math.sin(lat) * math.cos(latend) * math.cos(lonend - lon)
    return (math.degrees(math.atan2(y, x)) + 360) % 360

# a function, which returns a distance between two polar coordinates

def poldist(th1, r1, th2, r2):
    d = math.sqrt(r1 * r1 + r2 * r2 - 2 * r1 * r2 *
                  math.cos(th2 / 180 * math.pi - th1 / 180 * math.pi))
    return d

    print 'activity 0'
    linespol = rplidar.getlines()
    gpsh = gpsheading()  # heading towards the destination point
    cmpsh = cmps11.heading()  # compass heading
    print 'linespol: ', linespol
    print 'gpsh: ', gpsh
    print 'cmpsh: ', cmpsh
    # if farer than 1.21m from the destination point
    while (gpsdist() > 1.21):
        # activity 0 analyzes rplidar data and plans the path
        if (activity == 0):
            # state 0 checks if there is an obsticle on the line to the
            # destination point
            if (state == 0):
                print 'state 0'
                print 'lncnt: ', lncnt
                # if there are no obsticles in the 7m radius
                if (len(linespol) == 0):
                    activity = 1
    def run(self):
        # gps thread to get latest frames of gps data
        gpsp = gpsdthrd.gpspol()
        gpsd = gpsdthrd.gpsd
        gpscnt = 0
        # while gpsd.fix.longitude==0:
        #    if (gpscnt==0):
        #        if (gpscnt==0): gpscnt+=1
        #        print 'waiting for gps'
        print 'gps ready'

        srffr = srf08.srf08(0x72)
        srffc = srf08.srf08(0x71)
        srffl = srf08.srf08(0x70)
        srfrr = srf08.srf08(0x73)
        srfrc = srf08.srf08(0x74)
        srfrl = srf08.srf08(0x75)

        lon = 0
        lat = 0
        cmpsh = 0

        HOST = ''
        PORT = 60000
        s = socket.socket()
        s.connect((HOST, PORT))

        while self.running:
            # GPS data
            # print 'time: ',time.time()
            lon = gpsd.fix.longitude
            lat = gpsd.fix.latitude
            if (str(lon) == 'nan'):
                lon = 0.0
                lat = 0.0
            # print 'lat: ',lat,' lon: ',lon
            s.sendall("WRITE.GPS,LAT:" + str(lat) + ",LON:" + str(lon) + ".")

            # CMPS11 data
            cmpsh = cmps11.heading()
            # print 'cmps: ',cmpsh
            s.sendall("WRITE.COMPASS," + str(cmpsh) + ".")

            # SRF08 data
            srffrm = srffr.getranging()
            srffcm = srffc.getranging()
            srfflm = srffl.getranging()
            srfrrm = srfrr.getranging()
            srfrcm = srfrc.getranging()
            srfrlm = srfrl.getranging()
            # print
            # "FL:",srfflm,"FC:",srffcm,"FR:",srffrm,"RL:",srfrlm,"RC:",srfrcm,"RR:",srfrrm
            s.sendall("WRITE.RANGEFINDERS,FL:" + str(srfflm) + ",FC:" + str(srffcm) + ",FR:" + str(srffrm) +
                      ",RL:" + str(srfrlm) + ",RC:" + str(srfrcm) + ",RR:" + str(srfrrm) + ".")

        gpsp.running = False
        print 'gpsp closed'
Exemple #3
def getlines():
    dots = []  # used to store data from 'lidardata.csv' file
    lines = []  # stores detected lines in cartesian coordinates
    linespol = []  # stores detected lines in polar coordinates
    dotsnumb = 0
    lines.append([0, 0, 0, 0])  # creates an empty line
    lncnt = 0
    dtcnt = 0
    # parameter(cm), identifies the max distance between two dots for them to
    # be considered to be in the same line
    gap = 20.0
    #curvrear = 4.0
    # parameter(degrees), identifies the angle deviation from the line to
    # create an area, where if a dot is found
    curvfront = 40.0
    # in that area it is considered to be a part of the line
    anglest = 0
    anglend = 0
    fx = 0

    cmpshd = cmps11.heading()  # gets a current heading from compass

    # converts lidar data from polar to rectangular coordinates and stores in
    # 'dots' list
    with open('/home/pi/Desktop/Autonomy/lidardata.csv', 'rb') as lidar:
        readldr = csv.reader(lidar)
        for row in readldr:
            r = row[1]
            ph = row[0]
            dotsnumb = dotsnumb + 1
            # note that length is converted from mm to cm
            z = cmath.rect(float(r) / 10, float(ph) / 180 * cmath.pi)
            dots.append([z.real, z.imag])

