Exemple #1
    def render_params(self):
        ret = super(ContestHandler, self).render_params()

        ret["contest"] = self.contest
        ret["auth_type"] = get_auth_type(self.contest.auth_type)

        if self.contest_url is not None:
            ret["contest_url"] = self.contest_url

        ret["phase"] = self.contest.phase(self.timestamp)

        ret["printing_enabled"] = (config.printer is not None)
        ret["questions_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_questions
        ret["testing_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_user_tests

        if self.current_user is not None:
            participation = self.current_user
            ret["participation"] = participation
            ret["user"] = participation.user

            res = compute_actual_phase(
                self.timestamp, self.contest.start, self.contest.stop,
                self.contest.analysis_start if self.contest.analysis_enabled
                else None, self.contest.analysis_stop
                if self.contest.analysis_enabled else None,
                self.contest.per_user_time, participation.starting_time,
                participation.delay_time, participation.extra_time)

            ret["actual_phase"], ret["current_phase_begin"], \
                ret["current_phase_end"], ret["valid_phase_begin"], \
                ret["valid_phase_end"] = res

            if ret["actual_phase"] == 0:
                ret["phase"] = 0

            # set the timezone used to format timestamps
            ret["timezone"] = get_timezone(participation.user, self.contest)

        # some information about token configuration
        ret["tokens_contest"] = self.contest.token_mode

        t_tokens = set(t.token_mode for t in self.contest.tasks)
        if len(t_tokens) == 1:
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = next(iter(t_tokens))
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = TOKEN_MODE_MIXED

        return ret
Exemple #2
    def render_params(self):
        ret = super().render_params()

        ret["contest"] = self.contest

        if self.contest_url is not None:
            ret["contest_url"] = self.contest_url

        ret["phase"] = self.contest.phase(self.timestamp)

        ret["printing_enabled"] = (config.printer is not None)
        ret["questions_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_questions
        ret["testing_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_user_tests

        if self.current_user is not None:
            participation = self.current_user
            ret["participation"] = participation
            ret["user"] = participation.user

            res = compute_actual_phase(
                self.timestamp, self.contest.start, self.contest.stop,
                self.contest.analysis_start if self.contest.analysis_enabled
                else None,
                self.contest.analysis_stop if self.contest.analysis_enabled
                else None,
                self.contest.per_user_time, participation.starting_time,
                participation.delay_time, participation.extra_time)

            ret["actual_phase"], ret["current_phase_begin"], \
                ret["current_phase_end"], ret["valid_phase_begin"], \
                ret["valid_phase_end"] = res

            if ret["actual_phase"] == 0:
                ret["phase"] = 0

            # set the timezone used to format timestamps
            ret["timezone"] = get_timezone(participation.user, self.contest)

        # some information about token configuration
        ret["tokens_contest"] = self.contest.token_mode

        t_tokens = set(t.token_mode for t in self.contest.tasks)
        if len(t_tokens) == 1:
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = next(iter(t_tokens))
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = TOKEN_MODE_MIXED

        return ret
Exemple #3
    def render_params(self):
        ret = super(ContestHandler, self).render_params()

        ret["contest"] = self.contest

        if hasattr(self, "contest_url"):
            ret["contest_url"] = self.contest_url

        ret["phase"] = self.contest.phase(self.timestamp)

        ret["printing_enabled"] = (config.printer is not None)
        ret["questions_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_questions
        ret["testing_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_user_tests

        if self.current_user is not None:
            participation = self.current_user

            res = compute_actual_phase(
                self.timestamp, self.contest.start, self.contest.stop,
                self.contest.analysis_start if self.contest.analysis_enabled
                else None,
                self.contest.analysis_stop if self.contest.analysis_enabled
                else None,
                self.contest.per_user_time, participation.starting_time,
                participation.delay_time, participation.extra_time)

            ret["actual_phase"], ret["current_phase_begin"], \
                ret["current_phase_end"], ret["valid_phase_begin"], \
                ret["valid_phase_end"] = res

            if ret["actual_phase"] == 0:
                ret["phase"] = 0

            # set the timezone used to format timestamps
            ret["timezone"] = get_timezone(participation.user, self.contest)

