                           returned by the parse function.
                           It is expected to yield objects of type :class:`HostLabel`.

      supersedes:          A list of section names which are superseded by this sections. If this
                           section will be parsed to something that is not `None` (see above) all
                           superseded section will not be considered at all.

    section_plugin = create_agent_section_plugin(

    if is_registered_section_plugin(section_plugin.name):
        raise ValueError("duplicate section definition: %s" %

Exemple #2
    def _update_with_parse_function(
        section_content: ABCRawDataSection,
        section_name: SectionName,
        check_legacy_info: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]],
    ) -> ParsedSectionContent:
        """Transform the section_content using the defined parse functions.

        Some checks define a parse function that is used to transform the section_content
        somehow. It is applied by this function.

        Please note that this is not a check/subcheck individual setting. This option is related
        to the agent section.

        All exceptions raised by the parse function will be catched and re-raised as
        MKParseFunctionError() exceptions."""
        # We can use the migrated section: we refuse to migrate sections with
        # "'node_info'=True", so the auto-migrated ones will keep working.
        # This function will never be called on checks programmed against the new
        # API (or migrated manually)
        if not agent_based_register.is_registered_section_plugin(section_name):
            # use legacy parse function for unmigrated sections
            parse_function = check_legacy_info.get(str(section_name),
            section_plugin = agent_based_register.get_section_plugin(
            parse_function = cast(
                Callable[[ABCRawDataSection], ParsedSectionContent],

        if parse_function is None:
            return section_content

        # (mo): ValueStores (formally Item state) need to be *only* available
        # from within the check function, nowhere else.
        orig_item_state_prefix = item_state.get_item_state_prefix()
            item_state.set_item_state_prefix(section_name, None)
            return parse_function(section_content)

        except item_state.MKCounterWrapped:

        except Exception:
            if cmk.utils.debug.enabled():
            raise MKParseFunctionError(*sys.exc_info())

Exemple #3
def snmp_section(
    name: str,
    parsed_section_name: Optional[str] = None,
    parse_function: Optional[SNMPParseFunction] = None,
    host_label_function: Optional[HostLabelFunction] = None,
    detect: SNMPDetectSpec,
    trees: List[SNMPTree],
    supersedes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> None:
    """Register an snmp section to checkmk

    The snmp information will be gathered and parsed according to the functions and
    options given to this function:

    :param name: The name of the section to be processed. It must be unique, and match
        the section header of the agent oufput ('<<<name>>>').
    :params parsed_section_name: not yet implemented.
    :params parse_function: The function responsible for parsing the raw snmp data.
        It must accept exactly one argument by the name 'string_table'.
        It may return an arbitrary object. Note that if the return value is falsey,
        no forther processing will take place.
    :params host_label_function: The function responsible for extracting HostLabels from
        the parsed data. It must accept exactly one argument by the name 'section'. When
        the function is called, it will be passed the parsed data as returned by the
        parse function. It is expected to yield objects of type 'HostLabel'.
    :params detect: The conditions on single OIDs that will result in the attempt to
        fetch snmp data and discover services. This should only match devices to which
        the section is applicable.
    :params trees: The specification of snmp data that should be fetched from the device.
        It must be a list of SNMPTree objects. The parse function will be passed a list of
        one SNMP table per specified Tree, where an SNMP tree is a list of lists of strings.
    :params supersedes: not yet implemented.
    section_plugin = create_snmp_section_plugin(

    if is_registered_section_plugin(section_plugin.name):
        raise ValueError("duplicate section definition: %s" %

Exemple #4
def agent_section(
    name: str,
    parsed_section_name: Optional[str] = None,
    parse_function: Optional[AgentParseFunction] = None,
    host_label_function: Optional[HostLabelFunction] = None,
    supersedes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> None:
    """Register an agent section to checkmk

    The section marked by '<<<name>>>' in the raw agent output will be processed
    according to the functions and options given to this function:

    :param name: The name of the section to be processed. It must be unique, and match
        the section header of the agent oufput ('<<<name>>>').
    :params parsed_section_name: not yet implemented.
    :params parse_function: The function responsible for parsing the raw agent data.
        It must accept exactly one argument by the name 'string_table'.
        It may return an arbitrary object. Note that if the return value is falsey,
        no forther processing will take place.
    :params host_label_function: The function responsible for extracting HostLabels from
        the parsed data. It must accept exactly one argument by the name 'section'. When
        the function is called, it will be passed the parsed data as returned by the
        parse function. It is expected to yield objects of type 'HostLabel'.
    :params supersedes: not yet implemented.
    section_plugin = create_agent_section_plugin(

    if is_registered_section_plugin(section_plugin.name):
        raise ValueError("duplicate section definition: %s" %