    # loops through a list of dots and groups them into lines based on 'gap'
    # and 'curvfront' parameters
    for x in xrange(dotsnumb - 1):
        # if a current row in 'lines' is empty
        if (lines[lncnt][0] == 0):
            if (dist(dots[dtcnt][0], dots[dtcnt][1], dots[dtcnt + 1][0], dots[dtcnt + 1][1]) < gap):
                # starts a new line with a fixed start which is the current dot and end is the next dot,
                # which may or may not be changed later based on the next dots
                # (not)being in the same line
                lines[lncnt][0] = dots[dtcnt][0]
                lines[lncnt][1] = dots[dtcnt][1]
                lines[lncnt][2] = dots[dtcnt + 1][0]
                lines[lncnt][3] = dots[dtcnt + 1][1]
                dtcnt = dtcnt + 1
                # creates a line, which consists of a single dot
                # creates a new empty row in 'lines'
                lines[lncnt][0] = dots[dtcnt][0]
                lines[lncnt][1] = dots[dtcnt][1]
                lines[lncnt][2] = dots[dtcnt][0]
                lines[lncnt][3] = dots[dtcnt][1]
                lines.append([0, 0, 0, 0])
                lncnt = lncnt + 1
                dtcnt = dtcnt + 1
            # creates a vector using the current dot, which is also a end of the current line, and previous dot, which is
            # a part of the current line.
            vect = ([dots[dtcnt][0] - dots[dtcnt - 1][0],
                     dots[dtcnt][1] - dots[dtcnt - 1][1]])
            unitvct = ([vect[0] / dist(0, 0, vect[0], vect[1]),
                        vect[1] / dist(0, 0, vect[0], vect[1])])
            # creates a vector with the length equal to 'gap' parameter
            gapvct = ([unitvct[0] * gap, unitvct[1] * gap])
            gapvctpol = cmath.polar(gapvct[0] + gapvct[1] * 1j)
            # creates two vectors of the same length as gapvctpol, which are
            # spread from it by +-'curvfront' degrees
            zboundhigh = cmath.rect(
                gapvctpol[0], (gapvctpol[1] + curvfront / 180 * cmath.pi))
            zboundlow = cmath.rect(
                gapvctpol[0], (gapvctpol[1] - curvfront / 180 * cmath.pi))
            # move vectors to current line end coordinates, which can be viewed as two lines starting from the current line end
            # and terminating at boundhigh and boundlow, creating an angle of
            # (2*curvfront)
            boundhigh = ([zboundhigh.real + dots[dtcnt][0],
                          zboundhigh.imag + dots[dtcnt][1]])
            boundlow = ([zboundlow.real + dots[dtcnt][0],
                         zboundlow.imag + dots[dtcnt][1]])

            # check if the next dot is in the area created by the above described lines using the formula:
            # d = (x-x1)(y2-y1)-(y-y1)(x2-x1), where (x,y) is a dot and (x1,y1,x2,y2) is a line and d shows on which side
            # of the line the dot is
            linehigh = (dots[dtcnt + 1][0] - dots[dtcnt][0]) * (boundhigh[1] - dots[dtcnt][1]) -\
                (dots[dtcnt + 1][1] - dots[dtcnt][1]) * \
                (boundhigh[0] - dots[dtcnt][0])
            linelow = (dots[dtcnt + 1][0] - dots[dtcnt][0]) * (boundlow[1] - dots[dtcnt][1]) -\
                      (dots[dtcnt + 1][1] - dots[dtcnt][1]) * \
                (boundlow[0] - dots[dtcnt][0])

