Exemple #1
def HTKMLFDeserializer(label_mapping_file, streams, phoneBoundaries=False):
    Configures an HTK label reader that reads speech HTK format MLF (Master
    Label File)

        label_mapping_file (str): path to the label mapping file
        streams: any dictionary-like object that contains a mapping from stream
          names to :class:`StreamDef` objects. Each StreamDef object configures
          a label stream.
        phoneBoundaries (bool): if phone boundaries should be considered (should be set to True for CTC training, False otherwise)
    if len(streams) != 1:
        raise ValueError("HTKMLFDeserializer only accepts a single stream")
    for stream_name, stream in streams.items():
        if stream.stream_alias is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "HTKMLFDeserializer does not support stream names")
        dimension = stream.dim
        if 'mlf' not in stream:
            raise ValueError(
                "No master label files specified for HTKMLFDeserializer")
        master_label_files = stream['mlf']
        if not isinstance(master_label_files, list):
            master_label_files = [master_label_files]
        return cntk_py.htk_mlf_deserializer(stream_name, label_mapping_file,
                                            dimension, master_label_files,
Exemple #2
def HTKMLFDeserializer(label_mapping_file, streams, phoneBoundaries = False):
    Configures an HTK label reader that reads speech HTK format MLF (Master
    Label File)

        label_mapping_file (str): path to the label mapping file
        streams: any dictionary-like object that contains a mapping from stream
          names to :class:`StreamDef` objects. Each StreamDef object configures
          a label stream.
        phoneBoundaries (bool): if phone boundaries should be considered (should be set to True for CTC training, False otherwise)
    if len(streams) != 1:
        raise ValueError("HTKMLFDeserializer only accepts a single stream")
    for stream_name, stream in streams.items():
        if stream.stream_alias is not None:
            raise ValueError("HTKMLFDeserializer does not support stream names")
        dimension = stream.dim
        if 'mlf' not in stream:
            raise ValueError(
                "No master label files specified for HTKMLFDeserializer")
        master_label_files = stream['mlf']
        if not isinstance(master_label_files, list):
            master_label_files = [master_label_files]
        return cntk_py.htk_mlf_deserializer(stream_name, label_mapping_file, dimension, master_label_files, phoneBoundaries)