def add_page(title, content, menu):
    page = PageModel()
    page.title_ru = title
    page.title_en = get_translated(title)
    page.content_ru = content
    page.content_en = get_translated(content)
    page.fk_menu = menu
def request_to_model(model, request, prefix):
    if not model:
        return None
    for properie in
        db_type =[properie]
        request_propertrie = prefix + "." + properie
        request_value = request.get(request_propertrie)
        if not request_value and "_" in properie:
            name = properie[:-3]
            lang = properie[-2:]                
            if lang != LANG_CODE_DEFAULT and lang in CMS_LANGUAGES.keys():
                origin = request.get(prefix + "." + name + "_" + LANG_CODE_DEFAULT)
                request_value = get_translated(origin, LANG_CODE_DEFAULT, lang)
        if type(db_type) == db.IntegerProperty:
            if not request_value:
                request_value = 0;
            setattr(model, properie, int(request_value))
        elif  type(db_type) == db.BooleanProperty:
            if not request_value:
                request_value = False;
            setattr(model, properie, bool(request_value))
        elif type(db_type) == db.DateTimeProperty:
            setattr(model, properie, datetime.datetime.utcnow())
        elif type(db_type) == db.BlobProperty:
            if request_value:                
                setattr(model, properie, db.Blob(request_value))
        elif type(db_type) == db.ReferenceProperty:
            if hasattr(model, properie):    
                setattr(model, properie, request_value)
    return model
    return {"name":name, "value_ru":value1, "value_en":value2}

donate_button = """<form style="display:inline" method=POST action="">
        <input type=hidden name="preorder" value="dd3d0229c15543d935279f3febd403453ad2e740">
        <input type=submit value="Donate  1.00$">
<a href="">%s</a>

default_properties = [
p("foobnix.header.slogan", "Foobnix простой и мощный плеер музыки для Linux", "Foobnix simple and powerful music player for Linux"),
p("foobnix.title.slogan", "Хороший плеер для музыки и видео", "Good music and video player"),
p("foobnix.footer.text", footer, get_translated(footer)),
p("prop.wrong.text", "Неправильный текст", "Wrong Text"),
p("", "Блог", "Blog"),
p("prop.comments", "Комментарии", "Comments"),
p("prop.comment", "Комментарий", "Comment"),
p("prop.twitter", "Твиттер", "Twitter"),
p("", "Добавить комментарий", "Add new comment"),
p("prop.add", "Добавить", "Add"),
p("prop.delete", "Удалить", "Delete"),
p("prop.required", "Обязательное", "Required"),
p("prop.wrong.text", "Неправильный текст", "Wrong Text"),
p("", "Имя", "Name"),
p("", "Сайт", "Site"),
p("prop.donate", "Поддержите", "Support Us"),
p("prop.top_right_text", '<a href="">Баги</a> <a href="">Исходники</a> <a href="">Переводы</a>', '<a href="">Bugs</a> <a href="">Sources</a> <a href="">Translations</a>'),