            # here the code can be added which introduces the use of 'curvrear'
            # parameter

            # if the next dot is in the above described area then the current line end's coordinates are replaced by
            # the next dote coordinates, so the next dot becomes the end of the
            # current line
            if ((((linehigh < 0 and linelow > 0) or (linehigh > 0 and linelow < 0)) and
                 dist(dots[dtcnt][0], dots[dtcnt][1], dots[dtcnt + 1][0], dots[dtcnt + 1][1]) < gap) or
                    dist(dots[dtcnt][0], dots[dtcnt][1], dots[dtcnt + 1][0], dots[dtcnt + 1][1]) < 2):
                lines[lncnt][2] = dots[dtcnt + 1][0]
                lines[lncnt][3] = dots[dtcnt + 1][1]
                dtcnt = dtcnt + 1
            # otherwise the current line stays as it is, and a new empty line
            # is created
                lines.append([0, 0, 0, 0])
                lncnt = lncnt + 1
                dtcnt = dtcnt + 1

    # checks if the first and the last lines are in the same line and links them if true, in which case the last line
    # is discarded when lines are converted to linespol by using 'fx' parameter
    # also checks if the last line is empty, ignors it if true and checks if the first line and
    # the line before the empty line are in the same line, links them if true, in which case the last two lines are
    # discarded, if false then only empty line is discarded
    if (lines[len(lines) - 1][0] != 0):
        # check if the last line is not a dot, since vector of a dot is 0, then
        # apply the same process as above
        if (lines[len(lines) - 1][2] != lines[len(lines) - 1][0] and lines[len(lines) - 1][3] != lines[len(lines) - 1][1]):
            vect = ([lines[len(lines) - 1][2] - lines[len(lines) - 1][0],
                     lines[len(lines) - 1][3] - lines[len(lines) - 1][1]])
            unitvct = ([vect[0] / dist(0, 0, vect[0], vect[1]),
                        vect[1] / dist(0, 0, vect[0], vect[1])])
            gapvct = ([unitvct[0] * gap, unitvct[1] * gap])
            gapvctpol = cmath.polar(gapvct[0] + gapvct[1] * 1j)
            zboundhigh = cmath.rect(
                gapvctpol[0], (gapvctpol[1] + curvfront / 180 * cmath.pi))
            zboundlow = cmath.rect(
                gapvctpol[0], (gapvctpol[1] - curvfront / 180 * cmath.pi))
            boundhigh = ([zboundhigh.real + lines[len(lines) - 1]
                          [2], zboundhigh.imag + lines[len(lines) - 1][3]])
            boundlow = ([zboundlow.real + lines[len(lines) - 1][2],
                         zboundlow.imag + lines[len(lines) - 1][3]])

            linehigh = (lines[0][0] - lines[len(lines) - 1][2]) * (boundhigh[1] - lines[len(lines) - 1][3]) -\
                (lines[0][1] - lines[len(lines) - 1][3]) * \
                (boundhigh[0] - lines[len(lines) - 1][2])
            linelow = (lines[0][0] - lines[len(lines) - 1][2]) * (boundlow[1] - lines[len(lines) - 1][3]) -\
                      (lines[0][1] - lines[len(lines) - 1][3]) * \
                (boundlow[0] - lines[len(lines) - 1][2])

            if ((((linehigh < 0 and linelow > 0) or (linehigh > 0 and linelow < 0)) and
                 dist(lines[len(lines) - 1][2], lines[len(lines) - 1][3], lines[0][0], lines[0][1]) < gap) or
                    dist(lines[len(lines) - 1][2], lines[len(lines) - 1][3], lines[0][0], lines[0][1]) < 2):
                lines[0][0] = lines[len(lines) - 1][0]
                lines[0][1] = lines[len(lines) - 1][1]
                fx = 1
                fx = 0
            cntt = 0

    # the last line is empty
        if (lines[len(lines) - 2][2] != lines[len(lines) - 2][0] and lines[len(lines) - 2][3] != lines[len(lines) - 2][1]):
            vect = ([lines[len(lines) - 2][2] - lines[len(lines) - 2][0],
                     lines[len(lines) - 2][3] - lines[len(lines) - 2][1]])
            unitvct = ([vect[0] / dist(0, 0, vect[0], vect[1]),
                        vect[1] / dist(0, 0, vect[0], vect[1])])
            gapvct = ([unitvct[0] * gap, unitvct[1] * gap])
            gapvctpol = cmath.polar(gapvct[0] + gapvct[1] * 1j)
            zboundhigh = cmath.rect(
                gapvctpol[0], (gapvctpol[1] + curvfront / 180 * cmath.pi))
            zboundlow = cmath.rect(
                gapvctpol[0], (gapvctpol[1] - curvfront / 180 * cmath.pi))
            boundhigh = ([zboundhigh.real + lines[len(lines) - 2]
                          [2], zboundhigh.imag + lines[len(lines) - 2][3]])
            boundlow = ([zboundlow.real + lines[len(lines) - 2][2],
                         zboundlow.imag + lines[len(lines) - 2][3]])