        # some information about token configuration
        ret["tokens_contest"] = self._get_token_status(self.contest)

        t_tokens = sum(self._get_token_status(t) for t in self.contest.tasks)
        if t_tokens == 0:
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = 0  # all disabled
        elif t_tokens == 2 * len(self.contest.tasks):
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = 2  # all infinite
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = 1  # all finite or mixed

        # TODO Now all language names are shown in the active language.
        # It would be better to show them in the corresponding one.
        ret["lang_names"] = {}

        # Get language codes for allowed localizations
        lang_codes = self.langs.keys()
        if len(self.contest.allowed_localizations) > 0:
            lang_codes = filter_language_codes(
                lang_codes, self.contest.allowed_localizations)
        for lang_code, trans in self.langs.iteritems():
            language_name = None
            # Filter lang_codes with allowed localizations
            if lang_code not in lang_codes:
                language_name = translate_language_country_code(
                    lang_code, trans)
            except ValueError:
                language_name = translate_language_code(
                    lang_code, trans)
            ret["lang_names"][lang_code.replace("_", "-")] = language_name

        ret["cookie_lang"] = self.cookie_lang
        ret["browser_lang"] = self.browser_lang

        return ret
Exemple #4
    def execute(self, entry):
        """Print a print job.

        This is the core of PrintingService.

        entry (QueueEntry): the entry containing the operation to

        # TODO: automatically re-enqueue in case of a recoverable
        # error.
        printjob_id = entry.item.printjob_id
        with SessionGen() as session:
            # Obtain print job.
            printjob = PrintJob.get_from_id(printjob_id, session)
            if printjob is None:
                raise ValueError("Print job %d not found in the database." %
            user = printjob.participation.user
            contest = printjob.participation.contest
            timezone = get_timezone(user, contest)
            timestr = format_datetime(printjob.timestamp, timezone)
            filename = printjob.filename

            # Check if it's ready to be printed.
            if printjob.done:
                logger.info("Print job %d was already sent to the printer.",

            directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=config.temp_dir)
            logger.info("Preparing print job in directory %s", directory)

            # Take the base name just to be sure.
            relname = "source_" + os.path.basename(filename)
            source = os.path.join(directory, relname)
            with open(source, "wb") as file_:
                self.file_cacher.get_file_to_fobj(printjob.digest, file_)

            if filename.endswith(".pdf") and config.pdf_printing_allowed:
                source_pdf = source
                # Convert text to ps.
                source_ps = os.path.join(directory, "source.ps")
                cmd = ["a2ps",
                       "--output=" + source_ps,
                       "--medium=%s" % config.paper_size.capitalize(),
                       "--pages=1-%d" % (config.max_pages_per_job),
                       "--center-title=" + filename,
                       "--left-title=" + timestr]
                ret = subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=directory)
                if ret != 0:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Failed to convert text file to ps with command: %s"
                        "(error %d)" % (pretty_print_cmdline(cmd), ret))

                if not os.path.exists(source_ps):
                    logger.warning("Unable to convert from text to ps.")
                    printjob.done = True
                    printjob.status = json.dumps([
                        N_("Invalid file")])

                # Convert ps to pdf
                source_pdf = os.path.join(directory, "source.pdf")
                cmd = ["ps2pdf",
                       "-sPAPERSIZE=%s" % config.paper_size.lower(),
                ret = subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=directory)
                if ret != 0:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Failed to convert ps file to pdf with command: %s"
                        "(error %d)" % (pretty_print_cmdline(cmd), ret))

