def initialize(path, expname, tabledir, prefix, refdate): """initialize the cmorization for TM5 Description: Input variables: path, String: path to TM5 files expname, string: name of the experiment tabledir, string: path to tables prefix, string: table prefix Returns: boolean: success """ global log, tm5_files_, exp_name_, table_root_, ref_date_, plev39_, plev19_, areacella_, path_ exp_name_ = expname path_ = path table_root_ = os.path.join(tabledir, prefix) # select all TM5 files with expname from path tm5_files_ = cmor_utils.find_tm5_output(path, expname) if len(tm5_files_) == 0: log.error('no TM5 varibles found, exiting!') exit() areacella_file = cmor_utils.find_tm5_output(path, expname, 'areacella', 'fx') if len(areacella_file) == 0: log.error('Areacella not found!') exit() else: areacella_ = netCDF4.Dataset(areacella_file[0], 'r').variables['areacella'][:] cal = None ref_date_ = refdate # read pressure level definitions from CMIP6_coordante file # and save globally coordfile = os.path.join(tabledir, prefix + "_coordinate.json") if os.path.exists(coordfile): with open(coordfile) as f: data = json.loads( axis_entries = data.get("axis_entry", {}) axis_entries = {k.lower(): v for k, v in axis_entries.iteritems()} plev19 = numpy.array([ numpy.float(value) for value in axis_entries['plev19']['requested'] ]) plev19_ = plev19 plev39 = numpy.array([ numpy.float(value) for value in axis_entries['plev39']['requested'] ]) plev39_ = plev39 else: log.warning('Using default pressure level definitions') cmor.load_table(table_root_ + "_grids.json") return True
def get_ps_tasks(tasks): """ find ps (surface preseure) tasks for different tables Args: tasks (list): list of tasks Returns: result (dictionary): dictionary based on the frequencies of different tasks with corresponding ps-tasks as values. """ global exp_name_,path_ tasks_by_freq =, lambda task: result = {} for freq, task_group in tasks_by_freq.iteritems(): tasks3d = [t for t in task_group if ("alevel" in getattr(, cmor_target.dims_key).split() or "plev19" in getattr(, cmor_target.dims_key).split() or "alevhalf" in getattr(, cmor_target.dims_key).split() or "plev39" in getattr(, cmor_target.dims_key).split() )] if not any(tasks3d): continue ps_tasks = [t for t in task_group if t.source.variable() == "ps" and getattr(t, "time_operator", "point") in ["mean", "point"]] ps_task = ps_tasks[0] if any(ps_tasks) else None if ps_task: result[freq]=ps_task else: source = cmor_source.tm5_source("ps") ps_task = cmor_task.cmor_task(source, cmor_target.cmor_target("ps", freq)) setattr(, cmor_target.freq_key, freq) setattr(, "time_operator", ["point"]) freqid=set_freqid(freq) filepath=cmor_utils.find_tm5_output(path_,exp_name_,"ps",freqid) setattr(ps_task, cmor_task.output_path_key, filepath[0]) result[freq]=ps_task for task3d in tasks3d: setattr(task3d, "ps_task", ps_task) return result
def select_files(path, expname, start, length): allfiles = cmor_utils.find_tm5_output(path, expname) starttime = cmor_utils.make_datetime(start) stoptime = cmor_utils.make_datetime(start + length) return [ f for f in allfiles if cmor_utils.get_tm5_interval(f)[0] <= stoptime and cmor_utils.get_tm5_interval(f)[1] >= starttime ]