            linehigh = (lines[0][0] - lines[len(lines) - 2][2]) * (boundhigh[1] - lines[len(lines) - 2][3]) -\
                (lines[0][1] - lines[len(lines) - 2][3]) * \
                (boundhigh[0] - lines[len(lines) - 2][2])
            linelow = (lines[0][0] - lines[len(lines) - 2][2]) * (boundlow[1] - lines[len(lines) - 2][3]) -\
                      (lines[0][1] - lines[len(lines) - 2][3]) * \
                (boundlow[0] - lines[len(lines) - 2][2])

            if ((((linehigh < 0 and linelow > 0) or (linehigh > 0 and linelow < 0)) and
                 dist(lines[len(lines) - 2][2], lines[len(lines) - 2][3], lines[0][0], lines[0][1]) < gap) or
                    dist(lines[len(lines) - 2][2], lines[len(lines) - 2][3], lines[0][0], lines[0][1]) < 2):
                lines[0][0] = lines[len(lines) - 2][0]
                lines[0][1] = lines[len(lines) - 2][1]
                fx = 2
                fx = 1
            fx = 1

    # converts from cartesian (lines) to polar (linespol) coordinates
    for row in xrange(len(lines) - fx):
        polstart = cmath.polar(lines[row][0] + lines[row][1] * 1j)
        polend = cmath.polar(lines[row][2] + lines[row][3] * 1j)
        startth = polstart[1]
        endth = polend[1]
        # check if line's start and end angles are not inside the 0-360 degrees range
        # adjust it to that range and add compass heading to put the linespol
        # in compass domain
        if (startth / math.pi * 180 < 0):
            startth = startth + math.pi * 2
        if (startth / math.pi * 180 + cmpshd >= 360):
            anglest = startth / math.pi * 180 + cmpshd - 360
            anglest = startth / math.pi * 180 + cmpshd
        if (endth / math.pi * 180 < 0):
            endth = polend[1] + math.pi * 2
        if (endth / math.pi * 180 + cmpshd >= 360):
            anglend = endth / math.pi * 180 + cmpshd - 360
            anglend = endth / math.pi * 180 + cmpshd
        linespol.append([round(anglest, 4), round(polstart[0], 4),
                         round(anglend, 4), round(polend[0], 4)])
    print 'len(lines): ', len(lines)
    print 'len(linespol): ', len(linespol)
    # drawing the lines obtained
    #img = cv2.imread('lidarimg.jpg')
    # for x1,y1,x2,y2 in lines:
    #    cv2.line(img,(int(x1)+700,int(y1)+700),(int(x2)+700,int(y2)+700),(0,0,255),1)
    # cv2.imwrite('myfunctimg.jpg',img)
    return linespol
def objdet():
    srffr = srf08.srf08(0x72)
    srffc = srf08.srf08(0x71)
    srffl = srf08.srf08(0x70)
    srfrr = srf08.srf08(0x73)
    srfrc = srf08.srf08(0x74)
    srfrl = srf08.srf08(0x75)

    leftf = md03.md03(0x58)
    leftr = md03.md03(0x5A)
    rightf = md03.md03(0x5B)
    rightr = md03.md03(0x59)
    accel = 15
    rotsp = 130

    cmpsh = 0
    linespol = []
    firstcnt = 0
    cnt = 0
    objsize = 41  # defines the size(cm) of an object to look for
    objtol = 3.7  # introduces tolerance parameter in cm
    drivedist = 0
    driveangle = 0
    turnang = 0
    turnangfx = 17  # defines an angle offset from the center of an object
    stopdist = 37  # defines how far(cm) from an object the robot stops