            # Find out number of pages
            with open(source_pdf, "rb") as file_:
                pdfreader = PdfFileReader(file_)
                page_count = pdfreader.getNumPages()

            logger.info("Preparing %d page(s) (plus the title page)",

            if page_count > config.max_pages_per_job:
                logger.info("Too many pages.")
                printjob.done = True
                printjob.status = json.dumps([
                    N_("Print job has too many pages")])

            # Add the title page
            title_tex = os.path.join(directory, "title_page.tex")
            title_pdf = os.path.join(directory, "title_page.pdf")
            with open(title_tex, "w") as f:
                        .generate(user=user, filename=filename,
            cmd = ["pdflatex",
            ret = subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=directory)
            if ret != 0:
                raise Exception(
                    "Failed to create title page with command: %s"
                    "(error %d)" % (pretty_print_cmdline(cmd), ret))

            pdfmerger = PdfFileMerger()
            with open(title_pdf, "rb") as file_:
            with open(source_pdf, "rb") as file_:
            result = os.path.join(directory, "document.pdf")
            with open(result, "wb") as file_:

                printer_connection = cups.Connection()
                    config.printer, result,
                    "Printout %d" % printjob_id, {})
            except cups.IPPError as error:
                logger.error("Unable to print: `%s'.", error)
                printjob.done = True
                printjob.status = json.dumps([N_("Sent to printer")])
Exemple #5
    def render_params(self):
        """Return the default render params used by almost all handlers.

        return (dict): default render params

        ret = {}
        ret["timestamp"] = self.timestamp
        ret["contest"] = self.contest
        ret["url_root"] = get_url_root(self.request.path)

        ret["phase"] = self.contest.phase(self.timestamp)

        ret["printing_enabled"] = (config.printer is not None)
        ret["questions_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_questions
        ret["testing_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_user_tests

        if self.current_user is not None:
            participation = self.current_user

            res = compute_actual_phase(self.timestamp, self.contest.start,

            ret["actual_phase"], ret["current_phase_begin"], \
                ret["current_phase_end"], ret["valid_phase_begin"], \
                ret["valid_phase_end"] = res

            if ret["actual_phase"] == 0:
                ret["phase"] = 0

            # set the timezone used to format timestamps
            ret["timezone"] = get_timezone(participation.user, self.contest)

        # some information about token configuration
        ret["tokens_contest"] = self._get_token_status(self.contest)

        t_tokens = sum(self._get_token_status(t) for t in self.contest.tasks)
        if t_tokens == 0:
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = 0  # all disabled
        elif t_tokens == 2 * len(self.contest.tasks):
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = 2  # all infinite
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = 1  # all finite or mixed

        # TODO Now all language names are shown in the active language.
        # It would be better to show them in the corresponding one.
        ret["lang_names"] = {}

        # Get language codes for allowed localizations
        lang_codes = self.langs.keys()
        if len(self.contest.allowed_localizations) > 0:
            lang_codes = filter_language_codes(
                lang_codes, self.contest.allowed_localizations)
        for lang_code, trans in self.langs.iteritems():
            language_name = None
            # Filter lang_codes with allowed localizations
            if lang_code not in lang_codes:
                language_name = translate_language_country_code(
                    lang_code, trans)
            except ValueError:
                language_name = translate_language_code(lang_code, trans)
            ret["lang_names"][lang_code.replace("_", "-")] = language_name

        ret["cookie_lang"] = self.cookie_lang
        ret["browser_lang"] = self.browser_lang

        if self.current_user is not None:
            tree_menu = {'childs': {}, 'tasks': []}
            for t in self.contest.tasks:
                if not self.contest.restrict_level or self.current_user.user.level == t.level or self.current_user.user.level == "x" or t.level == "x":
                    node = tree_menu
                    if t.category:
                        for subcat in t.category.split('.'):
                            if subcat not in node['childs']:
                                node['childs'][subcat] = {
                                    'childs': {},
                                    'tasks': []
                            node = node['childs'][subcat]

