def move_experiment_nodes(node):
    Some nodes were originally stored directly under the animal node or in a
    subgroup called behavior_experiments.  These nodes are moved to the
    experiments folder and the behavior_experiments subgroup is deleted.
    from import get_or_append_node

    if node._v_name == 'behavior_experiments':
        newparent = get_or_append_node(node._v_parent, 'experiments')
        for child in node:
            print 'Moved to experiments: ' + child._v_name

    elif node._v_name.startswith('Animal'):
        newparent = get_or_append_node(node, 'experiments')
        for child in node:
            if 'date' in child._v_name:
                print 'Moved to experiments: ' + child._v_name
 def _create_channel(self, name, dtype):
     contact_node = get_or_append_node(self.store_node, 'contact')
     return FileChannel(node=contact_node, name=name, dtype=dtype)
 def _response_ts_default(self):
     node = get_or_append_node(self.store_node, 'contact')
     return FileTimeseries(node=node, name='response_ts')
 def _all_poke_epoch_default(self):
     node = get_or_append_node(self.store_node, 'contact')
     return FileEpoch(node=node, name='all_poke_epoch')