        linespol = rplidar.getlines()
        print linespol
        if (len(linespol) != 0):
            for lines in linespol:
                # looks for objects
                if (poldist(lines[0], lines[1], lines[2], lines[3]) >= objsize - objtol and
                        poldist(lines[0], lines[1], lines[2], lines[3]) <= objsize + objtol):
                    cnt += 1  # counts the number of objects
                    firstcnt += 1
                    # remembers the first object location
                    if (firstcnt == 1):
                        firstcnt += 1  # won't enter this if again
                        print 'turnang line: ', lines
                        # calculates an angle to face the center of an object
                        if (lines[2] - lines[0] < 0):
                            turnang = lines[2] - \
                                (lines[2] - lines[0] + 360) / 2
                            turnang = lines[2] - (lines[2] - lines[0]) / 2
                        # creates an offset from the center of an object so that when the robot
                        # turns to that angle and gets rplidar data the first
                        # object will be this one
                        if (turnang - turnangfx < 0):
                            turnang = turnang - turnangfx + 360
                            turnang = turnang - turnangfx

            # check all the objects found
            for x in xrange(0, cnt):
                print 'turnang: ', turnang
                cmpsh = cmps11.heading()
                # the robot turns until the heading is turnang
                if (turnang - cmpsh > 180):
                    cmpsh += 360
                elif (turnang - cmpsh < -180):
                    cmpsh -= 360
                while (turnang - cmpsh < -1.5 or turnang - cmpsh > 1.5):
                    cmpsh = cmps11.heading()
                    print 'cmpsh: ', cmpsh
                    if (turnang - cmpsh > 180):
                        cmpsh += 360
                    elif (turnang - cmpsh < -180):
                        cmpsh -= 360
                    # turn to the left
                    if (turnang - cmpsh < 0):
                        leftf.move(-rotsp, accel)
                        leftr.move(-rotsp, accel)
                        rightf.move(rotsp, accel)
                        rightr.move(rotsp, accel)
                    # turn to the right
                    elif (turnang - cmpsh > 0):
                        leftf.move(rotsp, accel)
                        leftr.move(rotsp, accel)
                        rightf.move(-rotsp, accel)
                        rightr.move(-rotsp, accel)
                leftf.move(0, accel)
                leftr.move(0, accel)
                rightf.move(0, accel)
                rightr.move(0, accel)

                firstcnt = 0
                scndcnt = 0
                linespol = rplidar.getlines()
                print linespol
                for lines in linespol:
                    print 'firstcnt: ', firstcnt
                    print 'scndcnt: ', scndcnt
                    if (scndcnt == 2):
                    # looks for objects
                    if (poldist(lines[0], lines[1], lines[2], lines[3]) >= objsize - objtol and
                            poldist(lines[0], lines[1], lines[2], lines[3]) <= objsize + objtol):
                        firstcnt += 1
                        scndcnt += 1
                        if (firstcnt == 1):
                            print 'firstcnt line: ', lines
                            firstcnt += 1
                            # calculates the time to drive back after facing an object in order to
                            # get back to the starting position
                            drivedist = lines[1] - stopdist
                            # calculates an angle to face the center of an
                            # object
                            if (lines[2] - lines[0] < 0):
                                driveangle = lines[
                                    2] - (lines[2] - lines[0] + 360) / 2
                                driveangle = lines[2] - \
                                    (lines[2] - lines[0]) / 2
                        if (scndcnt == 2):
                            print 'scndcnt line: ', lines
                            # calculates an angle to face the center of an
                            # object
                            if (lines[2] - lines[0] < 0):
                                turnang = lines[2] - \
                                    (lines[2] - lines[0] + 360) / 2
                                turnang = lines[2] - (lines[2] - lines[0]) / 2
                            # creates an offset from the center of an object so that when the robot
                            # turns to that angle and gets rplidar data the
                            # first object will be this one
                            if (turnang - turnangfx < 0):
                                turnang = turnang - turnangfx + 360
                                turnang = turnang - turnangfx