            def make_list(tree, result, ancname="root"):
                for name in sorted(tree['childs']):
                    fullname = ancname + '.' + name
                        'type': 'startcat',
                        'name': name,
                        'fullname': fullname,
                        'parent': ancname
                    make_list(tree['childs'][name], result, fullname)
                    result.append({'type': 'endcat'})
                for t in sorted(tree['tasks'], key=lambda t: t.name):
                        'type': 'task',
                        'task': t,
                        'parent': ancname

            ret['list_tree_menu'] = []
            make_list(tree_menu, ret['list_tree_menu'])

        return ret
Exemple #6
    def render_params(self):
        """Return the default render params used by almost all handlers.

        return (dict): default render params

        ret = {}
        ret["timestamp"] = self.timestamp
        ret["contest"] = self.contest
        ret["url_root"] = get_url_root(self.request.path)

        ret["phase"] = self.contest.phase(self.timestamp)

        ret["printing_enabled"] = (config.printer is not None)

        if self.current_user is not None:
            participation = self.current_user

            res = compute_actual_phase(
                self.timestamp, self.contest.start, self.contest.stop,
                self.contest.per_user_time, participation.starting_time,
                participation.delay_time, participation.extra_time)

            ret["actual_phase"], ret["current_phase_begin"], \
                ret["current_phase_end"], ret["valid_phase_begin"], \
                ret["valid_phase_end"] = res

            if ret["actual_phase"] == 0:
                ret["phase"] = 0

            # set the timezone used to format timestamps
            ret["timezone"] = get_timezone(participation.user, self.contest)

        # some information about token configuration
        ret["tokens_contest"] = self._get_token_status(self.contest)

        t_tokens = sum(self._get_token_status(t) for t in self.contest.tasks)
        if t_tokens == 0:
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = 0  # all disabled
        elif t_tokens == 2 * len(self.contest.tasks):
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = 2  # all infinite
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = 1  # all finite or mixed

        # TODO Now all language names are shown in the active language.
        # It would be better to show them in the corresponding one.
        ret["lang_names"] = {}
        for lang_code, trans in self.langs.iteritems():
            language_name = None
                language_name = translate_language_country_code(
                    lang_code, trans)
            except ValueError:
                language_name = translate_language_code(
                    lang_code, trans)
            ret["lang_names"][lang_code.replace("_", "-")] = language_name

        ret["cookie_lang"] = self.cookie_lang
        ret["browser_lang"] = self.browser_lang

        return ret
Exemple #7
    def render_params(self):
        """Return the default render params used by almost all handlers.

        return (dict): default render params

        ret = {}
        ret["timestamp"] = self.timestamp
        ret["contest"] = self.contest
        ret["url_root"] = get_url_root(self.request.path)

        ret["phase"] = self.contest.phase(self.timestamp)

        ret["printing_enabled"] = (config.printer is not None)

        if self.current_user is not None:
            participation = self.current_user

            res = compute_actual_phase(
                self.timestamp, self.contest.start, self.contest.stop,
                self.contest.per_user_time, participation.starting_time,
                participation.delay_time, participation.extra_time)

            ret["actual_phase"], ret["current_phase_begin"], \
                ret["current_phase_end"], ret["valid_phase_begin"], \
                ret["valid_phase_end"] = res

            if ret["actual_phase"] == 0:
                ret["phase"] = 0

            # set the timezone used to format timestamps
            ret["timezone"] = get_timezone(participation.user, self.contest)

        # some information about token configuration
        ret["tokens_contest"] = self._get_token_status(self.contest)

        t_tokens = sum(self._get_token_status(t) for t in self.contest.tasks)
        if t_tokens == 0:
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = 0  # all disabled
        elif t_tokens == 2 * len(self.contest.tasks):
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = 2  # all infinite
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = 1  # all finite or mixed

