def query(self, start_date: str, end_date: str, product: str, provider: str = 'LPDAAC_ECS', bbox: List = []) -> List[Dict]: """ Search CMR database for spectral MODIS tiles matching a temporal range, defined by a start date and end date. Returns metadata containing the URL of each image. Parameters ---------- start_date: string Start date yyyy-mm-dd end_date: string End date yyyy-mm-dd product: string Product name provider: string Provider (default is 'LPDAAC_ECS') bbox: List[float] Bounding box [lower_left_lon, lower_left_lat, upper_right_lon, upper_right_lat] Returns ---------- List[Dict] List of granules """ q = GranuleQuery() prod, ver = product['products'][0].split('.') q.short_name(prod).version(ver) q.temporal(f"{start_date}T00:00:00Z", f"{end_date}T23:59:59Z") if (len(bbox) >= 4): q.bounding_box(*bbox[:4]) _granules = q.get_all() # filter dates if 'day_offset' in product.keys(): day_offset = products[product]['day_offset'] else: day_offset = 0 granules = [] for gran in _granules: # CMR uses day 1 of window - correct this to be middle of window date = (dateparser(gran['time_start'].split('T')[0]) + datetime.timedelta(days=day_offset)).date() if (dateparser(start_date).date() <= date <= dateparser(end_date).date()): granules.append(gran)"%s granules found within %s - %s" % (len(granules), start_date, end_date)) return granules
def query(start_date, end_date, product='MCD43A4.006', provider='LPDAAC_ECS'): """ Search CMR database for spectral MODIS tiles matching a temporal range, defined by a start date and end date. Returns metadata containing the URL of each image. """ q = GranuleQuery() prod, ver = product.split('.') q.short_name(prod).version(ver) q.temporal('%sT00:00:00Z' % str(start_date), '%sT23:59:00Z' % str(end_date)) _granules = q.get_all() # filter dates day_offset = products[product]['day_offset'] granules = [] for gran in _granules: # CMR uses day 1 of window - correct this to be middle of window date = (dateparser(gran['time_start'].split('T')[0]) + datetime.timedelta(days=day_offset)).date() if (start_date <= date <= end_date): granules.append(gran)"%s granules found within %s - %s" % (len(granules), start_date, end_date)) return granules
def get_modis(destination, date, search_window, footprint, choose, clip, reproject): """ Retrieves MODIS scenes. Scenes must entirely contain <footprint> within date +/- search_window. """ workdir = path.join(destination, "modis") makedirs(workdir, exist_ok=True) footprint_path = path.join(destination, footprint) searchFootprint = shape([0]["geometry"]) date_window = timedelta(days=search_window) date_range = (date - date_window, date + date_window) cmrAPI = GranuleQuery() results = (cmrAPI.short_name(MODIS_SNOW_CMR_SHORT_NAME).bounding_box( *searchFootprint.bounds).temporal(*date_range).get()) results = json_normalize(results) print(results["time_start"].iloc[0]) print(date) results["time_start"] = to_datetime( results["time_start"]).dt.tz_localize(None) results["timedeltas"] = (date - results.time_start).abs() results = results.sort_values(by="timedeltas", ascending=True) results["browse"] = [[ _i["href"] for _i in image_links if _i.get("title", "") == "(BROWSE)" ][0] for image_links in results.links] print(results.iloc[0].links) image_iloc = 0 if choose: print( tabulate( results[[ "cloud_cover", "day_night_flag", "timedeltas", "browse" ]].reset_index(drop=True), headers="keys", )) image_iloc = int( input("Choose image ID [0-{}]: ".format(len(results) - 1))) image_url = results.iloc[image_iloc].links[0]["href"] MODIS_DL_COMMAND = ("wget " "--http-user=$EARTHDATA_USERNAME " "--http-password=$EARTHDATA_PASSWORD " "--no-check-certificate --auth-no-challenge " '-r --reject "index.html*" -np -e robots=off -nH -nd ' "--directory-prefix={destination} " "{image_url}".format(destination=workdir, image_url=image_url)) _sh = Popen(MODIS_DL_COMMAND, shell=True).communicate() ## have to do some gdal magic with MODIS data. ## 1) turn it into a TIFF with the right projection. MODISfile = glob(path.join(workdir, "MOD10A1*.hdf*"))[0] output_file = path.join(workdir, "MODIS_reproj.tif") MODIS_CONVERT_COMMAND = ( "gdalwarp " "HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:{path}:MOD_Grid_Snow_500m:NDSI_Snow_Cover " "-cutline {footprint} -crop_to_cutline -dstnodata 9999 " "-t_srs {projection} -r cubic " "-s_srs '+proj=sinu +R=6371007.181 +nadgrids=@null +wktext' " "{output_tif} ".format( path=MODISfile, footprint=footprint_path, projection=reproject, output_tif=output_file, )) _sh = Popen(MODIS_CONVERT_COMMAND, shell=True).communicate() print(MODISfile, output_file)