                print 'driveangle: ', driveangle
                print 'drivedist: ', drivedist
                cmpsh = cmps11.heading()
                if (driveangle - cmpsh > 180):
                    cmpsh += 360
                elif (driveangle - cmpsh < -180):
                    cmpsh -= 360
                # turns to face the center of an object
                while (driveangle - cmpsh < -1.5 or driveangle - cmpsh > 1.5):
                    cmpsh = cmps11.heading()
                    print 'cmpsh: ', cmpsh
                    if (driveangle - cmpsh > 180):
                        cmpsh += 360
                    elif (driveangle - cmpsh < -180):
                        cmpsh -= 360
                    # turn to the left
                    if (driveangle - cmpsh < 0):
                        leftf.move(-rotsp, accel)
                        leftr.move(-rotsp, accel)
                        rightf.move(rotsp, accel)
                        rightr.move(rotsp, accel)
                    # turn to the right
                    elif (driveangle - cmpsh > 0):
                        leftf.move(rotsp, accel)
                        leftr.move(rotsp, accel)
                        rightf.move(-rotsp, accel)
                        rightr.move(-rotsp, accel)
                leftf.move(0, accel)
                leftr.move(0, accel)
                rightf.move(0, accel)
                rightr.move(0, accel)

                #srffrm = srffr.getranging()
                srffcm = srffc.getranging()
                # drives forward until the robot faces the object adjusting its
                # path on the way
                while(srffcm > stopdist):
                    cmpsh = cmps11.heading()
                    print 'cmpsh: ', cmpsh
                    if (driveangle - cmpsh > 180):
                        cmpsh += 360
                    elif (driveangle - cmpsh < -180):
                        cmpsh -= 360
                    if (driveangle - cmpsh > -1.5 and driveangle - cmpsh < 1.5):
                        leftf.move(250, accel)
                        leftr.move(250, accel)
                        rightf.move(250, accel)
                        rightr.move(250, accel)
                    elif (driveangle - cmpsh < 0):
                        leftf.move(170, accel)
                        leftr.move(170, accel)
                        rightf.move(250, accel)
                        rightr.move(250, accel)
                    elif (driveangle - cmpsh > 0):
                        leftf.move(250, accel)
                        leftr.move(250, accel)
                        rightf.move(170, accel)
                        rightr.move(170, accel)
                    #srffrm = srffr.getranging()
                    srffcm = srffc.getranging()
                    # print 'front: ',srffcm
                    #srfflm = srffl.getranging()
                leftf.move(0, accel)
                leftr.move(0, accel)
                rightf.move(0, accel)
                rightr.move(0, accel)

                print 'image processing'
                # add code for image processing

                # drives back to the initial location
                start = time.time()
                while(time.time() - start < drivedist / 52):
                    leftf.move(-255, accel)
                    leftr.move(-255, accel)
                    rightf.move(-255, accel)
                    rightr.move(-255, accel)
                leftf.move(0, accel)
                leftr.move(0, accel)
                rightf.move(0, accel)
                rightr.move(0, accel)

        if (cnt == 0):
            print 'No objects detected'
            print 'Done'

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        leftf.move(0, accel)
        leftr.move(0, accel)
        rightf.move(0, accel)
        rightr.move(0, accel)
        print 'KeyboardInterrupt in object detection'
    c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
    return r * c

def gpsheading():
    lon = math.radians(gpsd.fix.longitude)
    lat = math.radians(gpsd.fix.latitude)
    y = math.sin(lonend - lon) * math.cos(latend)
    x = math.cos(lat) * math.sin(latend) - \
        math.sin(lat) * math.cos(latend) * math.cos(lonend - lon)
    return (math.degrees(math.atan2(y, x)) + 360) % 360

    if (gpsdist() > 1.1):
        gpsh = gpsheading()
        cmpsh = cmps11.heading()
        if (gpsh - cmpsh > 180):
            cmpsh += 360
        elif (gpsh - cmpsh < -180):
            cmpsh -= 360
        while (gpsh - cmpsh < -1 or gpsh - cmpsh > 1):
            cmpsh = cmps11.heading()
            print 'cmpsh: ', cmpsh
            print 'gpsh: ', gpsh
            print 'lon: ', gpsd.fix.longitude
            print 'lat: ', gpsd.fix.latitude
            if (gpsh - cmpsh > 180):
                cmpsh += 360
            elif (gpsh - cmpsh < -180):
                cmpsh -= 360
            # turn to the left