        # TODO Now all language names are shown in the active language.
        # It would be better to show them in the corresponding one.
        ret["lang_names"] = {}
        for lang_code, trans in self.langs.iteritems():
            language_name = None
                language_name = translate_language_country_code(
                    lang_code, trans)
            except ValueError:
                language_name = translate_language_code(
                    lang_code, trans)
            ret["lang_names"][lang_code.replace("_", "-")] = language_name

        ret["cookie_lang"] = self.cookie_lang
        ret["browser_lang"] = self.browser_lang

        return ret
Exemple #8
    def render_params(self):
        """Return the default render params used by almost all handlers.

        return (dict): default render params

        ret = {}
        ret["timestamp"] = self.timestamp
        ret["contest"] = self.contest
        ret["url_root"] = get_url_root(self.request.path)

        ret["phase"] = self.contest.phase(self.timestamp)

        ret["printing_enabled"] = (config.printer is not None)
        ret["questions_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_questions
        ret["testing_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_user_tests

        if self.current_user is not None:
            participation = self.current_user

            res = compute_actual_phase(
                self.timestamp, self.contest.start, self.contest.stop,
                self.contest.per_user_time, participation.starting_time,
                participation.delay_time, participation.extra_time)

            ret["actual_phase"], ret["current_phase_begin"], \
                ret["current_phase_end"], ret["valid_phase_begin"], \
                ret["valid_phase_end"] = res

            if ret["actual_phase"] == 0:
                ret["phase"] = 0

            # set the timezone used to format timestamps
            ret["timezone"] = get_timezone(participation.user, self.contest)

        # some information about token configuration
        ret["tokens_contest"] = self._get_token_status(self.contest)

        t_tokens = sum(self._get_token_status(t) for t in self.contest.tasks)
        if t_tokens == 0:
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = 0  # all disabled
        elif t_tokens == 2 * len(self.contest.tasks):
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = 2  # all infinite
            ret["tokens_tasks"] = 1  # all finite or mixed

        # TODO Now all language names are shown in the active language.
        # It would be better to show them in the corresponding one.
        ret["lang_names"] = {}

        # Get language codes for allowed localizations
        lang_codes = self.langs.keys()
        if len(self.contest.allowed_localizations) > 0:
            lang_codes = filter_language_codes(
                lang_codes, self.contest.allowed_localizations)
        for lang_code, trans in self.langs.iteritems():
            language_name = None
            # Filter lang_codes with allowed localizations
            if lang_code not in lang_codes:
                language_name = translate_language_country_code(
                    lang_code, trans)
            except ValueError:
                language_name = translate_language_code(
                    lang_code, trans)
            ret["lang_names"][lang_code.replace("_", "-")] = language_name

        ret["cookie_lang"] = self.cookie_lang
        ret["browser_lang"] = self.browser_lang
        if self.current_user is not None:
            tree_menu = {'childs':{}, 'tasks': []}
            for t in self.contest.tasks:
                if not self.contest.restrict_level or self.current_user.user.level ==  t.level or self.current_user.user.level == "x" or t.level == "x":
                    node = tree_menu
                    if t.category:
                        for subcat in t.category.split('.'):
                            if subcat not in node['childs']:
                                node['childs'][subcat] = {'childs':{}, 'tasks': []}
                            node = node['childs'][subcat]
            def make_list(tree, result, ancname="root"):
                for name in sorted(tree['childs']):
                    fullname = ancname+'.'+name
                    result.append({'type': 'startcat', 'name' : name, 'fullname' : fullname, 'parent' : ancname})
                    make_list(tree['childs'][name], result, fullname)
                    result.append({'type': 'endcat'})
                for t in sorted(tree['tasks'], key=lambda t: t.name):
                    result.append({'type': 'task', 'task' : t, 'parent' : ancname})
            ret['list_tree_menu'] = []
            make_list(tree_menu, ret['list_tree_menu'])
        return ret