from cmoc import ResetList, QuickList, Prepare #example script gets every single mii in the DB, then adds it to spot_list ql = QuickList() pr = Prepare() miilist = [] artisanlist = [] miidata = 'gAoAPwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAF4AhonbB8JJnRIgBDxAuX0ookiKBEAAMZkEAIoAiiUEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaLw==' likes = 0 skill = 0 country = 49 initial = 'AA' artisandata = 'gAsAUABlAGUAdwBlAGUAAAAAAAAAAAAAhorkD1RU1sYgADxAub0IPAiQCEAUabiQAIoAiiUEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC68Q==' master = 0 ResetList(b'NL') for i in range(499): miilist.append((i, initial, likes, skill, country, miidata) + (artisandata, i, master)) list_type = 'NL' data =, miilist) with open('150/new_list01.ces', 'wb') as file: file.write(pr.prepare(data)) with open('150/new_list01.dec', 'wb') as file:
from cmoc import QuickList, Prepare from datetime import timezone, datetime import MySQLdb from json import load with open("/var/rc24/File-Maker/Channels/Check_Mii_Out_Channel/config.json", "r") as f: config = load(f) # get the top 99 artisans and adds them to popcrafts_list ql = QuickList() pr = Prepare() db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", config["dbuser"], config["dbpass"], "cmoc", charset="utf8mb4") cursor = db.cursor() # 100000993 is the RC24 gold pants artisan cursor.execute( "SELECT craftsno FROM artisan WHERE craftsno !=100000993 ORDER BY votes DESC LIMIT 100" ) count = cursor.fetchall() artisanlist = [] for i in range(len( count)): # add the artisan data to each mii based on their craftsno
from cmoc import QuickList, Prepare import MySQLdb from json import load from time import sleep with open("/var/rc24/File-Maker/Channels/Check_Mii_Out_Channel/config.json", "r") as f: config = load(f) #gets the most popular miis ordered by their volatile likes which resets to 0 when spot_list resets ql = QuickList() pr = Prepare() db = MySQLdb.connect('localhost', config['dbuser'], config['dbpass'], 'cmoc') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mii WHERE likes > 0') count = int(cursor.fetchone()[0]) print('Popular Count:', count) #popular is always sorted by volatile likes first, but we combine miis ordered by permlikes to fill in the rest to equal 100 total miis if count >= 100: extraCount = 0 count = 100 else: extraCount = 100 - count cursor.execute( 'SELECT mii.entryno, mii.initial, mii.permlikes, mii.skill,, mii.miidata, artisan.miidata, artisan.craftsno, artisan.master FROM mii, artisan WHERE mii.craftsno=artisan.craftsno ORDER BY mii.likes DESC LIMIT %s', [count])
from cmoc import QuickList, Prepare import MySQLdb from json import load from time import sleep with open("/var/rc24/File-Maker/Tools/CMOC/config.json", "r") as f: config = load(f) #get the top 50 most popular miis sorted by their permanent likes and add them to pop_list ql = QuickList() pr = Prepare() db = MySQLdb.connect('localhost', config['dbuser'], config['dbpass'], 'cmoc') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT craftsno,entryno FROM mii ORDER BY permlikes DESC LIMIT 50') numbers = cursor.fetchall() miilist = [] for i in range(len( numbers)): #add the artisan data to each mii based on their craftsno cursor.execute( 'SELECT entryno,initial,permlikes,skill,country,miidata FROM mii WHERE craftsno = %s AND entryno = %s', (numbers[i][0], numbers[i][1])) mii = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute( 'SELECT miidata,craftsno,master FROM artisan WHERE craftsno = %s', [numbers[i][0]]) artisan = cursor.fetchone()
"SELECT mii.entryno, mii.initial, mii.permlikes, mii.skill,, mii.miidata, artisan.miidata, artisan.craftsno, artisan.master FROM mii, artisan WHERE mii.craftsno=artisan.craftsno ORDER BY mii.likes DESC LIMIT %s", [count], ) popularMiis = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute( "SELECT mii.entryno, mii.initial, mii.permlikes, mii.skill,, mii.miidata, artisan.miidata, artisan.craftsno, artisan.master FROM mii, artisan WHERE mii.permlikes < 25 AND mii.craftsno=artisan.craftsno ORDER BY mii.permlikes DESC LIMIT %s", [extraCount], ) extraMiis = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute("UPDATE mii SET likes = 0" ) # reset everyone's likes, but not their permlikes db.commit() db.close() for country in [0, 150]: # gets the most popular miis ordered by their volatile likes which resets to 0 when spot_list resets ql = QuickList() pr = Prepare() data ="SL", (popularMiis + extraMiis), country) with open("{}/{}/spot_list.ces".format(config["miicontest_path"], country), "wb") as file: file.write(pr.prepare(data)) with open("decfiles/spot_list.dec", "wb") as file: file.write(data)
from cmoc import QuickList, Prepare, ResetList import MySQLdb from json import load from time import sleep with open("/var/rc24/File-Maker/Channels/Check_Mii_Out_Channel/config.json", "r") as f: config = load(f) # get the top 50 most popular miis sorted by their permanent likes and add them to pop_list db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", config["dbuser"], config["dbpass"], "cmoc") cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT mii.entryno, mii.initial, mii.permlikes, mii.skill,, mii.miidata, artisan.miidata, artisan.craftsno, artisan.master FROM mii, artisan WHERE mii.craftsno=artisan.craftsno ORDER BY permlikes DESC LIMIT 50" ) miilist = cursor.fetchall() for country in [0, 150]: ql = QuickList() pr = Prepare() data ="PL", miilist, country) with open( "{}/{}/pop_list.ces".format(config["miicontest_path"], country), "wb" ) as file: file.write(pr.prepare(data))