Exemple #5
def snmp_section(
    name: str,
    detect: SNMPDetectSpec,
    fetch: Union[SNMPTree, List[SNMPTree]],
    parse_function: Optional[SNMPParseFunction] = None,
    parsed_section_name: Optional[str] = None,
    host_label_function: Optional[HostLabelFunction] = None,
    supersedes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> None:
    """Register an snmp section to checkmk

    The snmp information will be gathered and parsed according to the functions and
    options given to this function:


      name:                The unique name of the section to be registered.

      detect:              The conditions on single OIDs that will result in the attempt to
                           fetch snmp data and discover services.
                           This should only match devices to which the section is applicable.
                           It is higly recomended to check the system description OID at the very
                           first, as this will make the discovery much more responsive and consume
                           less resources.

      fetch:               The specification of snmp data that should be fetched from the device.
                           It must be an :class:`SNMPTree` object, or a non-empty list of them.
                           The parse function will be passed a single :class:`StringTable` or a
                           list of them accordingly.

      parse_function:      The function responsible for parsing the raw snmp data.
                           It must accept exactly one argument by the name 'string_table'.
                           It will be passed either a single :class:`StringTable`, or a list
                           of them, depending on the value type of the `fetch` argument.
                           It may return an arbitrary object. Note that if the return value is
                           `None`, no forther processing will take place (just as if the agent had
                           not sent any data).

      parsed_section_name: The name under which the parsed section will be available to the plugins.
                           Defaults to the original name.

      host_label_function: The function responsible for extracting host labels from the parsed data.
                           It must accept exactly one argument by the name 'section'.
                           When the function is called, it will be passed the parsed data as
                           returned by the parse function.
                           It is expected to yield objects of type :class:`HostLabel`.

      supersedes:          A list of section names which are superseded by this sections. If this
                           section will be parsed to something that is not `None` (see above) all
                           superseded section will not be considered at all.

    section_plugin = create_snmp_section_plugin(

    if is_registered_section_plugin(section_plugin.name):
        raise ValueError("duplicate section definition: %s" %

Exemple #6
def agent_section(
    name: str,
    parse_function: Optional[AgentParseFunction] = None,
    parsed_section_name: Optional[str] = None,
    host_label_function: Optional[HostLabelFunction] = None,
    host_label_default_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    host_label_ruleset_name: Optional[str] = None,
    host_label_ruleset_type: RuleSetType = RuleSetType.MERGED,
    supersedes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> None:
    """Register an agent section to checkmk

    The section marked by '<<<name>>>' in the raw agent output will be processed
    according to the functions and options given to this function:


      name:                The unique name of the section to be registered.
                           It must match the section header of the agent output ('<<<name>>>').

      parse_function:      The function responsible for parsing the raw agent data.
                           It must accept exactly one argument by the name 'string_table'.
                           It may return an arbitrary object. Note that if the return value is
                           `None`, no forther processing will take place (just as if the agent had
                           not sent any data).
                           This function may raise arbitrary exceptions, which will be dealt with
                           by the checking engine. You should expect well formatted data.

      parsed_section_name: The name under which the parsed section will be available to the plugins.
                           Defaults to the original name.

      host_label_function: The function responsible for extracting host labels from the parsed data.
                           It must accept exactly one argument by the name 'section'.
                           When the function is called, it will be passed the parsed data as
                           returned by the parse function.
                           It is expected to yield objects of type :class:`HostLabel`.

      host_label_default_parameters: Default parameters for the host label function. Must match
                           the ValueSpec of the corresponding WATO ruleset, if it exists.

      host_label_ruleset_name: The name of the host label ruleset.

      host_label_ruleset_type: The ruleset type is either :class:`RuleSetType.ALL` or
                           It describes whether this plugins needs the merged result of the
                           effective rules, or every individual rule matching for the current host.

      supersedes:          A list of section names which are superseded by this sections. If this
                           section will be parsed to something that is not `None` (see above) all
                           superseded section will not be considered at all.

    section_plugin = create_agent_section_plugin(

    if is_registered_section_plugin(section_plugin.name):
        raise ValueError("duplicate section definition: %s" %
